u n m daily « ñ o r « WS W«rda of Jesus,” theme. n cordially invited. All “SprUfiB and Rivers," 7:30. Church id.^aureL Sts. . _ _ 4b.' Pastor. triple School, 9:45. Classes growing 7 Yes Junior C. E., 4:Q0. p, m. Intermediate C. E , 7:30. Mid-week serv'ces. Wednesday •7;s0 p. m. Come out Sunday, “And help me, Lord, my beat, P 'so lt to give that I u ay others I '¿«a— and like thee, life." Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sermon subject, • th e Spirit of First Chqreh of Christ, Modern Religion.*' ■ Plonee» Av«. South Evening worship at 7:30. Sub­ Sunday morning aervlee at XI ject, “Two Sides of a Closed Subject, “Doctrine of Atone­ Door.” ment.” 8unday School at 9:45 a. m. GALLOWS CLAIMS 8uu Hills Bros. Red Can Coffee, 2 pound Can, $1.05 Pink Salmon Tall Can, 15c Oval Sardines in Mnstary or Tomato 9Cff* Sauce. 2 Cans mww Solar Pineapple (Broken Slices) No. 21-2 Cans . . . . . . . . 20e FRESH J3NOWDK1F£ Jello Any Flavors 3 Packages . Cocoanuts Per Pound, 30c 25c CRANBERRIES—PER POUND ......................... ........................... PANOV BELL PEPPERS—2 POUNDS ......................................... TOMATOS — PER POUND .................................................. ............. BEETS, CARROTS, TUR NIPS-PER POUND ............................. CABBAGE—PER POUND ........................................ u ..................... LETTUCE—LARGE HEADS ........................................................... PARSNIPS—6 POUNDS ...................................................................... a 23c 20q ISc 5c 5c 4c 10c 25c i H a rd y B r o th e r s Prices on your Winter Flour and Potatoes are Cheaper at the :’s Delicious REXALL the Lamp Burns per cent Air One Cent A new* oU lamp that gives an nmoringly' brilliant, soft, white light, even, bettor than gas or electricity, h is been tested by the U. 8. Government and 35 leading universities end found to be su­ perior to X* ordinary oil lamp*. It burgs without odor, smoke or nolee— no pumping up. M simple, clean, safe. Burgs »4 per cent air an