Mt. W. Í. OHANDALL C a L n d n ro f B ra tto — Practice lim ited To Eye, Ear, Kose and ThFoigt . Monday, Oct. IV .— Queen Esther* tneet tonight nt Meri* Moon*» fen MiiiU' mb U"— "w t M B ( BALE—»Cleeh, beardlew barley for seed— last year's stash. 960 per ton. Phone 18 6-J. W . B. Plaraan, Boulevard. n -e apartment close Ob' on ground floor. 10 per month. W ater paid. Phone 279T. 38-4* F o r RB n 4 : 4-noom fw A ls h e l nished apt,, alno 2 rooms. Phone M èi. 34-tf PÖ Steel Handpow- er Btumppullers, ISO each. Horse power |7 S . Automatic Gatos H and w all torera, waterwheels, i l l Irt, Benton, Washington. « 26-tf BOB h o tt* on Allison street. F o r bargains in Real Bktote Mondey\ O ri. IV. r - Melghbe» VK the Woodcraft Meet* tonight ÌO tfy Brown and Rica, 13 No. Main. the L O. O. F . Hell. 284-tt. Tbsdny, O ri. IV . — Civic Clab W A N T E D — To sell my apart­ meet* at the Civic Club ( m * s * : ment house and home in Marsh- on Winburn Way. fM d , Ore., a etx. a p t house, with Tbesday, Oct. 1 0 — A l p ha Chap. 3 rooms each, private bath and . ter No. 1. O. B. 8.. meets in furnace heat, all furnished. The the Masonic Hall. tUro places have an earning ca­ Wednesday, Ori. VO. 4 a dies A M pacity of 200 per month, would Society of the M. B. ehdrih taka a email ranch near Ashland meets at the horn* of M r*. W . a* part pagmant. The remainder W o rth in g to n at 121 Laurel 8t., oh easy terms. W rite J. O. Lang­ at 2:30 p. m. worthy, Marshfield, Ore, 781 8. Wednesday, Oct. 20.— Missionary I t St. 89 8* Society Of the P rw b ytariaa R E N T — Pasture head of stock. Phone »46-J1. Call W A N T E D — Petition for 6 W A N T E D — M arried man who evenings. understands tractor farming, . 40-2« steady work. Address Bax B, B., Tidings. 1 • i 3»-2« in Doc­ WANTED — Experienced mid­ tor's office, or practical nursing. dle aged woman for housework Mrs. Snider, 423 No. Main. on ranch. Address Box B. B., Phono 423-4. 40-2 Tidings. 39-2* X-Ba>, Inotodfag T ee« mountains near here tor trace* of the murderer. , Mies Purdue, whose body, rid* died with baekshot, waa found In * canyon 11 mttw meat of Trinidad Friday, eras eaid to have besa active in reporting opera, tlons of bootlegging to officers. The latter are inclined te regard her murder ae the revenge »< moonshiners who thrive in the sparsely populated mountauioua region of this section ef Color­ ado. DEAR BfcVTVH" fH « 160, {-room pla»te»ed( ¿$dnse. fine, aaebstrncted.- Phone 4 1 9 4 . 40-4* visw. Lately reduced f r o 14800 to |4O0A H- C. Galey, Ne. . for a d i i » . *H*deaa oar in 86 B. Main. , 38-C goad'condition. <2 Bosh 8L 29-1 mo.* F O B ftA L B -rP a ri of lot 4a A*h|and Cemetery, room , for three grave* located near center F O B SA LE: — W hite Rotary of Cemetery. L o t surrounded by Sawing machine tor 989.06 at cemsat coping. Inquire Georgle P e ls Corner. 21-tf Coffee, Tidings office. / FOR BALB—Ford Sedan 8180. d o te la,-’- a FOR SALE—Household furni- M', 4th St. 28-P* FO B S A L E Shepherd dog, « year old, good ' heeler, phohe A A. M . - M e hall every 2m et, Dr. R. L. 1 William Day. AaMaad Ledge No. « , 1 . O. O. F ,— Meets I * the L O. O. F. hall Ovary Thursday. Noble Orand, M r. Haselwaod Vice Oraad, H. J. Woloott. Siskiyou Cheater 1 A. M.— Meets Ta th* hail every 3rd T h a t« Priest, Clyde A. Mhb rotary, W illie « Day. Simpson’s Hardware M a lt* CommattRarp Me. d, K . ■»— Meets In the Maaoalc hall oh the 1st and 9yd Wadaaa- days. Em. Commander, D. M. Jackson; Bocead«, WUttate Day. H ilah Temple A. A . O. N. I t . B>— Meet* in' the Masonic hall every 1st Friday, nikstrloae Patentate, F. D. W agner; Re­ corder, W illiam Day. Alpha Chapter M e ,'t , O. B. 8.