t M ' . 1 I 1 ‘Lp. 1 I »» - The two lodge« g rM tly p idaSee, elated the largo ' attorn which igade thikr a ffa ir ♦ ’•uccfss B « M DeMolay W ill Give PwhUc I« ill »ospitai thnt the bblsif wae The DeMolay's w ill give a W. P. Walter Reporta on dance in the Masonic H a ll. W ed­ Assembly Held at Long- nesday, October 37. ViOW, Wash. * t^l.-ndar of This is a benefit danoe fqr the WctliM'wlay. Oct. 17.— The I|«Mo- DeMolay college fund. Refresh­ W. P. W alter, secretary of the rsity o f.H a w a i Isy's w llljjiv e a public dsnce ments wit) be served bjr « commit- local Y. M C. A., returned with . . . to Deoakber 'Icome . here in the Masonic H all, for their teg 1 b charge. Admission 25 and his fam ily ' last evening from these young men det a football gchrti college fund. 60 cent«. . . ' 1 Ceks. LongvieW. W ash , w£ere he at- Wrdnroday. Ort. 27.— Past Ma­ * on thWavs » « It tended the Northwest Assembly K lu m roceritly tovlpxi Roç^nus tron's of Alpha chapter No. I.. Food Hale at Hardy BroS' •th . 1144. for work tglth boys and young tb conduct the and also to O. E. S. will hold meeting at ng was (he bfeginajag M referee & e < a m a « t wRh _ The A uxiliary to the American men, which was held under the 1 Utah, Do- the* home of Mrs. Hal M cNair Legion will give a food sale at now known throughout comber 18 and w ith Texas, auspices of the Northwest Council on Oak street. Hardy Bros., Saturday, October of the Young Men's'Christian As­ the world as, the Y o u n r Men's Cumber 36 ahd January 1, H,> ac- W ed n esd ay, O ct. 17.— Social Clr- 30. P a rt , of the applg butter, sociations. The assembly was or­ Christian Association. W illiam s copied a ll ¿he tpvitatlons. <^Je p tjh ? Christian church w ill which was made by thia organisa­ ganized about a year ago and has was jnkt 33 years of age at thia Rockne w ill arrive December meet in the church parlors at tion at the cannery Thursday eve­ grownj>eyond the hopes of its or­ time, a younf maa - o f sterling 14 and Mrs. Rockne 'w ill accoin- 1: 30 p. m. » ning, w ill be sold. > ’ ganizers, according to the local Christian character and w ith the » a n y bln«?* Thursday, Oct. 21.— Daughters of M M M • secretary. ' "This is not a con­ courage of hlv'convictions, tin l A i w r years j r v tb t n t he i v wad' vv«xn a u ig u to v By v m — knighted by Nile will give a dancing party Odd JMlowa and vention or a eonferaace, but a later in the Riverside Community Give Entertalnme group of older boys and men Queen Blisabeth as a trib u te to club house, between. Gold H ill The committees of the- Odd working on dtffersnPfeommlsalons the great service he had rendered and Grants Pass. Fellows end Rebekahs gave a de­ seeking to work out and help human Ylnd. R e ha« aides Thursday, Oct. 2».— Valley V ie * lightful entertainment in the I. O. «pire the many problems of the known as S ir George W illiam s Community Club meets in the jo F. hall Friday evening, Octo- boys and young men* of today," Sir George never was an egririoy- Funeral services were held »unday afternoon for Mr«, Hulda od officer o f the Y. M C. A., hut * school house at 2 p. m. her 22. Mr. W alter explained. There were of hl« tim e, talent and Taylor, tpother p f Councilman 8, Thursday, Oct. 28.— Merley Cir The hall was elaborately decor­ ten commissions ’ at work .during (fo r he' later became D. Taylbr, who died last ’ week cle of the Baptist church meets ated In Hàlowe*èn colors with the assembly. The H l-Y com­ wealth, with Mrs. H. O. Anderson. pumpkins, corn stalks a n d mission, Pioneer, Comrade, Boy’s wealthy) generpusly, that thia or- following ap Illness from pneu­ Friday. Oct. ‘M .