Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, October 20, 1926, Image 1

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C I T Y ’S G U
Fair Jn the interior tonight and
tomorrow. Normal temperature
Just a few ipore days remain for
Has Been Ashland's
ÑESDAY, OCT. 20, 1926
Handwriting Found at Car­
mel is Identified By
United New» Staff Correspondent
LQS ANGELES, Oct. 10. —
(United News) — On the walla
of Angelna temple a handwriting
a» dramatically significant to
Almee Semple McPherson as the
four words of bibllcan legend
were to the ancient .feastera of
Babylon was scrawled by the
prosecution late Tuesday as the
state brought its case against the
famous evangelist to a eloae. •
“ Mens, mene, tekel, upharsln,*’
the Invisible hand wrote on the
wall of-the banquet room at Bel­
shazzar’s feast, bat In their place
the state subetltated ’‘Prunes,
Pears, Bran and Tapioca.'*
Damaging Testimony
Thee wor$s, w ritten on a. gro­
cery slip found at the Carmel
“ love oottage’* were Identified by
a handwriting expert, who testi­
fied they' were w ritten by the
same hand that penned the
“ light of darkness’ sermon, which
the evangelist has admitted was
w ritten by her.
And w ith these drab emblems
of domesticity the state contends,
.they have linked the famous
evangelist with an am oroui va­
cation w ith Kenneth O. Ormls-
ton, her former radio operator,
at Carmei-by-the-8ea, while the
evangelist was supposed to have
been the captive of kidmspwre.
Almee Appears
The léthargie a t m o s p h e r e
which pervaded the case as It
dragged into the fonrth week
was dispelled when the evange- j
list was carried Into the conrt-
There has been so much misunderstanding
concerning the proposed ihcrease in rates if the
water bonds should carry, that this article will
seek to shed further light on this question, that
there might be no misconception of what the people
of Ashland might expect
It mast be understood now apd for all time that
the water rate? must be increased whether the
bond'issue carries or not. Sound business methods
compel an increase in rates as the city of Ashland,
at the present tiipe, is furnishing water at less
than cost.
No private concern can long remain in business
and sell its commodity at less than cost. The people
do not expect it, nor should they expect it. The
same holds true with the municipal corporation.
The ihcrease in rates which has been proposed
and which will soon become effective, will lie ap­
proximately 80 percent higher than the present rates.
Even with this increased water charge, Ashland con­
sumers will he getting their water cheaper than
the people of Medford. They will be getting water
cheaper than practically every city of the same size
in Oregon, and what is mo^q, they'will be getting
better water than do most of these other cities.
The present water distribution system in Ash­
land is wholly inactéquate, with many pipes leaking
and almost worn out. In many places there are
two-inch mains where they should be four inches,
and four-inch mains where they should be six
inches. It is estimated that close to 25 percent of
the present water supply is lost? through these
leaking, worn out pipe lines.
There is only one way in which this can be
corrected. That is the construction of new mains
and a general replacement ?>f the present distribu­
tion system, together with a much-needed equaliza­
tion reservoir to reduce the present pressure.
It would he useless, adcording to members of
the council and their engineers, to authorize tho
construction of a new storage dam in Ashlnad Creek
canyon unless authority is given to repair and en­
large the. present distribution system. In fact, both
projects are so closely Interwoven that one cannot
fulfill its purpose without the other.
A. Scott Bullitt of Seattle to
Come Under Official
heads of a crowd. The hearing
wore on and her face became
drawn and flushed from the pain
of the Infection, which she claims
was caused by a poison pin plac­
ed intentionally in her courtroom
chair la st Saturday.
Carlson, handwriting
expert, making his Identifications
from 30 years experience and
with the aid of powerful micro­
scopes became Mrs. McPhreeon’s
most dangerous ■ accuser as the
state prepared to rest Its ease.
