1 The U d y W ’s r f c t o W tern Pacific Would Run reunion Prom B ere on November 6th Calendar «< WV»j W meet in the d a b sasme 'T h e o d o r afternoon, October |8 . Cards and > conversation w ill occupy the afternoon, and daintx, refreshments will be served by m < »ad Mr» John Morse a«d tbe hostesses. Mrs- C. 4- Sbuttg Mrs. Stella Mores were shopping and Mrs. Costello, In Medford Tpeagay. I Thursday, Met. J |M -D 'ti|fM e rs of Camp Fire «M s WUI <M»e public N ile w ill gtvg * dancing party I f tbs Southern Oregon shows any response, the Southern Pacific company will operate a special train over the new line between Bugene and Klamath Falls a week from Saturday eve ning, it was announced here to-’ day by A. S. Rosenbaum, district passenger agent. Tbe train would leave Ashland Saturday evening and arrive qt Eugene early Sunday moreing, the trip over the Natron cut-off being made In daylight. ■ The Howard and Grimes stage com pany has offered a special reduc ed rate to bring excursionists over by auto stage Sunday a fter noon. The entire (pip can he made from Ashland and return for (11.25 train and stage Jare. Those who desire sleepers from here to Eugene can procure them, M r. Rosenbaum edld. In the Riverside Centm«*Ky club house, between Gold IJlll and Grants Pass. TBwredar. <M- ■*» -r- la d y E lk ’s Club meets. Mrs. O. A. Shutts, Mrs. Costello, hostesses. Thmseday, Oct, aa— Yxliey View Oossmngltr d u b meets in the school hones at I ». n . Thursday, Oct. SB.— Merley C ir cle ef the Baptist church meets w ith Mrs. H. O. Anderson. Friday, Oct. BB— Ladles of the Civic Club w ill give a H allo we'en Party a t tbe C ivic.Club howto, fo r’a hospital* benefit. Saturday, Oeg. BO.— The Macabee ladies wiU .gtve aa old-fashion ed Hallowe'en dance to the Moose hall. ' Satmrday, Octf B O .-A u x ilia ry to American Legion w ill have n food sale at Hardy Bros. Wednesday Mew. IB .— The P. T. A. and tbe ladles of tbe Clvte Moved t« Ashland— . ' N Cleh w ill ghra n reception at Jack Keeler, Souther* Pacffic tbe Civic (Bab Hones for nil employe at Hornbrook, Cal., has recently moved to Ashland. He declares that he is quite pleased Chapter AC, P. K. O. Meets to become aa Oregonian, especial Chapter AC, P. B. O. enjoyed a ly as long as he is located tu thia very pleasant luncheon appoint city. At present he la finding ment oa Saturday, October IS , at living accommodations at the the attractive home of Mrs. W . H. home of Herbert Cole, on the M cNair on Oak street. Boulevard. Fifteen members were present Party— * - Tbe Ashland Camp Fire Olrla Will give a delightful Mother- Dad party In the high school gymnaalum this evening^ Octobe? 27. 8 « W MasqueyeBo Hallowe’en P *rty Friday Kvrning — The Epworth League Dramatic Club of the Methodist Episcopal church gave a masquerade H »l- lowe’en party fb tbe League room of the church Friday evening, Oc tober 22. The rooms were artistically decorated in Hallowe'en colors of orange sad black.' The evening was happily spent playing games and telling for tunes, after which refreshmegts were served by a committee In IMITER B Y C H A R LB 8 F. STMW AMT < * M 4 Service W riter W A SHING TO N — WtHlam T y ler Page, clerk of the House o f Representatives, is celebrated as a political forecaster. Mr. and Man. Ray. W ard pf F e r* VaMey were guests at sup per Thursday with Mrs. W ard ’s parents, M r. and Mrs. J o h n Morse. From daylight until dark Sun day the peace and quiet of the neighborhood (and of the China pheasants as w ell( was frequent ly disturbed by the report of the r. hunters’ grins. . s 3 W . H. Hurley left last week to \ 1 Astofla — New factory spend the winter with his daugh ■handle all Colombia River ter, Mrs. Hollbaugh and husband nery offal for 1927- • at Belflowor, Cal, ' W ill Gentry has bought the Hollbaugh ranch, but w ill contin ue Ip the employ of Carl Glasgow »nd live where he is at present. Maine is his barometer. Page