» Oregon: Rain tonight and Wed nesday, moderate temperature. A'ewEpaper For Nearly Fifty Years GRANDSTAND TIC K E T S Friends of Mayer of . Sheriff Astisi in F ire young seen met in the of- 1 flee of the Y. M. f i. A. Seeretagr [ last evening for the purpose, pf 1 discussing the organisation of an Employed Boys slab. Those . proseat a t thia meeting wee*; People Have M a s Hughes. Hugh , Gillmore, Spends Last Day on Ameri- lerfnl Vision, *“ Shopping, Russell Herbert, Melvin . K iner , ,• and Visiting end Bsrl N atter. A fte r some die- r , cession sad. questions raised aud met, the group voted unanlmous- BOARDS SHIP TONIGHT , ly to organise a chapter o f ' the Soturdoy Attend» First B illion D ollar Employed Boys club herb, and tare Ashland In Article pinner Party on Monday Earl N u tte rw e s «looted^ tempor­ Shortly ary chairman. The grasp w ill meet fa r a dinner, next Monday Ashland la to receive some de­ N E W YORK. Nov. 2 J .— Queen evening, which he prepared sirable publicity shortly In the i Marie spent the last day on' Amer­ Saturday Evening Post because of by Hart N a tte r and Secretary ican soil shopping aad visiting a W alter In Pioneer H a ll, Y. M . C. the magnetic voice of Irvin g B. couple of American Institutions Vining, who thriHed California A. heedquartan» “ The Employed and dicing with the A ston. She Boys’ elab town outgrowth ef audiences on his moot repent careful tavpatlgattan on the part was Aue _shosrd tbs Berengsrls speaking tour of Southern Cali­ of Association men, fo r something tonight. t o t a tu r n to Europe a f ­ fornia. challenge the Interest of young ] ter a six weeks tour of America M r. Vining revealed the forth­ to men end Soy* who are working I coming article in hie eloquent ad­ end hence ont of toaeh with the I dress today noon before the cham­ fellow In school and college,” eg I ber of commerce forum lunch nt plained M r. W alter. "Thera a ie l the L ith ia Springs hotel. two to fou r million working boys! win In Los Angeles he met Albert W . Atwood, who io Sow w riting the "W inning of the W est" ser­ ies in the big national weekly. M r. Atweed asked for aad was given an interview with M r. V in - ir,<. in which the latter told of the progress and vision of the people of Ashland in bnildlag L ith ia Park, tho L ith ia Springs boto| aad other civic eaterpriaes of this city. As a result o f the inter­ view, which w ilt appear skortly, Ashland scenes w ill hespietnred la The Post,. The speaker commended the people e f Ashland for voting tho »600,»99 water bonds, dsclsring it to he o groat stop forward la tho march of progress. “ Whsnaysr yon advertise Ash- U nd o r this section in CoMferiria, in America, and this is a real challenge to onr Association so that now wo have a man on the National Connell staff Who gives his entire time to the wage earn?I lag boy." Membership is the Em-.' jgloyed Roys’ slab, to open to soy I you n g n u in or bey between- th e ! O K LA HO M A C IT Y . Nov. t N .) — project« had tjhat this w ill be ago for the murder of a deputy the only game in which this Engine D river Refuse* State’s sheriff and was sentenced to life Evidence Against “ W lllta ” imprisonment lost no tim e tit • Stevens making for tko Cooksoa hills.' twenty-five miles from hero, SOMERVILLE, N. J. Nov. b gave h l. asms. h l. address L PA™ ’ NoT' which- have n , long and romantic 22.