Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, October 27, 1926, Image 1

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I 1□LN r/^o
Fair * i « h t and Thnraday with
Newspaper! For Nearly FiftyYeara
A shland /
EBDAY, OCT. 27, 2926
Tfte People May Know
This State Listed as One in
Which They Hope to
l l e ct Senator
Minority Party Hopes to Procure
Control of Congress Thio
United News Staff Correspondent
■4 W A SHING TO N, Oct. 17.— Not
since the republicans toradd them
out to the mercies Qf the raw
November blasts on Capitol ’ H ill
eight years ago, hard the' demo-
erdta hhd their cheats out as
Control of congress Is at stake
In the election next Tuesday and
hope springs eternal In the trad
democratic breast..
W ith tye
election only one week away,, a
survey of the sltnatton streng­
thens the prospects of democratic
vtatory at the polls, said Repre-
sontativeW. A. Old Sold, chairman
of the democratic congressional
committee, today.
H aro Good Chance
» “ Wo are ready for the ro te,’*
retorts Representative W ill A.
Wood, chairman of the republi­
can congressional committee.
Democrats have perhaps an
oven chance of capturing the
senate. a They hare a leaser
chaaee of controlling the house.
That is about as definite as any­
one cart be without plunging into
blind guesses. ■
la ■ the senate the republicans
hare a listed m ajority of 14,
which Includes Insurgent repub­
licans. T h irty four senators are
to he elected In 88 states, ih-
cludlag two from Indians, 'Where
caudMatoe a r t fh iH lfc *
short term to fill out the vacancy
loft by Senator Ralston1* death,
which A H h y r R .. Re«nson b
holding nndor appointment.
How I t Stands
The seven democrats whose
terms enplro.all happen to come
from the solid southern states
so that there is no probability
any w ill be defeated. This leaves
27 republican.edata to be fought
I f the democrats can take
nine of them they w ill obtain
clear control of the senate with
a m ajority of one vote.
Eleven of these republican-
held seats are from New England
and other almost certain Repub­
lican states.
From the remain­
ing sixteen seats In doubtful
states n o w . held by republicans
the democrats must get th e ir ,
nine scalps.
These states are:
H i-Y Club H olds
B usiness Session
.. CharlesH. Pieree, who iff'to be Ashland’s next
mayor, in strongly in favor of the purchase of the
additional 200 acre-feet of water from the Talent
Irrigation District. He* was a member of the city
council which purchased the original 600 ocre-feet
of water and at that time favored the purchase of
even more water, believing, as he did, that this
would for all time help to solve the city’s water
Mr. Pierce, in a signed‘statement to the people
of Ashland, today gives a lucid and concise state­
ment of what can be expected through the purchase
of this additional water. What he has to say should
prove of real interest to the people in helping them
to arrive at a decision before they enter the polliug
booths next Tuesday.
His statement is as follows:
hi the negotiations and final purchase of the
600 acre-feet of Hyatt Prairie water from the Talent
Irrigation District I was on the council from start
to finish and had an important part in all the pro­
ceedings, a fact of which I am still proud.
In the early negotiations, five years ago, one
member of the conneil thought we. should purchase
only 300 acre-feet of the Talent water, but the bal­
ance of the council then favored 400 acre-feet.
A year later when the subject came up for
final adoption the copneil was a unit in deciding
that 600 acre-feet should be the minimum purchase,
and more than one councilman favored the purchase
of 800 acre-feet or even 900 acre-feet.
Except for the fact that this purchase of Talent
water was to l»e financed by the issuance of short
term notes lwr the city and not by a long-term bond
issue, I am sure I should have voted to purchase at
least 800 acre-feet of. Talent water.
By the terms ’o fthe contract with the
Talent Irrigation District, the city of Ashland was
placed oh an ekact equality w i|h every rancher and
water subscriber, and whenever a shortage occurred,
such as that of the pgst <ummerr the. water should be
4>ro rated with aa preference to any water user.
With only OQh Aere-feat signed for, and Actual
detfverieirpncc in a while, as we shall hope, pro
rated ta three-fourths the amount due, Ashland
would rceive only 400 w r e - f e e t , and that is too little,
but with 800 acfe-feet signed for an a similar pro
rating, we would Receive 600 feet o f actual delivery
in an exceptionally, dry year, t
Ashland will, never at any time have a gallon
too much Water in midsummer, and this is the last
cheap water the city can. ever hope to obtain. It is
certainly worth $22,000 to hold this 200 acre-feet
additional of Talent water in reserve. It will be a
great mistake not to bfly it now as it should have
been included in the original purchase.
