Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, November 27, 1926, Image 1

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Be rare to attend the golf
Probably rain tonight and Sun­
quet Tuesday evening.
/vew* paper For Noariy Fi/ty Yáan
Fresh southeast winds.
News)— A Jpry in
A rth u r Dobel, o f
p u in e t Bev. A.
Chnylee Bartley and
9 7 — (Fatted
the cnee of
M . Shaffer,
M ark E llio tt,
MEM PHUB. Tena,, Xlt* « 7 ^
(U nited M»ws><-yhff dhhEfWwn
1» the vent b f the tornado that
flg ta tfb d actons the Mississippi
valley - Thursday eesriteues to
m ontt.
Checks In the striekened com­
munities Friday evening showed
71 known deed, more than 110
Injured and IS missing.
Property damage was Immense.
City Council Passes Ordin
ance at Special Meeting
Today Noon
A t a special meeting today noon
the city cotancll by unanimous
vote passed the 1827 budget,
which provides for 884.287.28
w ith which to operate the city
during the coming fiscal year. A
hearing on the proposed budget
was held last night w ith but one
property owner opposing the fi­
nancial plan ns set forth In the
The conncll likewise passed an
levying assessments
against the C street paving dis­
Seattle Fugitive
Is Held'At Bend
BEND, Nov. 27. — (United
News) — Richard Bay. 18, Is
held In Jail here today on advice
of S eattle’ officials that he Is
wanted on statutory oharges In
the Washington city had tor
Jumping a |6 0 0 0 bond.
' Bay was arrested yesterday at
Lapins, I I miles south of Bend
and was brought here pending
arrival of Washington officers.
W A SHING TO N, D. C., Nov. >7.
— (U P )— A decision In the FaB-
tria l
Christmas wa* Planned hr both
prosecution and-defense today.
W ith quick presentation of the ev­
idence end over-time work, the
adge and Jury hope to end the
tria l by the holidays. Court
stood in recess today while Jus­
tice Hoehllng studied whether to
during the senate investigation of
the alleged bribery cabe. — -
Petaluma Plan
May Be Adopted
Because onci or two protests
have been made against tbs pres­
ence of chickens within the city
limits, the city council is consid­
ering the advisability of passing a
replica of the Petaluma chicken
ordinance which simply provides
that chickens cannot be kept clos­
er than IS feet from the neighbor­
ing dwelling bouse. Members of
The conncll do not want to stand
in the way Of the poultry Indus­
try and believe that this ordin­
ance w ill stop any criticism.
Game Finances
Unusuplly Low
PO RTLA N D, Nov. 87.— (U . N .)
— Only a balance of 288,884.86
on hand at the beginning of the
biennial period o f 1926-26 kept
the state game commission out
of the red In k balance records
this year, according to the report
tiled w ith Governor Pierce by H.
B. Morelatad, accountant tor the
game commission.
Cutting off two months pro-
dustlvs ot high revenues from the
last fiscal year accounts for the
shortage of money In the report,
according to llorolnnd.
Wires Impaired ■ Iowa Banks Are
Closed By State
By Heavy Winds
la ., Nov. 87.—
2 7 .----- (V . N .) — Iowa’s banking system
■(United News) — Strong winds
in this vicinity accompanied by
heavy ralne have been causing
tronble to telephone and poorer
lines, as trees, loosened by the
storm, have fallen across wires,
resulting In temporary dlsrqpt-
lon of service.
Talent's sixth sense caused h im
to look beck after he bad gone by
them several hundred yard». H e
saw the big car careening from
one side of the road to the ether.
Hie euspicipne were immediately
aroused. .
H e wheeled his own car around
and gave chase. A short dista'hbe
this side of Talent hg overtook
the self-aCcused gents from K lam ­
ath Falla and asked them “how
As a result o f his Inquisitive­
ness. he searched the ear and
found SIS pint bottles of moon­
shine and four one-gallon glass
Jugs fu ll of the Klam ath brand of
poisoned liquor, v .
