Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, October 09, 1926, Image 2

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    the A shland printing co
djh» dehlgad. osemra PeetoMrage draamgClpgplh
It is quite possible that before many weeks roll
ground, Aghlaud will be graced with an official I t *
ing field, of the Pacific Coast A ir Mail Cnmpf
the firm that holds the contract for carrying fo p air
mail between Los Angeles and Seattle. It ig h n q v H
that considerable difficulty hag been expeyigaafel
Medford in the planes landing during the —
when a heavy fog hangs over that portion o f fo e
state. Other cities have attempted by loud am|
vociferous mouthing«, to call attention to their free­
dom from fogs. They have called meetings pf tfe siv
Chamber of Commerce and w e presume if they hAW
followed the precepts established on sim ilar occas­
ions have trotted out their beet local gpeli bindery to
enter into lengthy discourses, upon the virtues af
their community as a potential landing field fer,tfee
air mail,
Ashland however has bad no occasion to roedH
to such methods. Business interests here, while Bft*
unmindful of the possibilities this vicinity haa for
such a service, knew full well that the exgeutiva
heads of the A ir Mail Company would not a l t o v
the publicity fog of neighboring cities to obeeuiw
the natural advantages that e x ist here for a landing
field. They have felt, or so many have expressed
themselves, that before a definite decision was made
officials would conduct an im partial investigati
and at that time the advantages that exist here w o _
be called to their attention. N yt by
of Commerce meetings, and extensive bally heoing
but by the ordinary process of investigation •upon
which an important decision of this hind would nat-
uraiy he based.
Yesterday, officials o f the A ir Mail Company
were here. They were shown every possible courtesy,
but no effort wap made to force upon foam foe
possibilities ef this city as an emergency lpudiftg
poinL They were allowed to judge for foamaohra^
in a clear and impartial manner. That they ttow
impressed with the lack of fogs whieh makes this
city an outstanding one in Southern Oregon, ip a
kpown fget. W hat the ultimate decision wtU be le ­
arning to he seen, but there should be considerable
g lo r y in the f a d that should fufure* activities in­
clude the locating of the field hers, the decision w ill
be based upon merit alone.
A t a recent meeting o f one of the important oom«
mittes of the Chamber of Commerce the startling
fact was brought to light, that very little, if anything
is known aa to just what the Lithia Springs water
contains, what it w ill do in the '•gee of illnesf^ and
ju st how it may be used most advantageously. True,
nearly every one at the m eeting could point to some
specific case, where the water had been used with
beneficial results. However when asked for some
specific reason for this, they w ere at a loss for a
plausible answer. For that reason, as well as others,
the Chamber of Commerce has started an investiga­
tion of the various properties of the water, to the
end that some material may be prepared, and given
out that will truthfully advertise this water. Not
that the general opinion voiced upon every hand hga
not been based upon truth, it hgs, but fo U step has
been taken in oiiler that those who are in a posi­
tion to disseminate information oonoeming this great
mineral water may be armed with all o f the known
facts, and thus be able to clearly apd logically boost
that which is A shland’s important heritage.
BOWSI w r o r i
rated to lo o t, although they qaar-
« M e « to # fe e l H e i w e t o M '
■ome M y, two y e a « li< M « ranlor;
not tall for Ms years, ra t already
hraqd and sturdy, with crinkly hair
and dees, Meckfeebed brown cyan
His face was round and ruddy on-
ly her, witk s” .
Ms aesit. He and _________
(rienda since kiaderflartee
“P m
W,1K w
They would have this immense fund of mousy
o w ith exactly as they saw fit and foe people of
state, would be powerless to protoct themselves,
is little danger th^t foe bill will pass when it
I f Ashland not want to become a part
this gigantic scheme to place into foe hands uf a
politicians all of this money, they should take
that they do not regard this portion of the
< With apathy, but voice their opinion of snch
bill At the polls.
»f ;■
. 4?
“D lt - u p i
D lt-a p , h e r a y l"
•craawed little Pattooea.
path, after a few momenta,
to, the *3 ** gh<’,e’
... a *
K m o n ra ttd .
» « • ¿ ’M
I fort#«#
t “,
■TWa la my p a riy Z
“AR right, then I won’t play with
M M f yes to, emarty. I
y° “ “ 7 <teVflU
IVhaf Others Say
(Portland Telegram)
OregQjj delegates
M ito
owns the old t r e e ^ E -
SH A N G H A I, 0 d ,.t »—
Chtae’a women «on't-draem
of demanding the v o t e b a t
f o V W * M fo g
- « fe W
le the wave of progpeee nevr
e r t W W k A few K t t t o ftneg
spirita hgve some owt.epd der
dared that they ogggt 't o
fo e
vit> the « m
CHICAGO, Oct. ».— A a |e -
sorted collection of lO f .le -
fh g t bib» were found I t one
package w hug wegguetfeaed
off at a eale.of “ deed” mall
here. The package bed geph
knocked down to g i l l W<
fe d the one whe bought. ft
Wee a bachelor.
“Grab.” M id Kent, “did you twin«
your lunch? Say, I gueM I*U go
"°^ U I as« get mother
’ L“y r ir to
e t to
,Ir to
foplr way to Philadelphia,
men to digging at ltg reot«.
