¿'•>5 .THE WEATHER ohrutmàs F air tonight and Thursday, Nor­ mal temperature. As/tfand’s Leading for Over Fifty Years (United Prods Wire Service) ‘ (United Neva Wire Service) ASHLAND, QBEGON » CAPTIVES OF FFNB CAR THAT WAS USED ?! O R O N RUN RUNNDtS TELE A STORY OF TH R ILLS EARN BUREAU I f f 15 I f O b io f f m EM PH ASIZES THE PLIGHT OF U. S. FARMERS »! * M issing Radio Operator's Machine is Found in - Oakland Oarage - I _ Do your Christmas early, while the stocks axe com­ plete. ■ æ r- á >AY, DEC. 8. 1926 I K ONE KIWI N U Q o w ; IB M St • * •*. ' Court Decision Has Coroner Starts Ini Reaching Effect in Astoria Rai i N ig h t c lu b s Accident SENATE VOTES s o n A lt IN K S TRO SPERITY BF S M IT I K INVESTIGATE IN AMERICA IS OLD CHARGES AT HIGH TIDE1 OF BRIBERY ion N ■ Snow Thia Tear is Said to be More Tightly Pack­ ed Than Usual OAKLAND. Cal., Dee. 5, (UN) Snow is 85 Inches deep at ths ; CHICAGO. Dec. «. — (U N )— The automobile in which Ken­ ASTORIA, Dec. S.— Coroner E. rim of Crater Lake, occording to jn a federal court decision which neth O. Ormlston, missing Ange- reports brought to local Crater may hare far reaching effect on B. Hughes launched an inreatlga- 1 us Temple radio operator, drotre the night cldb business, hlp-to- Uon «»«> <*• lnUn “ cl Lake jAtlonal Park headquarters about central California q ———— — — today by two park raur*— lip drlpklng has been fujed out. dent near Blrkdhfteld Oregon late was found in an Oakland yesterday **» which a car of the Claim Senator From M aine say there is a depttlL Stand W atch for Seven spring, Mere observation of drinking W ants Speedy Adjustment .* T T In­ Days and jf^ h ta A gainst garage today. from a cane, cup, glass, flaskj Green Mountain Logging Com­ Made Large Payment» to at Government Cam\ of Agriculture Brought The ear had keen at the garage pany’s work train pitched from a Help Hi» Enterprises ches at Anna Springs Camp. The SUGGESTS TAX CUT or what have yon, whether the About since done. It was Identified by trestle and hurled one man, An­ snow is heavy and centaina twite liquor or alleged liquor is bought “ I I ■! HI ■ Il 0 „ CAPTURE JSJD R A M A TIO the motor number. Garage at­ ISSU E S ■ , ' *, • ; -v A W ARNING bn the premises or not, is anffle- drea Anderson, forty-twb years W ALSH M AKES CHARGE the ordinary water content, in­ tendants said the man who left nld, to his death, injuring twelve suring adequate water for valley Is In Favor of a Thirty Per Ceu* lent oause to bring on the pad­ Details o f Their Adventure Are it gave the name of Duffy. Or- Quakers Bay Fa irness Are Go- Redaction la Income Taxes lock, Federal Judge Adam C. others. Ths train was returning Claim That Postica Does Not Irrigation needs If other high al­ mlston’s. name eras, prominent in Told to A ctin * American tag Bdck Towards Enter in As Validity of This Year titudes near bodies of water used Cllffe ruled Tuesday, ordering the to camp and aa it passed over the the' investigation which followed Consul Peasentry as Irrigation sources, have propor­ Election Not Questioned eloeing of three* of the snappiest treatle the last car lurched, be­ Aimee Semple McPherson's re­ tionate depths. little cabarets this aids et the came uncoupled and pitched from turn, from prisons with a story WASHINGTON, Dee. I.— (UNÌ the trestle falling forty feet. During the past te v dare The snow 1« up to the average Alldganies. WASHINGTON, Dec. 8.— The CHICAOO. Dee. S— (U N )—The of having been kidnaped, and in America is aow enjoying « neve report« carAed the Ths night clubs today are long The engine end first car were senate has voted 70 to 7 to inves­ dept for this time of the year, very high tide of prosperity” with plight of agriculture was further tbs proceedings which resulted in story of two prohibition of­ on faces and short on drinks. all that remained on the track. tigate the nine year old bribery but is of a more tightly packed no indication of ebbing. Secre­ Mrs. McPherson being held for emphasized Tneaday by speakers ficers being kidnapped by Assistant United States Attor­ Forty men were in the car that charges against the new senator nature. One of the few times trial on charges of having at-’ at ths eighth annual convention rum runners. Yesterday came when the lake entirely freezes ov­ tary of tba