T MORONI OLSEN PLATERS Unsettled and probably rain tonight and tomorrow. Fresh southerly winds. The Tidings Hoe Been Ashlwd’e Ashland residents should attend the Moroni Olsen show Saturday night. newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years' W ire Service) ASHLAND, OREGON, KSBAY, (XTT. 1.1, 1926 That The People May Know Mrs. Wiseman to Undergo Cress Examination This Afternoon OASE NEARING GLOBE BY DAN CAMPBELL (United News Correspondent) LOS ANGELES, O ct 13.— A woman who claims to have brok­ en bread with Almee Semple Mc­ Pherson and slept in the evange­ list’s bed, resumed her recital to­ day o f the damning details of the "Miss X.” hoax, perpetrated, thv state declares, by the famous Bi­ ble teacher and her eo-defend- ants. Mrs. Lorraine Wiseman, who two months ago, was hailed by the evangelist as the savior of her name and fortune, has come back, a Nemesis, and from her willing lips District Attorney Asa Reyes win draw the final chap­ ters of the elleged hoax to vlndl- cate Mrs. McPherson and save her nams from public scandal. The case is expected to reach-Its most hitter climax lata today whan It Is understood that ‘De­ fense Attorney W. I. Gilbert'will precede his cross examination with an attempt to' show the "hoax woman” la an Incompe­ tent. wltnees because of her com­ mitment to a Utah insane asylum In 1915. Move Wit n o ses This step by the defense may bring more witnesses Into the hearing than first contemplated. Her attorney, 8. 8. Hahn, de­ clared Tuesday that Mrs. Wise­ man’s sister, Mrs. T nia Lee Ktri- all, told him she was confined in the Institution as an Incorri­ gible and not as an Insane per son as Gilbert charged Monday. Mrs. Kimball may testify to that effect, Hahn. said. Mrs. McPherson broke ths monotony of court proceedings by motoring out to the "big rock,” near Santo Monica for a dip In the snrf. It was stated. | The fact that she was not at the temple linked her qame with the appearance of “another Ormls- ton” near the 8anta Ana branch of Angeles temple Tuesday. Another Suspect The sheriff’s office was noti­ fied that a man resembling Ken­ neth O. Ormlston, missing radio operator and co-defendant, was seen meeting a woman driving an antomobtle, but no trace of the pair was found by authori­ ties. (DILLARD'S BtPOBT—Continued) The development of Ashland Canyon has been the most often considered in.the past and has much to commend it. The survey work heretofore done in Ashland Canyon has been a valuable aid in working out this rport and is well worth its cost. Various storage sites have been considered and preliminary estimates made. These estimates show that a dam constructed just below Reed Gulch ap­ pears to be the chea])est for the required capacities, considering the cost of the dam only. ‘ This site has not been given serious consideration at this time however, as it would interfere with your municipal power plant, and we have not had sufficient time to work out the best future policy for. your power plant. To the cost of the dam should be added thè cost necessary to rearrange the powef pipe line so as to maintain the present* capacity' if possible, and any loss of power should be capitalized and charged against thè reservoir. There is also another serious objection at this time to this site, and that is the intakes to your pipe lines are located above this site and consequently there might not lie a sufficient flow of water passing through the site at all times to keep ¿the impounded water fresh and prevent stagnation. Of the other sites, one just below the forest ranger station and one about 2000 feet below the Winbum cabin seem to be about equal. The estimate of cost of a dam in Ashland canyon used in this report, is on the Ranger Station site, for the reason that we are most sure at this time of bed rock con­ dition here. It has been shown that the present daily con­ sumption in Ashland is 325 gallons per capita, with practically no supply available for irrigation of lawns and gardens. We are informed by your water superintendent that a continuous flow of 6 second feet will just nicely care for your needs without restricted use. This is1 a daily per capitp use of about 670 gallons. Table No. 2 gives the combined flow of the east and west forks of Ashland Creek for the climatic year of 1925-26, together with the storage required to insure a continuous flow of 6 second feet and 9 second feet. It is shown that 530 acre feet are re­ quired to insure'a minimum flow of 6 second feet, the amount which yohr water superintendent states just nicely meets your present Wants under your present method of distribution, which appears to call for a daily per capita use of 670 gallons. In other words, you can build a dam up Ashland Canyon and store 530 acre feet and cure your pres­ ent shortage, but no excess will be