H FOB BENT— Four room ttff- rlshed apartment with garage. Adults only, 1101 Boulevard. Phone 878-R. ‘ 61-tf FURNWHKD HOUSE — JttSt tne home for family for winter. Not far from Washington School. FOR RENT — New five-room Electric washer stores, meds etc-j $20 per month. See owner at Nelson at 1101 Boulevard. 4 0 tf 31 8. Second S t,, or phone 324-8. house with basement and garage. 1 ’ , ■; ' 61-tf CAR 273-R. or see Mrs. F. . L. FOB RENT— 3-room FOB RENT— Bright and sun­ ny furnished apartment. Close ' Call forenoons or eV4nings 62 Holman. Phone 612.-R. . 61-3 FOR RENT— Outside I - room furnished apt. Gloat ia. Phone 27 8-Y. - 60-2 FOR RENT— Moder? 2 or 3 room apt. Furnishings and termr to s a lt 244 Hargadlne at. 6o-tf ' FOR RENT— Nicely furnished g-room apt. Plano, silverware and bedllnen. ‘Phone 203-J or 36 south 2nd 84. Adults only.41-3 FOR RENT: 4-room furnished apt., also 2 rooms. Phone 286J. 34-tf ROOMS— If you are looking for Inexpensive sleeping and liv­ ing room, aee our third floor rooms. They are attractive, new aud clean, also warm and com­ fortable. Will give board also. Call at 3 l South Second street or phone 394-R. 5-tf FOR RBNT- ■ Furnished room, heat furnished with or without board, garage. 131 North Main. Phone 290-T. 46-6 Office robm 7-tf FOR RENT— Furnishel house Garage near schools. Phone 817 L or Inquire 658 Holly St. 48-tf furnlsh- house With garage» Call 36 S. SHORTHAND— Learn Paragoi d. 51-tf shorthand, 360 complete 6 weeks course. Paragon Shorthand School, 201 Medford, Center Bldg. Phone 188 Medford, Ore. fS-Sat-Wed-Sat. Valley Vmr, 4 aerqs pears, 2 WANTED— Five Hundred lbs. acres apples, balance In grain and alfalfa, fine well and butldings, of stock or sugar beets, good good five-room house, everything size. W. L. Purdy, 140 Lincoln , In the best of condition, belongs S t to a widow lady who can’t work. TO exchange for Ashland prop­ • WANTED—ChHdren to care erty. I can make thia a very at­ for by d iy, week or month. Ad­ tractive deal for someone who dress, 140 Lincoln ¿t. Phone 267-R. Mrs. Purdy. 81-1 mo. means business. See Ashland Realty Company. ANY OIRL IN TROUBLE— May '60-2 communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the FOR SALE OB TRADE— 200 White Shield Homs. 666 May-, acre Coos county dairy and stock fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. ranch, outrange, about 214 mil­ lion feet timber. Owner disabled WANTED— Ten to one hun­ must seel. O. ▲. Pruitt, Bridge, dred feeder hogs weighing Ore. 60-4 • around/ 60 pounds If possible. Write approximate weight and number and price per pound. F. O .B . Ashland, A. E. Slocum, FOR SALK— Lot on Alida st. Hamilton City, fallfbrnla. 43-12 thè third lot from the Blvd. in­ quire of Mrs. Kluth 660 Fairview IRON FOUNDRY— Brass and street. 48-3« iron castings made to order, ma­ chine and stove repairing done at Eagle Bros. Foundry, 140 Ob­ erlin St. 41-1 mo.» LOST FOUND — Pair glasses, owner can have same b f calling at Tid­ FOR HALE—New house, hard­ ings office and'paying for thib m • ' ■----------------- — --------------------------- wood floors, breakfast n o o k , basement, garage, large lot. Very reasonable, 10 per cent down and 1 per cent per mo. Phone 317 L or 668 Holly St. 48-tf FOR HALE OR ..TRADE— 16'J acres located In Illinois Valley, one-fourth mile off new Red­ FOB SALE—Hudson car Ir wood highway, Josephine county; about 20 acres under cultivation, good condition. 88 Bush SL, 22-1 me.« 56 acres under fence, two good DEFEAT The Fish-Wheel, Trap, Seine Bill VOTE 333 X NO It will place a monopoly of fishing in the hinds "of one class, most of Whom are not Oitixens, and who have already repeatedly sought to raise the price of raw fish so at to place it beyond the reach of the average consumer. Fishing has seldom, if ever, been better. There is no occasion for factional discrimination and confiscatory legisla­ tion. . J . This Bill Is -Opposed By The Astoria Chamber of Commerce (the home of the principal sponsors) The dlatsop County Press. ' The d . 