That we immediately improve bur water distri­
bution system and that we gradually bring the en­
tire city under meter control seems of equal im­
portance with the purchase of this 200 acre-feet
of Talent Water, without which, as Engineer Dillard
has conclusively shown, the building of a dam in
the canyon would be of little benefit.
Vote for all the above measures Nov. 2 and
save all this work being done over again. Save a
lot of valuable time of the new council. Save the
cost of more special elections. Let us get down to
business at once for water development and set
aside all personal feelings. It must be done later
if not now.
I pledge to yon an efficient business adminis­
tration, and that in any event the expenditure of
money x you see fit to vote will be safeguarded by
hard, conscientious work of the mayor and council.
The Ashland H l-Y club held
their regular* mSeting' In the Y. M.
C. A. rooms to the £joneer H all
last evening.
V. D. M ille r was
elected 'business advisor of ♦hit
club, and was welcomed aa the
giieat of the club last evening.
Mr. M iller pledged tho boys his
support la* their work sad urghd
HOUSTON, Tax.. Oot. 27.—
them to boost their school at a ll
time». President Nutter toPpoiaU . (United News)— BI Tex, a hi*
ed Horace Dunn and Elffot Hac- Bengal tiffeV In the Hermann park
Cracked as a ,■ eppstitotJoh com­ too Tuesday sprang upon a park
and - Inflicted
mittee to serve with the president official
to drawl«« up a suitable constitu­
tion for tho plub. A lively dtoCQS- killed by Hana Nagel, keeper of
sioa on “School 8 p lrlt” tons hold. tho too.
C. A. Wllsoa, superintendent of
The coming football game With
Grants Pass, which w ill bO played parks, at M in o t.. N. t>„ ontofwd
here this Saturday, camp in fo r' i the 'fast hopaa” of the too today
some serious thought abd discus­ la oompany with Nagel and other
sion, and an earnest offo^*, will attendants- The door to tho cage
be made to gat out a, big er»jrd' to Occupied by BI Tex wad openpd
back the local boys at, thia gams. by Nagal and the Mg e»t was
staadtog lh. tke doorway. Wilson
At> tho meeting next Tuead«/ ovp-
hlm 1» the face with his
nlng, Bon and J o t H arrsU w ill &
of backing a t t > ,
officially toqiatod into Mto mam-
tho tiger sprang upoa Wilson Who
berahlp o f tho club. Mt' Htilor,
knocked h im 'o ft w ith Ma flat.
newly eloetod advisor Woa k ,
formed that hla Inltlatloh Would
take placa on thia some date.
Nerthwedt mills wltì h«*e mar
•IVicious Clubber Who Oper­
ated Last Year at
Large Again
Witness Tells How Rumor
of Osegonian Payment
TOLEDO, Oct? 1 7.— IUnited District Attorney Accuses
PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 27.—
News)— The Toledo clubber who
lying Perjured
Her of Buying
(U P ) — W alter Hayes, vice-presi­
terrorised the city last year has
dent of the National^ Security
returaed to beat two women to
brought the first re­
1 death within 18 h^ura.
ports to Oregon that The Oregon­
<Barly last night the maniac
ian had bdfen paid thousands of
beat Mrs. Qeorge W. A) dim, a 26
dollars to defeat Robert N. Stan­
year old matron, to death in the
field for United States senator,
kitchen of her heme.
to the testimony given
Late last night he murdered
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 87. — at thé hearing which opened here
Mian Lily Dale Croy, a school
(United News) — The stormiest before Senator McNary of the sen­
N E W YO RK. Oct. 27.— (Unit­ teacher of the tiuncket school.
session In the lagging days of ate Investigating committee.
The murderer la
ed News)— In a suicide spet moth­
W illiam D. Simpson, secretary
the perjury hearing of Alraee
er and daughter leaped t r o y the
Semple McPherson came to a of the world war bonus commis­
eleventh floor of the4 M artha ledo last year.
Washington hotel late . lueaday
Both Miss Croy and Mrs. Al- turbulent cbncluston hero Tues­ sion at Salem, wae the first wit­
were slugged, beaten and day, when state accused the ness. He said he was In the of­
and were dashed to death.*
fice of the Salem Capital-Journal
Although they had registered crlmlnaly assaulted
evangelist of purchasing witnesses
on Sept. 10th, laat, and there met
and corrupting" allene.
aa Mrs. D. Walsh and -M rs. B.