The two men are being held In
the county ja il while farth er In­
vestigations is made df their ac­
tivities in and around Klam ath
Astoria Woman
101 Years Old
ASTORIA, Ore., Nov. 27.—
(U P )— Astoria’s oldest cltisen,
Mrs. Inga .Bustad, w ill celebrate
her 101st birthday anniversary
here tomorrow. She is compara­
tively active In spite e f her great
Dada» Sh» Killed Har
PO RTLAND, Ore., Nov. 87.—
(U. N .) — Following a recommen­
dation of the Harney county
Sportsman’s Association, the Ore*
gon state game commission, at
their December meeting hero,
w ill pet definite boundaries e f
the Steens mountain game ref­
uge in southern Oregon, accord­
ing to aa announcement by E. F.
A verill, state game Wardea.
LONDON. Nov. 27.— (U . N .) —
The D ally . M a ll’s Tokyo corres­
pondent say» that the condition
of Yoshlto, Emperor of Japan, Is
worse. He has been suffering
from an Incurable malady for
many years.
JOLIET, III., Nov. 87.— (V olt,
ed New»)— Mix Joliet penitentiary
convict», tried for the murder
of Deputy Warden Peter N. Klein
during an attempted break for
liberty last May S, wen* found
guilty by a . Jury late Friday and
sentenced to death.
The Jury reached agreement
after deliberating three
The convict« -- RlsUW'®^'
the prisd®**8
B U E N O S 'A IR E S , Nov. 17. *—
(United News) — A revolution­
ary movement is spreading over
the provinces of south Brasil and
hundreds of men have been k ill­
ed and many wounded In a bat­
tle between federal troops and
Insurrectionists nt Bella Vista,
according to the Montevideo cor­
respondent of the newspaper L a
Telephone and telegraph com­
munications between Montevideo
and Rto Grande do Sul, capital
of the extreme southern province
of Brasil, which borders Uruguay,
have been Interrupted.
The in­
surrection began In the province
of Rio Grande do Sal and spread
rapidly northward through Santa
Catbertna and into Parana pro­
Details are lacking, the corree-
pondent says, about the battle
at Bella Vista. * In addition to
Fate of Mrs. Eva McGee to
Best With Jurors By
TILLA M O O K. Ore., Nov. 27.
— (United P ress)— Demanding
the death penalty or acquittal,
the state and defense late yes­
terday rested their cases in the
murder trial of Mrs. Eva N.
McGee, charged with poisoning
her husband, Dr. W . G. McGee.
Closing arguments were being
made in court this morning, with
every Indication that the fate of
the accused woman would rest
the encounter there was a clash
w ith the Jurors before nightfall.
reported at Paso del Ciabal.
The defense claimed that Dr.
McGee's death was due to a
weakened heart and old age,
while the state maintained that
he had be given strychnine by
his wife.
Rumanian King
Is Near Death
Football Fans
To Brave Cold
, CHICAGO, 111., Nov. 27. —
(United Press) — A northwest
gale that sent the thermometer
down around 22 degrees above
sero today promised a cold after,
noon for the 100,000 or more
people who will watch the Army-
Navy football game.
Various Parte of Southern
Oalifonöa Inundated
By Bains
* U ffio is paralyzed ’
which weh? read Heparately. Each
convict received his death sent­
ence without emotion.
LOS ANOELE8, Nov. J 7. —
(United »News) — Torrential
rains sweeping over southertf
California brought floods which
late Friday inundated section*
of Eagle Rock, Glendale and
Highland Park, driving scores of
families from their homes sndi
causing property damage total­
ing many thousands of dollars.
Police stations were swamped
with frantic calls for hslp from
families who feared their hornee
would be washed away aa the
flood waters rose nearly knee
deep inside their homes.
Eagle Rock huge blocks of ce­
ment were torn from foundation*
and washed Into the streets and
a number of buslneas houses and
restaurants were flooded.
Many Marooned
More than 100 persons were
marooned for nearly an hoar
In a bandstand In Eagle Rock
when the high water drove them
from the streets.
