Want You as A Member We have arranged a plan of easy Monthly Payments for those who desire it. In fact many of our memberships are now being taken on this Easy-to-Pay Basis. Rub elbows with those whonre bringing golf Io Ashland yne up and see the, golf displays at the lithia Springs Hotel Course The Banquet Menu A FOLLOW THROUGH COCKTAIL Ashland’s nine-hole course, now being com pleted, lies just two miles south of the city on the Pacific Highway. Golf experts have pronounced it one of the finest sites on the entire Pacific Coast This course will be a distinct asset to Ash land. ' Next Spring when skies are clear and the kindly suit bids you welcome to the great outdoors, you will be glad and proud to be a member of the Ashland Golf Club Our membership rolls are limited. If you do not join now while the books are open, it may be YEARS before the opportunity again presents itself. _» 1 !• . . . CELERY AND OLIVES IN SAND TRAP The fiolt Clnb s to Ashland WATER H A iA R D SOUP TEE STEAK FULL SWING POTATOES PUTTING EGG PLANT SHERBET A BRASSIE FA IR W AY SA LA D O U T OF $ U N D S P I E ig tb Y fb L E To a city which caters to the tourist trade, a good golf course is just as important as good hotels and good garages. Ashland has the hotels and garages. now building the golf course. It is The Ashland course will be made the finest on the Pacific Coast That means more tour ists every year because sixty percent of the tourists carry their own golf clubs. Ashland cannot compete for tourist travel unless it has an outstanding golf course. Will rule at the banquet tomorrow night Be sure and come. You will learn all about Ashland’s latest civic enterprise. You will learn about the plans of making this one of the biggest assets in Southern Oyegon. We want to make this a CoHUhuhity project. We will give you the opportunity olf signing an application This is your chance to help your home town and at the same time enjoy golfing through out the year. Tomorrow Night 8 p, in Lithia Springs Hotel Think It Over!