— The defense ‘ la the »llet penitentiary, but no fur- ‘ h° U* h fth< * Cro™ history as the rendesvons of "had' H all-M ills tria l today opened men." an attack on the finger p rint information, asking to M n r o Lropold of B eblum end Four men aad two women de­ evidence signed to connect jm d on the ground that his th® P™«y * « « h t e r of Sweden, livered hi mfrom bis coll a fte r W illie Stevens w ith the m u r­ A t o n y would be a "violation P d ’ ? * / rtrW; ‘ ontw ltttag two JaUera a ad "shoot­ Dator Gets Nothing But der of D r. H a ll and Mrs. f f l s o n ethics.” match’ Euro» » B masters of di« ing It out’? wUh the chief of po­ Disavowal« in* Missouri Mills. | | e grand manner was gone. plo,macy a ,™ady po," t to, “ “ * lice of Sallsaw. In an antom oiilo Charges « y e a r s « ° Leopold smiled et " n,° “ may “ ri°u .Iy affqct they sped for Oookpon hills and iters and photographer., % « » “ «<»> •■»econom ic » • » »P apothsy M tom obile containing , of­ i , KANSAS C ITY, Mo.. Nov,' 22. | clothe, of the best tailors, E “™peen nstion^ ' •— (U-. N .) — -A charge was made ficers in close ydrsult. •' ; I glibly of h l. scientific ex- 0 the, “ atc* - A t the. foot o f the h llla th e 'o f- . that money trickled freely from the slush fund bucket of demo- ficers last the .trail. • „■ hentatlon. Today he was created ” *<* droraed in a loose fitting grey Belgium that It is proheble As' the search apparently ‘he- r cratlc organisation here during suit which another prisoner had ,hat K M o W c ‘ Bd Political coaro- j the recent election, but when con­ rellnqulshed upon being admitted ’ “ ‘T ’ J T ’ N° W fronted by the stern visaged Sen­ to the penitentiary. He was dead- ,he ’ r‘nc,eaa h“ * ° me V* ator James A. Reed, the man who ly seriout, smiling but once when ‘J * a‘ he, Ba,^ an caaUa made the charges, admitted In a five defense attorneys shouted in » • « * « « < * > « ° ~ lp . of European long series of negative e'hswers that he had nothing to substan­ unison their objection to a quee- “ pUaJ reT* r “ L tlon of the prosecuting attorney: he, be‘ waan tiate his assertions. "Is n 't the real reawn you will of Belgium and K ing Ous- H arry R. Wamsley, republican politician. In a recent letter ' to not testify that you tear punish- meat et the hand, of the other W^ ,e, tha kIn< Senator George W . N o rris ’of Ne­ convicts?"' Stockholmn for the pre-nnpttel braska, made the statement that A fte r leaving the stand Leo- c“lebr‘ “ ° n' ■■«> « « .ta t It was common gossip the street pold « .s in became convict » 0 4 . “ * ' \ bOrate railway Bed glten »250,»00 to He was bundled Into an overcoat “L “ ,te" eCtU: 1 eCOn° m‘C * »276,000 to a democratic fand In : and into an automobile. BP5,™SC .T***1 ' return f o r a twelve year Ira n - I - D IS» SUDDENLY _________________ They thus pave the way for a 4 Iv s l W hitney suddenly passed chise extension. x _ - « » . - • . political bond which may be fu r- “Do you know of any money 1 away, while on a hunting trip In thered by the,r ■tetessssn. And contributed by the street railway ' the Hopkins Marsh. Sunday, No­ ww T t l/f lx * when the subject of a possible po- company to the democratic cam- 1 vember 21. He was 70 years of »»cal re-grouplng Is considered, age aad an did resident of Ash­ pslgn fund for use on election < ----------- those discussing the re-spproach- day 7” asked the senator. 1 land. living for some time a t LOS ANGELES, Nov. 22.— (U. ment Include in their ergumeate " I do not.” 1 N .)— The Rev. Sine W . Brown, ¡not only Belgium end Sweden hat “ Do yon know,, of any promise 1 40, ebony-hued bishop of Mt. | »’> the northern countries Sweden madk by any members of the $em-_ j Zion Methodist, Episcopal church |hss been associated with, ocratte rommittee in considers" finds himself lie ea-xugkwmki.po- ' Belgium Is now linked w ith the* tion of Jhe extension of the fran- 4 sRlon again. Mlect fanttly of democratic • » < chise o f'the street car company?” I The flev. Brown alternates his economically successful nortkera " I do not.” ( time between extolling the gospel, nations which include Denmark, A fte r th irty minutes of adroit 1 operating the Methodist Eplsco- Sweden and Norway sad which questioning, daring which time < pal Employnpnt and Clothes col- bO° “ will include Holland. Ue- he received nothing but disavow- I lectlon agency, dodging