H Bain tonight and K 8PAY, D S C 1, 1926 Seven aad sixty-eight '.end- hundredths laches of rata toll in Aahlaad during the month of November, 1188. which Is the third k u f l M t amount of rain that has fallen 1« any ea h month since 1882, or In « BAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 1.— ‘{ U N )—-W ith the legal phases of Hotel Is Beene c i Gay Party tbslr war la this section against When Golf Enthusiasts the Pacific coast rum ring com­ pleted, federal officials conduct- Gather fag the campaign arc transferring Ju rors Announced PRIZE8 ARE AWARDED thetr activities to Southern Cali­ Claim They Ea-vor Aoqnittal fornia, where developments of a 4 1" f or Widow - Putting Contests for Both Men highly sensational nature' are an­ ticipated. WORRY OYER WITNESS Forty-two men and two women are being sought on warrants Is­ AmldM a galaxy of colorful sued here ns the resu lt-ef feder­ decoratmu, one hundred apd fifty al grand Jury Indictments charg­ Ashland golf enthusiasts gathered ing a gigantic conspiracy to vio­ At the L ith la Sprigs hoteLend en­ late prohibiUonpfews. joyed the first Golf Dinner' dance Mrs. Mabel W elker W Ule- to be held In thia city, last night. brandt, ^assistant United States The a ffa ir which started with an attorney general, left for Los An­ excellent dinner, n t seven o’clock, geles tonight to go before a grand nnd ended nt midnight, after a Jury there w ith evidence which couple of hours of dancing waa was expected to result In Indict­ highly auceeaaful, w ith these at­ ments against nearly 100 persons, tending Joining in the spirit of including several prominent offic­ Ike occasion w ithout reserve. ials. Victor Mills, vice-president o f the The retsrn of the indictments chamber of commerce and chair­ here came early Tuesday a fte r a man of the genera^ arrangements 10 hour special session o f the committee of tho dinner dance? Jury. Mrs. ' W illsbraudt, after presided, and In his usual genial presenting a huge "quantity of e ri- manner called tor the introduc­ left the Jury room at 12:00 a. m. tion of guests and briefly out­ Six minutes later the blanket In­ lined some of the things that Were dictment was voted and la anoth­ to take place throughout the er three minutes had been return­ evening- ed In the United States district • 1 mm —MSim jshTr, aaswalWll tmnW I J R llU r O IB 1 B N lU C court, f r h t r t I t waa plqeed on the guests were given time to Inspect secret file. the many golf exhibits e f local Names of those Indicted were merchants which were placed on guarded sealoualy although It was both the lobby, and aesaaalne conceded that they Included Joe floors. These exhibits showed Parents, San Francisco bootlegg­ much work and Interest on the ing king; J. W . W ard, millionaire part of 'local merchants and did British Columbia liqnor dealer, much to make- the party a success end a number of officials o f the ful one. Coaaolidated Exporters, ltd ., of Following this inspection tour, Vancouver, B. C.- Bell in most contests were staged la the ball cases was fixed at 020,000. room of the hotel, under the dl- rectlon of BUly Selkirk, profes­ or heart disease before the case sional for the club. The ladles coaid be brought to tria l again. had a putting coptast of tÄ 0 r .¡ijiR tW the testjinoay pf the the man participating. . Winners in the ladled contest were, Mrs. c . 9. Rand, ftrpu' fi eupwp uf one golf lessons, given*by B illy SeF- klrk. Second prise, Mrs. Conrey, a pair of golf stooklngs from Mc­ Gee«. Third prise, Mrs. Louis Dodge, golf stockingc from End­ ers. Fourth prise, Miss H all, a course of golf lessons, donated by the L ith la Springs Hotel. F ifth prise, Mr. Bacus, a pair of golf (dockings from Isaacs. Winners in the men’s division were, First, O. M. F ranklin, P a t­ ting disk from Provo Hardware. Second, Earl Crow, Golf Sweater from M illers Toggery. Th ird E. C. High, Cap, Golden Rule Store. R. H. Price, a ro ll of adhesive tape from the Lithla Pharmacy. Following the contest,.. B illy Selkirk, gave a demonstration of sotfie of the shots made la golf, as well as etiquette to be followed while on the course. President of the G o lf Club, Louis Dodge and secretary, O. W inter, were in tro d u c e . at 'the banquet, and both expressed themselves as being well pleased w ith the* pro­ gress befhg made locally. Mesle throughout the dinner hour as well as foL the dancing wad fu r­ nished by th e Loveland-Provost orchestra. Community singing under the direction of Lou Han­ son did mudh to enliven-the din­ ner hour program. * Those present last night are looking forward to andtksr event sponsored by the chamber o f com­ merce, and sim ilar to last night’s festivities on the evening o f De­ cember 21 at the H otel Ashland. D.O.K.K. Ph Ceremonifil Extensive preparations are be­ ing made fo r the D. O. K .. K i eeremonial which, w ill he held here on the afternoon add eve­ ning of Dec. 11th, according . to plana announced today. - bers ef the order from a ll,. sOc- ttona of Southern Ofegen aad Northern California w ill ha h e n for the gathering. r ' 1 There w in he a banquet at Odd Fellows hhll (nithe early evening, w ith the ceremonial s OS St sa and initiation to be held dk UW »dr* mory following the banqnet. I t to expected that at least M P wlU be here for thw eerestM lak ' 4 yeatW. according to Loup» Dodge, local