Senator Otanfield who Introduced
Walsh of Boston, the tufa women
Basing the accusation on testi­
him to Hayes.
were Identified as Mrs. • Bertha
mony of a “ 8116 per day defense
Later Hayes told him that 'the
Warachauer and her daughter,
witness,“ Deputy District A tto r­
tmreiit company of the Portland
ney Denison hurled the challenge
Electric Power company, located
Laugh* Gaily
in open court as M. B. }rw ln,
at Philadelphia, had sent Frank­
"W o will only be here a short
D o u g l a s , A ria , photographer,
lin T. G riffith, president of the
while," Mrs. Waroebauer had « I f f
left the witness stand.
Portland Electric
Power com­
to the hotel clerk a few momenta
W . I. Gilbert, chief defense at­
pany. 626,000 to be paid The Ore­
before. A bell boy Who escorted,
torney,’ called another prosecutor gonian for defeating
the mother and daughter to thoift
Forest Murray, to the stand, add 8tanfleld.
room, reported that Mr». W a r-
attempted to elicit the Inform a­
The chargee agalnat The Ore­
schauer appeared dnthusiagtfc.j
tion that the state paid Its w it­ gonian were made by George Put­
and tipped him liberally, w hito
nesses both expenses and “ for nam, editor and publisher of the
Dorothy laughed gaily.
time lost from business.'*
Salem Capital-Journal.
Fifteen minutes later the tuffg-
Dennison jumped to his feet
edy occurred..
and shouted:
Miss Margie Plant of Toronto,
occupying a room on thio n tlth
floor, saw a body hurtle past her
window, and lodge upon the tod-
cony outside, it waa that o f Mrn. ,
Rescue Attem pt
Terrified, Miss Plant* reached
out in an attempt to*’ nave Mpr
from falling further.
‘‘Let go of th e /’ gasped the in­
jured Woman. " I f you don't I ’ll
drag ye« down too.”
"W h at the state does has tooth­
ing to do with this purchasing
of witnesses and taking up col*
lections for aliens to corrupt
them,” (referring to a recent
testimonial given Mr. and Mrs.
Ramon Gonsgles during an An-
gelua temple meeting.)
On the stand Irw in had ad-
mltted that he thought h it time
worth from f i d to |6 d a day and
I that ha had received 8118 for
pne day’s trip into the Sonora
[ desert to stake photographe of
fpbtprlnts sntTshacks and that
he expected to he paid for hie
body came dlrtvn through the air.
It struck upon that of Mrs. W ar-
schauer and both toppled from
sight to the. sidewalk below, the
High school students and fans
'elder women being decapitated generally are expecting a real
by a wire as she fell.
gridiron tilt here Saturday after­
noon when Ashland high school's
HO N O LU LU , Oct. 27.— (United
New s)— Reports from Hilo state
that a new glow has been sight­
ed over Mauna Loa and It Is bet
lleved that another lava f l o w
from that historic volcano may be
to progress.
football «team meets Grants Paas
teams battled to a 0 to 0 tie at
high to a return game. The two
Grants Pass two weeks ago on a
wet, slipper field.
W ith
prospecta for a . dry
playing field, the local team with
Its speed and aerial,attack, Is ex­
pecting to score a win over tho
Climate City boys.
Harold Clifford of P rairie City,
a member of the Oregon state
game commission. and Ben Dor­
ris of Eugene,* aa ex-member of
the commiaaiou. told Bouthora
Oregon sportsmen of the dang;
ers of the tithing bill at a roas-
tng meeting last night at the Med­
ford Natatorlum. *
Mr. Clifford devoted hla talk la
answering the arguments of Gov­
ernor Pierce and other advocates
of what sportsmen declare to bo a
most vicious measure, while Mr.
Dorris talked on Oregon's reputa­
tion as a summer recreation play­
ground and the loss which would
be sustained by the state V this
tithing bill should be passed by
the people next Tuesday.