doesn't base his predictions solely on barometer readings any more than a weather forecaster relies exclusively on them. He consid ers other Indications, too. SHU, w h *t the barometer says generally is more important than any other single indication. Page sixes up a ll the other eigne veri fies' them by his barometer and theq predicts. Moat of the time he proves a good gueaser. Politicians long have believed that Maine election results indi Mtdfoyd— F irs t issue of “ Daily cate how the rest of the country lews’’ cornea out October 18th. Elmer Nichole and bride pf Holtville, Cal., are vialting Mr. Nichols’ parents, M r. and' Mjrk. Bvery “ Brother B ill“ and h l* Geo. Nichole, and family. They lady la Southern Oregon la ex went to Crater Lake Wednesday. pected to attend the big E lks’ to ra dance sad Hallowe’en par Underwent Operation— Mrs. Hugh T. Mitchelmoro un ty at the Elks’ temple thia eve derwent an operation this mora ning, October »7, at Medford. An Invitation has been extend les, having her tonsils removed, ed to members of the Ashland she is the wife of Rev. Hugh T . lodge bad many of the L ith iaa Mltchelmore, pastor of tbe Pres city brothers are planning to be byterian church. present. Members of the com to enjoy the delicious meal which mittee tp Charge of the deuce, was daintily served at tables p re t rtate that "this la the beet party Mighty few things can keep up their momentum on yesterday’s tily decorated. In Hallowe’en aipce the New Year’s party sad trimmings. The regular busl- fame. Advertise today! may even eclipse that one for neaa session of the chapter occu dovnrlght fun and enjoyment." pied the greater part of the after The “Tooaarville Orchestra’* noon. will furnish the music and the Mias Marion Ady, art teacher at “ Farmers’ Quartette" has a lot the Southern Oregon State Nor of surprises in the way of snappy mal was a guest for the . a lte r ? songs for the occasion. “ Good noon. Mrs. McNair wqs assisted lispensed during the evening, In the serving of the lunch«}« by date" and plenty of cider w ill be Mrs. F. D. Wngaer, Mrs. Hepry Rural decorations ot a new and Galey, Mrs. Louts Dodge, Mies novel type wijl be a surprise fea M r» Potay apd Mrs. Gladys ture and w ilt do much toward making the barn dance a success. This assay contest is open to all pupils in the schools of Jackson county. Articles must contain not over 300 words, written an one side of the paper and (nailed or brought to the Jacksonville County Beat Committee, Jacksonville, Ore., not later than 6 P. M. Saturday, Oct 30th. A OVERLAND SHOE SHOP » E x tr i Heavy Storm Rubbers , * Goblets, Sherbets, Cock tail Glasses, Elates, Jam Jar«, etc., in very pretty w design8. Prices are right Chas. A. White The young people of this city representing the societies of the Congregational. Baptist, Chris tian J P ^ a b f^ a n «td Methodist' churches will hold a progressive Hallowe’en aorta) Saturday ' ete- nlng, October SO, It was decided at a meeting of representatives of those societies, held In the Ash land Hotel lest Saturday evening October 22. The young people then met with representatives ot the Y. M. C. A. social committee to complete their plans. The social w ill start at the Congregational church at 7:15 p. m. A ll young people will meet at their respective churches at an early hoar and drive to the Con gregational church where a I stunt will be put on by the young people of that society, and re freshments will be served. From there, they will all go to the Bap tist church where they will be the guests of those young people. They will then visit the Christian Presbyterian a n d Methodist churches where the young people of each organisation will furnish some part of »he evening’s enter tainment and refreshments. The social Is open to all the young people of the city and a vary good time la premised. , Mias Clara Trdtter was hostess at an Informal evening of bridge on