Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, December 02, 1926, Image 1

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    Unsettled and mild tonight and
Friday. Gentle winde.
of the Tidings is in three sect­
AsWand’s Leading N(
ions and contains eighteen pages
'per for Over Fifty Years
(United Presa Wire Berrien)
(United News W ire Service)
NO. 77
On gage four of tonight’ll
Tidings w ill bn found the first
Installment of t^at lntonsly In ­
teresting story of a Police Dog,
“Tracked by the Police." J ’hls
■tory baa been secured through
a special arrangement wltb
W arner Brothers picture co«v
poratlon and Is one of the most
Interesting- fiction stories pos­
sible to secure.
Three Armed Hindus
Arrseted by Los Ang
Thrilling Oh&ge in Progress
Through the Gulf of
Determined to Retain
Her Place in Foreign
Politics -
William Briggs, Local At­
torney Appears Before
Supreme Court
N E W ORLEANS, Dec. 2. —
(U N )— A thrilling chase through
the G ulf of Mexico was In pro.
gress Wednesday night as United
8tates revenue cutter 302 pur­
sued the Freneh rum schooner
Arsene J. which has kidnaped
Assistant Phohlbltlon Director J.
B.' Matthews ‘ and a machinist’s
mate from a Bilexi coastguard
O. D. Jackson, prohibition di­
rector here, was directing the
1. u n i
that one time during the after­
noon the cutter 302 reported It
had overtaken the schooner only
'to lose It again In a rough son.
Although his massages from
the entter were badly garbled
Jackson said he had determined
that Matthews and the other
schooner were safe.
The Arsene J. wee believed to
he heading for Nassau.
W illiam Briggs, local attorney,
P^LRIS, Dee. 2.— Determined
and Newton C. Chaney, district
attorney, have returned from Sa­ that no one shall replace her as
lem, yrhere they
represented tbs most dominant personality In
Jackson county In the case con­ the royal court and facing a pos­
cerning the removal of the county sible battle for s place on the reg­
sent from Jacksonville to Med­ ency council, that master politic­
ford. The case wee srgned before ‘ ian, Queen Marie of Rumania, has
Judge Percy R. K elly of Depart­ loft Paris for Bucharest.
Carol, her son, who was crown
ment* 1, of the Circuit Court -of
prince, retealns In Paris, offic­
Marion county.
Jacksonville was represented ia lly at lest,- unrecognised by his
by Portland attorneys, and al- mother and equally determined
that ho w ill ytold~none of his roy^
given, one is expected w ithin the al prerogatives should he return
to Bucharest.
next 10 days.
W hile Paris waited to learn of
According to' Attorney Briggs,
«very attorney in Jackson county a possible meeting between Queen
was unanimous In the opinion M arie and former betr,' Carol
made haste to dqny statements
that Jacksonville had no case.
mads by a minister of the Queen
Tnsnday, and .quoting the prince
as pledging himself against a coup
schooner flying the Freneh flag,
was captured several days ago off
Southwest Pass In (he Mississippi
river and taken totow by t we
0 « day {he q*aiea
revenue gutters.
Ashland was honored In being had left the Rltx hotel for an un­
The \sehoouer ran out of fuel 1 chosen as tbs only stop between
on the way to the Mississippi 1 Portland and San Francisco for known destination and Carol al­
quarantine station and the es­ ' Miss Margaret Knisely and Miss so had le ft his villa on the out­
corting cutters left for Southwest ' Josephine Bonney, solicitors of skirts of Paris. He was equally
Pass, <5 miles distant to replen­ the "Ask M r. Foster Travel Ser­ uncommunicative regarding the
ish the supply.
They left on vice Bureau" who spent the past place he would visit, but If he
board as guards the assistant two days here. The main object saw his mother both mads sure
prohibition director and the me- ot these two ladles In making that It could not be mistaken fqr
an official reconciliation such as
cbanlc. “ %
this trip between Los Angeles and was the meeting as the train left
When the entters returned the Seattle is to become thoroughly
schooner bad disappeared and acquainted with the various plac­ for her trip for the United States.