1« Hard Blow
It was the hardest blow the
defense has suffered Inasmuch
as It was the first time science
had been called upon to refute
In part, the story she told of
her kidnaping and imprisonment
and her 20 mile walk through
the sands of the Mexican
/M a rt
last June.
Carlson identified the blind
w riting In the sermon found at
tho beach as the work of a
"slovenly and uneducated hand,*’
CHICAGO. III., Oct. 20.— (U P )
Charging that A.- Scott B ullitt,
democratic candidate for senator
in the state of Washington, has
¿pent over
R. Sumner, chairman of the re­
publican committee in Washing­
ton, has sent a telegram to Chair­
man Reed of the investigating
committee, and as a result Reed
'has ordered an official investiga­
tion. 1 -
Sumner said he is certain that
B u llitt’s expenditures w ill reach
»00,000 before the end of the
Rumania Queen Is
Invited To Lunch
By Kiwanis Club
T H E D A LL É 8. Oct. 20— (U n it­
ed New«)— Klwanians of The
Dalles desire the presence of
Queen M arie of Rumania as their
luncheon guest.
The queen w ill pass through
this city on Nov. » enroute, to
Portland, and the Kiwanle club.
Tho Tidings, in Its deslro to
bettei serve, has established a
special carrier service, which
will he available until 6 J 9
evdry even 11 g except Qutidav.
I f you do. not receive your pa­
per by this time phone 39, the
TidlngB'bffice, and the $eclal
carrier wll! deliver one to your
Houses Wrecked and
immunication. Badly
H A VA NA , Cuba, Oct. 20.—
(U P ) — A hurricane wrecked be­
tween 200 and 300 houses in
Havana today and then passed
beyohd the city at 11 o’clock
this morning. More than half
the trees In the city were either
blown down or p artially uproot­
Telephone, telegraph and pow­
er lines are down and streets are
stremq, with
glass and
building matertalb. K ■*-
I t la not yet known whether or
not any lives' Were lost, although
It is feared that later results w ill
add a list of fatalities to the pres­
ent property toll.
Damage to crops throughout
the Island
la reported
Use Airplane To enormous.
’ ’
(Please Turn to Page 8)
Find Stolen Car
MI Could Die,”
Queen Is Given
SALINAS, Cal., Oet. ' >9.__
He Said; He Did (United N aw »)— An airplane has Rousing Ovation
been used succesefully in pursu­
BLACKBURN, England Oct.
20.— “ I could die doing this,’*
exclaimed J. J. Tomlinson,
during the final steps of a
Charleston with his fiance, ns
the music ceased he collapsed
and died within five minutes
of heart failure.
ing a stolen automobile.
B A LTIM O R E. Md., Oct. 2«.—
Flying from Oakland, Dapaty ( U P )— Queen M arie of Rumania
Sheriff Jack Collier, and Aerial received a seriee of ovatloaa up­
Deputy Metsger arrived
here on her arrival hare thia afternoon
in a'drissling rain. The streets
from the outskirts of the city
were packed with spectators. The
queen’s party arrived here after
a fast ride from Annapolis where
she reviewed the midshipmen.
Fcrum Luncheon Tomorrow
Noon Promises to Be
’Big Affair
Road Contractors Testify
He Solicited Financial
The Tidings lettre contest.
Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years
Sixty Medford-
»111 break bread
business men
with Ashland
Lieutenant Governor to Take Of.
See in Case He Is Kicked
SEA TTLE. Wash., Oct. 2 0 .-x
(U P ) — Petitions urging the re­
call of Governor Hartley, accused
of malfeasance In office, will be
! circulated throughout the state
the first of next week, it was an­
nounced today by B. F. Blaine,
secretary of the recall committee.
' The signature» of 98,000 regis­
tered voters are necessary before
the recall election can be held.
. Bids for the printing of Hie pe­
titions were called for today by
Secretary of State J.- G r a n t
chamber of commerce
lunch, and then, accompanied by
a local delegation, will meet a
north-bound special Southern Pa­
cific train at l;3 0 p. m. to wel­
come the ticket agents upon their
arrival here. The ticket agents
will he taken on auto rides in and
about Ashland and then to Med­
ford where they will again board
their special train.