8. Bureau of Fisheries. By all fair minded citizens respecting the rights of property and believing in common justice; The Bill, If Passed, Will— Further increase taxes; : Raise the price of fish to the consumer; Violate a solemn treaty with the State of Washington, making it a scrap of paper; Confiscate hundreds of thousatids of dollars worth of property, without process of law; * ' . ' : Throw many people out of employment In Wasco, Hood River, an^ Mult­ nomah Counties; Destroy industries and valuable taxable properties in these Counties;/ Leave the Columbia River a boundary stream subject to concurrent, juris­ diction with the State of Washington in a legal chaos — without law or regu­ lation. ' , ' \ • Ih the interest of the consumers of salmon, the already overburdened taxpay­ ers,, of coitomon sense, fairness, and justice. OPPOSE THIS VICIOUS MEASURE VOTE 333 X NO THE DALLES-WASCO COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE By L. BARIUM, President.' 1 Lbo. A. Schanno Jòhn Milne J, H. Welaa- T- A. Samnlis, ir. By W. er Stumppullers, 380 each. Horne power 376. Automatic Gatte Hand well borers, waterwheels; i l l 3rd, Renton, Washington. , 23-tf Visiting with Daughter-— Mr’ . A. S. Kleinhammer of /» p iegate Is spending a few days 1” > Ashland with her daughter, Mrs. Clyde Young. During Mrs. Kleinhammer’s a b s e n c e , Mrs. Rena Van Dyke and daughter Florence, of Medford, formerly of Ashland, will have charge of th^i hodheiofd duties at the Klelh- Uammer Koine. Mr. J. A. MeOee and cousin Harry Ritchie motored to Med­ ford this morning* to look after business affairs. They reutrned thia afternoon. . hay F. Welly '' 5F1. Thomas E. Griffith J. G. Odell , Lester Emerson Directors. ’ Chris Behmidt Former Members OREGON STATE FISH COMMISSION DR. W. J. CRANDALL DR. ERNEST A. WOODS Osteopathic Physician and Burgeon Practice Limited To Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat X-Ray, Including Teeth CUT THIS OUT— W IS WORTH Office Phone 126 MONEY Send this ad and Id cents to Foley and Co., 2836 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, ill-, wrlting fdnr name aad address clearly. Tod will receive a trial bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar Com­ pound, for coughs, colds, croup (spasmodic) and tickling throat: also a trial packet each of Foley Pills, a diuretic stimulant tor the kidneys, and Foley Cathartic Tablets fof constipation, bilious­ ness. and sick headaches. These wonderful remedies have helped millions of people. Sehd for them. Sdld everywhere.— Mo. 4. z First National Bank Building 0. ELLYSON SHINN V Dentist Dr. Charles A, Haines ? • » ** Physician and Surgeon Citizens Bank Bldg. Office Phone 164-J Home Phone 164-L Office Phone 151 Res. Phone 184 OFFICE HOURS . 10 to i s a. m.—S te S p. as. Evenings by Appointment Citizens Bank BwUdlng Ashland, Oregon DR- MATTIE B. SHAW Physician and Surgeon ¿R. ROLAND ALLEN Physician and Su/geon 108 Pioneer Avenue THE AETt SALOON LEAGUE URGES THAT DRV VOTERS OPPOSE ROBÉRT N. 9TANFIELD Office and Residence Phone 38 Office Phone 108 Residence Phone 401-fi OFFICE HOURS 10 4 2 a. m. — 2-4 p. m. 6:30 - 7:30 p. m. OFFICE HOURS CONVALESCENT HOME VENDOME HOTEL 153 Granite St. Mrs. B. E. Grant, Prop. Open to all In need of health Practical Nursing. Old people and Invalids board ed and cared for. WHITTLE TRANSFER A STORAGE 0 0 . 1 Coal, Wood and Storage Packing, Crating and Shipping. Long Distance Hauling. - Auto Freight Terminal Attention Voters ! Phone* 117 Offieo 89 Oak S t As candidates of the Democratic Party asking the honor and re­ sponsibility of representing this county and district in the State Legislature, yon have a right to know whore we stand on issues that are paramount to you ahd the voters of Oregon. We hold th at the Dennis Resohltion is inimical to the best interest of onr county and state; that it is unfair, unjust, and if adopted will hind Oregon to a fixed program from which there will be no reeourse for a jæ rio a of 14 years, establishing a precedent that is dangerous in the extreme. We believe in the strictest economy in government, consistent with n growing State aud State Institu­ tions. M P .I L Mrs. W. M. Barber in Charge This Advertisement paid for by'the Campaign Committee of the Anti-Saloon League of Oregon, E. A. Baker, chairman, 606 Porter Building, Portland, Oregon. We heartily favor the Oregon Direct Primary law and are unalterably opposed to nny altera­ tions or amendments thereto, which seek to take from voters their right and privilege of nominating candidates for public office. The convention is a relic of the pàst. 1O.1Í A. M. First National Bank Building VOTE