Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, November 10, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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    Due to the fact that Medford
wan unable to hare the
WEDNESDAY, N ot . 10.— Senior
High School F . T. A. win meet
The evening was almost entire­
at the high school at 3:30 p. m. ly devoted to Statag. soag. 'con­
ft sMeeday. h er. Mb— The P. T. cert a i i dance, with much merri­
A. and the ladies of the Civic
ment la the alf. President Fma-
Clab will give a reception at
• cis Carr regretted the failure of
the Civic Clab house for ■ aff
tencher* 1 b A a M b x !.
I Stockton, hat a telegram explain­
W ednesday, N w . .10^— Wednes­
ed that he was forced to change
day Club m eets In Preabyterian
his plans at the last hour.
Church parlors at 3:30 p. m.
George Wahl was present as
THURSDAY. Nov. I f ----- T h e representative of the Rotary Club
IMdy E lls Card Club will meet
aad Arthur H. Palm as president
la the Elks clab room*. Mrs. of the Achaean d ab
Each de­
George Roes aad Mrs. Gay
livered a short talk.
Carey will be ho ste sse s.
A fine dinner was festered by
I RID AY. Nov. Mb—-Lincoln P. T.
the usual novelties and seme un-
A. w ill m eet a t th e Lincoln
nsaal ones. The concert program
school a t 8 :3 0 p. m. •
lands and thertr^Aaabrinri, from
m eeting
there, the Daughter« of, the Nile
will hold their meeting la the Ma­
sonic hdU th Ashland, Saturday
November thirteenth at 3:20 p.
home of Mrs. R. V. Carter e * «>»
Mrs. Gordon MaeOraelea
charge of the parllameotar^ pro­
gram ; Mrs. J. R. Robertaoa care
a very interesting review of the
"Autobiography of Or. Rana
8haw,” after which the n e s t s
apeat many happy houri la «>n-
There will also be a luncheon
for the members in the Lithta fifteenth.
Springs Hotel at i2:3d .
» 8
tlh . naw »prakm of the bourn of
rat>rM«nt*tlTW la the state Iscla
lain re, William B r tjii of Ashland
sad AUtena Montara, Medford s i ­
temap, were la Omari Pass Satar-
day afternoon to coaler with a
committee of Grants Pass attor-
aeys, eoaspoeed of Niel R. Allen,
W. ♦ . Miner. J. T.Chlnoek aad A.
Q. Rough oa Blatters pertaining
to'the bar 4—o e la ti on.
moat part, of student body presi­
dents aad secretaries, editors aad
managers of student publications
and repreeeatlves of girls* lea ses
organ izations. The faculty of the
university will co-operate with the
high school during Ute ssaaaa—-
Get-Aegadtatod Reception—
The ladles of the Civic Club
The hospital benefit faaA par­
aad the members of tbs Parent ty given by the Civic Club. Mrs.
Teacher Association will give a H. Tomlinson, chairman, netted
reception in the civic club houst 347.23, donations at the last
ca Winbnrn Way thia evening, to Civic Club m e etin g were H*<7,
bring together the parents and the and the children in the iaternpC-
teachers of the Ashland schools. late department of the Methodist
All parents and teachers are ia- Episcopal Sunday sckodl raised
\ Ited to attend and get a c q u s in - 26.10, making the total ’»-'■-y
ed with each other.
realized, 363.00.
Will meet la the Y. W. C. A .'
Any person wishing tp give
Saa Francisco aad Ashland. The
rooms, 220 N. Bartlett street,
something toward thi« fnad m>)
musical otferiaRa da these were Host aad Rentes» at Manter
do so, and it will be greatly a t •
of exceptloaal high grade, and
trttay, Net. IK— Women s Home
Mr. and Mrs. William Day df predated by the ladles of the Civ­
the daaee m ade, too, was of the
Missionary Society of the M. E most invitational gait.
Baum street, were the hOet and ic Clùlì.
elarch will meet at 2 p. m. a*,
- The committee. Randall J. hostess at a delightfal dinner
home of Mollie Songur, 40 SM- Woods, James Markham and L. D. party at their pleasant homd Sat­ Monday, Nov. 15— Royal Neigh
Lula McFadden. Hope, Ark.,
bors meet in the Moose H -11
Sarvis, were givad an expression urday evening, November sixth.
‘’Before using Sorbol-Quad-
of appreciation by the president
I could not use my eyes for
for thafr excellent afforts.
reading or sewing. My throat
which the guests spent the eve­ At the Motel Asblaad__
Nov. i* .— W. I t C.
ning to convereattea, until a late
Mre. C. F. Draper of Montreal wonld throb and choke me. I was
d a hasaar aad food
Quebec, Mrs. T. S. Horn of Baitft short of breath and my heart
Swenson A Feebler a
Their guests w eft Mr. and Mrs. Alberta, and Frank McCoy of Seat v'ould feel like It wonld jump
The home of Mr. and Mrs. T. H L. Whited, who are visiting In tie Wash., stopped at the Ho»el o u t I now do all my work aad
saflay. Nov. 16— Akhlafcd StAdy H. Simpson on North Main street Ashland ahd Mr. and Mrs. A. E Ashland yesterday.
cm as well as before.** Sold at all
Clab will meet at the home of was the scene of a happy reunion
drug stores or write Sorbol Com­
Mrs. Fred Wagner oa Granite of the old bridge clab of the city,
pany. Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Lo­
when they met oa Thursday efe- WHl Fay VIsM to Malta Cora-
cally at Bolton’s Drag Store.
afng to honor Mr. Add Mrs. H. L. ■izsriWy NA. 4 —
Whited of Visalia, California,
Slr Clyde M. Mekay, Right Em­
who have returned on a visit.