Traffic was
paralysed, the water rising to
such heights as to stall automo­
biles and at one time mofe than
300 cars were tied up In one
flooded ares, Eagle Rock police
Board of Regents to Inspect
Claims of Twelve
SALEM, Nov. 27. — (United
News)— Because of a conflict In
■peaking dates scheduled by Gov­
ernor Pierce, the board of regents
of the state normal school has
round It necessary to set Its visit
of Inspection to eastern Oregon in
connection with the location of
the new normal school back a
Twelve cities, contenders In
the selection of the site of the
new school w ill be visited. The
regents will leave Portland,, De­
cember 12, arriving In Baker th’e
next day. On December 14, they
w ill visit Elgin and La Grande;
December 16, Pendleton, Milton,
and Weeton; December 18, A r­
lington end The Dalles; Decem­
ber 17, Redmond and Bend; De­
cember 18 Prineville.
Rescue Workers
Seeking Bodies
Beneath Debris
O A K LA N D , Cal., Nov. 27. —
(United News) — Construction
company, crews, hindered
heavy rains and the mud that
obsee down fro in the Contra
Costa hills, hre attempting to
roach the bodies of the 18 mea
killed when a cofferdam collaps­
ed, flooding the mouth of the
nearly completed Claremont tun­
nel w ith tone o f water and de­
Minnesota Farmers May Lo­
cate in This Section •
A group of 18 Hollanders
spend all day yesterday inspect­
ing farm lands around Ashland
and elsewhere In Jackson county
with John H. F u ller of the cham­
ber of commerce as their guide.
The Hollanders are seeking ft atff
location and were prevailed npoff
to come to Jackson county b f
A rthur Foster o f the state lead
settlement bureau, who Is now
In 8t. Paul.
The Hollanders appeared to be
well pleased w ith conditions in
this section and promised to re­
turn tor a more thorough in ­
vestigation after a trip to Fort?
Steamship Line
Reported Sold
N EW YORK, Nov. 27.— (U n it­
ed News) — Tbs W hite Star
lino, one of the largest Ameri­
can owned trans.Atlantlc ship­
ping organisations has been sold
to the Royal M all Steam Packet
company of England, according
to Dow Jones, a financial news
Huge Livestock
Exhibit Storto
CHICAGO, Nov. 87.— (U . N .) —
The piek of the world's Mae-
blooded livestock were
groomed here to await the Judges
who will select grand champions
from the exhibits at the Interna»
lienal Livestock exposition open**
J. A. Ormandy, general pas­ lag here today.
senger ageftt for the Southern Pa­
oille lines, was a business visitor
la Ashland yesterday on a swing
around thia division ot the lines.
He la holding meetings with local
agents and employes, one ef
which w aa staged last night at
Grpato Pass. W hile here be ex-
preeaed himself as being well
pleased with railroad conditions
la thia part of Oregon.
H a was accompanied hero by
District Agent Rosenbaum of the
Medford office.
Southern Pacific
Official Visits
Jealous Farmer
Commits Suicide
Somebody Should Help
T H E DALLES. Nov. 2 7 ...—
(United News) — A fter some of
bis visitors had le ft a bottle of
“Thanksgiving cheer’’ In hie room
at The Dalles hospital Peter Ron-
catl, cannery Worker, became de­
lirious and crashing n second
floor window with a steel table
late last night, leaped to the
grpnnd end escaped before n t.
tendants realised what had hap­
He made hla way over
the snow covered ground to n
downtown restaurant, where he
was overpowered and lateir taken
to the city Jell.
van dealt tfte heaviest blew la Its
history Friday w ith the closing of
18 national, state and private
Confirmation 6f the dosing ot
the 18 Institutions was given by
L . A. Andrews, superintendent of wrecked
the state banking department.
returning home,
Liquid Cheer Is
Plain Dynamite
LOUVBBNB, M ina., Nov. S I.
— (United N ew s,—-Beoauee the
girl of his choice preferred an­
other, Charles Moeller, 22 y ea n
old, * wealthy farm er Hviug near
here, blew hie head o t w ith a
Shotgun late Friday. His body
was fpund In the barnyard by a
brother. Relatives said the dead
man had Ipen brooding over his
B E R L IN . Nov. 27.— (United
S O M E R V ILLE , N. J., Nev. IT. Press)— A dispatch from Bel­
(U P )— Mrs. Frances Stevens grade this morning said that
latest reports from the bedside
p f K ing Ferdinand of Rumania
were th a t hie condition la hope­
less and death is expected hourly.
