Rain tonight and toaMurow. Southerly winds and galea on eoafct. ' Aid the postal (United Meat »**»••> WORK OF DI FOR BIG O GETS UNDER ICYCLEWHEN EE PAYS CALL Snttee northern Section is ■ Beady for Bxtremely Cold Snap of Atbtetto Grand »at PridgR- > com m ertt t In caM & MANY FREAK STORMS turned off. Then »harp at the hour of 7:30 the light» *111 be switched on, and the »tore win­ do«», which will be eurtalned throughout the day, will be bared to public inspection. There w ill he music on the streets and the holiday spirit will prerail, Frites w ill be awarded to those ’ tares w^ich here the best and do 'theta ta‘0Bt noveI displays. Jfearlg a ll State* ' Are H it by Clumge la W eather Past Few Days A t the request of the chamber commerce> the Daily Tidings . B 4 ■ hBg a week of storms over most of the nation, the A tlantic aad Pacific osasns and the Great Lakes. The freak storms in several southern states Thursday and P rld af. costing approximately 39 llvss, left handreds of homeless D E N V E R , Nov. 33.— ( U N ) — persons lacking food and cloth­ Mrs. Catherine T rillin g was to­ in g , snfferlng from the „cold which day form ally charged w ith k ill, followed the storms. tag her hnshnnd, Herman T r ill­ ing, salesman, when ha came from tho home of Jean O'Brien, the third member of a ‘‘love tr i­ angle” on Thanksgiving day. Mrs. T rillin g was ordered held la Jail w ithout ball. Jean O'Brien, wheae father is ( Last Tuesday noon the Cham­ ber was host to seventeen enthus­ iastic Junior High School boys, comprising tho victorious football squad' of this Ukhéùl, The . boys wers Introduced by Cleei V. How- oir. who has eoachod them durlg the season. M r. Howell spoke briefly and the Captain o f the team made suitable remark» of appreciation. ’ Irving B. Vining, President of the State Chamber gave tha 'ad­ dress of the day and muda borne interesting allusions to thia pro­ gram for Pacific Coast Develop­ ment as outlined by Herbert R. Hoover, President O. P. Cdtaoa has been on ah extended business trip north for the last week but Is ex­ pected back in time for tha golf dinner Tuesday b ig h t • la Plna-Ponrs Dick Pries. Irvin g Vining, P re * Carson, W a lt McCoy and . oth^r enthusiastic golfers w ill nidnubt- ed>y appear at tha dlnaar fttfl golf ragalla a» thongh Jnst having dropped In from tha Kaka, bnt oi Mura who have not yet provided thomaulvus w ith such dlatingutab' ing apparel may wear Tvxede. futl drees, business suit o r a NUay day alfckar. Tha mana la Interesting and (Plaqm T u m to Page 3) W A SHING TO N. D. C., Nov. 3 l. — (U n ite * Press)— The Volstead act liq u et, proscription lim itation w in upheld today by the Uhtted States supreme eenrt. The pet provides that not m o re jh a p one pint can he liv e n to any one petlent lu 10 days end that inch prescription cannot contain ’more than h alf a pint of alcohol. The fight against the prescrip­ tion lim it y s s brought by Samuel W . Lambert of New York. It Wks taken to the highest court In the land following an adverse opinion In the lower court on hie suit for aa Injunction to re­ strain federal authorities from enforcing tho lim it provisions of tho act. j The decision of tho United States supreme coart was haled by prohibition advocates as a signal victory. Star Gazers Say Duke Of York In , Line For Throne ‘LONDON, Nov. 33. — Veiled tanta of a boost iq Ufa f o | tha tteka o f ¥ork, which might ihoan anything from tho governor-gsn- oralahip of ^ dominion to a atop qp tha ladder tovards tha throne are tontalned M a horoscope of the Dachas of Tack la tho 1937 odKtan « f the (amone "Old Moore’s Alpataisk.” To state It Mostly, a step to­ k a tta tha throes would be poe- sihls onta for Aha Daka It the Xiñk ar Ota Prttoa at Wales were roktorad. ♦ The koroacoplste refuto to pra- dict whether, the Dnchara. « the baby Princess Mlsabeth wUl pvedtpally »ucend the throne. tp .■ ¿ I, A n te e and BH 7 all light» w ill he th,# •®ct*°11 oi county an idea Of what the progressive and en- terprlslng merchants of Ashland have |o offer the holiday shop- pens. R A DIO PROGRAM Starting today The Tidings will run each day the radio program offered < b y ., the broadcasting stations on the Pacific coast. Radio fans are .Increasing daily in Ashland and vicinity and this service started in order to be of mor4 value to our host of readera. Turn to page 5 for tonight’s program' over the radio. Witness the buUdlag a grand stand on the athletic field which coaid Jnst ns well have been erected at any time la the last ten years. The chief critic­ ism abont thia la that tha coat la not distributed among nil, bat like many other things, not