Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, December 04, 1926, Image 1

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    Unsettled tonight and Sunday
Bain in Northwest Oregon*
Ashland’s Leadin
(United P m m Wire Service)
■par for Over Fifty Years
(United News W ire 8orvtoe)
S O M E R V IL L E , N . 3., Dec. 4.
—~ (U N )^ —The final word Wee
w ritten in the H all-M ills mn^der
tria l today when chargee of M ur­
der against lira . Prances Stevens
H a ll, Henry and W Ulle Stevens,
and Henry De L a .Brnyere Car-
pender were dismissed.
I t to
believed that this w ill mark
the end of what may be the
last effort to solve the mystery
of the murder of Mrs. Eleanor
M ills and Rev. Edward W. H all
four years ago. Thia action fol­
lowed the verdict of the Jury
who declared the defendants In
the case Were not guilty.
N et Guilty
SO M E R V IL L E , N . J., Dee. 4.
— ( U N ) — The three defendants
In the H e ll-M ills murder case
were found not guilty tonight.
The Jury, a fter long delibera­
tion, decided that Mrs. Frances
Stevens H a ll end her hm there.
'Henry and W illie Stevens, did
not k ill Mrs. Elinor M ills, who
was found murdered w ith Mrs.
H a ll’s husband, the Rev. Edward
Wheeler H a ll, near New Bruns­
wick, on Stptember 14, 1*88.
Justice Parker, when he en­
tered, enld he had attempted to
with solemnity.
PO RTLAND, D m . 4.— Caught
removing twenty-eight c u n
liquor f r o « the Italian steamer,
Tlmavo, eight n o n were undej* nr-
rest today «ad probably face a
federal «barge of smuggling liq­
uor. W alter Pearaon and H er­
bert Nelson w ire la the ’ launch
Which contained eight cases of
whiskey, Whoa Office»« swooped
down upon them. On the pier
were three automobiles, six men
and some liquor. The steamer la
the river had « • deck sucked
with some more liquor to bo
transported ashore.
High Navy Officials Were
Afraid of Japanese
W A SHING TO N, Dee. 4.— The
story o f the trying days of 1881,
when high navy officials consffT-
cred the danger o f an invasion
from the Pacific const by an un­
named foreign power, was told
today to the Jury in the conspir­
Twenty Prisoners
acy case of Albert B. Pall and E.
< Volved in Attn
L. Doheny.
Doheny was in court
against the sdvlee of his physician
M EDFO RD, Dec. 4.— A whole­ and to suffering from an infected
sale break involving approximate­
ly 80 prisoners, wan barely avert­
Rear Adm iral J. K. Robinson
ed et the eenaty JqJl nt 7:00 retired who conducted negotia­
o’clock last night, and was pre­ tion! tending to the E lk H ills and
vented only by the arrival nt the Pearl Harbor contracts glvsa Do­
ja il o f Jailer Dnnford, a few min­ heny by the government told his
utes before ho was expected. The story, gingerly skirting edges of
prisoners had sawed one bar and confidential Information which he
were working on the second. Dun- was under -orders not to reveal.
ford had ffboe to his dinner and Although ho refused to name the
was returning to the Jail when he foreign nations hs thought Involv­
was hailed by a small hoy- who ed It was k*own he was refertng
told him that some of the prison­ to the report of Admiral Cleaves
er« were paying on the stool bars of the Pacific fleet who in 1*81,
of a Jail window. Dnnford h ar­ revealed the alleged Japanese
ried to the Jail w ith all speed, bnt war plans agiinst the United
Instead of rushing In, remained states. There wee this “ danger
outside with a view to observing of war.“ according to the defense
who was working on the bats. caused Doheny, as his “ patriotic
Seeing no one nt the windows, duty” to take over the Pearl H nr-
Dnnford entered the Jail, where hof oil tank construction.
conditions appeared normal w ith
ne dne showing evidence of any-
au dience a gain st any
th r u /’- '- ’ - '
they became apprised
toiler wag «turning and hurried­
ly qnlt th e ir operations.
Committee of
Hold Meeting
Projects on State
iway« Are to he
Up until m idnight last night
Sheriff Jennings nor the Jailer
had been «Me to obtain any in­
formation Indicating the ringlead­
ers, hat officers have a well form ­
ed opinion ns to the leaders and
hope to get sufficient evidence to
attach the attempted break upon
As a result of the attempted
break, all prisoners are being kept
in the cells today, and w ill all
probably remain there until the
leaders are known.
