Unsettled with local ntfns in Northwest. Normal temperatura. Ashland’a Leading per for Over Fifty Years . (United PreM W in Service) (United News Wire Servtoe) ASHLAND, OREGON, Osark Hound Do of Bitter : Fight Along BBML1N, D m . 7.— Almost treb­ led coal exports from Germany re­ sulted front the Brttlsh/coal stop­ page. h> .five mentis time. According jo official figured, from May until September, IS IS , inclusive, 0,216,000 tons 'of coal over and above the amount s t- ported during the corresponding period of 1026, were shipped to foreign markets. To an ever in­ creasing extent, ‘ German vessels hare plied to European ports and w ith their Mack cargoM, have swamped the former British trade (B Y JOHN H. FULLER) Last W Mk was a busy one In Chamber activities; w ith the Golf JMnner Party -on Tuesday night at Llthla Springs Hotel and the Holiday Opening R ight, Friday. Many complimentary remarks have been made regarding the suc­ cess'Of both these affairs and we feel like giving a silver cup to at least half a dozen of our en­ terprising «merchants. I f this ef­ fort succeeds in.stim ulating early holiday shopping, in seeing what we have right here at home, and in spending yoqr money where it w ill do a ll the most good, it w ill he satisfactory indeed. Thia F*ea uy. Arnold Bennett H all, President of the University Of Oregon will be with us on the usual Tuesday aad a ll Alpmnl, and friends of the University ace invited to meet with the Bnsiaem men in extending a cordial re­ ception to D r. H a ll. /IA the even­ ing arrangements have been made tor an addrem at the Normal Brims* by E r. ■ JUH and a large audience of Ashland elttoeas Heaviest inroads were made In­ to the British markets bordering on the Mediterranean. German coal exports to Ita ly , Algeria, Greece, and' Egypt increased six tlm M . Into Yugoelavie, which throughout the year 1026 did not receive one ounm of German coal, 316,000, tons were imported. Exports to Scandinavia doubles. Norway, formerly an undisputed British market, daring the last six months absorbed tea tlm M pa much German coal as before the English' stoppage. England, hith­ erto importing no German coal, .bought 1,220,000 tons f r o m Germany. France, Spain, Hol­ land and Belgium each about doubled th e ir direct purchases of this fuel. Brea Germany’s coal trade to overseas was stimulated by the British mining strike. Argentine, according to available figures, imparted approximately ' sixty The Christmas seal campaign in Ashland is meeting with a hearty response according to Mrs. 8. A. RoMaett, lognl direc­ tor of sales. Letters recently sent out containing seals has resulted in It« private hose« responding, and IP from the business district mailing a check of their allot­ ment. “Last year there were *380 worth of seals sold in Ash­ land,” Mrs. Robinette stated to­ day, “ and this year we are trying to Increase this to *600. W hile the responM has bM a very grati­ fying se far, we must receive the full cooperation of every one if we are to do our share in this worthy project.” The first to he heard from was the Masonic lodge, who In mailing there eheck for *1 0 , for their al­ lotment of seals, took occasion to express their “hope that you w ill sell the full quota for this local-* ity.” LBTTEB FLATS P R A IR IE f)U C R IE N , W U., Dec 7.— (U N )— Erdman Sanford OtoOn has been form ally charged with the murder of Clara Dorothy Olson by a coroner’s Jury verdict. From the factual, Jerky recital of Christ Olson, and a soggy let­ ter which fell carelessly from his daughter’s wedding dress while aa autopsy was being performed on her body to determine the manner in which she met death, the farmers who comprise Coron­ er Prank 8. R oily’s Jury, con­ cluded that the 1* year old col­ lege student was responsible for the- murder. The letter remains as testimony only because Clara, the pWM home g irl, cherlsned the love note. Instead of destroying the missive, as its w riter had Instructed, Erd­ man’s *2 year old sweetheart, wboM body was found in a shal­ low . grave near Battle' Ridge a few days ago, kept it In her bos- Twthre Workmen Are jnred When Powder Explodes - Oregon .BaftMee «Optima E E Stortas i Ylriftl of the state Ç Çpihinere*. (aR*ulh*sp Bet Mrs. Blanche Myers of Portland, went glimmering tonight, when It w m definitely Mtahlished by , finger prints that Yoffe w m the tie here » W A 8H IN G TO N , Dee. tz -rW u e Monday brought more wane for the aging defendants in the F all: Doheny oil conspiracy. 