I DEMPSEY MAY ATTEMPT TO WIN BACK HIS TITLE NEXT SPRING tltle BY FRANK GETTY United News Staff Correspondent XEW YORK.. Oct. f t . — (Unit- ed N ew s)— Tex Rickard and Jack Dempsey, guided by Estelle Tay- flowing sea Babe Rath Ssws His Life j holder's future. Dempsey brought aloe« Kat el la, U s wife. I lor, did the|r bit Wednesday to­ “Where'll we eat, Tex?” asked ward raising helvyweight boxing Jack. to the aesthetic plane to which “Now you boys take'see te the Gene Tunney, its champion, a» Algonqnla,” Eetella decided. fires. Obediently they taxied to the hotel, which, as everyone knows, Is the rendesvoss of the literary of George Jean Nathan, Heywood Bround, Mare Connelly and F. P. A., and of fashionable movie act resses who come te see and be seen by the crities. Tunuey dotes on the Algon­ quin. . After a- couple of hours— one never lunches in less at the Al­ gonquin— Tex Rickard etrelleu out, alone, with a toothpick Leisurely he made his way to hi.' office at Madison Square Garden and there, after be had cocked his feet comfortably on his desk, he faced a barrage of questions. "Naw, we didn't talk about fighting," the promoter replied when asked if he could disclose Dempsey’s plans. ' With most of the sporting world anxious to know what the former heavyweight champion intends to do, Rickard was irritating. Doctor* credited two baseball*, autographed by Babe Ruth “When will you know Jack s and other World Series players, with savingthe life of Jobs plans?" Tex was asked. Dale Sylvester, eleven, of Essex Falls, N. J. The balls, rushed “Couple of months,” said tbe from S t Louis by airplane, revived tbe boy’s vitality after promoter. ''He's leaving for the doctors despaired of saviqg hi* Mfc from blood poisoning. Pacific coast Monday. After he sees what kind of shape he can get Into he’ll let me know what he Rickard frankly. - “Dempsey will fill any place wants to do.” This was getting around to­ he fights in and he’ll be the fa­ ward some real news, but Rick­ vorite, too, over any man in the ard claimed that waa all he world, except maybe Tunney, knew of Dempsey's intentions. and I’m not sure about that.” Which was all the heavyweight The promoter added on his own LOS ANGELEsr, Oct. 2#.— (U- boxing news for the day. behalf that Jack would fight in­ ery new fad or fashion a lapse of doors this winter if he found ht more immoral or irersponsible could get into shape, and then than her grandmother was, in the contradicted himself by declaring opinion of Helen MatthewBou that a Dempsey fight would be an Laughlin, dean of women at the outdoor affair. University of California, South­ “Will you match him with B e ? ern branch. lenbach?” Aroused by attacks on the gen­ This appears the most import­ LOS ANGELES, Oct. 2».— eral character of American col­ ant heavyweight question of the (United News)— Dr. Walter S. lege women, which originated at moment. Adams, director of the Carnegks the University of Chicago and “I’d rather put him ia against solar observatory on Mount Wit one of the big fellow s/’ said son, has selected November 4 and plainly visible on the planet. Tex. 5 as the dates when the planet Dr. Adams expressed the per- But a moment later he added Mara will be in the best position sonal opinion that the tempera­ that Berlenbach was “up to 1*0 for observation. ture of Mars would not permit pounds and would be a g o o d On those dates photographs will of even vegetable life, much less match for Dempsey.” be taken through a red screen "Too expensive?" It waa sug­ similar to that used at Lick ob­ animal life. gested. servatory three years ago when "Yes, too expensive,” replied tt was reported that canals were READ TIDINGS CTbASS ADS 1 w s i » m nathm-wide e tr m w Mb D m * T a s * » fen II thampioa the other. g the eo-efls. “ Thet'e s t H g i u . ” «he Mid. "TUsie la bo more Immorality “Naturally each aaa Ufeaa the oth­ e r s appraewl. But that’s as far th* delightful type a good fellowship «ad rather than immoral! Christmas fEATTLE, Oct. I».