Leaving Soon — - . , • - Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hall and family ,are leaving,soon for Oak­ land, Cal., where they will make their home. Mr. Hall ie an em­ ploye of the Southern Pacific Co. Local j Personal flotes M?. and M i^ J ^ S . B^S u R lyed baseball here ind Mr. Loveland rds will go on to where they will vacation. Mrs. daughter«, Jessie Nell and g |$ . ane of Baker, Oregon, arrived in Ashland recently and anpqct to make this their future heme. The girts are students nt the' for the-gmst rew Powell’s apple cider is the Southern Oregon State Normal, set them in San best phone, ISO. We deliver. and Mr.. Baker represents the rlll fetnrn to Aah- 45-t-mo. Reliable Life Insurance company. Left This Morning— Visited in Ashhmd— «, Walter O’Donaughue, Southern Mm Baker, nee Janet Aletead Carl H. Loveland, Mr. and Campbell’s Tomato Soap, 3 for Pacific employe at Klamath Falls of this city, visited with friends Have your clothes cleaned gt I Mrs. Charles Robertson, Stanley Is la Ashland for several days in Ashland Thursday. Mrs. Baker 25c at Schuorma^s Grocery Tor 33 7 E. Main, Ashland Cleaning Piilette and Mr. J. R. Edward» W ill Visit In fltnrfcton 50-tf Works, of course. visiting with his Wife and fam­ is now living in Dunsmuir, Cal. Saturday only. left this morning,for Baa Fran­ Mrs. Henry Reid, who has been ily cisco, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Charles visiting with her husband in Sau Visiting Parents— Feen-a-ment the chewing gum Visiting W ith Father— : Robertson and Mr. Loveland will Francisco and with her daughter Miss Leila Carlton, California- laxative, 25c.— McNair Bros. Madden retreads tires. Miss Lois Russell, who |iOs play for a Kiwanls party in Mra. Ernest Royce in Qakland Oregon , Power Co., employe la been spending several months In Greenview, Calif., thia evening for the past few days, will spend Medford, was in Ashland Thurs­ Have your suit cleaned and Victor Portable Phonograph Los Angeles, Cal., is in Ashland after which Mr. and Mrs. Robert- preened for Hallowe'en. Pnulae- new tone and reproducéis. Real day evening, visiting with her visiting with her father, F. R. f° n will return to Ashland. Stan­ a day in Stockton, Cal., visiting music |2 5 and 530. For sale at parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Carl­ Russell of the Ashland Power ley Pillatte will stop off in Treks lth her son Harry Reid. She rud'a. ill return home to Ashland ton on .Union street. , The Rose. Plant Mias Russell attended for a day to visit with Charlie Sunday or Monday. , Try Cherry Bark Cough grammar and high school in this Store your car at Lithla Springs city and is very well known here. rups, 35c.— McNair Bros. Cliff Payne makes shelves. Garage, 51.00 per mo. H. A. Stearns, Mgr., . Visited at Williams C r e e k - in quality, moderate ig Mrs. Elsie McCune of Ashland Stivilo Ashland photo-, Your neighbors, relatives ahd friends who have tuberculosis are visited former friends at Williams took Madden sells guaranteed tires, 4<-tf E a Í ter NORMO w I ^ ’Í 0' ? ^ ? 8* tuberculosis ho.Si£T Creek last Sunday. Mrs. McCune was , --------- EASTERN OREGON has about 600 people with tuberculosis ind ie an employe at McGee’s Dry stu- At the Lithla Springs Hotel— -Will Enter Cogteat— a. ir S " T ‘y ™* Goods store. ?T the walt1»« Mnt for the tuberculosis Leroy Clemens of*New York Thd Misses Elisabeth Joy and City, N. Y., R. A. Obreys and Irwanda Bateman of this city will Í m ííítant-^?» ?». Tí,,\ h° 'pltal hM had to refute admittance to ’.T Í f,T# y“ r’ f?r Uck of apace. Those who Cheap housekeeping ‘ rooms, u f wife of San Francisco, Cal., and enter the canning contest in Med-i. .nJ i JL , £ IBS Granite. 42-1 mo. lem L. F. Garwens of Waukesha, ford to be held the latter part of You can help to remedy thia bad situation by going to the nolle Stu- Wis.. stopped in Ashland last <*« week. The two girls won sec- Rinex for head eolda. 6-tf^ evening at the Lithla Springs °nd prise at the state fair this nn WBKÍV?N TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL ACT— Guaranteed.—McNair Bros. * Hotel. year. T’o’-Pose: To provide for the establishment, construction, A portralt represents the ec- i!2u “ a,ptenanc® and operation of a branch tubercu­ • Hallowe’en Masquerade dance sence of Christina»—a personal losis hospital at some point In the state of Oregon, east of Cozy winter cabin with Have your broken windows re­ the Cascade mountains, to be selected by the governor Walker's Medford. Big time. greeting. Bert H. Hinthorne. 48-tf paired. All sises, nt Jordan's 153 Granite. b oard óf control treMur#r’ « » " « t« « » , the state Dickey's six . piece orchestra. mill. I-tf L à ’s go. Sat. nite. Prise. 