1— Albert B. Fall learned that as-soon as he to through ' being tried for conspiracy with B. L. Doheny he must stand tria l on similar chargM for his alleged transactions w ith H arry F. Sin­ clair. The on man obtained the lease on Teapot Dome oil reserve la Wyoming. He also gave exten­ sive financial aid to F all much as Doheny did- The casM are sim­ ila r in nature, but involve total­ ly separata transactions. The shpreme court upheld thq Sinclair-Fail Indictments. Gov»' eminent prosecutors said they would, be ready for tria l about the middle of January. 2— F all and Doheny gased op the disheartening spectacle of their star wltacM , Admiral C. K. Robison, being battered tinder terrific cross examination by Owen J.' Roberta, governm ent. prosecutor. Roberta forced the admiral to adm it that the alleged Japanese war scare could not have hpen taken very seriously . here as it occurred during the Washington arms conference. Robison admitted t h |t despite the defease MMMeM erOm oeeresw Vlce-prM ldent DawOs w m ready to administer the oath. Walsh t o m from his place on (he democratic side of the cham- broke from his keeper In the court 1 * f everyjmdy la the vicinity, poten­ room and leaped upon his for­ tial i n J l m iaeladud. Re /gtyp mer owner, licked his hands aad AdihRtof?tha< hq misled kto su- whined with Joy, giving every y e rio r,‘Sacfutary of the Na+y, sign of recognition In his own Dsnhy.'to to «•»' fhM reason b i- eloquent language. hind t h t Mcoad Doheny on M e The Jury then made Its decision and llk p t lM witheld iit a l ln fo n for Wells. metlen about them from - tWo VW a T? ; Finffer Prints Ao Hot Tally With Those Taken by Portland Police JEFFERSON C ITY, Mo., D m . »•— (U N )—»It la not often that a dog la given the opportunity to testify In open court 4n K’tooM Of him self or hla nWuOpff52^ waa the eaaj^gon oaf- OKLAHO M A C IT Y . D m . 7. —- (U N )— Among the hundreds of criminals In Oklahoma who fear­ ed and hated Luther Bishop, two gun fighter and “nee" of the statu bureau o f criminal InvMtigatlon, his brother officers today sought to snare the one who slew him. Every criminal, whose activities have I» m b stopped by Bishop dur­ ing "his long service as a peace offtoer In this state was being hunted today. Many were takes Into custody and questioned. In his bedroom, where the de­ tective was attacked early Sun­ day morning while he slept, of- fleers sought for Information that might lead to. the slayer. Whether any elews was n o t.p f cpnr*ev dis­ covered. Meanwhile the public claqaor for the a rrM t of Bishop’s murder­ er grew more Intense and the *6 0 * reward peeled.by Governor M. E. Trapp, grew today to *1600. *fie person Rho murdered Bishop, the state’s most famous dctMtlvs, and the officer who brought an end to thu Osage mur­ der ring, entered his' room by climbing a front porch and catting a seyMn at his bedroom window. Onoe inside he .took the.detoctive’s automatic from its position on the floor and attempted to kill him as he slept. The first abet penetrated Btohop’e rid * aad awakened him. BrutoM oa the dd* tectlve’s arms and shoulder« la- dleated that he had fought tor hla life while his asM ilapt fired «iae •hots, six of which toak etttot oa Bishop. momberU fit iWiRieoU. • l 2— D toeny’s Infected arm ap? -patently -bueaseu w arm for cento was adjourned half an hoar M rly that he might go bach to hla ho­ tel to runt. HU looked tired and Memed jomewhat depreeeed h at h e still hopM to sit through the trial which shopld ead in about tan days.1 MARION. III., D m . 7.— Oaly half aa hour after be had said that he “ had lived 1*0 yease d a r­ ing his tour years as sheriff ef Williamson county,’’ Oeorge Gal­ ilean was arrested by his Maces M r, Oran Colsmaa, oa a charge of murder, brought to E r a ChSs. W oliard. who allegM thht O alll- gan to reepoasible tor the death o f her husband and six o th en daring the 8. Olean Young reghmo. The charge g ro in o at o f ope of the many hita aad aatt-klaa fights which ripped o*oa "hloadx Williamson oonaty” darlas OsJH- gun’s Administration. It wm tho third tttao that