Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, November 10, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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Chinese coal, be declares, Is close
LO N D O N ,— (U n ite d P re s s ).—
A larm ed at the continual dearth
of co al'th e B ritish public lb cast­
ing around, fo r substitutes. A l­
fred JC Llversedge, a w ell-know n
engineer, sums up the possibilities
o f the fu tu re :
1. Coal from -C h ina, “ cheap aa
dirt,** brought to Europe in “ cnai
clippers’* resembling the famous
* tea clippers’* of an e a rlie r day.
"WJVfHEN he haa one o f
those stubborn “wont
eat” spells give bim some
H -O . It contains as much
the rig h t k in d o f nourish­
ment, as any food there is.
Its delightful “ to a s te d ”
flavor keeps youngsters.
“ looking for more” even
after the most generous
H -O Quick Cooking Oats
cooks in two to three min-
to the surface and is easily m lgeJ
by the cheapest labor la the world.
The day may come w bea China
w ill flood the w orld w ith coal a t
prices no one else can match.
1.* The huge ch alk c liffs of
G reat B rittan may be b u rn t lik e Local Football Squad A ll
coal, but they leave such an e n o r­ B eady for Medford Game
mous deposit o f lim e o£ which
only a triflin g am ount could be
used fo r ag ricu ltu re th a t chalk ’.a
A lthough the odds are strongly
not considered practical.
against them , Coach C ripe’s high
3. D r. Diesel's theory th a t school football w arriors are a ll
m ankind m ight g ro tr oil-bearing prim ed fo r th e ir big game w i f i
plants which could be used fo r M edford tom orrow afternoon ana
are determ ined to m ake i t a bat­
4. * S ir Charles Parsons, B t., tle from s ta rt to finish.
famous in ven to r o f the Parson's
‘ I t is asking too much to even
tu rb in a, told the B ritish Associa­ hope th a t the local team could
tion fo r . the Advancement of w in, but the boys w ill tro t out on
Science, th a t we m ight get a ll the Van Scoyoc fie ld w ith the lig h t of
heat we needed d rillin g a big hole battle in th e ir eyes and w ill do
Into the crust of the earth; he th e ir best to hold th e ir heavier
thought tw elve miles would he and more experienced opponents
deep enough.
to as low a score as possible.
* 6. Steam from the center of
In terest among the students and
the earth . Such as Ita ly already townspeople is a t a high pitch and
several hundred Ashlahd fans are
6. Atom i« power, as envisaged expected to be on hand when the
by S ir O liver Lodge. W h ile the referee’s, w histle sounds a t 2 :3 0
theory seems perfectly sound the o’clock.
mechanical d iffic u ltie s have thus
The local team w ill line
fa r proved Insuperable.
practically the same as it has in
7. The electrical engineer, A. the other games this season, w ith
A. Campbell Swinton has interest­ plenty o f reserves on the bench
ed .scientists w ith his contention ready to be rushed into the f r a /
th a t the electro-m agnetic waves when needed.
from the sun w ill some day bo
converted into heat ju st as a por­
Surfacing T he D alles-C alifornla
tion o f them are now being used
highway across Oregon,
in wireless telegraphy.
9. " W h ite coal,** o r w aterp ow ­ completed.
er. This the au th or regards as
practicable but «ays th a t G reet
Oregon hat<£yi
B rittan in this respect, as in o il,
tro u t and
can not com pete-w ith other coun­
tries- enjoying a more abundant
10. Tides,— here is the cheap
est possible source of power a v a il­ SHORT TA LK S B T THOUGHT.
able in the near fu tu re to G reat
A Pennsylvania m other speaks
R rltio n. “ No other country Is so
fo rtu n a te ly situated as G reat B ri- firs t: “ I know the w orth of F o ­
tion in respect to tid a l power; us­ le y ’s Honey and T a r Compound.
ing is freely and expertly we can W e used It fo r years, and It nev­
F o r croupy child­
once again compete fo r the m a r­ er failed us.
ren, feverish
kets of the w o rld .’’
night coughs, it gives us a feeling
c f security to have Foley's Honey
B aker— Company F guardsman and
plan to build >12,000 arm ory
fo rm , made under rlg in d sanitary
w ith o ut state o? c ity aid.
control, F o ley’s H oney and T a i
Compound carries a strong
Eugene — A ld er street w ill be peal to th o u g h tfu l mothers every­
widened, and new bridge b u ilt where. Ask fo r it. Sold every­
across Amason C reek.
where.— No. 1 .
Suicide Squad
Loses Another
Famous Swimmers
To Try For Prize
C H IC A G O . No».