provided for the future growth of your city; or you could bring in the South. Fork spring at a cost of $650,000 by selling 30- year bonds and provide for a population of 8700 people, with your present daily per capita use. By constructing regulating reservoirs, eliminat­ ing waste, and providing irrigation water for use on the orchards and small tracts when possible, you should easily be able tò reduce your daily per capita to 400 gallons. On this basis, a continuous flow of 6 second feet would supply a population of 10,000 people and'likewise a minimum flow of 9 secopd feet would supply 15,000 people. (Continued Tomorrow) Will Name Paris For Convention RAIN WELCOMED PENDLETON. Oct. 13. — Rain falling in Pendleton and vicinity Tuesday afternoon was greatly PHILADELPHIA, Penn., O«t. welcomed by farmers, as they are Mrs. E va McGee of T illa­ 13— (U P )— A report recommend­ now doing their fall seeding. ing Paris for Its next American mook Held on Charge Wheat land in Umatilla was 1c Legion convention has been pre­ of Murder much need of rain. * pared for presentation to-the con­ TILLAMOOK, Ore.. Oct. 18.— vention here today and it Is ex­ (U P )— Mrs. Eva McGee, charged pected to ba adopted In spite of with the murder of her husband. threats of some delegates to en­ ASHLAND TIDINGS Dr. W. G. MqOee, was held today ter a vigorous protest. LETTER CONTEST nnder 320,000 bonds which she was unable to furnish. After her Following are the rules for appearance at the court house the letter writing contest. It late yesterday she was returned closes Oct. 28. to the custody of the sheriff. Dr. Any person over IB years McGee died from blood poisoning, of age Is eligible. August It, following an auto ac­ Letters are limited 'to 250 cident. Police Try to Find Source words. of Pellet W hich H its Cash prises totaling 130 will S. B. Hardin be given the three winners. Write a letter to some friend Local police today were en­ In another city telling what deavoring to trace the source of you think of Ashland., a stray .38-callbre ballet which Write on one side of the struck 8. B. Hardin, a truck ' A ra lly in the Interest of the paper only and If possible use driver. In the elbow as he was Week-day Bible school w ill be k typeWlter. standing near the frnlt associa­ held Friday evening October 15. Send a copy of your letter at 7:10 at the Methodist church. tion warehouse yesterday after­ to the Contest Editor of Tke noon. His arm was made nnmb Rally to be Held On Friday Night Tidings. The letters will be Judged by five disinterested judges and the winners annonneed a few days after the close of the con­ test. President J. A. Churchill of the Southern Oregon state normal school la expected to deliver the address of the evening. A ll In­ terested are urged to bo present and.aid In t|»e securing of funds for the fnrtheranoe of this great work. for several hours from the force of the bullet, although it did not penetrate his coat alaeve. The bullet had hair and blood on It, and la believed to have been need in the killing of a dog or cat on the hills east of the city. Girl W ife Must Return Home in 24 Hours, Asserts Spouse K nives in Series of R iots new york , Ashland Post Goes on Re cord Unanimously for Bond Issue Desperate Criminals, Includ­ Vice - President W ould Re­ Members of Ashland post of ing 4 Murderers, Make turn to Old-Time Con­ notified the American Legion not only fa­ Getaway • vention Plan oct. i 3— i united • News)— Cinderella was ■„ that 12 hells will sound within FIVE BA D tY WOUNDED 24 hours unless she returns to PA IR ARE CAPTURED . ■ ■> < ’ her daddy. Disorder Starts In Protest Against Edward W. Browning. the ro- Autolst and Steal Osr New Warden Taking mantle millionaite realtor, tn- Tunnel From Their ♦ Charge Enounced to the newspapers Tuea- . •’ fe lls ■......... day that If "Peaches" did hot re- CHICAOO, Oct. IS.— (United turn to him within that time N eva) '— Eighty-five prisoners, "/on are going to see develone- 37 of them colored, fought with ments fast and furious. I will l united News)— Thirteen con­ knives and blackjacks In the bull then make my first move and it victs Including four of the most ¡pen of the county Jail here Tues- will he .a vital one.” notorious murders in the state, day night In tke first outbreak "Peaches'* Hcenan Browning, escaped from the state peniten­ that has occurred In the historic the girl wife who fled Browning's tiary here last night by tunnell­ old prison since reorganisation of apartment last week, has shown ing from a cell of one of the pris­ the warden’s office following a no inclination to return. Her nb- < oners to an air ventilator through complete breakdown of disci* sence has evoked from the reai- which they were able to reach pline. tor this soliloquy: the prison wall. Five prisoners were b a d l y 'll cannot understand It. Yes, Within a few hours after the wounded In the rioting which Is I love her, will always love her escape W. A. Craig, serving for believed to have reenlted from and If she doesn’t come back I’ll murder, and Thomas Murphy, growing enmity between white« never look at another woman.