Saturday evening, October 22, her guests being several teachers ot the Southern Oregon State Normal school. GOOD BUYS NOT LISTED While we can meet their prices on moat anything In our line. Turn in your order fo r your wants, and let ns figure w ith you before you send off ter the MILLER’S TOGGERY “Hab-a-dasb Inn” goods. Peil’s Corner A STEP UP JH Q W 4 T Y , A STEP DOWN » PRIOR We Advise Early Shopping For Tbe Beet Selections The Quality Store Ashland, Oregon Great M onth-E nd S a le of C oats STARTS THURSDAY Pur Trimmed Coats of the Smartest Winter Styles How long would you la»t if yon lost your job? If Hointhing should hold back your weekly wage, how long cotQd you hold out on the money yop have saved f Supimse yon bad noth ing savedf * ’ « e $2250 Values, Sale P r i c e ....... $19,75 $25:00 Values, Sale Price '. . . . $29.75 Values, Sale P r i c e ....... $25.50 Have you the reserve to stand a long “ seigs" of sickness Ot* unemployment I $3450 Values, Sale P r i c e ....... $29.75 $3750 Values, Sale Price . . . . . . Ask yourself these qnstioug au4 if yarn haven’t a savings aoeouut here, start oue today. Make regular depeaito and be ready both for emer gencies and opportunities. The CHbens Bank of Ashland 'Ashland, Oregon - -I I Like to Tinker Why send off to Cata logue howeeg for Barb wire and Fencing?* IF YOU WERE LAID-UP OR LAIDvOFF? PRIZES let Prise '.......................................... 116.00 2nd Prise .............................................10.00 3rd P r is e ............................................. 7.60 4th P r is e .................... ,r ............... . 5.00 5th Prise, 10 Prises of ....... ........... 1.60 1 French Flannel Shirts ALBANY,. Oct. M .-r - (United Now»)— WlUlem A. Rnchaar. <0* A f F W Of Qraager, was instant ly killed Tuesday noon when his wagon was struck by the south bound Shasta limited at Santiam crossing, near the outskirts df thia city. Boehner was carried nearly Id » feet end every bone In his body was broken. He Is survived by a widow slid throe children. • 8 8 8 ENDERS BLOCK IN CASH PRIZES We Have Them—Price Ranging 35.00 to 38.00 reived a large line ? - Astoria — Sanborn cannery will run unttt February, on car rots and sauerkraut. “WHY THE COUNTY SEAT SHOULD REMAIN IN JACKSONVILLE" FOR EXAMPLES Linn Earner Is Killed By Train barometer aa Maine bat all the real bgv« 1h«U »lgcriiWMl fa No vember while Maine vote* to Sep tember. . Men Who Want a Winter Shoe With * ' Double Soles! We have just re- of fine blown cry- Will go. M ai*» 8 Republican. Sowe- ttawe tt'e more strongly Republi can than * t others. Page notes the Maine majority, compares H with the normal margins In the other states, and draws his eon- cluMCM- It the Maine majority Is large, he concludes that Republican stafes will stay Republican end that doubtful opes will gQ Repu- llcan. If Its email, he concludes that the Democrats will carry doubtful states and maybe some Republican ones. Page says any other states un doubtedly would make as good a ' *!« * . $22.50 like to fuss with the carbu retor and the “points” and the plugs. I like to w onder about the oil and the grease cups and worry a bif, perhaps. I like to tinker. ♦ I A car that’s too perfect to need a twist add a turn and a going over now and then is like a suit that’s too good to wear. But, when it comes to tires— that’s different! D eliver » if from the worry and bother o f tire trouble and the dirt of a roadside change. I want to feel that the tires I’ve bought are good tires, Iw an ttok n ow that m y dealer is square, I want to be sure o f his goods and his work and his i l l a l service— • S ||9 f l And that’s why I recommend USCO $32.50 Sizes For Everyone! * J , QPMBl AND BUY YOUR NEW WINTER COAT TOMORROW - THOSE WHO KNOW OUR REPUTATION FOR VALUE-GIVING KNOW THAT WE UO NOT ANNOUNCE A SALE UNLESS IT IS UNUSUAL IN EVERY WAY. Unittd States The« arc Tire» Across from lithia Springs Hotel