PAGE THREE ter, decided to bare a ceokod food tale and a bazaar very boom , and appointed committees t5 emerged successfully today from Us first clash with what hack. Almost desperate as he felt promises to be the largest fleet the wealth slipping, Pat proposed of liquor ships ever assembled again while he and Martha were off the coast of Southern Cali­ 4 'M B seated at a table in a Niles Cen­ fornia. Hostesses Mrs. Nell Shinn, Neighbors of the Woodcraft Meets— Mrs, D. Provost. The Neighbors of the Wood­ Thursday, Oet, 21. — Who - Do craft held their regular meeting class of the M. E. church meets dt 3:30 p. in. in the M. E Monday evening, October 18, in the Odd Fellows hall. parsonage. Thursday, Oct. 21.— Meeting held ' Concluding the usual business at 903 E. Majn street to pr- session, a happy social hour was ganized a stringed instrument spent, after which dainty refresh­ ments were served at tables clev­ club. • Thursday, Oct. 81. — Trinity erly decorated in. orange and - Guild, will give a public card black. There was a splendid attend­ party at the Parish House. Thursday, Oet. 21— Baby Clinic ance and several normal school will he held lir the Civic Club students were present. R R R house. Who-Do Claes Saturday Oct. 28.— Chapter AC, The Who-Do Class of the Meth­ P. E. O., will hold meeting. odist church will hold a meeting Monday, Oct. 25.— Music Study at the M. E. parsonage on Laurel Club meets. street, Thursday afternoon at Monday, Oct. 25.— Ashland Study- 2:30, October 21. Club meets. Everyone interested in this or­ Monday, Oct. 25.— E p w o r t h League of the M. E. church ganization is cordially Invited to attend and learn of the work meets. Which is being done. Monday, Oct. 25.— Ladies A r t R R R Club meets. ter night club. Host and H ostess at Dinner — Thursday, Oct. 28. -Valley View Mr. and Mrs. John McCoy were “ Yes,” consented Martha, seal­ Community Club meets in the the host and hostess at a delight­ ing the fate of the fortune. school house at 2 p. m. Then with the aid of a ro­ Friday, Oct. 2». Ladles of the ful dinner Sunday evening, at their home. mantic traffic policeman the cli­ Civic Club will give a Hallo­ After enjoying the .delicious max was reached swiftly. It was we’en party at the Civic Clan house, for a hospital benefit. prettily appointed dinner, the 11 o’clock at night, but Pat hdd' NATIONAL CREST Wednesday, Nov. b.— The P. T. guests spent the evening In con­ previously ordered the marriage versation. license. - He borrowed a ring and A. and the ladles of the Civic Those who enjoyed this happy whispered a word to a motor- Club will give a reception at tho Civic Club house for all affair were Mr. and Mrs. O. A. A. McCoy, Mrs. Ethel Obrist of the teachers in Ashland. Klamath Falls and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Iloyal Neighbors Meet— The Royal /Neighbors h e l d Mr. and Mrs. John McCoy and their regular meeting in the Odd son, have just recently returned Fellows Hall, Monday evening, from q long trip back East. They October 18. with relatives and After the usual business sea visited friends in Cashman, Arkansas, sion was concluded, a happy so- Phoenix, Arizona and Clinton and clal hour was spent during Bessie. Oklahoma, which w a s which time delicious refresh­ their former home. Mrs. Ethel ments of pumpkin pie with Obrist, who has been spending whipped cream and coffee, were several days in this city, will re­ daintily served by the committee turn to her home In Klamath Bisters highway. in charge. -- Falls today. R R R R R R PORTLAND MAN KILLED . . W ill Give Pie Social— CI ah Dance— PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 20.— The Royal Neighbors and the The Past Matrons club of Al­ (U P )— Sidney Dunca, 43, was Modern Woodmen will give a pha Chapter No. 1, Order of the killed today when he was struck “pip social" Friday evening, Octo­ Eastern Star, have Just completed by a milk truck driven by James ber 22, in the Moose Hall. A cordial invitation is extended to the dance floor in the Masonic Lyob. The driver was arrested. the public, to come and bring a Hall and will give their first dance, Friday evening, October pie. SCHD EXCLUSIVELY BY US 22, to which the public is cordial­ and Ballroom dancing, will give R. L, DANIELS M e d fo rd , Ore. ly Invited. There will be card ta­ an exhibition dance during the Guests of Misa E. H a y s - 1 £ 0 0 .0 0 0 c u p # w e r e served bles in the dining room for those Monday evening, October 18, a t t o e PAP A M A -P A C IF IC 25 and 50 cents, in the new officers of the Presbyter­ who do not wish to dance. Miss In tern ation al EXPOSITION Dixie Ambler, teacher of Ballet refreshments. ian Christian Endeavor Society were the guests of their Superin­ tendent, Miss E. Hays at her fcileaRant hpmp. . . A t fi:3A p. m.