60-2 Home grown lettuce, 10c head «80 X Yes. I vote for the proposed knv. At the Oregon Hotel- Schuerman’a Grocery. 60-tl 881 No. I vote against the* proponed law. Hallowe’en Pumpkins J. E. Taplln and wife of Blaine* Medford Visitor Here— ' (Paid Advertisement) -— Oregon Tuberculosis Association. 310 Schuerman’s Grocery. Wash., Mrs. H. R. Whitcomb of tlve Pj^cretgry dK ’ Port and’ O f« » » — Saldle Orr-Dunhar, Execu. * H. F. Spilver of Medford spent Left for Ix,s A n g e le s - San Pedro, Cal., and E. Embrttt the day in Ashland Thursday at­ Mr. and Mrs. James Pellet of Shopping in M e d f o r d - of Portland, Ore., stopped at the tending to v a r i o u s business Talent accompanied by Mrs. Mrs. George Brookmlller and transactions. George Pellet also of Talent, left daughters Edith and Betty of this Oregon Hotel last evening. Tuesday for Los Angeles and city were shoppers in Medford -Phoenix, Pimento And Swiss Bradley, California. Mr. and Mrs. Thursday. cheese. Schnerman’s Grocery. WONDERFUL HEALTH HO- | Pellet are well known in Ash­ 48-tf PAYS FORETHOUGHT t * . ‘ - land. PRIVATE SCHOOL AND Mrs. Wm. C. Fischer, 300». KINDERGARTEN Ironing Our special offer on early Mothers of children of primary Woodbourne Ave., Louisville, Ky., tlng. closes Nov. 10th. S or kindergarten age interested in occasionaly takes Foley Pills, a' Ashland on The Plasa. placing them under a capable In­ diuertlc atlmuant for the kidney«/ structor should make arrange- which helped her over a quite se­ RD OF THANKS drthur V. Hardy. The school is vere ailment. "Yes," she says, We wish to thank all our ibenta to enroll them with Mrs. “I still take Foley Pills, diuretic The Macabee ladies will give. friends and neighbors for their Arthur V. Hafdy. The school is at time, whentvCr I feel I need many acts of. kindness and expres­ to feature mualc, folk dancing, tltem, and as a result m# health Ik II J K i l l , sions of sympathy during the ill­ paper cutting, memory work, etc. wonderful.’’ Not surprising, ter October 30. Tuckers four-piece or­ ness and death of our mother, Mra. Hardy has had several years Foley Pills, diuretic, are a reli­ chestra will furnish >the music and grandmother and for the experience as teacher and several able, vauable, tonic mediclhe, Members and friends Invited. >ears ago conducted such a school constancy in use over 35 yean, 51-1 beautiful GorjU °tteFinKa- N^Al RICHARDS successfully here in Ashland. The promoting t h a J satisfactory C. A.\RICHARDS terms will be reasonable. Call cleansing flow so necessary to MRS. < \W . McNabb at 31 S. Second St., or phone good health. Try them. Sold V. O. N. Smith of this city is - and family. 3U4-R. . *«* Sl-tf everywhere. No. 1 spending the day la Montague, Cal., looking after business af­ fairs concerning his ranch. Oregon Cave Travel Heavy— Mrs. Raymond Huger and Mra. Travel to the Oregon Oaves this »eason set a new record, with Kester Oandee who have been 15,45» visitors at the resort. The visiting with relatives and friends i »» b attendance is an increase ip Ashland for the past few days. 0< oal, k ,««» visited the caverns, The reeprt wan eloeed oa Octoh- . r j5 for the winter. Classified Ads Bring Remits. PINE SLAB WOOD I direct from the car #7.00 per cord ORDJ2R NOW THEY LOOK TO YOU! & 5 & & Ì- •» Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co, “ In The Heart Of Town’’ «¿— s ä A REAL HOLIDAY A MORE ENJOYABLE DAY WILL BE SUN DAY IF YOUR FAMILY IS TAKEN TO TRY ONE OF OUR Home Cooked Dinners A H ■■ o ld M f A A lliilV M h d l » • w u iv iiw u lia n fte U B I1 V Q ' with all the trimming • Our H ot Toasted Sandwiches nearly equal to a Hot MeaL IO Plaza FOR DINNER Whenever yon have unexpected guests bring them here for meaiIs. Yon will enjoy it* too; as well as avoid the worry and work of preparing a meal for them. IS IT 8AFB to drive through the streets of Ashland without Liability Insurance? Phone 33 for complete Automobile protec* tion. don’t wait until you meet with a s aoeideat Teo. (of coarse) 333*45 TODAY ONLY THE GREAT DECEPTION now ready to serve yon cheerfully with Mexican Chili Con Cami, A secret service story of the WTorld War. Tomorrow and Monday “It is the privilege of every A m e ric a n Citizen io east a ballot for which ever candl- date he feels is best fitted, it is more than a privilege, it is a duty.** A • * All Sandwiches Electrically Toasted, 15c VOTE HIRES ROOT BEER, 5c MILK SHAKE, PLAIN, 10c HOT TAMALIES And Mother Bakes Our Pies. buie dove The Taste is Proof of Quality. Vote As You Please ButVote Inside story of a stage star —the secrets of her ambi­ tions and hopes — her loves and her triumphs — her joys snd heartaches — all truth ’ portrayed by a splen- STAR CONFECTIONERY The Ashland Kiwanis Club