Would Hamper Work
The tithing hill Is a measure
which would take 10 percent of
the reclepts of all self-sustaining
state boards and transfer It to
the general fund of the state tor
■«aerai aiata purposes
Both speakers emphasised the
fact that the reclepts of the
Same commission are derived al­
most sgclaslvely from the sale of
huatlng and a n ilin e licenses. Ev­
ery cent of thia money ta spent
voluntarily by the sportsmen with
the aaderatandiag that It wUl be
maS in the propogaqea of fish
1 fthe terms of this M ti, It» .» » « of
, l il t s amottot would he loot to the
r sportsmen'if U fhdkld become a
,|i|w . The loss of thia «dm. n
. was pointed <oat, would sertoasly
. I cripple the wor^ of the game
commission, a«d would mean that
»I the present work oa behalf of
A U STIN , Tex., Oct. 27.— (U P )
— Charles Poncl, Boston financial
wlzprd. who Is . to Jail to Hous­
ton, lost his fight against extra­
dition to Massachusetts to serve
out his sentence of 7 to 9 > years
following his conviction as a
sportsmen wonid bare to he car-
| - Mr. Dorris tdok up the argu­
ment from the standpoint of clti-
Isens.generally as well aa aporta-
- i Noted for T re at
“Oregon Is noted throughout
the nation for its fish sad game,-*,
the saM. “Are we going to r let'
| this reputation suffer* Tourists
Forward Into Battle!
are now coming to Oregon and
¡spending a day or two on one er
¡more of oaf many delightful
¡trout streams. I t they are auc-
cosaful they w ill go back home
[and brag all winter about tke
Death (wonderful flaking they had la
Noted Magician Npw
Following Appendicitis
They will want to come again
and they will cause their friends
D ETR O IT, Oct. 27.— (United Ito come. ■
News)— H arry HoudinI waa still
' “ But If we sHow our trout
battling for his life here today, ¡streams to suffer, those same
folowlng an operation for appen­
folks are going to come kero and
dicitis Monday.
j nt>t( catch any fla t. And then they
The condition of the master aro goitog home mid tell their
magician, which
la complicated riiendh that thia tdlk aboat good
by peritonitis*, was
considered fishing in Oregon la all the
grave to a bulletin Iseuad by hla busk."
physicians at 8:86 p. m.
! Spertamaa Ware urged by both
Houdlnl’s physician« said the i «pcskera to. put In some real hard
crisis would
«pma in two
or campaigning during the next few
three day».
dayu In order that .the bill might
he defeated.
Allison Ifoultoa. Bert Ander­
son and Bill Coleman also spoke. ,
L i c k GewEKAL-
PORTLAND, Oct. 88.— (United
News)— B. J. Adams, who served
to the capacity of secretary to Sen­
ator Robert Hi Stanfield for five
years, is to become private secre­
tary to Frederick StelWer in event
of his election ha senator. It was
learned from reliable sources in
Eugene ’riieeday.'
PARIS. Oct. 8,7'— ( United)
N o r s ) — Heart Berenger,. French
ambassador to tho United St«tee
conferred with Foreign Minister
Brland Tneeday and the confer­
ence was followed immediately
by remore thlit- Hdrongor would
retare to tho United Btoteo after
tho American elections in Novem­
het for 1, Add'd«* teot tambor ber, Instead of waiting in France
Condon — City starts program dally, through Pew Wlggtn T er­ for ratification of the American
of rock-surfacing streets.
minala, In Boston.
debt agreement.
jlphwimately litp.SSS u U 4 • ' »
Ponzi To Serve
Prison Sentence
Adam s Offered
K eeper Injured
By B en g a l T iger
Job By Steiw er
May Come 'J
On Debt
Harold Clifford and Ben
Dorris Meet With
County Sportsmen
Still Rumors Of
Judges in
tert Wi
Back To
Jddges la Thè tid in g s ’ letter
VIEN N A, OcK 88 — <U1
writing contest said today that The rosali of Queen Mtoria
they would finish their work by ber* American visit wlthoat
tonight aa tifct aaaouncemeat of ecahdat is being discaaesd bff
the winner can be made
tomor- ,n« members
row. The judges adariltod they *e*erkm eai. it is uad
whre faring a- hard task in select- Ken* Memora prevailed I
In« Old t h r w bdot lettore.
* «PW M the edhlaot nN
The throb wtnnore wUl he spoo-
lei Ausate of the Klwaafs club
Muddy noon nt which tin» the
priee-Wtaalag letters win he read.
The judges are Mrs. P. K. Ham-
‘h* edvfcsMIlty of taking
tdke-dt eohld «neh pretest a
to eamsMa bar seajwt:
Mtokn if the sttaattoa ta the
** Metes jaetKlda M.
mend. J M. Hgrdy, J. a . Church-
ili, a E. CaHoi. and G. A. Brie-
, - r — »------------—
Ooartral Point — M s» •