Treasury reported to ney Mary D. Bailey, who directed went over the trestle. Anderson from Maine, Arthur R. Gould. of the American Farm Bureau tempted to obstruct Justice. congress today. the report that the officers the proceedings against the night suffered s crashed chest, frac­ He paid 3100,000 to (he pre­ er. is reported to have taken place Finding the automobile was of Federation. The national Income has reach­ had captured the boat and clubs, plans to pin padlock dec­ tured skull and died within a mier of New Brunswick, alleged­ last week when a thin sheet of Ice Warning that speedy adjust­ no significance in the state’s cane ed new record level despite mal­ rum runners and had formed over Its entire surface. orations, no palms attached op few minutes after the accident. ly to further his public utility en­ ment must be brought about in against Mrs. McPherson, it adjustment in a tew Industries wan brought theqi safely to shore. several loop hotels. The injured were rushed to Astor­ terprises In Canada. A Canadian The ice, however, is said to have and prosperity is eoatiantag, he agreed. agriculture to harmonise with The United N eva in a copy The hostelry managers hate ia. judge described the payment as- lasted a short time only. The other industries in the United said ia his hansel report on the righted story gives the de­ their ears to the ground and briberly. Now the senate la to enow line commences at ths 5000 Professor Mscey Campbell aatioa's fineness. tails of thia thrilling affair. their eyes on the patrons. determine whether this act unfits foot level, or one mile this side of of Iowa Stats Teachers* College, Mellon recommended some new; Read it. Entertainment magnates say Gould morally to take his seat. If the west entrance of the park and told delegatee that “Americana legislation, warned against a (Ooppyright in Canada) Judge Cllffe’« order brings about the verdict goes against him the during the ensuing months will list decide if the rural popula­ permanent tax reduction at thia PUERTO. Mex., Dec. (UN) probably gradually lower. the twilight of the night clubs. «eat will be declared vacant and tion of the United States mast time, but sanctioned a out ef 39 — Standing watch for seven days Others say the night places 3 Maine will have to choose a new move toward peasantry or pow­ iper cant in income taxation for and nights against odds of 10 to throw away the keys from twl senator. It does not mean the er.’’ the first six montbshof >937 (or 1 aboard the French fum running Chief of Engineers lght to dawn while tired buslnhes automatic seating of a democrat, Dr. W. B. Kilgore, chairman of "men and the big and butter mi 15 per cent fer the r w ) bo* schooner, Arsene J., which they Congress for $776,000 as the validity of Gould’s election cense of the large expected treas­ the board of trustees of the finally delivered into custody at men absorb eye and ear nourish­ Tourist Drink Some and Is not In question. for This State American Cotton Growers’* Ex­ ury surplus. thin little Mexican seaport, tv o Feel» Better for Month ment — besides the forbidden Thus the senate plunges into a change, Memphis, Tenn., said that Gratifying results In probibL American prohibition officers Afterward quaff now and then — soon will WASHINGTON. Dec. S.— (UN) first rank question * of polities! stabilisation in cotton prices is vi­ tion enforcement have beep- ac­ he in total eclipse. Save affected one o f The most — For river and harbor work In morality. It also has the Vane Amendment is Made to Con­ complished during the year, be dramatic captures in th e’ history Orego nln the next fiscal year the tal to the south for under present Any way It looks like a white Ashland famed Lithla water and Smith cases t In the offing. stitution Prohibiting informed congress, urging pas­ conditions big crops bring disas­ Christmas and ’a black NsW of dry enforcement. appropriation of $771,000 is rec­ could well be called a “Miracle Another senator's political past Liquor Users ter. He estimated that cotton sage of pending dry legislators. Year’s, black and vary, very dry. water” judging from a ’letter just may be investigated. Parsons are Virtual prisoners aboard the ommended in the report of the growers* loeeee from over-produc­ “If wo taka tha United