N either she nor gey . armed
guerfe w » ray whether they
t a w ’ t t w l eneonntpred the
Spentemi or the eheet.
convention of the
A a e rira n Legion
trraan r
p en 'learn bow to keep well.
W here .there a r e .-h y m y .’ re-
a e t h e r » * -ts H fe ^ fo t K
skeptlearof e^.
Goaeip gals’ its ‘ ra w , . material
tregg'What it hears and-net from
w h a t'N ’ keewe. • /
prepared to oppose the plan
for holding the 1 M 7 meet*
leg of the organisation in
w ill
many legionnaires from oth­
er states who w ill agree with
them that under present
conditions, such a gathering
of Americans on French
soh would he highly unde­
sirable and unwise.
(Roseburg News-Review)
; Hypryhody - 1« fe rp rU fe back
k o s p i* ) « * '* - « » U v e goe« to an-
ether town had prospere.
TOu.hrSihs."good” as anybody
t i f e n ’t think
rder to • do
♦ * o n ’ e big
«*Sh*l Aehoeae to he chtof
"And n n thJ^M nlbal andjmby’a
PriOMM,” aald Went
The three children ntuaged Into
property of childhood. For a Um»
Moody captures, Mrage orates, es­
cape,.pursuit, looting of r ’ * * ’
w di.
to a while a
fannere fay.
, “H e w
ly. too.
“He Will a
* TtoWi M
said • Grandfather
The measure appearing
on the Noramber ballot pro­
viding fo r hydro-electric d e­
velopment la Oregon, under
the direction of e< board
nested la the Houaewive’s
C ’t> n n c 1 1 constitutional
amendment, w ill open ’ new
P .S S W
child rubbed her bright
against the old woman’s fad
!. “Ten are a solid comfort
i, Llssle,” - she « i d wdh a
Then after a moment She ex.
v 7t t ’,n *ed
* “ 1 BeV*
wlU’ * • hr<>
“Go. duke, but return ere snn-
I set things ready-"
l4>4le established little Pstiepae
on • the dining-room floor with a
linen picture book, breught m a
broSM BUd «natoa» feem fee tttofc-
of the taxpayers* money,
which, by the way, K e n s to
be the favorite Indoor sport
In this grand old state.
nlflceat gesture toward the bicycle,
And My, Kent, bring plenty te
” P- for rm awful bun
gry and PH need all we’ve got"
h J ’i L Z ? ’ i v,n<
n a * « r £ s s
heaped with sweepings end
> * * * Ito west afin to-
B ^ S i ’hmep/hSFtoe
bula tor
J™ . iu i c ^ O T ,
ot ’’onnr
5 ^
ï ASH LA N D ?
J S .- V E
U ?,°n.
allow me to say fare-
babLi* thMt time t0 “ y Wlfe “ d
ken “ * *
O O U N O IL ” B I L L
A “ wolf in sheeps clothing” would in a amaU
way characterise, that innocent looking hill, bear­
ing the misnomer of the “ Housewive’s Council,” bill
or the hydro electric measure. Innocent because of
tile politically attractive name it bears. H ousew ives’
council, if ever a name was coined w ith more p o liti­
cal cunning than that we don’t know what it is, and
if there ever was a bill more dangerous to the peo­
ple of Oregon it has not yet been brought to light, -
The bill presumably, judging from the plausible
argument presented by those backing it, would reduce
electric rates. In reality the bill would give five
members of a new board, the authority to pledge the
c r e d it o f the State of Oregon up to fifty million
dpUers.Tbls board would not have to aocwmt for the
WORey, gropld net have to spend it in any prescribed
y, uer be responsible to any one except theibselves
sofas te etay to the WM.
30 Years Aga
n id
exclaimed Ly-
i were no nov-
Er-Aherlfi Patterson and
terfeingd gt se elaborata «feger
lly eng again residents of
lend gnd occupy tlgtlr
Meisto jend W
‘ B« »•
North Mein street.
end, U i ©. VagHTagee^aed
Gall egd Mrs, H J. Robasta.
•Inrghy » fe gg» etofo*
¡S â t î l î ?*
• Mlarae feras Cagey end ; Nellie
P ors are expected
home fro m
fed a*,
W flk ln ra f is expect­
■ f f o trogt ’,<gn ed td agegmnggy them for a vis-
A e M s M -fe fe ti
fey.;whsre haàJUs
hospftgi for, a
* H l i oegdUtcn is
Dig. DgPta end Force, dentists,
loft MP Ffettoad Mat evening.
They ggRpet to 'get into practice
in Portland ey h M B W te n * thet
r l
¡.Thefereattto foyneeota vleiejky. T heir famines m ill con-
f o M M p fop ; w ith) hie w ife to
h « « h n R f .fee>eeme time, rranra-
g g tg lh g p ,d fy s ,a g o 'a a d bis wife
w in >seen »follow. »H<\aggs Asg-
fe»« h q g p o d i enough1 feel him 1 and
Meagre Crary, Hogg. Warner
he i is l extremely glad ho get'away and Kendall, le ft for Pelican Bay
from (the I rigorous '.winter of Min- Saturday. W . A. Patrick
out w ith them.
fe», yen old .r ip I*
th »
Uh iw «
t» d it. ” M att. 1Ö i
The Ufo leto in
ChgfeMng - geratoe «
amid the countlgw 1
thet service.
tory of
m etteft
mind orer whet’s