THE WEATHER SUPPORT Kain west portion- Unsettled east portion toâight and Thursday. The football team by attending the game tomorrow. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Newspaper, For Nearly Fifty Years (United ASHLAND, OREGON, re Service) KKDAY, NOV. 10, 1026 An Editorial ARMISTICE Committment Paper* Are Beoeived by Sheriff for • M ED F O R D . Nov. 10.— A com- mttment for C. H. Owen«, under sentence of not more than three rears upon conviction of chargee growing out of the Bank of Jack­ sonville failure in August, 1*21, was received by the sheriffs of­ Is. Said to be the Most Ex­ tensive Since Prohibition fice last week, from the supreme Was Enacted coui-t, end the bondsmen of Ow­ ens have been notified by the DEMOTED sheriff to produce the defendant,, OFFICERS The bendamea *are Mike Hanley, Dr. A. J. Helm« and Joe Gagnon. The bonds are for the sum ef « lo o . The, sheriff« office «aid thia LA PLA TA , Md., Nov. 10. BY THOMAS L. STOKES afternoon they did not know the — A tornado which ripped United News Staff Correspondent present whereabout« of Owens. through thia village yester­ W ASHING TO N, Nov. 10.— The Ream«« and Reamez, attorney« day, burying fifty-six child­ most extensive shake-up in dry for Owens during his trial, aatd ren and their teachers in forces since prohibition Was en­ they