—-Meets in th * Mmtohic h*tt oa the 1st and 3rd Tuesday*. W orthy Matron, M r*. Neills Pators; Secretary, Mrs. Leah N, Caldwell. of The N ile— Meets la the Mm •able hall every 2nd Saturday. Meets alternately at Medford, Alhland and Grant* Paw . Pfln- cws Tirsah, Letona MaNbft; Princess Zuletka, OrsM 94a- Heating Iv y Camp No. B 8 M , Royal Neighbors. — Meets in the Moose hall on the 1st and 3rd Mondays: Oracle, Mrs. A. A. Madden; Recorder, M r*. Alice Tnraer. Ashland Lodge No. I l l , K.« »f P.— Meets in the I. O. O. F . hall on 1st and 3rd Fridays. Chancellor Commend«, Mil- tprd Dunn Recording Soore- taty, C. B. Hooper. .Btenaelde R elief Ourpa, No. R4.I M eet* in the I. O. Ó. F . hall no the 1st and 3rd Satnr- daya, a t 2 p. m. President, Mrs. Alice T a m e r; Secretary, Mrs. 8. A. Paters, Sr. Why send off to Cata­ logue houses for Barb­ wire and Fencing? While we can meet their prices on most anything In our line. Turn in your order for your wants, and 1st u* figure with you before you send off for the goods. Peil’s Corner Pickwick Sta ASHLAND TO AXX stem s I 80VTH Ashland Chapter DeModay— Mnets la the Masonic b a ft oa t i e 2nd and 4th Monday*. Master Counsellor, < Milton F fa n k lin ; Senior Counsellor, Roland^ Parks. h *u on the 1st and Srd T u w - Mondays. Acorn Circle No. 54, Neigh­ bor» of the Woodcraft.— Meets in th * L O. O. F , hall an the 1st and 3rd Mondays. Presi­ dent, M rs. W . G. Praacatt; Oterk, Mrs. Wm . apfttneft. Aehlano Camp No. 248, W . O. W — Meet* In the I. O. O. F. hall o a,th e 2nd and 4th Mon­ day*. Clerk, J. R. W ick; Con­ sul Commeader, C. E. Lane. Q. A. iL l- » f if t ihfi I t h ’ sgi. each month. Armory, 2 p. m. virltur* Weflcoma. o. o. van- natta. Commander. n ff X 1 i ava u ■, ■ t i — .i R eed ■■■•.. •■ ■ ■ Dunsmuir m * Sto o«ato""‘ San Francisco [Los Angeles Five Schedale« Daily—5 :8 0 a. m.; 1O:OO a. m .| l i t ó » . m.: B:OO |k m.; U M ». w. Stop over anywhere end a* often as you ilk *. TRUNKS— See the Agent Ö. elltson saom Dentist Dr. Charles A. Baines Fhysldaa and Surgeon Cltlsens Bank Bldg. Office Phone 164-J Home Phone 164-L Office Phone 181 OFFICE HOURS ta a. m.— 8 to B p. m . Evenings by Appointment W E L L R E C E IV E D (Continued From Page One) Each member of the cast was Outstanding in the portrayal of individual parts. The splendid directorship of Moroni Olsen was OR MATTIE B, SHAW Physician and Burgeon always evident in the interpreta­ B ft tt >u lev a ri home at No. 4fd, ground 75 by Office H b w ti t « - t l u t f . S Res. Phone 184 church, meet* in the ebnrch parlors. . Thursday, O ri. V I . — T rin ity Guild, will give a public card party at the Parish Hons*. Friday, Oct. 20.— Ladles of the Civic Club will give a Hallo* we’en party at the Civic Claa' house, for a hospital beaefit. Wednesday, Nov. O^—The P. T. A. and the ladies of the Civic Club will give a reception at the Civic Club honee for all the teachers in Ashland. LOST— Red leather purse in Hostess at Dinner— F O R R E N T — Two room tar­ the vicinity of the Hotel Ashland, Mrs. Geòrgie Young' was host­ nished house, 220 Garfield S t Suitable re­ W A N T E D — Young man wants Sunday afternoon. ess at a dinner given at her home Call evenings. 