— Ladies of the witches. placed here and there. Camp, Friendly Indian building «»hMntlon ml, glit fu lfil the mla- monia. Services were held at the Civic Club' will give a Hallo­ The evening was spent in dancing work, young men's division. sloto for whioh It had been organ­ Presbyterian church and were ised. \ •» > îü we'en party at the Civic Club and In social conversation. conducted >y Rev. Hugh T. World Brotherhood and Christian Mitchel more. B urial was In house, for a hospital benefit. A t a late hour delicious re­ emphasis commissions. T Ïe as­ S atu rd ay, Oct. » 0 .— The Macabee freshments were served in Ashland cemetery. the sembly membership la composed ladies will give an old-fashion­ banquet roon), which was also of laymen,.older boys, young men ed Hallowe'en dance in the beatftifully decorated in autumn and secretaries of thé Y. M. C. A. Moose hall. leaves and orange and black tho attendance being about even S atu rd ay, Oct; 3 0 .— A u x ilia r y to crepe paper, w ith oranfte candles ly divided. The next assembly A m erican L egion w ilH h a v e a placed on each table. Original will be in February and w ill be W A SHING TO N, Û. C„ Otet. 3« food gale at H ardy B ro s. and clever favors were given to held at the M orsn, gy the Royal Neighbors '■ Ralph Kooser. manager of the Foley's Honey an^ Tair *Com- SEE THE SMOOTHEST rit and the Modern Woodman, was a Bagley Canning company of thia pound, for coughs, colds, croup CH^VftQLET city, doaated the cannery, sever­ (spgpmodlc) and tickling throat; decided success. The ball was elaborately decor­ al men's services and a woman, ala» a tria l packet each of Foley ated in orange and black crepe Mrs. Rice, to oversee the work. Pille, a* diuretic stimulant for Twenty-five gallons of apple the kldheys, and 'Foley Cathartic paper streamers, with pumpkin lanterns covering each light and butter will be sent to Portland. Tablets for constipation, blllons- throwing a soft glow over' the At a food sale Saturday, October >ss, and sick headaches. These rooms. In one corner was a 30 at Hardy Broa., two hundred wohdertnl • remedies have helped cleverly made witches booth, and th irty pints will be sold to millions of people.' Send for I them. Sold everywhere,— No. 4. with the characteristic camp defray expenses. fire. The guests also had much • • /. fun and enjoyment fishing for ‘ v -a. * ' » favors. In a fish pond. Wm. M. Briggs, present candidate for rep Mrs. Henry Reid saag two resentative to the Oregon legislature, was born beautiful solos accompanied at the piano by Mrs. A. A .‘Madden. in the city pf A ^land, in thjfi : Mrs. Fay Rosencrantx played a He is a Jackson Cojinty prpduct. • delightful piano number and Mr. He received his conwwn and |figh school Bookert of the California Oregon Power company at Medford, gave training in the public 8 ciioq | | of Ashland, and an interesting talk on the bill his legal education at Vaipprafso University, sponsored by the Housewive's Indiana, at which latter place Tie graduated Gouucil. Following the program the pies with honors. . ' \ ' -A were auctioned off, fprty being Mr. Briggs enlisted listed in m the 4i7Uy Ì1 in 1 May, sold. Refreshments were sVkved at tables artistically decorated 1917, and at the close of the way Wgi 8* di»- w ith flowers. ininission as First Licutcn Li< commission charged with i- Pr LüCHl “• h. h.d W K C S ld eilt LaidTo Rest The Next Time You Serve Tea dlssovsr- cobbldr who lived for yehra here Eugene building this year, ex­ working peacefully In the quarter pected to reach 0 .6 8 « ^ « 8 . of Vlute Umbrjp dlngnleed a« « man. and living With another WP. Oregon