Para T « » i aad Mrs. Brtekaoa wees in ■■feara •«bar»" was i • f the BapUat ekaseh fee Baptist dark paM fe» • people want to feplr meeae and created wife they were taken, to room» at fee weird oolaaa li. O. Andaraoa home, where the we*fe stnata. patient ja naw coaralaeciac. nod The. noth Mr. and Mia. Brtekaoa are carried o at h -iojoying oar beautiful A eh la ad crate afeenta »bather of the laat taw days. bf time aad o T l w * n very grateful to their cuapiefely ci church people tor the many kind- ance o t the la • neseea shown them. ' Kina J « # « ’« c h e a tr^ T o t Jackson County’s Law Makers ’ y ' e “ 11 tt ho-Me (Yoos Glvee Fo rty 1 termers, ant The Wbo-Do Claes of the Math- ’ keeping w ith odist church cave a delightful party la the church p a r l o r s Thursday eveotng October St. ha »bands of the members halos K neats. e »a. The rooms were elaborately decorated la Hallowe'en colore » Uh large baskets of Chrysanthe- mums placed here aad there. ' At six-thirty p. m. about eeren- ty-fera guests enjoyed a dal trio os t ’’Grandma” McMahon, as her follow barker» kaow hereto noted for her facility to handling her. anedto end tor h«y wit. The »dal Week-End Fares BENEFIT OF OUR PATRONS WE ARE NOW dinner, after which Mrs. E r a Harris, of the Soathsru Oregon State Norfhal school gave several r interesting readings. The evenihg was speat playing L games, telling ghost stories and t telling fortunes. Thia party was cne o f'the most enjoyable affairs, '• .which h is haaa given by the E Who-Do Class. 1 , me M d Ite tw o dap»* tone my coifed vaw «tllroljr goae.M Think of the aavtag pf distress to him- wtW and other«. had be token Fo- lsy’s Honey sad Tar Compound at the start, to mum to keep it 0» Week-End Round Trip Ticket »»» • Camp F ire Gfrla Parky K AN8AS C IT Y , Me.. N er. L ( U P I— ’Tka only thing feat knaps Mrs. Emma Mnfea h e n. 1S4 years (•id, tro w eatortag to la dramatic > w k 1» that she is afraid fee«« “ ien’t mack ta la r « to fhie stage business.” The Camp F ire Girls o i A s h -1 land entertained their parents at <• Mother-Dad party oa Wadnaa- • day evening is fee high school • gymnasium. ' Miss M ilfre d Crain gave an ad- » dies» of welcome to those pseseat and thaa called on Mrs. Elizabeth k Smith, a camp fire mother.’ to . give her views of the work car- - l ied on by the members in thia or- l ionization. She pointed out many » c l the valuable phases of camp t fire work, and expressed her sym­ pathy and good will toward this work. Mr. A. C. Joy, spooking for the fathers, showed the. girls what they owe to their parents and guardian« who so wlllinglngly give of their time and maoay 1« order that their girls may take part in camp fire activities, He, toe. h e a r t ily .e t e la M asm» (tea aad Its work. Superintendent George A. Utiaooa spoke of camp fire ideals, and what they should moan to camp (ire girts. Biles Galay told the meaning of camp « re , and just what it has meant to Ashland gtfls who belong to the organisa­ tion. i The rest of fee program consist­ ed Of game*, «twats a w l gongs, boss Alkina played a beautiful cello solo, which was very much from Ashland, Medford and Grant» Pass to Portland, Salem, Albany, Corvallis, Momnoqth, Eugene, and Cottage Grove. These tickets are 0» sale Fridays, Satur­ day» and Sundays, good until Ufe Tuesday night following date of, sale. Leaving Ashland at 3:45 P. J|. Friday yea can have from fc40 A. M. Saturday wrtil 7.40 A. M. 