Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, November 10, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    handia thorn and Naw Yosk la
bow etperiaacln« too ‘greetoal
speculator’« b<*M-ap that haa at­
tended any football came this
day of November, 1*26. at 1 o’ci< k In the afternoon for the
the * * « * * * Rafter set out w ith the lw
board, and to vote .on the proyw Ion* of levying a apodal dii
T t e total SBMnnt of money i
school fi
Gomplettag a trip that look h i * dnpounts to be recelred from the
tato pr*etieòlly otòry city t f da» food, elementary stood! fhiflt, si
diobeys of the «strict:
«he In the State of Oregon, R.
o W mt of thè
Siringa Hotel, a *d d b te td r ef th è
Orataf Lak« National Park Odta-
Superintendent _____
, Principals
pd*Y. operatore of thè Lodge and
Senior High
iVansperiàtloB systein, a rriv o ! in
Junior High ..........„
Grade Schools ..........
ober the WtoRh ' of scorte Won-
Teachers .4...:........
d tr t. afcdnkturel reeburcss, which
were « e n da this fri».
"OverahsSoviag peritaps, .th e
ndtfcrri wonders Of the state ol
Oregon," M r, pHoe Said, in com­
menting apdn W* «rip, "was tita
wonderful nnrtmaslty spirit that
wad $p»arent ta prtrttooBy m *
Clerk and Census and
city I atopped. Particularly no-
Stenographer „ ............. 1
Other services
Truancy A Unfortunates
‘f O tai .... . . a, .......
Chambe* of Commerce, are hav­
ing Weekly taoattag* WlthAan at­
rial and su pplies :
' .
'urnltgre (desks, stoves, curtains, eta.)
tendance record many times Over
Supplies (chalk, erasers, etc.)
on* hundred nt meetings. The en-
BducstMnal Supplies ......... ...... -L......... ......
thuslasm aad the competition that
Library books ........ ............. ........................
to ardane* at thaae miSttagS has
Flags, typewriters, replacement«, etc, ....
Janitor’s supplies ......... ................À...... .....
been reflected In the every day
IPnel ........................
Life of the M uunnaity to the
Light ..........
point that petty Jealousies hate
Wnter, commencement, and freight .....
bee* forgotten, and every where
Postage, stationery and printing
Is g drtvdrsnl spirit that to O flp
M aintenance and repair »’:"
spelling aecOrtpltohment."
B u ild in g and grounds .........
- **t was particularly impressed,"
T otal ............. ........ .........................
M t. Pried cdatlnned, ‘‘With the In­ INDEBTEDNESS:
terest that to being shown iif golf - 1. Bonded, and Interest thereon
costane. «Every city had ene, aad
$ lSOOd.OO
Total ...
every elty had * bunch of loyal
tN S t’RANCfc:
boosters for this form o f taevsa-
tion. fa not one place did 1 find
where they measared thetr golf
coarse In terms df dollars add From county school fund daring the coming year $13400
cents. The mala thought wan in (Use amount of county school fund received last
year as bests In making this estimate.)
amusement for the
From state school fund during the coming school
home folks, pad having an adfli-
year ....... ...... .............................................. —-----------$ 1 0 4 0
d itlo ttil attraction for the teh t- (Use amount of State school fnnd received last
year as basis In m aking'this estimate.)
ists, and by the wny, every city to
From elementary school fnnd during the coming
beginning to fnlly realise the val­
school year ................... ...... .............. ..................,.-,.$ 8000
ue of the tourist, aad are making Estimated amount to be received froth all other
sources during the coming school year ....... „...$ 4800
oxtenslve plane td capitalise on
this industry. This was especially
Total estimated receipts, not Including proposed
true of those cities on the Roose­
velt High why."
.............. R E 'cA P iT U L A T io N ...................................
"How dobs Ashland, compare Total estimate expenses for the year .............$ »5669
With other cities you visited," M r Total estimated receipts not Including proposed
Pries Wes asked.