The luncheon tomorrow will
be devoted to whatever the Med­
Uncxpired Term
ford folks th& k best, including
the Washington law the
the court bouse removal project
which will be on the November lieutenant governor serves out
tfie unexpired term of the execu­
tive If the latter is removed from
office by means of the recall.
Althçjigh no
has been forthcoming, it Is gen­
erally believed here that Govern­
or Hartley will take the stump
in a state-wide speaking cam­
paign in defense of his policies.
Percentage Asked
J. D. W tndor, another »•"«id
contractor, previously had testi­
fied that Fqrguson had invited
him to bid »76,000 on a project 1
and charged that the form er .
governor expected to rqpelve ten '
p e r seat o f this amount:
Ferguson has charged a po- j
litlcal frame-up fa responsible for
the allegations.
M A R S H F IE L D , Ore., Oct. 20.
— ( U P ) — A probe was started to­
day into the death of C. 8. Mar­
tin, 66, who idled suddenly. It is
thought he brushed his
with Insect poison which he used
by mistake.
Petitions Against
Washii lgton Governor
Be Signed
LegldlatIre Body Is Probing Al­
leged Acta o f W om an'
A U STIN , Texas, Oe^ 20.' —
(United N ew s)— Chargee against
the conduct of state d epartm ent/
under the adm inistration of Gov­
ernor M iriam A. Ferguson are
being aired here before a special
legislative committee, appointed
to Investigate among other things
the working of the highway com­
The name of former Governor
James E. Pergnson has been
brought before the hearing in
connection w ith the Inquiry into
letting of roed contracts in Texas.
W a n ts * «800
A t Tuesday’s session, C. M.
Kelley, San Antonio, road con-
tractor, testified that Ferguson
had asked him *to Join In a
“ road education’* advertising cam­
paign to. the extent of »600. The
advertisements were to appear In
Ferguson’s Forum , the form er
governor’s weekly newspaper.
K elly said he believed hie would
he placed In the good graces If
Ferguson or he bought the ad­
vertising, but dented It was any
sort of graft.
R e c a ll
The candidate believes that the
state laws should be amended so
that it would be a misdemeanor
for any employer to defraud an
employe of any part of his wage.
Puhllc disapproval of the re­
moval of President Henry Suzzalo
of the University of Washington
brought about concerted effort to
initiate the recall moveiqent.
Demonstration for Accused
Texas Preacher to be
FORT WORTH. Texas. Oct. 20
- —{United' News) — Apparently
|hcre w ijl'b e np parade p t his
congregation tlip night tjefore thq
Rev. 'J. Frank Norris, ' Baptist
minister goes »on trial here for
the murder of n. E. Chipps.
wealthy lumberman.
Applications from (he board of
deacons of Norris’ church to the
city council for permission to
hold a demonstration parade was
disregarded by Mayor Meachem.
Norris, who claims self defense
In the slaying of Chipps in the
former's church study last July,
goes on trial the first week iu
Liquor Law Violations Cen­
ter About Heated Cam­
paign There
Claim Made That Saloons AU
lowed to Operate to Kelp
ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Oct. 20.
— (United News)— W ith the ap­
proach of the territorial elections
the topic of liquor Jaw enforce­
ment has come to the front of
Alaskan campaign dlscussTons.
Major JoBlah Kemp, command­
er of the local m ilitary poet, de­
clared in a public address that he
had discovered 39 places where
liquor was being sold on Main
street. Anchorage.
Asked to comment on the
speech Deputy Marshal jStaser
said that Major Kemp “Hid not
get them all by any means.”
Pacific Coast Boys Admit “ Biit owing to the sgarch war­
Making Living as Purse rant laws and the apathy of the
public It is impossible to cope
with the situation,” Staser added.