Saw Hidden
A thorough search of all pris­
oners and of the entire Jell wee
made lest night with the hope of
locating the saw which was used
to sever the bars, but without re­
Officers are confident,
however, that they w ill locate the
m w , which may lead to placing
the blame where It belongs.
The window through which
foe prisoners were planning on
making their escape Is the one
just below that through which
Den H ail and McLeroy gained
their freedom a year ago. Both
were recaptured and are doing
time at Belem.
Jsst how many m lnutM would
have been required to sever the
second bar to' not known, but It to
the opinion of the officers that
within another 10 o r IB m lnutM
the job would have been complet-
(Continued from Page One)
Mlltoq-Froe water — Western
Springs Dehydrator has 800 employes
drawin g 4,OÿO wages weekly.
sanitarium opened to
-F ifty -fo re boys gathered nt
Junior h l|h eehool Kat evening to
attend the round up staged for
hoys 12 to 18 years e f age by ihe
Boy’s W ork committee of the Y.
M'. d. A . ’ Judging from the yell­
ing and tlie excitement which pre­
vailed throughout the even in g,
the whole affair was a real suc­
even , to the enormous
amount of doughnuts and apples
which wore consumed. In the
early part of the evening a num­
ber of group and mass competi­
tive ganme were enjoyed. The
boys were divided Into two divis­
ions, Clee Howell captaining one
ion and Hngh Qillmore captain­
ing the other. Howell’« division
carried off all honors. The boys
were then Mated
In a
where Secretary W alter of the Y.
M. C. A. explained the pnrpoM of
gathering, w him was to Interest
these boys la the Pioneer ‘ fctub
program, being promoted by the
Ashland Y. M. C. A. This to. a
World' wide program ¡at Christian
Cltlsenshlp for boys from u to
15 years of age, and to pronwted
by the Y . M . C. A. Mr. V a lte r
urged th e « boys to get Into the
PlonM r clubs that are being or­
ganised in the city. These boys
w ill register Monday evening right
after school at Y. M.. C. A. head­
quarters |n Pioneer H all, uftor
which they will he assigned to one
of the dubs. This registration to
open to eyery hoy in the city of
the above age who wtohM to get
Into e rqel live organlMtion. I t
to planned to promote Inter-clnb
basket bell contests, with a suit­
able prise for the winner. Other
scttvttlee w ill he promoted such
as, moftthly Pioneer roqad-np,
hike«, socials and many aathrltiM
d M r to the heart of the American
Following last
gam««, John Bigg, J. V . M ills
end D. M. SpencCr, members of
the Boy’s committee, brought on
the apples end dohghnnU, which
quickly dlMppeared and the hoys
were cant home.
URDAY, DEC. 4, 1926
.i! JT.g
Real Pulling Power Displayed
Swarming crowds o f happy, care-free people
along Main street last night gave positive proof
of the value of The Tidings as an advertising and
publicity medium.
Only in the columns of The Tidings was ad­
vance mention made o f the formal Christmas Open­
ing by Ashland’s enterprising merchants. No other
form of publicity or advertising was used. And
conservative estim ates last night were that more
than 3000 o f the dity’s 5000 people were down
town with the holiday crowds.
The Christmas Opening special edition of 18
pages which was m ade possible Thursday through
the cooperation o f As^lBnd merchants is credited
by the merchants as being almost wholly responsible
for the unprecedented crowds of “ window shoppers”
who enjoyed the gala evening.
Ashland Lodjre Invites its
Fnends to Services at
3 p. m. Sunday
Professor I. E. Vining left last
night on an extensive speaking
. to u rth a t win take him to Boise,
Idaho, 'where he will address a
t meeting of the Chamber of Com-*
merce. From there he wlU go to
, Bend, Oregon City and Portland,
> filling a speaking engagement In
( each place. On the evening of
. December 10, Professor Vining
will be a featured speaker over
, radio KOW . his time being from
7:45 to 8:00 p. m.