'Tuesday in Portland on one of these tickets» r Stage Fares From Ashland To Toriland Sakm Albany Corvallis f Mrs. McMahon works every day t-t a garment factory ran by fee '. | Sixty-day Eoand-trip Ona-way 19.06 7.70 T.00 COO M l » n th 3MJ0 13.90 12.70 12.30 13.70 10.40 9.40 730 1M Eugene , Cottage Grove . Roeeburg 9.65 5.00 4.05 ' Wseh-Bud Kouad-trip $14.70 13.50 1 1 .» 1U 0 12.40 9.40 830 ON ACCOUNT o r T A C m C U T B fT O C S EXPOSITION AX PORTLAND OCT. 30 TO NOT. C INC., WEEK END TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE OCT. 90 TO NOV 7, XNa, WITH RETURN LIMIT TUESDAY, NOT. 9TH. Comfortable Reclining Chair Coaches On All Night Trips How to Have a Beautiful Skits' $ iv e him plenty. Meat is good for him. Full of en­ Interuban Stage Co TICKETS AND INFORMATION AT Hotel Ashland Phone 47 ergy. Buy it at the Eagle Rlarket, where the meat s pB always fresh. Inspected *’ A ’ b - .. « and passed! - tteapter AC, REP. JOHN CARX1X Stete Representative Xelghbors of a Kansas farmer connect radio receivers to a barb­ ed y irc ^ fence and enjoy dis­ tant program« from bis radio. Motorists In Britain who wish to do part of their traveling by l;-ain may do so, carrying tliyir care at special rates. K. O. M lig h tru l lancheon hour the In conversation. Those who were members drove to the homo of invited from Ashland were Mr. Mrs. Sazai .’dcNalr on Scenic drive J. P Sayles, Mrs. G. o . Noble, where the afternoon was spent in and Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Van Nat- Inspection of the chapter. Eagle Meat Market Phone 107 y «be stepped Jn^24 hoors. »ntow kwed. T he'w ay'» IL L S —a way so efficient that we id to,OOOX»0 for i t Don’t rely on leer help, and don’t delay. Gat the \W JNTER) uck, complete results that HILL’S bringing millions. « a s Blka Dance in Medford Big / O R D E R Your Greeting (lards NOW Tlie Holiday Season rapidly i Hpfirottrfaps. More than vverl Iwfore greeting Kun* petttr neao-i sage. Cvmpbto • is defiaiteiv muMk r-.-wMnr by fa r in g order» »¿-/w with “The best Elks party In yearn”, was the genera] concensus of opin­ ion among those who attended the big barn dance and Hallowe’­ en party given at the Blka temple in Modford Wednesday aw i n g , October 27. Entrance to tho t Heavy Wool Sox at a price, 3 pairs for ' »- R iggep Littfc 84m U fow p Opporito N ew Hotel. — Qm Kv< DELICIOUS RESULTS GASOLINE Is refined to give satis­ factory service in the * k * coldest temperatures IF YOU WERE LAID-UP OR LAID-XMT? A fried qgg can be a delicate aaotael that i| ■ tfo ra k b ^ egg in Snowdrift and see how good it can be 9f »» best. Snowdrift gives delicious resultt as a frying fat because it is to delicate aad ao wholesome. R. X. H O EY A Care Ashland Tkhnga. , ( ’all in person after 5;la ■ F. M. or Flume -SJ for ap -! t pomiuieut. Your last chance to get Genuine Afljny S n o w d r ift How long would yog la^t if, you lost your job? If southing should bold heck your weekly Wage, how long could you hold out oa the money yon have saved? Suppose^yon had notb- , ¡ng saved?. j . Have you reserve trt stand a lougA seige’- of sickness or unemployBieatf Ask yourself these qiiKtiftne and if ye» haven’t a savings account hefre, start one today. Make / regular deposits and be readv both for emer­ gencies and opportualtiek. » . i Th« Citizens Bankxof Ashfeud r A k S O C IA T B D O IL C O M P A N Y Ashland, Oregon. , 4 I