THE WEATHER C1RI8TMAS 8H0FFIR0 Do your Christmas shopping i^ly, while the stocks are coin- Fair tonight and Tuesday, slight change in temperature. Ashland’s Leading N< (United P r e « W ire Service) ' per for Ovefr Fifty Years I ♦ (United Neve Wire Ser ASHLAND, OREGON, New Fire Truck Ion Tàlli«* Portland Utah Professor Says Two , Hundred Tears More Will See Changes r-H ung Tog in Lower Valley Forces Them to Come Down Here BUOBNB. Dee. I . — A man riv ­ ing the name o f Morris Yoffee vae under a rrw t here, being held for; Investigation in connection with ther murders o f. Mrs. Blanch Myprs of P o rtla n d a n d Mrs. F lo r­ ence Monks of Seattle. When ar­ rested be gave the name o f John Harris bnt later admitted that his real name was Yoffee. Adrian H arris Is the name need by the strangler, according to Portland police. He « m e here December 1, Mrs. Myers was killed Novem­ ber S t, He stayed In a room sending out for Seattle papers and betrayed an unusual Interest In the Monks caw. Whsn arrested he asked "A n I wanted In 8 m ttle T " P o ll« m y he answers the description Adrian Harris who Is suspected of slaying a down women In coast ettlee. rin g e r prints are being rushed to Portland for checking w ith (hose left at the scene of Mrs. Myers. Because of the fog which hong . low over the valley yeeterday the Sixty Students Are Enrolled ‘ air mail planes from both Port- At Corvallis Prom , land and San Francisco made Jadcson County t forced landings near Ashland. One f plane landed near the golf course Solemn Ritual of Organi Congressmen Resemble Col­ MART COURSES TAKER ► and the other came down with­ lion is Carried Out wil lege Class After Sum­ out a mishap a short distance east Formality mer Vacation of the city. The fog was so heavy over the fa ir grounds that the pi­ POLITICS IS POPULAR VAOART lots .were unable to land at their regular field. Congratulations' and Sympathy O R K O O N A Q R IC U LTU R A L The planes could be heard hum­ Extended to Various C 0LLEO B , Corvallis, Dec. S. — ming aboufover the elty for more Members Ashland la represented at the col­ than half ah' hour yesterday as lege by 16 e f the 8430 full-tim e BY WILLIAM J. McBVOY 8AN FRANCISCO, Dec. «— The they swooped down through the WASHINGTON, Dec. ».— (UP) students. Sixty students are en­ fog hase looking for a safe land­ United Press Staff Correspondent return of the dark strangler — W ith- historic ceremony, the rolled from Jackson county. W ASHING TO N, Dec. «.— L ika charged with the murder of a ing place. final session of the slxty-ntnth Frances P ratt, w n lo r in com­ a college class returning for study down elderly Pacific coast wbm- congre« was usherqd In today to merce, Is a day editor on the O. after a summer . vacation, t h l en was believed to have been Indi­ * dole out a tax redaction, wrestle A.- C. Barometer. She has been House of Representatives con­ cated today with the reports of with prohibition legislation and active In journalistic work, be­ vened at noon today for the th rw fresh attacks In San Fran ­ deal with the businese of-tka na­ ing a member of Theta Sigma Phi second session of the Slxty-ntnth cisco. In each case the fiend wan tion. national honorary fraternity in Congress. frightened away bdfore he accom­ • Fine ladle* w ith lorgnettes; journalism for women. Miss Pratt . Vigorous bangs of the gavel plished his purpose. W hile the at­ business men from over the coun­ is manager of the' Alpha Detla PI by Speaker “Nick” Longworth, tempted outrages were believed try; silk hatted , diplomats; w ro rity . Famous Old Mining M Ohio, ended temporarily the hub­ to have been by the same, ntan wounded veterans from .hospitals Hugh Bates, w n lo r In phar­ Takes Shot at Neighbor bub and roaring converwtlon and glad-hand ' government offic­ macy, la president of the Pal Chi In one caw the fiend was Identi­ After Dispute between members and Rev. Dr. fied as a swarthy foreign looking ials and politicians peered down frptprnity. He la on the art staff James Shera Montgomery,, H o nw degenerate who was believed to Into the wells of the Senate and of * the Orange Owl, college hu­ Chaplain, prayed to the Almighty, the H o n « of