23-tf work of any kind. W ill consider ward. Phone 267-R. 40-2 on Oak street, Sunday evening, aaytblng steady on otherwise. LOST— Pearl necklace. Finder October 17. Phonh Mr«, Snider 423-J. 40-2 Covers were laid for five at the retayn to P. R. Hardy of Hardy prettily appointed table, in the Bros. Store and receive reward. W A N n fiD — Children- to car* ’' ' ; * ' 40-2* center of Which was a gorgeous tor by day, week or month. Ad­ basket of brightly colored flow* dress, 140 Lineóla St. Phone ers. After a delicious dinner, Will Arrive In Medford— S«7-R. M r*. Purdy, 21-1 mo. A party of 175 eastern railway the guests spent the evening in ticket Agents, on a tour Of the conversation and music. I uv L m . to TmTrd^ nation, will arrive in Medford . Those who enjoyed this happy .M t Cfrmfte etreat. n^xt Wednesday enroste south. affair were: Mrs. Young's sister- Plans are afoot to drive the en­ in-law. Miss Janet Young and tire party in cars from Medford Mr. Moroni Olsen, of tbs Moroni to Ashland, where they, will re- Olsen Players, Misses Beverly board the Veto.— Medford Mail and Ploy Young and the hostess Mrs. Geòrgie Young. Tribune. DE. E&NE8T À. WOOD® , : MiNHionary Sartety of Presbyter­ ian Society Meets— I The Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society will h«M Us i regular meeting at the heme of ! Mrs. Joseph Poley on B street, ’ Wednesday, October 2«, kt I: If I tion of the play and the audience which well filled the large audi­ torium of the Normal school, waa appreciative and generous la thei Approval. Mr. Olsen’s portrayal of the Artist and Janet Yeung, as “Margaret,’’ hia daughter in the wood scene, waa aspeetaHy wan done. Byron Kay FOulger, ae the Philanderer added Just the right touch of humor. Joanna and Mabie, interchanging places as the wife and sweetheart of the philanderer, were well played by Dorothy Adkms akd .Donna Jonee. Mrs. Dearth, played by Leora Thatcher, Mr. Coade and' tji* Ptoer, by Joseph H. WUMame.t "Matey” by Gordon Nelson and Lady Caroline i k a o / ■ by' tMaig Ctjoke, we/e all' exceptionally DR. ROLAND, .ALLEN Physician and Sturgeon O F F IC E H O I KS 10-12 A. M. 3-5 P. M. First gattonai Bank Building CONVALESCENT HOME 163 Granito 88. • Mrs. W . M . Barber hi Charge Open to all In need of health. Practical Nursing. ON people and invalids board­ ed and cared for. Çlean rooms by day, week or month — AU outside. jf Mrs. Graham; Alaska and-to­ well done. ...................... ■ ils being the countries under dis­ The flattering remark*. >e£ cussion. - . . ■ , WHITTLE TRANSFER All women of the congregation those who saw .the play indicates A STORAGE 0 0 . are cordially Invited te be pres­ that the iudience was well pleas­ ed with the Moroni Olsen Play­ WOOD ent at this meeting. i ers and that they will be looking Coal, Wood and Storage . MB f t ft forward to their reappearance in Packing, Crating and Shipping. ■4 Civic Club Meets— Newcombe For Wood the near future. . , Long Distance Hauling. >d On T esday, October 19, the . , Phono 631 in ladles of the Civic Club will hold Auto Freight Terminal j, their regular meeting in the Civic QCEKN MARIE ARRIVED All Kinds Slab Wood m Club house at 2:30 p. m. . Phons 117 IN UNITED STATES Concluding the business ses- • Blox OfttoeM OftkM. y den. Mrs. D. Perozil will give an One Block East of the Ash­ (Continued from page one) e interesting talk on measures that land Laundry. 