States schooner in the storm tossed Gulf chief engluera which went to received by Secretary John H. In Washington now, seeking such tion in the last two years was as a whole, the current year baa . The Ashland school Hl-Y club oj Mexico» during the past veek, congre«« today. , Fuller of the Chamber of Com­ an Inquiry. $700,000,000. bald its regular meeting la Pio­ been good," be said. “The high J. B. Matthews, an assistant pro­ Thia sum incladea both So it appears that the seamy merce, from a tourist who says Coalition of southern and neer ball last evening. Follow­ earning power of oar people, from hibition director, and L. B. Hand­ work and maintenance and the that after drinking some of it last side of politics Is going to be con­ ing ths dinner and business ses­ which cornea our great buying ca­ ley, petty officer of the coast­ principal item is $440,000 for northern farm Interesta was ap­ summer he felt so good for a stantly before congress during tha parent Tuesday night as „leaders sion, Seldon Burton and Wilfred pacity, is indicated by increases ia guard. kept the upper hand until the Columbia and Willamette riv­ month afterwards that he now next year or two just ns the dirty were In caucuei preparing for the Wagner were'Initiated into the ac­ sales during ths year by mail or­ lack of food and water forced the ers below Portland and Vancou­ wants to secure an additional side of oil was the dominating der houses and of agricultural annual business meeting Wednes­ Funeral services for Deslderla Arsene 3- to put in here. ver, 'of which $1$S,00| id for subject three years ’ago when tha tive membership of the club. The implements, autor caps, traetora supply. The letter is as follows: day. Indications were that in­ Weren, wife of the late Eric W< Initiation wag put oa by Barney The rum r m e r y - w h iR t ■new work. The figures carried Orange ©era, Calif., Dohsny and Teapot * dome affairs Miller aad Elliott , MneCrnsken. sad many other artiefts ones con­ ternal bickerings would be pre­ en, who passed away in Aabli taken Advantage of haaty hgr the recommendations are for were first exposed. rv Dec. 3, | 9 « J ’ vented and that a national [yesterday will be held Thi Two ethers, . Gordon Clayfpmb sidered luxuries." and the distress e t A (Berk 6 f Chamber of Cnmsrastei lellon said tha Fluff lative program would be ut teta-tMriy from the cutter to sail off with the dry O f-llfe» dignified. Senator Thomas J. bad Jaxsea Hartley wero-flnaMe Ashland, Ore. Od. - m “mama to have P. Dodge chapel with internment was delivered by eesding at Coos Bay and dt sev- Walsh of Montana, the same sen- to be present and will be lnltiat- without Mriow injury.” Bo i Dear Sir: The Muscle Shoal« project Is nt the Hargadlne cemetery. ed at a later meeting, During the the AKfUmns into ths enstody of eral e ther pointa , with hllot- Whtifl on my way to Portland “t° [ who “'llllost The deceased Y O born in Mexican authorities pending "ac­ menta already made from existing taking a prominent * built up the cases against Dohsny business session IL me ananl- •rod cotton prism hat enabled thq lutlons committee discussions. in August, stopped at Lithla Park Stockholm, Sweden, January 1, mously voted to amend the con­ tion of the respective govern­ appropriations. Edward A. O’Neal, president of 1844, and came to Ashland in overnight and partook of some of and Sinclair which art now in stitution so that membership in textile industry to mooter by tak­ ments. Umpqna is the principal work criminal courts forced the ques- the Alabama federation, and na- 1908, coming here from Cam­ your Lithla water in the Munici­ the' Hi-Y will not be open to ing advantage ef cheap cotton. left at a standstill, halted when » Part of Work • Savings accounts have gono Vonal vice-president is stonrgly bridge, Mass. She has made her pal Park or Lithla Park. After tion upon the senate. He spoke those students who use tobacco or The kidnaping by the schoon­ 70 ppr cent complete, by exhaus­ briefly, but with the restraint of up, more life Insurance is bate* drinking same seemed to feel so behind a resolution approving the home here continuously since her indulge in intoxicating liquor. er’s crew was all part of the tion of local ability to contribute American Gyenamd company bid I tin t