"Very favor­
ably," was bis reply. "Wary fa v o r
.Unce, amount to he raised J>y district tax
*....... $ 6 3 1 1 *
J a f e r it o T f c b t a n d th * t
lb lndebtadhess of District No. 5’ to as'fdlUWft:
I <
Total bonded Indebtedness ? ..^.....£....$143000
C inattr Spirit; we h ate toe many
T otal WUrrttat ' i n d e b t e d n e s s 0
berk who ailbw themselves to Bo-
Total amount of other Indebtedness .....
c o rti engulfed In personalities,
Total «mount of all Indebtedness ......_|14iOOO
itod this 10th day 0» November, 1936.
there to not ns mack Internet
shown in the Chamber of Com­
% . EN G LE, District Clerk.
merce, the Klwjmis club, end
J. H. McGEE, Obairman
other sim ilar organizations, as
Board of Directors.
The pasteboards, w ith • IS .S3
plainly printed thereon, ’are Be-
ipaln speaker hi too afternoon wow
Aon of the state association o f As­ ten, twelve aad even fifteen dol­
signors, J. W . « lÓ o y . Cashier of lar«, The best of these tickets
the Flfdt Nctjohal Ba&k: I t fcfc- are not In choice sections, bgt the
sale Is brisk.
of some of the general tax-
atlon deficiencies a n * la- a' gen-'
epil way suggebtotf some rotaddtts
that might be pat late effort.
The descrepeaeMa now « le t , *»
to the valuations and the result­
ing high r a t « as are a p p ile d p tr-
I Ocularly to banks was especially
stressed by the speaker,' who de­
clared that the fairest bast* ft»
reniedy some*of the glaring
feds of the present system, «ad
by the adoption of an Income tax
of some kind. ’ H e presented - a
number ef scheAn^es a n t ' an-
ample« that tended to prove that
the preheat system Was an a n ti­
quated one, unfair, and had prtbe-
tiodUy broken down} under the
numerous injustices that it E4a
responsible fdr. • *
A fter ftaishtag h i* ta lk , nearly
two hours was given over to A
complete discussion o f this prob­
lem, w ith the assessors a a r t f * * - *
tag dnasudl Interest ta 'th e sug­
gestions advanced by the AsjUgsd
sstor Deprives
Family of Income
FO R T W O R T H , Thxns, Nov. 10
— (^tailed News)— When the Rev.
J. F ra n k Norris sho t‘ and killed
D. B. Chlpps in the study of the
F irst Baptist church here tost July
he deprived the Chlpps fasUty of
*n income of $1,0*0 n month.
T h is was brought .on« today In
a suit for $ 1 *0 ,0 0 * damages filed
against the "two-gun” preacher by
Doughty E llio t Chlpps, 1 * year old
son of the slain man.
The salt, filed through Die <^h.
er Immediate surviving relitivee.
Mrs. D. E. Chlpps, asked $1$4,-
000 actual and $10,0*$ exem fiary
damages. Dr. NorMs shot ChtppK
With malice, the petition stated,
adding that the lumberman Was
earning $1,000 monthly and Rad
an expectancy of , twqnty ftoe
- >
Dr. Norris went oh tria l f o r th *
tauiWer here last week, but asked
fo r and obtained a ehrttge of ren­
te . He w ill be tried Jn January
in Austin.
< / >
A L L T IC K E T « M W
N E W YO BH. Nov. l * r — (U nit­
ed N ew s)— A lt t o u t s M r tpa
Army— Notre Dhtae game hai«
Wad seen In other communities. In school cried, but the rest of as Saturday have been told out by
the sources
that legitimate!»
W hy, we have natural resources laughed at them.
"Then It started to blow. v
here that many Oregon cities
Woujd give much to possess, and
“I t felt as If one big gust 6f
K D»ey did have them there would wind h it one side of the building
be a determined effort to exploit end another hit the other.
them, too."
"The whole thing fell down on
’ Crater t * k s National
Park u *
W lll haVe the largest year in he
‘*1 was h it b f * piece of Wood,
itdtory, nedt * « *® « . 1« (he J»redic-
b u M t didn’t hurt touch. 1 crawto
tlon aaade by the hotel man. This ed out of what had been o i r
ip. w ith stea m p resses.
bredlctlon, he stated, was based school juid got to a telephone. 1
tipoa the favorable reports heard
told central: ‘The school's falton
These machines sterilize
en every hand, and Indicated a
down. Call everybody.’ "
and r e sto r e th e cloth in g
renewed Interest in
Or agon s
That wad the first Word of the'
greatest attraction.
fa b r ic th ro u g h th e u se of
storm, and it wad transmitted td
liv d SteAln. L e t R* dem-
M h e N th e old rack aches nearby towns, summoning aid.