his twin ,n< the economic discussions of ala of knowleiUe concerning any I brother, Abner, and languishing King Albert end King Gnataf aa a money which bad been contribut- 1 in “durance vile." basis, many persons foresee a po- e dby the street railway company t In the words of his brother, Htlcsl reapproachment of the or any other organisation to the c Abner, he’s back in the "hoose- northern states end a furtherance democratic campaign fund, Sen- s gow.” It Is the Rev. Brown's l of closer political ties with Bel- ] J ,n 8w^- ’t. ages of I I and 21, who la working ] fa ll time and not polng to school. The work groups Itself around I seven mala objectives: vocation, I recreation, physical fitness, b ro -l therhood, education, religion, and fam ily and community lit* . The fellows e f the local club will or-1 gaaiso next M onday evening and 1 choose their leader and be ready ' te start their program, it wee ex-1 Colored Minister AlftS U li I lCUltieS »91 11. -4 O A K L A N tt.^ & L , Nov. M em tkM of the ju s lo r high (U nited News) — ; Hundreds of school football team wef» special dacha slighting o n /rp e o a t Shn- guests o f tlie luncheon, had M r. day morning quacked surprise Vining took occasion to call at­ and no ItUie indigaUoa hpon Sad tention to the fact th a t'X ih laa d 's fog thamns lv sa triqRiod. I public school system to second to They wars trapped la the none on the Pacific coast. ,worMy„ eause o f adloattflc ro .j The football boys won the ju n ­ search, had in addition wore ior high championship of South­ given an abundance of food, but ern Oregon. They were brought to the luncheon by their coach, it la doubtful if the ducks ap­ C. V . Howell, who Introduced preciated this. them to tho crowd. The hoys 1 They were handed and released. preeeat were Russell P arr, Bur­ B. M. Ehmeaa, o ftclal govern­ ton Ferris, W illiam K ing. Donald ment "daekmaster" heye. expects Carry, Ralph Curtis, Wsrdlow to establish through this means Howell, Raymond Taylor, Chester that wild ducks ere imbued with Squire. F rank Radky, Bari W ln k- the spirit of wanderlust to a leman, M errill Taylor, Morris greater extent than any other B E R L IN , Nov. 22.— (U . N .) — Rickman, Philip Keeton, F a rrill species of fowl, excepting certain Former Kaiser W illia m I I , of Wood, K eller M ebhltt, K eith Len­ sea birds, end in establishing Germaay is seriously, though not nox end Neel Kay. such proof, to solve one of .na­ critically 111. He has suffered a Morris Rickman, captain of the ture's most fascinating myster­ relapse, following aa attack of teem, spake briefly in which he ies. grippe. gave M r. Rowell chief credit fo ' "W e banded many hundred The former crown prince has producing a winning football ducks", EUtoann said. "Now we received word from . Doom that team for the Ashland junior high. are sitting back (o await word his presence ' there to desirable V. O. N. Smith brought to the from Moscow, Sardinia, Cape­ end he Is expected to leave for his lunch the silver football trophy town and wherenot a few months father’s bedside shortly. ' Other which w ill be awarded to the win­ hence. former royal princes living In ners of the Southern Oregon in- Germany have been advised of the Speculation always has flour­ teracholastic football season. The ished regarding the extent of former kaiser’s condition. trophy wed purchased by the Early reports published in Ber­ ducks* migrations. Ancients had bankers of Southern Oregon aad lin newspapers said that the pa­ it that the birds flew to the must be won by the same teem tient was suffering chiefly w ith, moon. ,As late aa the *S0*s a three times before It becomes rheumatic peins and that he was western ornithologist claimed their permanent property. not believed to seriously III. John Geley urged local resi­ they hibernated during winter dents to attend the concert to ba along river mud-banke. W ife W o r r i e d ............... “ W e a r e a t altogether In tha given by the Ukrantan National AMBSTERDAM , No*. »».