arrival except for a brief vls- good for a month or eo after­ a gentleman in asking tha senate James Nutter and Barney Miller written and sound securities are day’s work, Matthews reported to further. for the Shoals. He characteris- it in the east. She is survived by wards that I wish to Inquire it to order the investigation. were appointed ns a committee of sought by the small Inventor,’? his superior the arrival at Puerto. me can be bought anywhere ed the “Clemp plan" for leasing six children, Mrs. O. H. Lassell two to draw up thia amendment. Mellon mid. Mexico. During the year commodity the government property to a of Portland, Maine, Mrs. A. Bian- and it no in what quantities and It was agreed at last night's PALACE DESTROYED But to Acting American Consul prices generally have declined speclal corporation formed by act chi of Wellsly, Maas., C. E. Wer- prise of same. Have inquired at BUCHAREST, Dec. 8.—The meeting to have ths HI-Y dinner 3. 3. Sparkes the officers told the slightly aad farm prims have not of congress ns “a blind,’* origin-| on of New York City, Mrs. B. O. drug store here but they cannot central part of the Royal Palace at >: 30 during basket ball season details of the adventure since they been roatored to their relative ated by Interest determined to op­ Wallesten, Mrs. c . L. Bergstrom find out anything about It. In order that those out for this was destroyed by fire today. undertook the capture o f the Ar erate the Shoals as a power plant and E. H. Waren of Ashland. Fif­ Hoping to hear from you, I am, Queen Marie and other members sport might report on time and position as compared with aj) sens J. off Biloxi, Mies. While prices. « KAN8A8 crfY , Mo.. Dec. I,— rather than for the production of teen grandchildren also survive Your turly, of the royal family were moved thus cooperate with Coach Cripe. the world believed them prisoners ’There ia little unemployment fertilizer. her. Ths meeting adjourned early last F. J. GEI8ER. to Cotrocenl palace. at the mercy of the ram runner’s (U N )— Two qf the largest soap Frank O. Lowden, former gov­ manufacturing companies In the evening that players might attend and wages are good. Industry B crew, Matthews and Hnndlay ware active.“ . , . . “ ernor of Illinois and the farmer- ths practice at 7:30. standing watch, turn about, main­ world, the Palmolive company of Mellon pointed oat that rail­ backed candidate for president Chicago and Milwaukee, and the taining their stand as prohibition roads have recovered from thetff Peet Brothers of Kansas City, in 1083, will he the principal officers In charge of the vessel loams following government con­ speaker Wednesday. Handicapped by their ignor­ plan to consolidate December 31, trol aad thp building industry j* ance of navigation neither wee under the name of the Palm- sound, despite ovsr-constructtop plive-Peet company. aware of their exact destination In some lines. Announcement of the consoli­ after one day had succeeded an­ “Ths financial structure of the other in the boisterous gulf and dation waa made tonight by the OKLAHOMA CITY. Okie., Dec. federal government is in exmlleuff general office of Peet Brothers food and water began to run low. 8. — (UN) — The mystery of shape,** he coatinned. “The na­ here. The consolidation will he i T sxall 0<4 h 7 Hera ships the murder or Lather M. Bishop, tional debt la below nineteen a n l Mrs. Frances Bancoff of San | subject to ratification by the AS TAB AS ‘ace" of the state bureau of one half billion dollars just after They guessed that ships, alr- stockholders, according to Her­ Francisco, secretary of Nation«l criminal investigation, remained tho.war; government bonds are ixl us r lanes and the wireless were co­ bert O. Peet, secretary of Peet Missioaa for the Presbyterian unsolved tonight and his at­ all above par aad taxes era yielC* operating to find them, end they Brothers. church’« on the Pacific coast, MIX UP A Li7fte tractive 18 year olid widow, Edith lag ample returns. made certain that they would be will be in Ashland Friday, Ds-. f W AN? OffT The proposed capitalisation of Credit throughout tha country Bishop, who had been held for • / masters of the situation whan the the combined companies will be camber 10. amata to b< i ample. Money for UP R iga T Investigation, was