Queen Marie stood by her state­
coastguard officials* believed the es of interest In the Pacific
made npon arrival in United
two were overpowered by the Northwest and Pacific Coast.
rum ship’s crew, who then set They now feel that Ashland de­ States. Carol must remain exiled
for a time, and Carol, despite a
sail for the open sea.
serves their most whole hearted contrary statement Tuesday by
The coastguard entter T alla ­ recommendation. They were en­
poosa and other available gov­ thusiastic la their praise of this General Angelscu, marshal of the
ernment craft, gave chase, hop­ city nestled In the heart of the i Rumanian court, authorised the
ing to sight-the sailing vessel be­ kills, the modern and efficient United News to deny that he had
fore It got out of the gulf. Just servloe of the Llthla Springs Ho­ in a conversation with Angelescu
what occurred after cutter 302 tel, the splendid new normal "mentioned In any way his renun­
overhauled the schooner and school, and the beautiful natural ciation of the , throne or his
made fast with a tow line In park. They were disappointed In rlans.”
heavy seas has not been made not being able to make the trip
clear to officials, except that the to Crater Lake In five feet of
line parted and the schooner was ■now. They were especially In­
lost by* the small cutter.
terested In the golf course rem ark­
ing that it was a big drawing
card for the city. R. H. Price, lo­
cal hotel man, invited them to the
Golf Dinner, which was given
Tuesday evening and they declar­
ed It to be one of the cleverest
events they had ever attend­
ed. I t was of Interest to know
Buffet Su]
that on the Mr. Foster Service
Show to
Card every town which has a
golf course Is marked In a special
The “Ask M r. Foster Travel
Servloe" 1« an Indirect advertising
medium between the advertisers
and the locality and the pople. It
has fifty-three offices located In
the United States and Canada, al­
so offering an international ser­
vice. Most of the offices are lo­
cated in department stores, and
hotels where they w ill corns In
contact with th e largest number
of people. A fter being establish­
ed for thirty-five years they give
one of the largest and moat effic­
ient of free travel servieee. Mr.
Foster la In this part of the conn- .
try and expects to be In the Pa­
cific North west soon and doubt­
less w ill stop In Ashland.
SANTIAGO, Chile, Dec. 3.—
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 8.— (U N A
4 U N )— Delivery of the provinces
A plot fo slay Sir T u k a jl Ran Hol-
of Tacna and Artca to Bolivia la
kar, former potentate of Indore,
understood to be the basis o f 'a
who arrived here Incognito Tues­
formula which the foreign office
day, was believed to.have been
has received from Frank B. K e l­
Complete Efforts to Show frustrated,' immigration Inspec­
logg. American
tors declared, with the arrest of
That Fall Accepted
three armed Hindus south ot this
Tacna and Arica have f<jr years
city, following their successful
been the subject of a controversy
passage across the international
between Chile and Peru.
boundary line.
The government has received Effort is Mads to Show Plans
Reprisal for the alleged murder
from the United States a form ula
Originated In the W ar
of a wealthy Indian merchant In a
designed definitely
to settle
love feud that involved Mumtas
the difference betweep Chile and
Regum, beautiful nautch dancer,
Pru, an official communique «tat-
and resulted jn the m aharajah’s
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2.— Ex­
banishment from his throne, was
"Owing to cordial terms of this cept for about ten minutes of ad­ advanced by immigration author­
suggestion and the spirit of har­ ditional evidence to be (fffered to­ ities as a possible motive for the
mony which inspired the Chilean morrow, the government prosecu­ attack upon the ex-ruler.
government will consider the fo r­ tors in the Fall-Doheny ell trial
According to arresting officers
have completed their efforts (o
mula most attentively."
the trio gained admittance to the
- Secretary Kellogg’s proposal is show that the former secretary of United States from M e x i c o
■aid to suggest a payment of mon­ the interior accepted a 3100,000 through Calexlco-by hiding in the
ey by Bolivia to both Chile and bribe from the millionaire oil toneau of a touring car and cov­
pern for the provinces themselves v a n In exchange for lucrative na- I
ering themselves w ith straw. A
and for all public works now In vai oil contracts.
white man, C. J. Bowers, driver
Though the government tefh-
existence there. I t also would a r­
ot the car, was taken into cus­
range for nee by Chile, Peru or nlcally had command of the w it­ tody, but two other members of
Bolivia of the Arica-La Rax ra il­ nesses put on the stand today, two
the party, believed to be Mexi­
Important points, favoring the ac­
cans, escaped.
cused pair came out.
Seat Reservation for Ukar-
ainian Concert Opens
First, a bit of fast footwork
enabled Doheny’s lawyer, Frank
J. Hogan, to force Into the record
a letter from President Harding
to the senate, stating that he fnlly
approved of the oil t leases In
8econd, one of the govern­
ment’s principal witnesses, Theo-\
Talent District Assured of
Farmers w ithin the Talent Ir-
rigatlon district
are assured of
Merchant's Windows Are to be Uncovered During the
Five Minute Period That Lights Are Turned Off.