Supporters of Delegate Dan
30.— (United
News)— Captured a few minutes
after they had stolen a woman’s
pocketbook today, two seventeen
year ojd boysX-John Newlove of
Portland and Joseph Harris of
Seattle, admitted to police they
had been making Jhelr
here for the last month
snatching women’s purses.
Two officers, cruising along in
n police car, were attracted by
the screams of Mrs. Ella Zezes-
nowlcz, when Hhe was molested
Hi-Y Boys Hold Dinner and
by the pair and after a short
Plan to Stimulate More
chase caught the two youths still
carrying the woman's purse.
Coolidge Envoy
Flees Shanghai
In Great Hurry Basketball Squad
The regular meeting of the
Ashland' H i-Y Club was held in
the rooms of the Y. M. C. A. in
Pioneer Hall, last evening. Din­
ner was prepared and served by
P E K IN G , China, Oct. 20.—
Jack Nlms, Ronald Gandee and
Carmi Thompson, President Cool­
Barney Miller. Ben Harrell and
personal representative,
Basketball practice will start
Joseph Harrell were elected to
departed hurriedly for Shanghai tonight for the hoys of the South­
to avoid a gigantic circling move­ ern Oregon state normal school, merabcishlp in the clnb. These
ment of radical forces which is and W alter Hughes,-athletic di­ new members will be initiated in
tho very near future.
designed to sweep the country rector, has made it plain to Hie
Following the business session
clean of reactionary militarists. studhnts that ho will expect them
of the .club a discussion of school
Thompson left, fearing a disrup­ to work hard and get in good
spirit was held. This is the firht
tion Of ralirqad service.
physical condition as Hpeedlly as
q ( a series, of „discussions
To all 'appearances,
held on school problems. Those
there is some splendid basketball
present felt something should be
material at the normal, aud with done to stir'u p the spirit of the
Coach Hughes to whip them into
school and to get the students to
shape, the boys ought to produce
back the various activities of tho
c. formidable hoop team.
High School. The backing of tho
Arrangements are now being
football eleven came in for some
made to secure games with the
serious thought and discussion,'
Monmouth uormal school and
and some real effort will be put
other institutions throughout the
state. The boys will practice qt forth to enthuso the Btudents in
the coming game.
the armory.
It is also felt that the people
of the city should take a greater
interest in athletic activities and
other school functions.
Starts Practice
Chasing the Speeders
Williams Service
Station Is Sold
Announcement has been made
of (he sale of the Williams Ser­
vice station to J. D. McRae, well
known local resident.
Williams who has made a lurge F. M. Putney Answers Final
circle of friends while iu busi­
Call After it Brief
ness here, has expressed his
thanks and appreciation for the
F. M. Putney, a Cfvll war vet­
splendid support given him. He
will remain in Ashland for sever­ eran and an active member of tho
al weeks.
Medford G. A. R. post, died at his
home in Medford Monday after a
short illness.
The deceased leaves to mourn
him. four daughters, three eons,
13 grandchildren and three great
grandchildren. The youngest sou
C. H. Putney, and a granddaugh­
J. W. McCoy of the First Na­ ter, Mrs. E. R. Isaac, reside in
tional Bank will discuss the var­ Ashland.
ious Income tax measures appear­
ing on the November ballot at
the weekly luncheon of the Ash­
land Kiwanis club Friday noon.
Mr. McCoy has made a careful
study of these various measures
and will devote approximately 30
CHICAGO, Oct. 29. —
minutes to a thorough discussion
Lyman, orchestra leader,
of thorny There will be no spec­
taken out an insurance |
ial music.
on his hands, providing
monthly benefits in the
his baton wielders becone
PARIS, Oct. 20.— (U P )— Pre­
capacitated and provtdli
mier Poincqre today decided to
»60,900 retire fund whei
postpone a discussion of debt
reaches the age of I f .
funding agreements with the
United States until next year.
McCoy Will Talk
On Tax Measures
He "Values Hands
At Tidy Amount