— (U . Chorus pt the erm ery on Rw eve­ dark,” Ehmenn said. "Lest year N .)— The ex-emporer of Germany a sprig duc^ branded w ith onr ning of Dec. I t . • first became ill lest week, when's B. D. Briggs told about the op­ Lake M erritt bend was shot In slight cold censed hfm to remain position to making a county road Bras».” in his room,, a member of hie The tiny green-winged teal, household said Monday,. On F ri* from the private road to the shale oil fields sad urged local Ehmenn ssM, traversing the U. day he walked In the park ad­ residents to sign a protatt which P. from the Greet Lakes end joining hla*home, but la te r his w ill bo presented to tha county 8uothern California, Ehmenn condition became much worse. court tomorrow moiMlag. He went to bed w ith a high fever, “A t least one species,” he con­ and by Sunday the peta In hie tinued. “the pints», fliao each limbs was so great that ha was year by deflnite sky lanes from scarcely able to move. the Arctic circle to Central Amer­ Princess Hermione, w ife of the ica. Its aerial path ip as fixed as exiled ruler, 1a worried over his On a condition, although the personal A U STIN , Tex.. Nov. t l . — U to M g U ri //i& X D ÍR A I / dipplngs In high finance that sre[Kinm. continually getting him Into The Rev. Brown terms II “pursuing my chosen profession’ but the police say It is "obtain' ing money under false pretenses." Detective lieutenants K im ­ brough and Bosrdy, who arrested the Rev. Brown a t his einploy- ,ment agency, ssfU he pursued his "calling” so vigorously that he oftentimes would collect liberal fees from applicants for j o b s which never existed. When they remonstrated, the Rev. Brown “dis-recollsotsd” the transaction. In order to give his memory an opportunity to revive, the pastor was placed In the quiet confines of a cell until hie tria l. f Until the recent marriage, rw-; the Swedish press Is pleased to [recall that fo the fourteenth cen- ( tury a Belgian, Blanche of Nam ur, became queen of Sweden. The newspapers also recall that De- Jaer, a steel makereof Liege,' be­ came the first steel maker e f Sweden, end that one of his de­ scendants drafted the Swedish constitution. Probe Fire Which Took Three Lives I LOS ANGELB8, Nov. 22.— (U . N .)— An official probe lata a fire which swept through aa uptown apartmeat house, taking a toll of three liven. Vraa hampered late Manager Charles Crouch, of Monday by heated debris Into the Pacific Lumber end Shaler- which firemen were still pouring streams of water. ies Co., has announced that The seventy occupants of the hereeRer the community that three story building, who were has long been known ns shale routed from their beds end into wiH be given the name of Shale, the streets in scanty attire early hurst. This neats Is thought te Monday morning, have ell been be more in keeping w ith the! accounted for. according to police beauties of this community, end reports. A superficial lnvsettga- as further development work tioa of the charred m ine will he progresses, end more people are continued to determine the cause attracted to that vleialty the of the blase which did damage as- name w ill become widely known tftneted et »199,900. for the Industry which it repre­ To the death list which in­ sents. cludes Mr. aad Mrs. W. Rockwell, aged couple ef Nev9 York C ity, end Mrs. Elisabeth Btagg. <», u< Tlllambok County votes one- Los Angeles, may he added Geto- m ill levy for county fairgrounds eral & W . Dowsing. SgaahdL Improvement. « Americas w ar't veteran, who b Shalehurst is Name Of Oil Community Tslsphoas construction in Port­ land this year w ill reach 690>99. Portland — Oregon Manufactur­ era lesee lr a t complete industrial directory of State.