Hundreds of People Are Expected to Visit Business
W ith the final details being worked out in a splen­
did manner, Ashland’» official welcome to the holiday
season promises to be a most successful affair when the
street light are turned on, and the coverings tdken
from the merchant’s windows at seven thirty Friday
night. This welcome, which has been sponsored by the
Chamber of Commerce, and made possible through the
cooperative efforts of all the merchants received added
impetus today with the purchase of the cup to be award­
ed to the business institution having the best decorated
window............................ ........
The trophy Is on display In the
First National
Serpentine starts at seven
o'clock. -
Band concert immediately
A ll street lights to be turned
off at Seven-thirty for five min­
A ll merchants windows to
<be uncovered at seven thirty or
when lights are turned off.
General inspection ot win­
dows from seven thirty on.
, Judging ot window displays
Immediately after lights are
turned on.
Official awarding of cap tp
and the judges, according to sec­
retary of the chamber of com­
merce, John Fuller, will be H or­
ae Bromley, advertising manager
an adequate supply of water all
next year, It was Indicated today
by Olin Arnsptger, manager of
the district, who said that at
8 o’clock this morning there was
as much storage water in the
Emigrant creek reservoir as there
was all last year.
(Continued From Page Three)
The reservoir has been filling
since Sept. 1, last, and with the
recent heavy rains throughout
this district, the reservoir Is now
half full, with a certainty that It
will be completely filled beforo
spring arrives.
A Return Engagement
I M ops M
Y o M Q L M X to estf
PePüKims as
SAB v e T ie tA s T
T mb
hö »
Representatives From Var
ious Civic Organisations
Meet Last Night
for the California Oregon Power
Company, and W. D. Cole of the
Foster Klleser Company, both of
Medford. It Is possible that a
third judge will be secured
Merchants generally have spent
much time on their window dis­
plays and I t la thought that thto
attraction alone will draw hun­
dreds of people to the down
town district Friday night. In
will give a concert promptly at
seven fifteen. The concert will
take place throughout the busi­
ness district, and an effort w ill be
made to distribute the music
equally throughout this section.
A great serpentine w ill be staged
under the direction of high school
yell leader, Gandee. This w ill
start promptly at seven and w ill
be conducted through the business
Several dosen horns
have been ordered as well as
hundreds of pounds of confetti,
and with the colorful decorations
as the general holiday spirit, the
occasion promises to be one long
to be remembered.
Street decorations will be In
place In plenty of time, it w as
promised this morning by Clyde
Malone, manager of the electric
light department.
Ashland will have something
nut of the ordinary In the basket
ta ll field this winter, according
to plans laid at a meeting In Y. M.
C. A. headquarters last evening
. by representatives of a number of
> organisations of the city. 'I t Is
planned to hold a city wide bas­
ket ball league, sponsored by the
Y. M. C. A., and already six or­
ganisations have expressed a w ill­
City workmen started
ingness to enter teams In the con­ morning to put up the Christmas
test. Those planning to enter trees at all telephone poles and
teams are Battery B, Employed at all sidewalk points that are
Boy’s club, Llthlana,
Normal used for flag poles.
and High schools faculty combin­
■In addition, wreaths will be
ed, High school second team, and ffhng In the middle of each street
Normal second team, others have Intersection and colored lights
keen asked to enter teams and it 4*111 be placed at each street cor­
is hoped to hav# at least seven or ner, providing the rain subsides
eight teams in the league. To long enough to permit the city
make things really exciting, ths workmen to color the globes.
Tidings has offered a silver
A massive Christmas tree Is be­
trophy cup to the league winner. ing erqcted at the Plata block,
Those attending last night’s meet­ and this w ill be brilliantly color­
ing were W alter Hughes, Leslie ed with' small electric lights.
W lrts, B. C. Forsythe, Clyde
Young, C. O. Darling, chairman of
T. M. C. A., physical committee;
C. J. Read and W . F. W alter.
W alter Hughee, O. J. Reed and W .
P. W alter were selected as a com­
mittee to draw up a schedule and
rules and regulations governing
the league. This w ill be submit­
ted to the captains o f the various
teams for th e ir sanction before
the games start. B. C. Forsyths
was appointed ns a committee of
on« to see about a place to play
the games. The series will start
right after the holiday season and
promises to be exciting end Inter- <
estlng from the very start.
Any 1
organisation wishing to put a l
team into ths field Is urged to get <
In touch w ith W . F. f a lt e r , sec­
retary of the local Y. M. C. A. as (
quickly as possible. Leslie W lrts «
manage« of Battery B's team re- «
ported that they were already or- h
ganlsed and had started prst> I
Wealthy Slacker
To Give Self Up