Commander of
The guests enjoyed p delicious Knights Ttemylar orghalsation In
community meal, prepared by the Oregon, will ppy an dfticHl visit
members of the eMb. Sixtoed to Malta Commaadery. No. 4, ol
were seated at a prettily appoint­ thia Mt?. An Thnnday evening,
ed table, the center pieoe being I Nov. 11. Mts residence M At
large bouquet of dainty flowers. Bend.
The Lincoln P . T. A. w ill meet
Mrs. P. R. Backus WSS awarded
This meetlhg wm be b special
s the UhedM sdhoOl Friday, fttot prtXe aSTonk the Duties and conclave, opening In full form, no
Movember twelfth, a t 1Í3S p. «k Mt. J. M. Wagner carried off hon­ degrees being
conferred, the
There will be a short program, ors among the men. Mrs. Whited hoars being devoted to drill, in ­
la d Mrs. Denton, school norie, Aas presented Alth a handsome spection, and soctdl re-0 nIon. Oth
OUI talk With Asy-tttodior before (trn ftom the eluh.
er members of the OVand Com­
tfttee t i o enfeyed this happ? mander? who will be present aie
Affair wpre Mr. and i n k s . Vi D. R. Cbbsfey of Portland, Grano
Carter. Mr, Agd Mte-, A E. Kin* Recorder, and Senator George W.
nejr. Mr. aad Mre. J. M. Wagner; Dunn of this city, Grand C ita t o
General. Preliukaary to the roiA., C* Y
tine of th t evening, dinner w nl^f*
Syae oa Granite straft, Monday Mr. add Mrs F. D. Wagner, Mr. he served I t 4:30 o'clock. All Sir
droning, November eighth.
e ld Mra. H. L. Whited and Mr. Knights are courteotoelf invited to
Thp evening was spent playing and Mrs. Simpson.
cards aad MiPMMeMht. ufltfl A
Owing to this special Appoint­
Mte hoar whan retraehpiente were Members aad Friends o f Coagrr. ment, the stated communication
of Ashland Lodge MA S i, whl be
The ssessbere aad friends of th<j sdjdtirned hntU Friday ¿veiling
Caagrsebtfensl church met at thd November 13.
in the latest styles, at prices you can afford to pay.
church Wednesday evealng, No­
vember third, fAt a godd tallow-
See t ’hem in OnT Window. Buy Kingham & Hecht
suBBOttfes for T he ti I mngb .
Mexico will have its first school
of Journalism next year when the
NaUoaal University of Mexico in­
stalls a Jonraallam department
modelled After the University ef
Mia«DBrt's school. Dean Walter
Williams of the Missouri school
delivered a series of lectures at
the Mexlcaa university last win*
384 Oak S t — At Railroad Crossing — Phone 20
Goitre Caused
Suffering Far
Seven Years
a a a
Home Pastry
Fine Cakes
Steaks and Chops
Clubhouse Sandwiches
Same Help As Before.
Your Neighbor Speaks
*VE never driven from
But—when it’s Spring
.N e w Y o rk to S an and the family is eager to
randscoin50hom .Pve go,when Pve got an itching
3 designs on Pike’s Peak 'for the open road, I expect
cords. I’ve no desire to
to stand up—as
6 a Tommy Milton or a mydealer said they would,
alph De Palma. As A
Iknow they will—he sells
tatter o f fact, my de-
fatty warranted,,
lands on car and tires are
United States
a s a
A Wonderful Line Of Young Men’s
line of Lace fligh Cuts-
mother, Mrs. Alice Vincent and
grandmother. Mrs. J e I a n a
Mrs. Emil Pell. Mra. J.. A.
Churchill. Mre. Kinney aad Miss
Clara Trotter poured at a table
heanUfelly decorated with flow­
ers. The Misses Hale. Richard­
son, Darat aad Mooney assisted la
tee reeelvlBg aad the Mioses Reth
Aitken, Margaret Armentrout aad
A Ita sted Sandwibh
A Tasty SMlad / • ‘
Au Appetizing Desert
Biggest Little Store in Town
Opposite New Hotel — Open Evening?
Across from the Ltthla Springs Hotel
Pacific Lumber & Shaleries to Hold
Open Meeting Wednesday Hight
at City Hull
our way to
fifteen million
Tomorrow is the anniversary of that
momentous day, eight years ago,
when the armistice was signed, bring­
ing thef worid war to an end.
board to
. Cot w ith3
Leedom’s Tire H<
A cup of steaming coffee dr hot, fragrant chocolate.
Thig is the ideal luncheon.
We serve them at our popular fountain.
M A fc t B I S C U I T S
United States Tires are Good Tires
i Oi
Claycomb Motor Co
It is a day that America will always
This Htore is glad that it can join in
a fitting observance of the day; We
dofeni it a privilege to be closed
throughout the day.
It DOES Make » Difference
Where You Boy Your Ford
On Wednesday, at 8 P. M., on the 10th day of
November, 1926, in the Council Chambers of the
Q ty Hall, in Ashland« an open meeting will be held
for the benefit of all those who are interested, finan­
cially or otherwise, in the Pacific Lumber & Shaler­
ies, Inc. (formerly the Hartman Syndicate)
At this meeting Mr. Chas. D. Crouch, President
of the corporation, will give all those interested first
hand information as to the exact status of the af­
fairs of the coqioration, as to work which has been
done, and as to what is planned for the future.
Questions as'to all matters concerning operations
since Mr. Crouch took charge will be answered.
, The report of the committee from the various
civic organizations Which has investigated.the prop­
erty and general conditions will be read.
<* »