Queen M arie le now on the ocean
Japanese Rider
Reported Worse
Steens Mountain Reserve is
Planned by Oregon
Stato Oommsision
“The guilty fleeth when aa
man pursueth.**
' tap
Charley Taleq|, state tra ffto of­
Seating rf “ Billy” Wilson ficer. once more proved the tru th
of thia age-old quotation yester­
te U. 8. Senate is
day. As a result, W . F. Robber»
Political Plan
son and F ra n k W illiam s, b o th o f
WILL ALLBOX FRAUD K lam ath-Falls, are held In the
c o u n t/ ja il at Jscksonrills on
charges of bootlegging. f .
The state traffic cop was drtv-
ing toward Ashland late yesterday
afternoon when he dame upon a
W A S H IN G TO N , Nov. 17. — Paige coach parked by the Fond-
(United News) — Democratic side near Jackson Hot Springs,
senate leaders are gathering evi­ Two men w e n standing beside the
dence from Pennsylvania with
There was aothing In th e ir no­
the intention of contesting, If the
to arouse any suspicion. W at
facts warrant, the seat of re­
a glimpse df "John L aw "
publican Senator-elect W illiam S.
as exemplified by Talent’s state
Vare. on grounds of fraud, and
uniform, ao they piled into the
seating of their own candidate,
car and started speeding toward
W illiam B. Wilson, who was
Medford nt a reckless rate.
secretary o f labor in the Wilson
Wilson ran a surprisingly close
Plan is Given
Thia move thus would go much
farther than the attempt to oust
Vare because of his excessive
expenditures In the primaries as Private Telegrams Indieate
Rumanian Ruler Hae >
disclosed by the Reed commit­
Passed 'Away
Ousting of Vare on that
ground would leave the seat va­
B E R L IN , Nov" 27.— ( U P ) — A
cant, to be filled by appointment telegram from Bucharest which
and later by election of another was received here this afternoon
said there was widespread belief
The democrats, on the other in Rumania that K ing Ferdinand
hand, would seek to declare W U . had dled. l t whs said that those
son the properly elected sena­ who subscribed to this belief ex­
tor and tbns gain another demo­ plained that the king’s death was
cratic seat.
being kept a secret to prevent the
Means Control
adherents of form er Crown Prlnee
Seating of Wilson, popularly Carol from attempting a coup.
known as "BU ly’’ Wilson, would The Rumanian legation here de­
give ik e democrats a m ajority of nied that the king was dead
one in the senate.
The count
th e * would stand republicans,
47; democrats 48; farm er labor
This, however, ihlght dot
enable them to organise the Sen­
ate as republicans are seeking
Friday evening, December 10
■Cpfiort of Shlpetead of Mlnne-
W ll, ttriher-Ubor. In t ils ones,
Vise President Dawes would have
the deciding vote,
EU G EN E. N ttri M . — (W tte d
news) —- uenernt amnesty ror an
Students who participated In the
Walkout at the Eugene high
Softool,. November 18, protesting
against the action of Principal
J. O. Swan la declaring the In­
eligibility of one o f the foot­
ball players Just before the Bu.
gene-Snlem game, hae been grant­
ed by the school authorities.
Grim Worte of Burying Dead
L IT T L E ROCK. A rk., Nov. 17.
— (United New s)— Stumbling In
the rain and darkness, rescue
workers last night carried on
their grim work of burying the
dead and of administering to the
sick and homeless la Central
Arkansas, where the Thanksgiv­
ing day tornado took Its greatest
toll of death and destruction.
Complete paralysis of a ll light­
ing facilities existed tonight in
Heber Springs. Opello. Moscow
end Sheridan, the communities
through which the storm was
most Intense.
To the darkness
was added the borrow of a Con­
tinuous rainfall.
O f the seventy o r more deed
in the entire path of the tornado
which touched five (tales, al­
ready twenty bodies have been
removed from the wreckage la
Herber Springs.
There, state
troops * have established bead-
Under command of Lieut. Sam­
uel R. Smith the troops proceed­
ed tonight w ith the business of
earing fo r the homeless a n d .th e
etch end of reftorM g1 Ird e r. .S»»«
Umatilla Dam Is
Ready For Water
' $
So- ,