Just how hard It Is for a man
to r a woman, either) with an
aching back to nerve himself up
to his task, no one but the stfffer-
« lea n in g .
t r can tell. "When'" my back
hurts and Irregular secretions
f t o n e 108
Warn me of coming trouble, I
take Foley Pills, a diuretic ettm.u-
lant for the kidneys. T^ey give
me uulck result«." Ask W m . F.
Lagle, Andersoh, Ind., 402 W . 21
lit., about Foley Pills. They are a
rcllabto valuable jnedieine, gUar-
The Modern Way
old or catarrh ia j
Muffed upl CM
Standard Qeaneré
Welte ödeeiee«
T ato Batto tn Waae KUtadys u
tosh PMita V M er Btaddbf •
MifcWxf M any * W ork
Ind*li«lto stay. Rrs. H illy lips and w )ll v n r
’«* with word« at praise on her praide Ashland.
A normal
school sitqg»**
wants a placò to work fiflRUp
room aad "board. Unless such
d p R m la procured he w ill be
complete his education. Any
Ashland fam ily which eaa for-
nlsh such employment Is adk-
ed to communicate with Presi­
dent Churchill at the norms!
ctor Dies
SEATTLE, Nov. 10.— (United
News)— A man who labored near­
ly a lifetim e la a vain search for
gold and Who finally happenod
upon a lode ef fabulous wealth
has been stricken by death Juki
as he began to e n jo y his newly
won riches.
Charles "Searffcce*’ Brown, Who
discovered the lost lode Of the fa­
mous old Third beach mine near
Nome, Alaska, died on the steep ­
er Victoria, when the vessel, re­
turning to Seattle, was three days
from port.
Most of Brown's f t years were
spent in Yukon. He endured nil
the hardships of the northland la
prospecting thronihout the gold
Mrs. Theresa I f . H llty had
Elwood le ft this morning fdr
Francisco, where they w ill a
** close ,
<ts your .h
0 ju 3
LO C A L j
F u n eral
1 m ay r e s id e
severe shake - up is M ade
(Continued From
Page One)’
R. A. Fulw ller, formerly adminis­
trator for Virginia and West V i r ­
ginia. A new district has been
created to Include Virginia *nd
North Carolina, and R. O. M errick
assistant administrator a t Chica­
go, has been named administrator
with headquarters at Norfolk
Andrews explained the Fulwller
probably M ill become legal advis­
er to Merrick.
The three southern counties of
Illtnois were taken from the 8t.
Louis district and added, to the
Chicago district under Adminis­
trator E. C. Yellowley.
r<Mf Frtrtf
4n actual
the Portland Gretnatochun '•
« C olt/
Homing Oh
—t h e reveren t c a r e a n d
tender (xottedonof its b e s »
fedulmsagolemns and cohun* <5
bariums am easily available t
for your ow n sacred dead v
<r*d frlfy explain tbete
__ ■ to fo M K jA
best test
of the type of setvice
that your insurance
agency has been giv­
ing you. This agency
does its best to see
that its ' clients aro
correctly covered by
the provisions of the
insurance contracts
that they order.
We represent the
Hartford Tire
Insurance Company.
Billings Agency
Medi Estât*
A Real
Cstab. t i l l at 41 B. Mata St.
m ornings
Sustained Quality
gives you» unfailingly,
quick starting and
Pag* On*),
In response to hie call— true to
the visions of W youngster— the
United States marines came to the
rl^ iik d .'.' -
, *
1 " I t .Wan dark and the nlr felt
fenny Just before the s to rm "
John M id the Vntted News stuff
"Some . of • the kids
. .
G ive h im p len ty . M oat la
g ood fo r him . F o il o f .en­
ergy. B i i / i t a t th e R a g le
M arket, wlietfe th e m ea t
is a lw a y s fr e th . In sp e c te d
and p assed !
All Checkered Flag Stations Will
Closed 0n Armistice Day Ifom 10
tit W 4 p. m. "I;
Md Sdii« b totxtofitlvt ; edn ato
iav« vonf pwywcwn e x in m your i
xys at least twice a year.
Auto Ëleëtric
WXUlBhu Mrrtoe sta tic
White Oahfa Aato Oaaip
half a ^
thousszxl miles sway frocn
. AjL. • j
xteed to gtve datl«faction. Cost
Sttle. Sold eterywhers.— No. 3.
M atta n e to
' •