10ft W ater SL y will come before the voters at the Balkans,' is Much overrated, but It >isVember election. A n y o n e they insist her personal beauty r who is interested in this subject and charm Is such that all offic­ SKILLED LÛOEÂMÏTH r is Invited to attend the meeting. ial Washington Will be at her OARAtm a The usual social hour will be feet before she leaves. F ix* Shop Third Street Garage n held. Oms L . Winsert- Prop. isterie ■L JsaAs, Prep» L- « » » Rack at . L. II. A. R. Meets-— Westens A n ta Supply De. r The Mt. Ashland Chapter of Gas, Ott* and Repairing- Car k«p*. H I make* »» tech ► the D. A. R. met at the home of W aM ing akd PelMttnS 'Cars. . Mrs. Emil Pell on Granite street, lumber. Kays fit to door toekg Storage from 9> «0 to 8< 0U . October 15, at 7:30 p. m. The Par Month. W hy Stand Y ear tod padlock* ot all kBd*. Matt e pleasant rooms were made more i Car Outaldaf ’> beautiful with autumn blossoms orders solicited. Phono 7# 2S Third St. y add greens. The hostess was as- Service Guaranteed Best. - silted in serving by Miss Gladys Elected to Alpha Delta Rlgin»“ » ¡, Applegate, Miss Poley and Mrs. Joe Neil, son of Fred R. Nell at j Darling. this city and student at the state y The members responded to university at Eugene, has been r roll call by an interesting talk elected to m^mheeshtp ip Alpha THOMPSON A r about their ancesters. Mrs. Delta Sigma, man’s national hon­ I Sohuerman made a plea that all orary advertising fraternity, Men > Daughters become more familiar are elected tq membership on a with the splendid National D. A. basis of interest In advertising. , R. magazine by subscribing for | At the I At ill* Springs Hotel— t the coming year. Miss Imogene , Paper Hanging — Tinting Mrs. W . A. Baranm ot Mon­ . Wallace gave a report for the a Specialty mouth, Ore., Gordon C. Roemen- cattmittee on correct use of the , ssn of Marshfield, Ore., and Mr. 1 flag, and since all patriotic citl- | ( and Mrs. M. F. Rohn of Portland zytm are interested that our coun-1 stepped at the Li thia 8prings tfy's flag be properly displayed, Hotel laet availing. it Was decided that the flag com­ mittee post copies of the leaflet showing correct use of the flag, J DR. 4. P . CHISHOLM T. L . PO W ELL General Trassier Veterinary Graduate ia some convenient place where J ’ Phon* 949-J 747 Oak St. it may be especially observed on i Oood team and motor trueka. the days Just preceding regular ( Good service at a reasonable fMg days. Mrs. Mitchell, chair- f Building, repairing, shingling, price — Phene S3. painting, tinting and cement man ef the committee on revolu- v w 4 rt A o h e i H - l . 1S-30 tionary relics asked that Mt. Ash- c JORDANS SASH Ab lead Chapter responded to the v CABINET WORKS state committee’s request for d C o rn « Helman and Van seine relic of either pioneer or li 8 0-tf* Phone 111. revolutionary days, to he sent to c Salam for display ia the case for t can leaders Is not Staaftald historic relics. This case Is in I net Staaftald hut that a divi t |e Capitol building and was £ vote may permit Rabey to gtfen wto the Oregon Daughters, | p through to a w aste W at. 1 that Valuable relics may be safely (bo intlato d from page 1,) is coeqeded to ba Hhaey»* kettt. and interestingly displayed, s chano* far, although Oregon It was voted that the Chapter t nominally rapuhlieaa. by a w * land the gavel and block which li tty of throe to one, the straf was presented to them ia 1922 by P the a O. N. W. Lodge. This H pledging himself to tekal Is of aelld brass and tin o tana relM wetohib black Is Inset with a brass disk, k known taster. t Thte matorlal for both was taken K ffeat a cannon from the captured a ffttgakip, Reina Christina, which tl « •a Stink by Admiral Dewey It Mftgllk Bay In 1898, during the m SRaatah American War. it articles are to be properly di labalod with a story telling at theft eignlfleanre and the state- H ment that they are loaned by Mt. w