Representatives morous publication. M r. Bates la have been responsible for the for aid and guidance during the slaying of women In California, when the stroke of noon summon­ a member of the Inter-fraternity three-month session. Oregon and Washington. The ticket selling contest for ed the national legislators to or- council. A fter a short business meet­ Margaret McCoy, — n in r in p ro- ganiM for the work at-hand. - the U kra inian National Chorea ing, adjournment was taken un­ Concert which la to be given In Vice President D a w « In the feeslonal home economics, is a til tomorrow ont of respect to the Armory, December IS , la MK88AGBS BROADCAST Senate ana Speaker Longworth In member of the Alpha Delt Pi so“r- members and former members Directly in the. interest of the House Immediately called tor creating grant enthusiasm among ority. She was a member of last who died during the five month the Normal school students thin early shopping and early mailing order and introduced the chap­ year’s Braver staff and has been recess. week. A huge thermometer on the Barometer staff for two and Indirectly to aid the merch­ lains tor prayer. The journal of the proceedings The solemn ritual of organisa­ which is placed In the assembly years. M i« McCoy Is on the great­ ants of the country ns well pa the of the last meeting of the first room registers the daily Increase postoffice service, during the tion prescribed by the constitu­ er O. A. C. committee, which fu r­ ’ seaalon, July 3, was read and^ap- tion was compiled , w ith, and for­ In the « l e of tickets. Thera have thers college activities outside of Yuletlde Mason, the following ’ proved. Several of the regular message is being broadcasted by malities were cleared away so been about two hundred tickets school. appropriation bills which brodght sold to date. The. assembly per­ ’radio, through -the newspapers, that President Coolidge tomorrow Donald W right, ju n io r In com­ of the Appropriations may present his annual message iod program for F rid a y morning merce, la secretary of the Theta and on the screens of the moving of “Johnny Behind, the Gun." He .members Committee here two weeks ago, I on the state o f affairs, with rec­ was to stimulate the Interest and Nu Phi fraternity. He is a mem­ picture theatres throughout ,the was freed by a California court. were presented and given' a p rl-l whole Unite« States: While the Leadfleld excitement ommendations aa to what busi­ to acquaint t ig f students thor­ ber of the College A rt Club. vlleged status on the calendar. I oughly with this rafW> program. would he was running high last summer ness should be transacted. A rtro Swingle, sophomore in * The government A committee was appointed to I electrical engineering has receiv­ grateful if you would, shop early, Cyty decided that It was time for Inform the President the House] wrap carafally, address plainly him to M ttle down into some lean It was the « m e ritu al that hag I ed honorable mention -«or high had assembled and was repdy to opened préviens «angrassaeaipe» WhdtnrsMp by the engineering 4e- and mail promptly a ll c h rls tm « Strenuous occupation than tramp­ (Signed)' ing the h ills fa» the-valnbrar'a’p « the foundation oAthu roputftlc bnt pariaraut. H e was 0a th e rtfto packages . and m a il. H arry 8. New, Postmaster Oener- of gold. He purchased the Beatty might' wish to send It. ft boro auelted Inf si sal tu the .squad last year. Adopt Resolution Hotel and became a fullfledged speotaUrs and participants alike. I ftoelna Gallatin, sophomore in Except for the adoption landlord. Senators ware dressed in their professional home economics, is the adjournment resolution, Crock «feats’ and high collars. Johnny at 75 Is easily Irritated deeratsry of the 4H club, a Smtth- th e y stood at 'th e ir desks in the to buy tneir tlc te tr Soon. » H u g h « club under the supervise and when George Dalton, one of A free concert w ill be given to­ the owners of the Nevada hotel, The Normal school la working | q D of the extension department of semicircular chamber w ith bowed night In the Presbyterian church for Its reputation as well As for the college. She is on the com- picked up a bucket