dU see the necqmity or nay need a t all. However, a little help from a considerable number of .Individu­ als a t this tim e w ill relievo those charged w ith respoasibility for financing the Job. Beside giving IS In cosh moot o f the Llthlans guvs labor on the building, bat It Is a whole community project and merchants, lumber deniers, car­ penters and organisations nil leading a band w ill make It no hardship for nay, but • worth­ while enterprise, long to be re­ said to he a prominent Otactn- membered o» account of the Ifaeauaf. prodneed by thé quickness o f action agd the mite t e ' anhetaotlate the — «•e»e enjoyasent o f pqtUafe It ever. / adep t t e ffaspl'ces o f the C h «3* er of Compierde. Some may a t ¡know that the Chamber of dbim- pierce has l a d a golf coihmlttqu And that this committee, > brigl^l- Slly consisting of O. P. Carson, P. P. W h ittle and Henry Baders p ith V. O. It. Smith and fcrod C. HdmuM are responsible for stunt­ ing the land which now consti­ tutes a large portion of tha Aifc- land Golf Coarse. Although oth­ er plana for proposed sites fdr tome time retarded the building of thia course it Is now well nigh completion and experts aay w ill ba one of the finest on the entire length of the Pacific Highway. W hether yon are a golf enthus­ iast er not you are invited to at­ tend the dinner tomorrow night, ns varied entertainment w ill be furnished after the dinner for all who attend. Committees I f and tej J ® ‘"L“ ” "* 2 2 » ! “ ’ • ; 7 a Judge the store windows. . r F rancisco . not . l a ­ id i / torses)— Swlnglng baek mal f ram au extremely bigh A week ago, tragic deaths Claimed 34 ltato along the Pa- rifle coast over the past week. eAd..',' A pproxim ate!/ 89 persons wei-e Injured, according to tabu- latiops made by United Press. J G e a th tn ' automobile accidents took seveh, while six m et death by drowning. There were three ■ utc kies. The Oregon toll" follows: Portland— Isaac Peterson, 78, s tr ic t by ante, Baker — Orville and. Edward Wllnamsda, aged 1 1 aad 8. h i » , LTING STREETS MAS OPENING THIS MORNING ployed* to-i decorating os d tatrlra ds Chrtet- ¡ed b y t h d By J. K. P u ller Secretary Chamber o f Commerce There are times when It ’s desir­ able to act on the apnr o f the mo­ ment when enthusiasm runs high and thefe la a sssmlng unanimity of sentiment. In thia way things a re freq u e n tly . accomplished which, although lo^g needed, lack tha stimulus or Initiative fo rg a c - sure timely delivery of Ashland's Leading Newspaper for Over Fifty Years Manv Nation-Wide Meetings Scheduled There for Next Tear , , t t -i , , . ‘ ed while playing w ith a loaded t automatic revolver. LOS ANGELES, Nov. 3».— Lee Angeles w ill entertain 44 conven­ tions in 1937, bringing an esti­ mated total of 34,000 visitors. ’ *\ ,* vi '• j L Xfc* W totot convention -w ill be, that o f the California Teaeharat- asfoelatlon. with about 10,000 member» in attendance. Nation­ al conventions w ill Include the following: Allansa Hispano Americana su­ preme lodge. January 13-33; Phi Vambda Epsilon fraternity, A u ­ gust; National Association of Po­ lice and F ire Surgeons, Septem­ ber; American Federation of 'La­ bor, October. . State conventions w ill Include the California Congress of Relig­ ious Education; California Retail C lo th iers ;' Men’s Apparel club; Volunteers o f America; California Medical association aad the Con­ gress of Parents and Teachers. Date for Big Walkout Fixed But WU1 Hot be Matte Public Yet SEEKING SETTLEMENT So last week he inserted an ad la The Tidings. Among the answers he received W*s one from a young hopeful Maiding near Medford who want­ e d the Job bat who first wanted to know Jnst what be had to do. “ I am n good bus boy," he wrote, “bat I want to know wheth­ e r yon have an onto bus or a horse-drawn boa. I f yoa want a bos boy to drive aa aato baa, 1 w ill take the Job.” Will Have to Put hts on My Feet/' ,ja Slender Boy LOS ANOELKS. Nov. 88.— (U . N .)— They might hang Joe Peres and set a precedent In so 1 doing, but the hangman will have 1 to tie weights to bis feet before ' the trap is sprung. And that is Joe’s one consolation. F or Joe weighs only 84 pounds, * Stands four feet M r inches, 4n his old felt slippers and claims he is 18 years old. He awaits trial on charges of having kidnaped 4 year old Rose Bustamenta last Septem­ ber I, and then killing her. W h ile Joe goes about his dally dishwashing duties In the psycho­ pathic ward of Osneral hospital, the'hangm an's noose dangles be­ fore him so persistently that he Is confident that he must pay the ex­ treme penalty. " T h e j'U k ill asa a ll right enough,* 'the emaciated youngster 1 declared, , . J .Joe looks older thgp the 16 Baker, Oracoli Bori Find years ha claims and ¡doctors any Loaded Automatic aad that ha acts like a -10* year old at Tragedy Results times. Police say they have a declaration rrom a former teach­ B A K E R . Ore., Nov. 89.