Sf. T -o at vulcanising are said to have been quite satisfactory. Stress is laid, on the fact thht M o r is plentiful in the East Loa- Ian district and that the region (a free from fever. DETROIT. Mich.,'Oct. 5.— The five-day week for the American workingman Is' inevitable. Presi­ dent William Green of the American Federation of Labor, declared here. HAVE A CAMEL 12 New Federal Judges Are Asked The Wizard* are Gone When the curtain of inactivity falls on the founders of, these )*MAUEY.?7Xa M í ÜN m S h T ÎUN' USUPA IA PIANTE ane '«MdOVCr/O* — concerns it will fall simultan­ eously on the Inventive Instinct — the fair for doing new things, NEW RUBBER SOURCE or old things in a new way— ^DISCOVERED IN AFRICA that made these founders rich NORMAL SCHOOL and famous. NEW S Charles Edison is the second CAPETOWN, (U P )— A rlch of the sons to sprtng into promin­ new source for rubber has been CLAIRE PRYBYLSRI ence. He becomes president of! found here. It has been discover­ Reporter Eleanor Pattereon. daughter of an assortment of industries ed that the African Euphoriba Joseph ddedill Patterson. Chicago worth upwards of $100,000,000 tree yields a sap or latex of a newspaper publisher. has been and employing some 46.000 There will be a meeting of all quality comparable with that of dubbed "the m illionaire nun" by German theater goers, for whom workers. students from Jackson county ( para rubber. < she Is playing the Madonna In "The . “I’m a business man and not Wednesday at one o'clock in A South African company has Miracle.” Miss Patterson arrived a t an inventor,*’ young Edison can­ Miss Trotter’s room. been organised to exDloit a vast Salzburg w ith two limousines, <4 didly says. ’ t trunks and a train of servants, and took an 8-roomreulta a t the hotel. At 36 he Is affable, college- The Eastern Oregon Live bred. .and a lover of the arts. Wire held a regular meeting in He makes .a hobby of writing, the assembly hall today and WANTS TO BROADCAST number more than sixty million and thinks a finished education elected the following officers THANKS FOR HEALTH trees. The average tree yields a fine thing for a youth who Is RECOVERY Miss Theresea Faley, Bend, three pounds of latex. Attempts starting out to make his own President. "Yog know,” says Arthur Way. Miss Jessie Evans. Vice-Presi­ O’Malley, Carson Hill, Cgl., “ I I The elder Edison cares noth­ dent. would like you to broadcast » ing for the arts, never had a col­ Miss Susanah Jenkins, Baker, this. I suffered from kidney and LIT H IA SPR IN G S lege education and is very du­ Secretary-Treasu rer. rheumatic trouble, but less than HOTEL bious shout higher education’s two bottles of Foley Pills, di­ B EA U T Y PARLOR benefits. A meeting of the students of uretic, relieved me entirely, and There Is less difference be­ Northwestern Oregon will be he’d I want other sick people to know tween the dispositions of Henry OEORGIA YOUNG. at one o’clock Thursday in room about them.” Foley Pills, a di­ and Edsel Ford, perhaps. Yet Ed­ Beautician 4 13. This club include« students uretic stimulant for the kidneys sel Ford, too, primarily is a are a reliable, valuable medicine, Nestle Permanent Waving I from Clatsop. Columbia, Wash- "business man and not an In­ I ington, Tillamook and Multno- constanty in use over 25 years. Artistic Hair Cutting ventor.” There is little o f the Try them for backaches, rheu­ I mah counties. French Paper Curl mechanical wizard about him. matic pains and swellings; for Charles Edison proudly tells SPECIALTIES dull headaches, nervousness, Mr. Churchill appointed the that his new responsibilities did “tlred -ou f feeling and disturb­ not c o m simply bKjnheritapce—. followittg, committee to lavestf- ed *lgB0i - Satiafsotion guaran­ ’ "I didn’t ask any favors from' ’ghte men’s, activities in the Nor­ teed. Sold everywhere.— No .3. my ’father and I didn’t receive mal: Wynnbrook’s Cosmetics Glen Hale, chairman; Lyle any,” he says. "I worked for A Special Preparation for Ev­ what I got. He made me do It. Ashcraft, Joseph Mercer. ery Need The activities include basket­ There Is no favortism in busi­ ball, track, debate and .football. ness, because favoritism doesn’t pay. THE WORLDS EMOMTE SMOKE-WORDS Five Day Week is Certain to Come BY ROY i . GIBBONS NEA BeWiee Writer CHICAGO, Oet. S. — Succes­ sors of their own blood are step­ ping into the shoes of Thomas A. Edison and Henry Ford as the age-enforced retirement of these two outstanding American mech­ anical wizards draws near. But— twin whim of destiny! — from the blood streams that link fathers and sons, the cor­ puscles of genius are lacking. In the sods, Edsel Ford and Charles Edison, executives of the “American business man’* type are inheriting control of the huge Ford and Edison industrial concerns. WASHINGTON, Oct 6.