N ew s)— A no th er o f the “eeloiffe
squad,**' th a t group o f men who
yave themselves to m edical science
during the Spanish A m erican w a r
in order th a t doctors m ig h t e x ­
perim ent w ith m a la ria and tro p i­
cal • feverti and other diseases, haa
passed on.
He was Sergeant W illia m M.
C u tler of Chicago, who has died
a m a rty r to science.
C u tle r was one o f the firs t to
volunteer as a mem ber o f the “ su i­
cide squad*’ and it was th a t sacri­
fice, d uring which
he allow ed
him self to be inoculated w ith m a­
la ria germa, various fevers and
other scourges th a t fin a lly resu lt­
ed in his death. .
Doctors said death was due to
an inoculation o f typhoid m alaria,
germs. W h ile the dlaeaae was
fought o ff a t the tim e i t had a t­
tacked the valves o f the h e a rt and
had le ft a perm anent bligh t.
LONG B E A C H , C al., Nov. 10.—
n ite d N ew s)— Tw o of the moat
Members of N ew Council to
famous swimmers in Am erjca w ill
Meet In Joint Session;
compete in .the W rlg le y C atalina
To Discuss Problem
channel m arathon fo r a purse of
1256,000 next January 15, as waa
The special m e e tlrg of <he city revealed here Monday.
council, called fo r last night was
Unheralded, lle n ry
S ullivan,
postponed u n til F rid a y n ig h t to firs t Am erican to swin the English
allo w the heads o f the city to a t­ p h a n n e l, a feat he accomplished
tend the banquet o f the Chamber in 1923,,sand Charles T oth, who
o f Commerce. This m eeting w ill also swam the Chartnel In tb*'
ba held on F rid a y n ight when same year,
members of the new council wh.i weeks ago by d iffe re n t
w ill take office the firs t of the from Boston.
year win attend and go over some
Both men have started p re lim -
o f the more Im po rtant m atters
th a t are being worked out at
Brooks — P ortland
Power Company
Next Tuesday evening the regu­
line here, from Salem.
la r meeting o f the council w ill
be held, and a t this tim e -it Is e x ­
pected that Engineer D illa rd w ill
m ake his report on the proposed
dams According to present plans
as soon as this report, has been
made, it w ill be possible to arrive
a t a definite decision in order
th a t work may be started im m ed­
Spokesmen fo r the
stated this m orning th a t i f pres­
en t plans are successful w o rk on
th e Lithla Springs pipe lin e w ill
be started im m ediately or as soon
as it 1 h pSssible to procure the
uecesaary pipe and in this man­
The easiest and most eatlafying way
ner provide steady w ork fo r a
to get these vapors is to enuff a little
number of men throughout the
Vicks VapoRub weQ up the note, or
w in te r months.
melt a little in a spoon or tin cup and
C ity A ttorney W illia m Briggs,
le ft yesterday fo r P ortland where
lie w ill confer w ith bond attorneys
a t that place, and complete ihu
necessary legal w o rk In connec­
tio n with the bond Issues.
Yell Rally To Be
Staged Tonight
A gigantic yell ra lly w ill get
under way prom ptly a t 7 :3 0 to­
night. T he fire w o rk s s ta rt from
the lib ra ry , continue through
town, circle the P la ta , snake back
through the business d is tric t and
disband a t the lib ra ry .
This ra lly w ill serve as a re­
hearsal fo f the big Thankeglving
day one, fo r which plans are be­
ing made by the student body fo i
a record
b reaking serpentine.
There w ill be a great v a rie ty • o f
stunts, among which is a m onster
bonfire to be b u ilt by th e fresh­
men and the solomn b urnin g o f
N ew Union
M ed fq rd ’s effig y.
School opens garage and
C hief o f police M cNabb haa
machine shop course.
promised to clear th e M a in street
between the hours o f 7 :3 0 and
Jackson County taxable v alu a­
9 :0 0 , and the business men have
tion has gained >1,310,230 since
as usual guaranteed th e ir loyal
support. T he alu m n i president
baa stated th a t they w ill be out
In fu ll force. The etudenta o f the
Ashland high school are expected
by Bud Gandee, yell leader, to he
out one hundred per cent.
T idings
B rin g
A new lo t o f Delco D um per
' Wagons Just In. B ig redaction
, in price on the new lot.
A ble to save you money on
a ll kinds o f Fencing against
I anyone’s price.
Plows and H arro w s, Garden
Tools. W h ite Sewing Machines
fo r >50.09 as long as they
P eil’s Corner
lotTw rt you, and it certainly ends tb»
orture at eace.