weather observe?. la November, 1185, P.P in­ ches o f rain toll In Ashland and In 1*01, the record fo r the month was P.1P laches. Last year, daring the month o f No­ vember, l . M inches fell. / Adminiptmtion of M ilitai Dollar Bstato is Settled LOS»ANGELES, Dec. 1 — (UN) — An ancient one pound Swiss watch carried everywhere by a cattleman over his vast Montana, cattle lands half a century ago proved an important factor in court battle here today, that re­ sulted in Mrs. Rose Story Hogan 'Leipg named adm inistratrix > of the famed 11,000,000 Story edr yfriaally Impossible.. j Due to the fact that many ln- rcuirlea have been made, ee to iwhat constitutes a navigable stream, deputy game warden Roy Parr, asked fo r and, secured a definite ruling from the attorney generals office. This ruling Is as fellows: « h “ It Is sufficient If It Is capable Lot floating veasels, boats or other craft, or rafts of logs, or logs In ^quantities to make It of commer­ cial value. And it has also been held that a stream though too small to float lofis, la navigable .If it is large enough to float shingle bolts after heavy rains ejid during freshets which Occur with periodical regularity In the spring and ta ll o f each year.** Mr. P arr haa also announced that during the winter months the legal also for salmon or trout is a minimum length of 15 Inches, tats. * The watch, together w ith ISO., 000 In bonds was Introduced aS evidence th a t the late Nelson Story, cattle baron, owned pro­ perty in Los Angeles, thereby making Mrs. Hogan, his daughter, admissible to letters of adminis­ tration. The contestant. General W alter B. Story, the veteran cat­ tlem an’s eon, declared his slater unlawful In her request to admin­ ister the estate on the grounds that th e ir father was a resident e f Boxeman, Montana, and waa In Loa Angeles merely to vlalt. . The first rancher to drive a herd of cattle over the plains Into Montana, the elder Story purchas­ ed the bulky wateh because of Its 100,000 . to what they term the American from a Cleveland business man . bargain counter tor marriage, j "V They want’ to m aisp w i n and J whom they please and object to being married off to the daugh­ ters of American society women as shown by a statement prepar­ seeking prestige. ’ Documentary avldanee waa pre­ Just as it became apparent In ed and Just completed by Secre­ sented showing that prior to the tary of State Koser. This showft the section of the Sacra Romans Doheny leases which contained that the state w ill face a deficit Rota that some American girls are the provision tor navy oil stor­ of >981,353 on December 31, forced against their wish to marry age tank construction Secretary which date marks the end of the titles, so too, are eligible young of Navy Denhy triad to get a noblemen by their familiea often biennium. clause authorising such exchange. I t was made plain In the state­ are urged to marry to build up Denby did nothing about It and ment that the deficit may be again the family fortune. .the validity of the leases waa The youths are given a thor­ slightly more or less than the attacked on the ground that thia statement figures, depending on ough education in the ways of the exchange waa Illegal. the expenses between now and world, trained in equitation, polo, Just before the first big Do­ the first of the year, and allow­ bridge, dancing, languages and heny oil lease was signed the in­ ing a possible leeway for avail­ parlor conversation, all In prepar­ terior department leaned a sec­ ation for the day whan they can able revenue. be offered in marriage to a weal- ’ recy order, saying no Informa­ tion waa to be given out regard- thy daughter of America. . nlg oil leases because “the ne­ From thair alxteenth year on, they are carefully guarded. Thetr J gotiations are being handled bj( bureaus of the interior and navy friendships are visaed, and au es­ but not tat a routine pecially close tab la kept ou thetr departments ' way and consequently no infor­ woman acquaintances. Every­ thing is done prevent a -“ lots >' mation can be given ont by de­ officials.** match*’ with an ambitious actress, partment 1 although occasionally, as In the case of the young Count Stanislas dels Rochefoucauld, who married the Parisian actreas Alice Cocea, the fam ily la foiled. SAN A NTO NIO. Texas, Dee. 1. — ( U N ) — Sixty aevea airplanes w ill escort the live . Pan-Ameri­ can amphibian planes which take off here on December IB .for a goodwill tour to tho other Ameri- Mi I p .s f. . - to I L ’ 4: Forty planes from Brooks field w ill aceompasy the Pen-Ameri­ can birdies» aa tar as Bpevllle. a distance of 71 miles, nad 17 planes tram K elly field w ill prob­ ably go a ll the wgy to Browas- vllle? ’ apprastmateiy 800 miles from here, w h e t the army’s pro­ posed flig h t aroued South Ameri­ ca begins., i Headquarters of the flight pil­ ots at Duncan field announced Tuesday that Brownsville w ill he the emphlbtaaa* first step. A /ter a night’s rest, following the first hop, the 87 escorts from Kelly field w tll take the e |r aad eccotai. peay the amphlbtoac for a short distaaeu lato Mexioo before ro­ ta reiag to Saa Aatoalo. „ > , , Postmaster Wagner asked the Tidings'this early in thq Christ­ mas season to remind the mailing public again of the vital Import­ a n t of a complete address oa a ll mall m atter at all times, an