POR EITHER ST1IWER OR HANEY Clean rooms by day, week or month — All outside. HERE AT LAST Tailor-Made Shoes Wt'men's Shore, 07.85 Men’s Shoes, 07.85 For the Whole Family Tailor-Made Shoes are fltted to six actual foot measurF menu in any style— In the leather you like beet aad In high or low shoes as yon pre­ fer. Now you can enjoy foot comfort and have perfect shoe style and .maximum service. H. C. HANSON «8 Gresham Ashland. Ore. SKILLED LOCKSMITH Fixit Shop - Lewis. H. Jacks, Prop. Car keys, all makes by lock number. Keys flt to door locks utd padlocks of all kinds. Mall orders solicited. Gas, Olla and Repairing. Washing and Polishing Can. Storage from 33.00 to 36.00 Par Month. Why Stand Yonr / Car Outaidet Phone tO SB Third 04. Service Guaranteed Beet. 1ST ST. OARAGE Rear Union Oil Htatlon Valve Refaring and Grinding a Specialty We havb installed machinery which makes your valves op­ erate perfectly. We inspect cars,, locate trouble free of charge. , C U F F BURLINGAME Painter and Decorator Paper Hanging — Tinting a Specialty Call ia for a Chat. J. W. Barr A Son Estimates Gladly We arc opposed to the adoption of additional un­ necessary laws which serve no other purpose than Newcombe For Wood Phone 631 Fact. and Fl, lllox, Í5 0 cO. ft. Ixtail .....,......................... 08.00 R lllox and Mili Ends, 8 Tler THAT VOTERS MAY KNOW We ask Republican Legislative Candidates to announce through the newspapers where they stand on these important issues: What Is your position on the Dennis Resolution? Where do you stand on the Direct Primary, and is it toot i fact that you are pledged to introduce in the Legislature and wofk for the adoption of a Pre- Primary Convention measure, which has for its object the nullification of the Direct Primary law? J. R. BOWEN Candidate for Representative OLEN FABR1CÄ Candidate for RepteSMktative lx>ad ___.................... 08.00 10 In. Pino Hlaba and Bdga. a 1-8 Tfc-r Lda.........87.00 13 In. Plnft Slah * Ends, 8 Tler Lda............. ........... 0TJJO 10 in. Flr Slab MUI Rnn, 3 1-0 THE POWDER PUFF BRAUTE SHOPPE (Over The Tidings) Under the Direction of Rose Sullivan. Phone 77 For Appointment 4 ft. Dry Pipe Stans, per ...... ........ a sa n d 4 f t /n r y State,” per’ Cord .... - ................... 07.00 8 Cord LA, ....... .. 01».08 Rd Rraldrnt Here— Fred Quade of Berkeley, Cal., ha8 been "Pend‘n< • to Ashland. Mr. Quade lived hare in 1906 and thia la the flrtt timb One Block East «t the. Ash- land Laundry, |O 0 W tate St. __________ , . . . . . . h*8 been her* •lBe# <8 much ’ «Prlaad andJ>leaa- ed In the many Im*roveme4lts la ' " n th)H cJtjr> an(1 to rttara to 8UB8CRIBB FOR THE TIDlNdfi. this city In the »ear Mtaro. 8. NELSON, Executive Manager and Secretary. E. L. Curtin J. W. Hoech Pat Foley O. L. Corey Geo. H. Flagg Fred P. Kendali WB iXiry. T tarns. chicken house. anJ out­ buildings. Individual w a t e r #s. èQUlphient, 114 rights. w ill trade tor rekldenoS property hi lfedtord or email h * teage farm property near AlB- land, or will take good car at FOR HALE: — White Rotary truck as first payment, or W l Sewing machine tor 160.00 at take small payment down, bal­ pells Corner. I l-tf ance like rent. Address H. P. Cgger, 366 So. Central, Medford. 47-1 W ed.-««t Will Edit Soenty Now»— Beginning next Saturday, No­ FOR SALK—Five eights vember 6, the Courier* will again cable, 6c foot. Q. S. Butter, hare a society section every week. Mrs. A. B. Davis, who * FOR SALE—-Jersey cow, young over a year hgb conducted this heavy milker. Inquire at 64 Cal- lertlcfflr, will again hé sbelety liorhla St. 81-1* Mitor. Those hating social Items to report should call Mrs. Davis COCKERELS, counter - tencred as early in the week as possible white leghorns. Pedigreed, vig­ At 14 8-J. Mrs. Davis conducted orous, free range, big producing àn excellent social section before cockorels, 6 to 60 dollars each, and the Courier urges that full quality pay«, counter Leghorn cooperation be given her. — Farm, Ashland, Ore. 47-1-ma 'Grants Pass Courier. I. Ö. ÄI0Q ' OándkbtS for Otate Senator DR. ff. p . ttttSHOLM Vatwinart Graduate ÍI7 Oak St. Phone 148-J MACBWÍLL The Interesta of ifcfekson Odanty Are Our Itoterests Paid A dt. by Cduiity Democratic Central Committee "ÎEHlhE’Î tkAtosFHto lone 410 Dallei-Wased tfcunty CUfcbsr ot Comfoertt, The, Dills«, Oregon. t ■ X 376 B