When you are suffering so you css
urdly get around, just try Red PePP®'
Rub, and you wi|l nave the quickest re
ief known. Nothing has such concen
rated, penetrating heat as red P«PFr’
Just as soon as you apply Red Pep
x r Rub you win feel the tingling heat
In three minutes it warms the sore spo
h ry < h and through. Pain * nd sore
Ask any°druggist for a ja r of Rowle:
Red Pepper Rub. Be were to get thj
zeauine with the name Rowlei on ead
Tlie servant went to market to buy pears, of which his
master was inordinately fond.
“ Good fru it,” said the master, “ or a beating for you!”
There were delicious pears in the market, and the ser­
vant selected a dozen of the finest in appearance. But
here entered a doubt; Were they equally good in flavor?
Would they satisfy the palate as well as the eye? The
more he considered the m atter the more anxious he be­
came. That beating if the fruit were not satisfactory 1
Desperately he hit into one. It was good. But the
Recklessly he hit into a second. I t also was good. But
how could he he sure the merchant was not cheating on
those that remained.
In a frenzy he snatched a hit from all in turn; and
then in triumph brought the fruit to his master . . .
We do these things better in America.
Oru2! M iluom J m s
Sullivan said the water in the
local channel was colder than on
the A tlan tic coast in summer, but
was about the same as in the Eng­
lish Channel. As to the variety of
ground sharks in the Catalina
channel, he said there were plenty
of the same variety in the Eng­
lish Channel.
attem pting to bother p swimmer,
oepeclally where there Is plenty o i
sea life fo r food.
The m arathon is to be staged
by W illla m W rig le y , J r., the chew­
ing gum m agnate. The e n try list
he said to have grown so big that
it has become a problem as to bow
the event can be handled.
Sullivan was of the opinion tney
m ig h t prove curious ami com e
Carson - Fowler Lbr. Co.
close to a swlmmOr, but there
was little chance of any of them
A completo stock on hand.
HEN you build a wall o f ( g / f i
—Schumacher Plaster W all HBE|
B o a rd it will last as long \B -
as your house stands.
Although this wall board can b e put to
other uses, it is designed especially for
permanent walls. It is a durable sheet o f
gypsum covered w ith strong, tough fibre.
Dampness will never warp it. It resists fire.
Usea Ybuux
You’ll never need to worry about joints
when you use Schumacher Board. The
sheets match perfectly. T he joints are
quickly and easily sealed, leaving a smooth,
unbroken surface. Battens are never need»
ed, for after your wall is decorated, the
joints are invisible.
- *.
A sk your lumber dealer about this quick
way o f building permanent walls»
C le a n s
lik e n e w !
S etb slippers snd sheer, lovely
thii^s can be cleaned beautifully
w ith Oronite Cleaning Fluid!— a
triumph o f the scientific laboratories
o f the Standard O il Company o f
California. N o chemical reaction
on last dyes— only a m ild, quick-
vanishing odor—.cleans furs, kid
gloves, flannels or serges, uphol­
stery, rugs, etc., instantly! Keep a
can handy— ready now at most
grocery, drug, hardware or depart­
ment stores or at Standard O il
Service Stations.
rvwp«asMn.on»aNT or c m x x n ia
Ashland Lumber Company
384 Oak St., at R y Crossing
Phone 20
Nov. 11,1918— Nov. 11,1926
The only knowledge you need for successful shopping
is of the names of brands which you have seen consist­
ently in advertisements.
The advertiser’s trade-naark is assurance of quality.
You do not need to take a can opener with you to mar-
Right years ago, on November 11, 1918, the
Armistice silenced the last gun on the battle
line and the sun came out from behind the
clouds of war, to shine down upon a scarred
and battered world.
Today, we again commemorate th at victory
and the heroism and sacrifice of the brave
men who won it for tis .
Read advertisements and know
in a ry train in g
for the event
which is expected to draw famous
aquatic stars from ail over the
w orld.
, $Toy A uto A nd Tractor
Tolstoy’s servant
And we rejoice in the prosperity which smiles
upon America, and in the hope for the World
—never brighter than now — th at the great
struggle of 1914-1918 was the war th at ended
all war.
Three-Through Slages-Daily
Lv. Aahland 7 :0 0 a .m . 10:00 a. r
Lv. Medford 7 :46 a. m. 10:35 a. r
A r. P ’land 10:16 p. m. 12:60 a. n
what is good
P ortland 7:00 a. m. 5:80 p. n.
Medford 9 :1 0 p, m. 7 :8 5 a. n».
Ashland 9 :56 p. m. 5 :3 0 a. B .
Tlie Citizens Bank of Ashland
At Grants Pass for Redwood Highway Points; At Roseburg for all Coos
Bay Points; At Portland for Seattle and British Columbia.
Ashland, Oregon
Phone 47
* Terminal Ashland Hotel
è »♦