— (U P ) er of the suspect which sets his .— Tragedy visited Baker over the age at 31, bnt the llp p ld brown week-ed when two boys were klll- eyes sad absence of noticeable ,sd while playing with a loaded beard seem to belle the assertion. As to the crltae Itself. Joe told pistol. Mrs. O. E. Williamson, mother of the two lads, was police where, to find the'body of across the street visiting a neigh­ the little girl on Sept. 31, but bor when Orville, aged 11, found "doesn’t remember’* killing her a gun in a drawer and pointing It and isn’t quite positive he even nt Edward, aged 4, shot him be­ showed the location of the corpse. A step-father, Joae Martines, tween the eyes. In fright, tho boy looked into the muscle of tho is his only relative In the United automatic and It exploded again, States, although Joe has “folks” in Mexico, where he was born. killing him instantly. He never saw his mother, Joe says. A ll plans have been completed for the big golf dinner to ba held at the Llthla Springs hotel nt t o’clock tomorrow evening and tog the golf exhibit and danclnq which w ill follow the banquet. Thb dinner tomorrow night w ill mark the opening of na Intensiva drive for additional members, and every person la Ashland who la at all Interested la golf la Invited to attend the function. Interest In golf w ill be height­ ened by the golf exhibit which la the ballroom where tha dancing w ill be held, there w ill he putting contests and other golf contests for all members and oth« era who attend the function. Val­ uable merchandise prises have bees offered by mrchanta for tho. winners of the various events. Those sponsoring the a ffa ir predict there w ill he at least 119' men and woman present at tha dinner and exhibit. „ i Among-the firms offering pris­ es for the various contests are. The Enders company, M iller’q Toggery, Provost Hardw are.JL R,, Isaac aad Co.. * * ^ 1 » - B ala Store, Lithla Springs Hotel. L lth - ,ta Sprihga Pharmacy, McGee's store, Nlnlager’s. and B illy Bel- kirk, goll elab professional. Peace Offerings Large Part of Deed Wo­ man's /ewelry Mbaing, Inquiry Shows 8E A T TL E , Wash., Nor. 3»— (U N )— W ith the opening today of the safe deposit box' rented hy the dead woman, it was defin­ itely established that robbery was the motive for the murder of Mrs. Florence Monks, wealthy widow, whose body was found in the basement of het heme here last Wednesday. She had been struck on the hand and choked. i A targe part of the woman’s Jewelry Was missing, when the box was opened -on court order. Captain o i Detectives WiUJnm Kent estimated that diamonds worth nt least 36090 were token in the rubbery. CM\ AHONB/ - t CM*- eETÄÖNS WflkXlT X » - O w H lM r e /W w tù ’ / ’ Thieves And ilve Combination t Away With PO RTLA N D, Ore., Nov. 19.— (U P )— The strong box of the Brondwby theatre was opened last night and 36000 in currency was stolen. The robbers le ft approxi­ mately 3390 la silver. The com- blnatloa of the big safe had been solved and no clues ware left. The theft was discovered this morn­ ing when the theatre was opened far buslneaa. Big Sanitarium Will Be Eructad PLA O 8TÀFP, Arte.. Nov. 39.— A 36.080,090 sanitarium for tu­ bercular children Is to be locat­ May Benjamin Moran, executive as ete tary of tha National Saaatarium for Tubercular Children. The institution w ill prolvde accommodations for 1309 pa­ tients. A staff of 38 phtslrinha and 100 nurses w ill bo malhtala¿ ed here, according to H rs. Sheriff Lashes . Negro Prisoner W IL M IN G T O N , Del.. Nov. 39. — (U N )— Only slightly hamper­ ed by tbo. fact that his left arm wee 1» a 's lin g , Warden Elm ar J. Leach, af the Newcastle county workhouse today admlhtotared 39 lashes on the back of Prank Lloyd, negro, a t tho whipping post. ' , ‘ Lloyd also bad boon sentenced to four years la prison. Tho warden, broke hia arm a fgw days ago la a fa ll from a ladder. W A8H1NQTON, D. C., Nor. 39. — ( U P )— Tho govarnmoat won aa importane point la the oil eon- epttacy tria l /today whan Justice Hqaohllag admitted In evidence conflicting statements of defend­ ía te , former Secretary of the In ­ terior toan and Edvard l . o a- keay. aa atada before the tonato cil committee coaceralag the mll- ilonalro’a |I9 9 ,9 9 9 lean ta Pall shortly before Doheny’e eompnay got the Elk M illa naval aU lento.* Fata of Widow , StiU Undecided