the other heads as thè chaplain prayed. ;at 8 o’clock, in which 186 high day and dumped Its contents of A t the front of the chamber the financial returns which It w ill inanity service committee' of the - school students w ill take part. M l« G allatin ( nuts and bolts, deposited there by there were two vacant chairs to receive from this entertainment, y . W . (J. A. This concert, which w ill be under Cyty, "Johnny Behind the Gun” mark the passing o f-tw o raa- I t la Indeed a rare opportunity played frmhman basketball and the direction ot M l « Laura Rag- was enraged. Dalton la In the ntors during the nine months for Ashland to he able to secure was on the sophomore volley ball use, music supervisor at the local ‘ hospital recovering from a bullet summer recess, Albert B. Cum­ such an entertainment of thia team thia fall. high school, is given under the Charles Tilton, frmhman In ea- hole In his left leg. Johnny la mins of Iowa and Bert M. Fernald c la « . And In order to he pble to auspices of the Ashland Music put this program over the top we gineerlng, la A pledge for the Beta in Jail awaiting tria l. of Maine. Study Club. A fter the prayer was over new must have the fultast cooperation Theta Pl fraternity. He la trying The public la cordially invited senators ware brought forward to and support of both the students out for froshman basketball, to coma and bring the children ot Corvallis — Plans approved, George Gillette, sophomore In I receive the oath of office. T h e ft and townspeople. Therefore we school age, In order to stimulate for 8500,000 soldiers Memorial must nil do onr part In making commerce, isHipeclallxlng In p o llt-l was former Senator David I. building on O. A. C. campus. (Please Turn to4 Page 3) He 1s a m ember! their Interest In music. Walsh, Dem., M a « * who was thia a aucce«. I f yon are Inter- leal science. rated In thia program from the of the Theta Nu Phi fraternity. | elected to fill an unaxplred term Doris Hitchcock Is a freshman to which W illiam M. Butler, chair­ artistic standpoint, you w ill be man ot the Republican national Interested In the many gorgeous, in home economies la a freshman I unique out for the women’s rifle squad, committee previously had been b rillian tly eipbroldered Kenneth Hobson, freshman in appointed. He, w ith Senator costumes of both the men and H arry H a w « . Dem., Mo., and the women. I f yon are interested civil engineering. Is a pledge of He Senator David W . Stewart, Rep., In the social qualifications,’’ you the Sigma Nu fraternity. Iowa, v t j e the only new ones w ill have the pleasure of seeing pUys a clarnet In the college m ill- * who had not been sitting at the and hearing a dnehera, three tary bead. Bernard Joy, freshman In agrl- last session but form ality requir­ priests, two professors, a lawyer, AWRC-totooWiK ed that the others chosen to suc­ a physician and a hanker. And culture, la on the freshman de-1 M out uva OH FUT from the standpoint of aaalc, the bate squad. He had to do hard I ceed themselves also receive tin «UM O * oath. Thera included Senator Ger­ fact that forty chosen voices sing- work to be cboeen from the man) ald P. Nye, Rep., N. D.. and Sen­ tng as a human pipe-organ under that tried out for the aquad. He ator A rthur Robinson. Rep., lad the direction of Alexander Kosh- u a member of the 4H club, being ets, one of the -world’s greatest especially Interested In animal I Administer Oath I The oaths being administered conductors, seems to speak for husbandry. Itself. The price of the tickets Lloyd Shrlner la a senior in In-1 to the candldates-ia palm, Senator o| Normal Stages a Sales Contest J ca RECORDS ARE BROKER tend of through the medium of •nts and that this might . a •Botany," declared ttam. “la the most D (United Press) The entire east from thq w ve Mississippi valley to the . . At, .. , ’ a . Professor Important ,a n tic O c e a n a n d fr o m M o n < treal to the Deleware break- water paused today before ¿“a X V ^ T C,Oth' it8 8now induntated dooi for mankind and also pre- . . . , .j •e the air we breathe by elim- to t&ke tllO toll of tllQ ting carbon dioxide and other first blizzard of the yean ■t of biology in the science of i. Plants, either directly or in- ises that would be harmful to f t ¡ g th e w o r s t SHOW s to r m “plants also supply man with “ W e a th e r ! » « » « > a n n a ls ’, irgy, though of course the, ui- since the record breaking? iate source is the'aun. This snow storm fo December 8j- irgy is stored up In plants, letlmes for millions of years, ' . . . . ,, la the case of coal, for the use S w e e p in g out of Ohio, the — a. __ ____ blizzard whirled north ovei ^2!