A few days before Professor
Vining left, he- received a request
from Dwight W atkins, associate
Professor of public speaking in
the University of California, for
the manuscript of two of hie
speeches to be included in the
publication of twelve volumns of
a new series of books, entitled,
Modern Eloquence. This request
is a distinct recognition of Pro­
fessor Vining’s ability, as the on­
ly speeches asked for are from
• A lta r memorial services by F» -the foremost orators of the ng-
altad R uler end officers o f ’ the
Memorial address— W . E. New- B uys th e Annex-
Male quartet— Song, “The Va-1
Mrs. E. Meyer has arrived in
Ashland from Kansas City and
c a n tC b a ir.”
Benediction— Rev. P. K. Ham­ has purchased The Annex hdtel
and rooming house from Mrs. An­
The • committee which F a s derson. Mrs. Meyer took com­
charge of the services this year plete charge of the hostelry this
to composed o f M illard W . Grubb, week. She to greatly Impressed
general chairman; George D. Con- with Ashland and believes herself
verwe and V . V. Mills, music; J. fortúnete in securing a location In
Thornton and John this city.
Loughlin, arrangements; Earl 11.
Crow, B. O. Gillings, B. C. For­
W allowa — Courtney ranch
sythe and <0. H . Johnson, Jr.
raises 1800 turkeys, this year.
V. O. N. Smith Outlines New
Service Feature of
Local Banks
Member« of the Ashland high
school football team, were guests
of the Kiwanls club at the regular
Boon day meeting held at the
Xdthla Springs Hotel, yesterday.
Is Said to be Man With Practically the entire meeting was
Pleasing Personality
given over to footbaU, and after
the Introduction of the £oys, V.
at Times
D. M iller, In a glowing speech
HAS P I E R C I N G EYJM paid tribute to their successful MANY THRONG S T U N T
record, and welcomed them to the
Grocery Rmployece Give Details luncheon. He called special at-,
, of Man Who Made Thaaks-
tention to the game played with
giving Purchases
the “has been»“, and related sev­
eral humorous Incidents of this
PORTLAND, jOre., Dec. 4.— v game. Captain Sam Prescott re­
W ith an estimated crowd of
(U P ) — Picturing the alleged sponded on behalf of the team, more than J h r*» “ •ouaand people
strangler aa a man w ith a pleas­ and brief talks were made hw-o-----' **■’
t „ i town section
ing personality at times, when U ln elect Roy Abbott, H o u ^ ^ g MjmDfMtL ***** “ t. the first
official op-
not acting the part of a fiend, Banny Leedora and Coach
- JgSNwBBffb
Portland police today had the Upon the suggestion of Roj-ootter iening of the holiday season waa
description of the man who was a telegram was forwarded to the [declared to be an unqualified
thought to have killed Mrs, Medford high school team, wish­ success
by local
Blanche Meyers of Portland. Mrs. ing them success In thelf game to­ while the eup given to the mer­
Florence Monks of Seattle, as day.
chant with the most attractive
well as three other Portland wo­
V. O. N. Smith, Cashier of Cit- window was awarded to The Au­
men and six in California.
Isens Bank, outlined the service tomotive Shop.
Grocery employee who had charge that is to be Inaugurated
This event, which was sponsor­
dealings^ with the man while by local hanks on January first. ed by the Chamber of Commerce,
he was here told police he waa M r. Sintth laid particular stress with commlitees headed by Ho­
about five feet seven niches tall, upon the benefits to be derived mer Billings and E. R. Isaac, and
weighed a hundred and fifty from this movement by the local [the general assistance of Secre-
pounds, had dark hair and large merchants. “ A new depositor will [ tery John Puller and Superintend­
piercing eyes. Thia description Is come Into the bank,” Mr. Smith ent of the Electric Light Depart­
of the man who ggvesoiue elder* Stated, “and make a small de­ ment, Clyde Malone, working out
ly women, jewelry which hag posit. He will receive a check the details, resulted In practically
since been identified as that ne- book with a leather cover and every Ashland merchant working
moved from Mrs. Monk’s body. there w ill be many entries made out display window«, that not on­
and other expenses incurred, to ly attracted unusual attention hat
Insure the correct keeping of the that displayed a wealth of orgln-
reooyds of his account.
Many allty, and a tremendous amount
times hp has not had an account of work.