—Christ­ mas present* for Unde Sam’* *ol- "I always h aw beta optimistic llers in the tar north are being la this matter of /OUJ» folks ana prepared by Seattle woman mem­ can find no time for thoee con- bers of the volunteer service of the American Rad Cross. The package* will be sent to each soldier. They will be In­ closed In cretonne “ditty” bags and Include such things as pen­ cils, note books, handkerchiefs, cigarettes, pipes, rasors, * cards, shears and mouth organs. of Eastern Oregon are asking you for equal opportunity in education with YOUR children J . A. CHURCHILL, Ashland. O pea Normal s a d form erly W ate “In no institution of higher education la the relation­ ship between the Investment of preparation and the re­ turn of service so apparent as ia the Normal School, to f every stid en t who matriculates *t a Normal School con­ sciously dedicates himself to preparation for a career which entails a responsibility greater than that' of any other pro­ fession. I have gone about la instltates of the state for fifteen (16) years pleading for the establishment of a Nor­ mal School for Southern and Eastern Oregon. It Is absolutely necessary that another Normal School be established.” GEORGE A. BRISCOE, Ashland, Oregon City Superin­ tendent of Schools: “Southern Oregon is Interested in Eastern Oregon get­ ting a Normal School. The welfare of the people, state or nation depends upon the education of its people. Eastern Oregon is an Empire in Itself. Its people should have a Nor­ mal School so their children may be a blessing to themselves and to all of us.” Be Fair to the Children of Eastern Oregon VOTE 310 X Y E S Paid Adv. by Bettar Teachers Training Committee of Eastern Oregon Normal School Com mittee, Floyd D. Moore, Executive Secretary, *0® Chamber of Commerge Binding, Port­ land, Oregon. wake ElSidelo DEFEAT shipmates/ IDEAL EXTRA CafoU) 10 cents Other sixes and shapes 2 fôr 25 cents 15 oenfs 3 for 50 oenta The Fish-Wheel, Trap, Seine Bill VOTE 333 X NO It will place a monopoly of fishing in the hands of one class, most of whom are not Citizens, and who have already repeatedly sought to raise the price of raw fish so as to place it beyond the reach of the average consumer. Fishing has seldom, if ever, been better. There is no occasion for factional diacriminatinn and confiscatory legisla­ tion. This Bill Is Opposed By Inspect Dodge Brothers improved Special Sedan Dodge Brothers Special Sedan, im p ressively bettered during the past few months AND W EEKS, now awaits your insDection. Touring Car ........ * (NMI.ffO <«upr ................ SIO1HJW The Astoria Chamber of Commerce (the home of the principal sponsors) The Clatsop County Press. The U. S. Bureau of Fisheries. By all fair minded citizens respecting the rights of property and believing in common justice; Further increase taxes; Raise the price of fish to the consumer; Violate a solemn treaty with the State of Washington, making it a scrap of paper; Confiscate hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of property, without proses* of law; Throw many people out of employment in Wasco, Hood River, and Mult­ nomah Counties; Destroy industries and valuable taxable properties in these Counties;« Leave the Columbia River a boundary stream subject to concurrent juris­ diction with the State of Washington in a legal chaos — without law or regu­ lation. * In the interest of the eonsimers of salmon, the already overburdened taxpay­ ers, of common sense, fairness, and justice. OPPOSE THIS VICIOUS MEASURE VOTE 333 X NO ' Phone for DemonHtratton EAKIN MOTOR 0 0 1O-1H South H r Ht. is e b r o t h eRS MOTOR CARS GENERAL MOTOCRAT GASOLINE The Bill, If Passed, Will— .................... glONO.SO Htx-cial Hedaa........ su.TA.so D elivered in A shland W e should charge a premium for this greater gasoline—but it costs you the same as others A noticeable increase in power and pick-up both “ -nisr and summer Lew carbon wmaiiJ WMteSUnl* t INDEPENDENTS 0