City — - "Entarnriaa" man as wife has fust been dis­ oheervea 60th anniyersnry, tffth big spécial number. covered. - The cobbler, by name L ftip p , «bent 4® rents pf sg«r RHP TH>qi<« smoked, and drank' w ith other men o f b ls tra d e , and p la y rid a rare hand, at cards. Rendered J«ql«ft«- tor the a t­ tentions o f a youth of f lu to the g irl who wjts livtyg with him, the cobbler challenged him Now |g the (t o e to put ypuy to a "rustic duel," th a t la a duel fought o u t w ith knives ■> In some quiet spot without wltnsnt|««. Ernesto, whose real IMU»«. tt now appears, la Road fought like fury, and wounded her oppon­ ent several times, t ill the latter, fearing for his life, whipped out a revolver and sho( the woman servo A Uberai portion «< Oar Delicious Oaks with It <904 Mg FULLER’S ■ -, « w W * -, ■ . Never again will yon take the time and do tlie werk to bake your own cake? Test it by tastiqg. J- 0 8 1 « ? FwnWip Bwmeira A CAB Bakery OF > ! Might Curtail ROYÀL COAL CAR ON Tells How , C. A. Started Y. Hot ‘n Clean m - ,r . ? - ~ ry - V ~ TOY THIS CQAL AND YOU WILL BE PLEASED. * ■ i Carson- Fowler Lumber Co. Bargains “ IN THE HEART OF TOWN’? 4.1» 10**1*14 : The Automotive Shop FQR STATE REPRESENTATIVE ant Infantry. Fresh effects » ‘ IIow prond you feel after houpe-cleaning time I Stripped of their ornament#, dragged into suu?ight, things sliow what they are. But you freshen them, wash their mirrors, stretch new linen across them, group them less familiarly, put more charming pieces near — stand back and arc pleased. Fresh effects! • # • Yop aren’t fickle when you tire of the old. Just civilized. You have a civilized desire for the new. Ad- vertismehts are among the most civilized of things. They offer freshest curtains, finest linens, most pleasing varnishes — what your home is hungry for. New cakes, breads, salads — what you are hungry for. New fabrics, tonics, beautifiers — what everyone hungers for. Offer tlrem so widely they are safe to buy by name and ' to use as recommended. Weighf rigjit, quality right, * * • |V E N B abies recognihe the $ a v p r o f. H - O Q u ic k C o o lu n g .Oqte. T hey’re different and moot folks think they’re better. 3 / jMayhc tta har f ^ l foefr fong tnnn lipg gives them s u c h . an enticing flavor* M aybe its because theg loo|i so fresh Ciood O ld F a sh io n e d HONBY a I n d H OREH OUND and wholesom e a s they leave the pack* agt. People who know, raoagglRe H -O N yJl I that are weQanJ favorably : o f cought, caldi, o f voter and It »mid os mastfafy. Quick Cooking O atu aa ’T h e Best Oat ik am i Madd* T asi Springs Pharmacy - Cere«l / the firm name of* Briggs $ admitted to the Indiana b#r the Oregon bar in ' fgs. u e wtfc 1917, nini to In 19J9 My. Briggs wag __ at- torney pf Ashland, and has held that ph»(tioi without interruption since that time, througl varioipj’city administration». Fpom 19^) to 1923 Mr. Briggs was the Captain of the Ashland battery of Coast Ar­ tillery. He still holds a Captain’s commission in the Officers Reserve C6rpB- During the period lie was in command of the Ashland bat­ tery he was a member of the General Staff of the State of Oregon. Mr. Briggs is making his Ifirst entry into politics, though lie has given rf* gre/xt deal of service in civic matters through his work Tmd interost in the various ojyic organizations of his locality. • ' ,»' • « amount of service right. Advertisements take the monot- ony out of your days. They offer freshness for you skin, yout body, your brain — things at fresh prices that make them easy to buy. - • Read tbe advertisements. There’s refreshment in their news |U (-1 «I