The members of the high school
before, and will write checks, up
body, assisted m aterially
to y>s amount he has on deposit,
and then continue to write them. in the success of the a ffair, by
This necessitates the return of the staging a serpentine through the
Two Members of Eugene check
to the merchant who accept­ business section as the lights
High School Faculty
ed it, causing him much addition­ were beihg turned on. The stu­
Asked to Quit
al trouble and work. It to thought dents were equipped w ith horns
and confetti, and with the music
EUGENE, Dec. 4.— The resig­ that w ith this new system smell of the band under the direction of
nation of two faculty members
Carl Loveland. gave the affair a
h^s been asked and nine students counts more carefully end see th a t Joyous holiday spirit.
were suspended as aq afterm ath R to brought up to the minimum
All lights were tam ed e ft la
Thus it can he
to the douelug of principal J. O. reqklreinent.
the basine« district until 1:88
Swan with white wash from a con­ readily seen will result la much
cealed bucket In the assembly. R. benefit to the buslnees men, the
O.- Brown, the athletic coach, was
u itr l
M ill!
Ih w
I I I “
M l*
‘" E * " ■
h im .
* •***
asked to resign; E. G. Bouck, as­
sistant |prlnçlpal was requested
to quit because of friendliness
W|th the ring leaders of the dis­
■Within the last three weeks
there has been thirty two valu­
able dogs In Ashland poisoned in
the city, the last one being Jim
Bowers’ Valuable police dog.
Trying to Scare Someone Not Easily Scared
L a
h u n k
• rs e ts «
To Establish Service Charge
on Accounts Leu
Than IfiO.OO ,
Ithe business district to ths other
I they ware flashed on. Merchants
following the,juogreM of the hand
I undraped , their windows, and
Imahy exclamations of surprise
and commendation could
heard, he each window presented
a veri tibie surprise box of C hrist­
mas suggestions.
The winning window showed a
[mlnaturo .snow storm in pro­
gress, ns ths snow in the form of
cleverly arranged cotton was
whirled through the a ir by means
of a breese formed w ith the turn-
dug of a wheel on a beautiful
Chevrolet sedan which formed the
beck ground for the entire win­
dow. V e il arranged accessories
formed the heals for ths display.
To attempt to plek out any
windows other (han the winner
for special comment would be
doing an injustice to others tor
ths entire display was one In
which local merchants can take
a Justifiable pride.
W ith the mailing out of notices
to every depositer in the three
banks in Ashland and the banks
at Talent, the machinery waa M t
in motion, yesterday, for the es­
tablishment of a service charge for
the handling of all bank accounts
whose average balance falls be­
low 850 for the . month.
change to take effect January le t,
the charge to be made about the
25th of M eh month.
In discussing this step upon the
pert Bf the loeal bank«. J. W . Mc­
Coy, cashleV of the First National
Bank, presented some Interesting
fignroe gathered from all parte of
the United StatM which Indicate
that one thee«g of banking In that
PRAGUE, Dee. 4.— (U N )— The
small accounts would grow into
larger ones In sufficient numbers i American legation here was al-
Imoat completely destroyed
to pay for the groat cost of handl­
ing theM numerous small accounts
I Schocboern palace and spread
was theory only, and had not
quickly to adjoining buildings.
worksd^out la prnetloe.
Spreading from the palace,
“ B alks
a small account,” M r. McCoy which to one of the finest old
stated this morning. “There to al­ structuroc in the c ity.’ thc blase
ways thé thought in mind that swept to the home of the Csecho-
with the establishment of a beak I I Slovakian mintotere of state end
account, the habit of th rift wiU burned that bullying sufficiently
become more firm ly eeUhllshed I to cause its roof to oollapae. The
and this small account .will grad­ American legation, «too near by,
ually grow until it reaches a else was almost a complete Io « before
sufficient t^ nt leant pay Itg osm the fire had been gotten under
However d arin g , the pest control.
fifteen yM rs, definite figures have . The left wing of the palace,
been established that shosr con­ where the fire started la a de­
clusively that approximately fit-1 fective flue, wee be<ly hnvaed.
ty percent o f a ll commercial bank I The palace wap natajared.
acoounti do Bet average 880 end |
Fire Destroys
U.S. Legation
constitute only from 8 to 4 per
cent of the total of commercial I
deposits. This' throws the hard-1'
en of caring for ths groat n u m - 1
her of small accounts, which ox- '
ceod in nujnbsr the larger oaqe, '
but which makes np an Inflnltly 1
small percentage of the total, de­
posits, upon those who are mein-