*'* were captured hiding beside a and blacks. Guards threatened to ------------------------- road near the prison, apparently awaiting opportunity to com­ mandeer an automobile. vor the proposed water bond Is­ sue but will work actively for 1th TALKS BEFORE LEGION passage. This* was the decision reached Politicians in Several States by the legion last night following Will W age Campaigns an, exhaustive report of the spec, Shortly ial water bond’ committee, committee was composed of - * BY RAYMOND CLAPPER lard Gdub, V. V. Mills and y United News Staff Correspondent Applewhite. WASHINGTON, Oct. 13. — The committee reported t Politicians bent on abolishing the It had gone Into every phaf ( direct primary In a number of 1 states when legislatures meet next • whiter have Just received conald- ■ erable assistance from Vice Presl- 1 dent Dawes, who, in his address - to the American Legion at Phil- ) adelphla, recommended that the r old time convention system be re- i stored. This campaign is gathering ’ force through the dissemination CkOf propaganda based in part on the heavy expenditure of caah for ■ votes in the recent millionaires’ i senatorial prjmaries in Pennsyl- Steal Auto tism of violence for Edward' J. I IIT 1(1 T I i n m T l i r n ' ’ vanla and Illinois. Six of the others stopped a Fogarty, tke new warden Will Be Issue largi touring car. ejected the came here recently from Indiana t This question of whether the to take charge of thy Jail after _ . _ 7 A _ . owner his wife and chauffeur, electoral machinery shall be rad­ his predecessors had failed to P ans Police Arrest Spanish and dreve away toward the hills ically changed is likely to be ac­ west of Nashville. prevent bootleglng and bribery Suspect Carrying tive In a number of states this Another held up a youth near between guards and prisoners. Revolver , winter and probably for at least the prjpon and forced him to two years more. The Pennsyl­ PARIS, 0ct. 13. — (United change clothes with him. vania and Illinois scandals are to 1 . News)— Fearing that he intend- be warmed over In the senate 1 ed to assassinate Premier Polr.- when the winning ‘candidates ap­ care, the police arrested Alcon State Supreme Court Up pear to take their seats in De­ n lr i/r Monferrer> a_Spaniard w h o holds Oregon Statute in cember, 1927. It may even be llILvL sought to see the premier. Boose Case projected into the next presiden­ Monferrer carried an automa- tial campaign and become the tic revolver and appeared to bo i.ee Alien, Oklahoma gunman News)— The constitutionality of focal point of a general political day mentally unbalanced. He waa surprised when he learned that and bank robber, who fought, a the Oregon law on search and controversy as to whether there Poincare ^¿is many miles from pistol duel with police hetoro selsure was upheld by the su­ Is to be more or less direct gov­ it. 13.— Paris,, touring In the provinces of capture In a previous escape, was preme court In an opinion written ernment lu the United States. among the escaped prisoners to­ and handed down b> JnaUoe (fa- , The direct primaries came in Chicago Alsace and Lorraine. night. , during tile previous decade with show Tuesday« Convicts Beckett, Bensro. The opinion sustains the ap­ the full swing of the pendulum Jones and Craig were serving life peal taken by the state from the which brought direct government terms for notorious murders. Sev­ decree of Circuit Judge Bagley In the form or the initiative and eral others were serving shorter of Tillamook connty in the case referendum, direct election of • murder terms. against C. F. Deford. Inasmuch senators, woman suffrage and gen­ as Deford was acquitted in ths eral abolition of the nominating SALEM, Oct. 13. — (United lower court on a charge of pos­ convention in favor of nomina­ News) — Little hope is held to­ COMMITS SUICIDE session and transportation of liq­ tion by direct ballot. day for the recovery of Ole Costs Too Much uor ^he opinion of the supreme Strom« captain and star tackle SALEM, Ore.. Oct. 13.— (UP) court does not affect his status, Those opposing the primary say of the Chemawa Indian team, fol­ — An unidentified man about 4 5 hut only goes to the constitution­ It costs too much. Only a million­ lowing injuries he sustained dur­ years old, hurled himself to ality or the law, which was held aire or a candidate who hires out SALEM, Or., Oct. 12. — (IP) — ing a football game last Saturday death beneath a stage of the J. void by Judge Bagley. to a millionaire can afford to run George F. Way, Klamath«