-a delicious chick­ en dinner was ideally served by the hostess, after tthich a happy hour was spent in outlining the winter's work, the most import­ ant feature being a Christmas tree, November 14, for the mis­ sion schools. The members of this society are hoping that they will secure many people's sup­ port to make this undertaking a success. THINK OF IT NOW— The guests w e r e Wallace not when you have only a Stearns, president; David John­ son, vice-president; Edna Dan- bucketful le ft ford, secretary; Beverly Young, Get it before th e cold treasurer and Billy Graham, lookout secretary. weather begins — before R R R , you really need i t Later H ostess at Birthday Party— snow and ice may delay Miss Thelma Yyvonne Young deliveries and you may find was the dainty little hostess at a Jolly party at her home on High yourself in a home that’s street, Saturday afternoon, Ocfo-> cold—cold as a barn. ber 16, honoring her fifth birth­ day. Put in a supply how, The rooms were a profusion of when you’resure o f getting fragrant, artistically arranged the kind you w an t NOW! flowers, which had been gifts, to Thelma, and the tables were cleverly decorated in orange and black streamers upon which. Ifad been painted witches and oats. Each guest received tiny Hallo­ we’en favors, which delighted them very much. Dainty refreshments w e r ‘e I served by the hostess' mother, Mrs. E. F. Young, and the rest of the afternoon was spent watching the tiny hostess unwrap her many useful and beautiful gifts. Invitations were extended to the following children: Allen Porter, Jr., and James Porter, Robert Autrey, Charles Kincaid, Kenneth Lusk, Dixie Darlan and Ned and Eugènia Young. R R R Cutter Battles . : With Rum Runner Wins Freedom In Auto Death Case LETTER BY CHARLB8 P. 8TEWART NBA Service Writer WASHINGTON — Senator Jim Reed committee of Investigation Into primary election expendi­ tures probably will make two reports, i( appears, when Con­ gress meets. The members will meet In Washington directly after election ,Untli then- there Is no way of tell­ ing with absolute certainty how they stand, but the line of cleav­ age Is pretty evident. crate and Senator La Follette, an Insurgent Republlcad, feel ode way, Senators McNary and Ooff. regular Republicans, show signs of dissenting. William 8. Vare and Frank L. Smith, the two candidates espec­ ially criticised for what they spent tq get senatorial nomina­ tions, in Pennsylvania and Illi­ nois respectively, both are Re­ publicans of the very regular pat­ tern. would be overdoing matters. ‘ ' Reed and La Follett, as op­ ponents of prohibition, are al­ most sure also to take a sharp dig at the anti-saloon League for Its political activities. . McNary and Goff, as drys, pro- bably w ill say th« 1 dona nothing to he I King's attitude . 1 doubtful. His syssg supposed to be dryi tendency will be to Reed and La Follette. Reed, King and La Follette as­ suredly will oppose letting theiH have Senate seats If they're elect- McNary and Goff can hardly fail to agree that expenditures'as large as Vare’s and Smith’s are bad business, but they may tab. Senators Reed and King, Demo- the position that no evidence o*f actual corruption has been shown and tljat, lacking it, the exclu­ QBOCERY slips link sion of the pair from the Senate , AMIKK WITH KENNETH O v e r n ig h t to UEADCOLDS (Continued from 1 1 and went on to trace the slmll arlty in the "prince” of the ser mon" notes and the “prunes" ol the grocery list. ■ ■ M ,lt to «poonj inhale vaporai «nppty freely up nostrils. VÎSISS A WONDERFUL LINE OF YOUNG MEN’S OXFORDS Comfortable Pullman quarters as sum a night's restful sleep; arrival in time for business next morning. Reserve space o n either. N o . 54 or N o. 16. The former puts you in Portland at 7:15 next morning, the latter at 8:50 nun. K E .T U K N I N Q Similar comfortable Pullman service leav­ ing-Portland either at 9:00 p. m. (N o. 13) or (N o. 53) at 1:00 a. m.—sleepers ready at 9:30 p.m. in the very latest styles at prices you can afford to pay. See them in our window. 10% to 30%— b tty roundtrip tickets. • AV« ARMY GOODS STORE B ig g e s t L ittle S to r e in T o w n O p posite N e w H o tel Southern Pacifie O pen E v e n in g s O. N . K ram er, T ic k e t A g en t—P h o n e 43 Above a ll \ O th ers WELL FILLED? T his is th e D ifference Ten percent of the farms of Oregon have electric service, all from regulated utilities. ...... .. ♦ - Less than three percent of the farms of Ontario, Canada, enjoy the benefits of such service. In Oregon the regulated utilities are extending their lines as fast as business conditions reasonably permit. Gradually but steadily that service to rural communities is. increasing. Ontario, served in part by the provincial govern­ ment, serves the centers of population. Government operation means political operation. Political operation is after the votes. The Housewives’ Council “Water and Power” Amendment gives an inexperienced board ab­ solute authority to spend fifty-three million dol­ lars from the sale of state bonds, for which all property in the state would be mortgaged. The farmer-taxpayer helps to guarantee the debt, but the Ontario experiment shows who gets the service. Whittle Transfer Co, A uxiliary to American Legion Meet»— Thè Auxiliary to the American Legion held their regular meet­ ing in the Pioneer Hail, Monday evening, October 18. They discussed events which will be taken up during the win-1 ) are prepared to furnish good clean coal—Screen delivered in bulk^Diamond Briquets 815.50 per ton delivered. VOTE 337 X NO! Paid Adv. kp Oregon Pabilo Utility Committee— Opposed to tho Housewives’ Counoil “Water and Power' 436 Pacifie Building, Portland, Oregon.