— Con- is asked to create 12 addi- 1 federal judges jp a. report adopted here by the conference o f the nine senior Judgs of clr- cpft courts of appeals and macl« pttbllc by Chief Justice Tpft. K TAe wise property owner does not wait for FIRE to remind him that he really needed more insurance. He frequently c h e c k s «»er his property to see if his insurance policy is right. Then he drops in and sees to it that he is fully protected. W e represent the Hartford Pire Insurance Company. «‘Billings Agency Ability alone counts.” Education In Valuable As for education— “If two seemingly equally cap­ able men start from the same place, one college-trained and the other not, the race will end with the college man ahead,” he observes. And as for slumber, of which Thomas A. Edison says man needs but four hours nightly. “Well, I'll admit I sleep a lit­ tle more than that,” says the son with a smile. The Coos County Club elected at their meeting Friday, the fol­ lowing officers: Miss Corliss Orr, president; Miss Rosa Zumwalt, vice-presi­ dent; Miss Thelma Reese, Secre­ tary-treasurer. F A M IL Y Ciasslfld Ads Bring Rem its *- Advertise In n i e Tidings. Bargains 1923 Chev. Touring 1922 Chev. Touring 1921 Chev. * Touring - 1924 Chev. Coupe . . 1923 Star D elivery The fajnily is the biggest institution in, the country today. The health of each integral nlember is vital to the welfare of the fam­ ily as a whole. Feed them .correctly, and with intelli­ gence. Place plenty of ‘‘health - building” meat on the table, and watch results! Meat is rich in health - giving elements. Bny it a t We treasure highly the many words of praise which we are constantly receiving from those we serve. Our staff is composed of thoroughly trained men and women, each of whom knows his or her work. Tlie instructions to all are to invariably, exercise the greatest care in hand­ ling ever)’ detail. The combination of skill and •are is constantly bringing us rewards in the form of testimonials. . J. P. D odge & Sons Funeral Directors Phone 212. Night Phones 381-L— 381-J Mrs. Louis Dodge, lady assistant Eagle Meat Market *Phbne 107 The Automotive Shop , Chevrolet a Dealers S E E TH E SMOOTHEST CHEVROLET N o w ...ung N o fuss---No muss Crush <>n and FLU S ! 1 -A -W A Y C le a n s Just the Warmth You W ant N o worry over the degree of hast when you have the Ideal V E C T O . No stopping to ad}uat the damper. For mors heat or le»« you need only turn the control handle oogr*dua»ed d ia l ccmveniantly placed in front. Tne movotnoot then immediately »low» or quicken» the f i r . to suit tbs weather. W ith ths Ideal VEC TO you have a constant circulation ol w arm air to the fartheit corner»—always. H ave the dealer explain thia new princi fnaL A n ornament to any room — and ’ Ideal A R C O L A H o t W ater Radiator H, bur airurie flats, cottages. oflicea, small a the Camel— not just a cigarette? A little observation will reveal the overwhelming preference for Camels— a popularity that has never been equaled in all the history o f smoking. More tmokert demand Camelt, because Camel is unlike any other eiga- rette made, costs millions to maintain* The choicest Turkish and Domestic tobaccoa grown • » > the, moat skilful blending— t r i p — cleans flashing rim — removes stains — d e s tro y s odors — non* inflammable— Did you ever notice that experienced smokers will offer or asE fo r a that is Camels. More cannot be had at Hjny price. When yon light a Camel, y o d m ay be sure yon are smoking the beat. FROM THE HEART OF THE FAMOUS ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMING, DISTRICT. When invited to have the world?! favorite cigarette,, accept with plea- sure. It will be your personal introduction to the mildest, pH mous. ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY AT YOUR DEALERS At Railroad Crossing — Phone 20 i LOCAL DEALERS Provost Hardware Sold on E asy T aru mellowest blend o f choice tobacco* ever produced. “ Have a C a m el!"