permitted to Areene 3, touched port or was ov- 1,500,500 arare of no par value Mrs. Banooff will speak before Investment la plentiful. Oa tha return to her horns under guard. ortakenhy some rescue vi the Normal atndent-body at chap­ common stock, and 130,000 She had spent the previous alght while It seems to me oar domes­ Ammunition, Including United ■hare« of preferred stock with el Friday at 10:30 a. m., before! In the matron's ward of the tic situation is in good shape ateL States government arsenal sheila par value o f $100. the Senior high sdhool student county jail. wa tea look forward to another for a one ponnder, was found body nt 1 p. m. and at the Wom­ At the coroner’s hearing today satisfactory year.’* en’s Missionary Society In the I aboard the Areene J., by Handley Discussing world conditions, her attorney, C. E. Hall, charg­ Presbyterian chnrfch at 3:30 p. | and Matthews whan they boarded of ed that she was being deprived Mellos Mid the " ren tes m. the vessel. Matthews disarmed of her liberty and protected France, Italy and Belgium hero the ship’s master and the crew \ A popular meeting will be held against holding her further, be­ Improved, the Dawes plan $p and unloaded • title and several In the Presbyterian , church, at'I cause ao chargee had bean tied. functioning ratlstaetorily. wort* revolvers found In possetelon of which Mrs. Bancoff will speak at Tha coroner's hearing today trade has increased aad tha Ualb* LOS ANGBLE8, Dec. (JTN) 7:30 p. m. and the public is cor-i the rum runners. , ilstaasd chiefly to testimony con­ ed States can loo* for When the schooner was carried >— Chief Little Bear, Syracuse In­ dially Invited to attend. cerning the fidding of twe auto­ Improvement abroad. away from the American coast by dian, is being held in the city Mellon warned haaln matic pistole la an oatmeal box ths fury of ths storm, the two of­ JalT here on n telegraphic war­ making International la In tha Bishop residence. Ths ficers faced a hostile craw of >0 rant from Denver, all because he they are sound. ’ Ha pointed «pons belonged to Detective men. The craft master of the pinned too mneh faith in the de­ Bishop and ware need early Sun­ that soma borrowed Arseae J. told him ha would not pendability of the white man's day by his slayer wko fired while even ha used to 1 make an. American port, bat pre­ Un hone. tloa agalaet (he detective slept. tended to heed for Tampico. For Chief Little Bear purchased a Decision to remodel dbofft M|M| C, B. Riggs, county evidence Federal approval a t i the next six days ha kept Mat­ second hand automobile la Den- or ten of the unto cabins In tbs man, took the stand aad tssti- loans wars suggaatod hff i thews and Handley In the dark as r, paying $35 down and start­ Lithis Park onto camp was reach­ flsd to standing the automatics, tary. to fhelr whereabout Neither ed to Hollywood to earn the ad­ ed at a meeting of the municipal raying that hefsre he could pre­ knew how to navigate by latitude ditional payment of $45 by work- park board yesterday. Several of vent It, Leo Bishop. II year old and longitude. They contented i n / in the movies. the cabin« can be rebuilt Inside eon of the murdered detective, themselves with standing watch But the machine broke down and be pnt In good oondltion (or handled them. Apple and maintaining the npper hand. in a suburb of this dtp and as tke several yean of toprist service, "I warned him to he carefnl Indian had already spent nearly member« of the park board M id. j Keep Watch because I knew there might be Spelling each other la six hour $>00 Id trying to keep the ma­ aad It was fait thia would he tl dagerpriata on the guns,” Riggs Fatrtek. of »19 watches during ths nigljt», and chine running he was farced to beet and most inexpensive way I testified, "bat when he saw the brought a pitch hie tepee aad eamp for of handling tbs ante cabin prob- ( guns in tha oatmeal box be grab* (Please Tara to Page I ) awhfte. \ •• i - ■ lem (or the coming year, • I them.” , Uy rarnw m u mb LfTHIA WATER IS IN MIRACLE CLASS Hl-r CLUB HOLDS H U M « Weren Funeral To Be Held Tomorrow Large Soap Finns Plan To Combine The Delivery Department Gets Ambitious Again Death of Detective Is StUl a Mystery National Missions . Secretary Here) »r J T Indians Faith In Car Is Great FU