**_Pi e8ent A!“ * th.e ’ro.rld the Atlantic Coast line, leav» ing disorganized shipping ' and snow blanketed cities in its wake. In the storm area approximately twenty lives were reported lost, and the casualties were ex­ pected to run even higher. Shipping suffered particu-i larly. Dispatches f r o m Sault St, Marie «aid that que hundred and twenty vaaagls were imprisoned in an ice jam, which was the wortgriir-the history of thft, gretf !•(»«. On board thd SAN DIBOO, C at. Dec. », vewielB thousand aea-' I men weffc preparing for a* protracted '¡stay, with the food low and famine threat; ening unlesfc supplies reach •them. ‘ J • . Deny That Insanity ' Is Hereditary Oiir» Inquiring Reporter Does A Little Inquiring Curtis, Republican floor loader, Introduced the usual resohttiene of notification to the president and t^s-house that the senate was in M M ioa and ready to do basi­ n e«. Adjournment then wee taken until tomorrow. The scene in the honse was more jubilant. There the 415 members acted like claèsmatee re­ turning frotp the summer Vaca­ tion and few of the memherp paid much attention to the- tontine basine« transacted upon the santa formula as provided in the sen­ ate. The cqngre«men bussed In little groups, shaking banda and telling storihs of the compatta. Democrats found thole strength Increased substantially In the sen- eta ns n result of the last e leo tlons although thalr fa ll newly n o qalrad strength w ill not M felt until the new congra« oemee In­ to power after March 4. This see- sion Is a hold-over ot the range from 50c to 3S.0A and ev- ary seat la the building le to be' reserved. Bny your ticket now and reserve a good seat. —— — ----*------------- dustral arts. This department, in which he Is registered, gives In- structlon in woodworking, black-1 smithing, automobile repairing and vocational work In various] How A t o ù r Ì T - PtACRB CANG b T A U M d C H Try To Measure I Chester Woods is a second year J I K «A sms special student in civil engineer-] M3FS ’lempcraturc tng. Ths eourae w ill prepare — “—■— PASADENA, Cal., Dee. I . — (U P )— -Astronomers nt J it . W H- 1 ion are attempting to measure ' he temperature on the planet Hara and to determine the com- 1 tosltlon of. Its atmosphere. According to Dr. W alfer J. Ad-, ims, director of the M t. Wilson 1 ' ibservatery, It, Is expected that 1 he observnttAnd w ill result In 1 mportant ' conclusions concern- 1 ng the poMlblllty of life ea the 1 1 old con- 1 grass elected two years ago and 1 the only changes made, were 1 through tilling vacane!« «used by death. •“ ■ him for participation In admlnln- tratlve and governmental service as well aa In the technclal field of engineering. Donald Ross and W illiam Briggs are freshman In electrical engineering. They are receiving special training la the theory of engineering, leaving practical ex-] perlenca to be gained f a r in g va- ] cations and after graduation; M r. I j R om Is a pledge of the t a n Kap- pa Epsilon fraternity. Lacomb — Strawberry grower* sell 1087 pool to Seattle company for 8.4 cents a pound. » * Clatsop County b e « make tons of honey, worth |SPO ton. Following .the heavy rains ot the past week, raising the water ' levela la nil nil valley streams, a coatlhued drop in them com­ menced Friday. From Friday unMlentlflc faahien we are morning until » o'cloek Saturday ed to swept A theory timi afternoon, rays W . R. Coleman, sanity er feeMemtadedhea state superintendent of flab hereditary. ” screen, the Rogue River dropped , th e Yale lecturer dora . over 1 8 taehee and Saturday was UMt (he theeght yèmag dropping even faster, indicating i enthutiastto átate offloer” that normal flew would he reach* J ed la a cpmparntlvely short time.