refreshment. . We cordially invite yon to at­ tend these meetings. Toe « ill en­ joy the exoelleat. mwsle. the Oos- >el sermons, the Christian fel­ lowship and the homelike etmos- We extend a cordial invitation to all to attend onr regular ser­ vices. Hugh T. Mitchelmore, Pastor Rally Day— A ll Day. The Bunday School w ill con-i vena a t 1:46 as usual when there) W ill be a study o f the lemon. Thb closing exercise. w ill be joined w ith the church service.! when the pastor *111 give an il- Iu .tr.ta d addresa. Promotion, exercieee w ill be featured. The Christian Hndeavor Rally Elharl's Book Store Sanday school at 10 a. m. Methodtst episcopal O s a t H. P. Pemberton, Pester Committee Heads To Be Appointed " Sunday school, Preaching at 11 a. m. The executive committee of the Oase meeting a t U neea. board of -directors of the Ash­ Preaching *» 7 :6 # p. m. land Y. M. C. A. « « I « s e t Sun­ Prayer meeting on Tboreday day afternoon (or an «Important # fallowed e v e n t« nt 7 :t0 . session, according to annenfccet Bmma It. Thompson, Pastor by ctour®h and "«hoei roily, “For- ward Steps a t 11 a. m. Junior meeting at 4 p. m . F irst Baptist Chalk U lk ’ "S *“ 8,ow ” This w ill'b e * fu ll day w ith Young Peoples Meeting. 7 p. m. Sunday School R ally and Home T°i»lc- " Oettln» an Bducat,on•” Coming programs. Pra,8e service and “ «»on-lecturo Sabbath school, 9:46. 7:30 ''When M y-r Ship Preaching, Dr. W . T. M illiken, comes In.” Church pally. 11. Ban, Our slogan for this . Bunday 2 Lb. Full Size Comfort Bat ting, 72x90 • 7 Q -, Climax Quality ■ Ashland, Oregon 36 in. Heavy Outing Flanpel Light andjDark .9R0 workers Tbe campalgn daUa are , November 14, 16, 17, I I a, A ‘ tkU thn* the cltlleBg « ,an<1 w lll M upon u . I. P. Note Books and Fillers T Y P E W R IT E R S Holy communion a t 8 a. m. up the program of the Ashli Church school at I ; 46. M. C. A. w ith their dollai Morning service and sermon time. Bverythlng points to at 11 a. m. | cess in this endeavor, acci Evening service and sermon to those in Charge, at 7:30. ' , _____________ Strangers and visitors cordial- ...... . Brief Cases — Art Supplies ELHARTS BÖOK STORE m ofam ou Fall Opening' Sale Saturday Part Wool Blankets $5.98 Pair Fancy Wool Flannels, $1.95 Yard Sice 66x60 in new plaid patterns 54 in. wide in all the new and wanted colors Cotton Comfort Challies 18c Yard Silk and Wool Hose, $125 Pair 36 in. wide, best quality we can buy in new patterns fancy patterns for sports wtìar. Children’s Wool Hose; 85c Pair in plain and fancy rib, Heather mixtures and black. Sold Regular, $1.00 Pair. _ .r . ♦w-; Size 72x90. Will make complete comfort. Sold Regu lar $1.35. Gloria Silk Umbrellas, $3.98 Each Boys Part Wool Union Suits, $1.48 Suit made with short handle, come in the wanted colors. = » Normal School Text Books ment of Homer Billings, presi­ dent. Among the Hems te seme up for dtocsaston and action at th u tim e wiU he the appoint ment of committee chairmen tor the different phases of the work for the coming year. The chair­ men w ill select the personnel for their committees later. An- nounoraents of these appoint­ ments w ill be made Monday eve­ have you w ith us to share the Joy and fellowship ot the day. * * *• • v, ? WrCh M e e r the R«v p. K Hammond ’ *' .ON THE PLAZA BOOZE CASE DSOI Sunday, Oct. 3, is R ally Day. Let us make this a 'Red Letter Day when a ll shall rally te the House at God. "Come thou w ith us, and we w ill do thee good.” A t 6:46 a. m. an interesting program w ill be rendered by the Sunday school composed of reci­ tations, instrumental and vocal mnaic. A t 11 a. m. the past.or Will ' preach a sermon especially adapt- Marine Oorog Officer A «d bv General Btttl< M illa rf T o d a y ' ----------- SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., — ( U P ) — Colonel Alexand W illiam s, United States n corps, whp was defendant in tha famous General ''B u tle r “cock­ tail case,** was drowned hero early today when hie automo­ bile plunged Into San francisco - ed to children and young people. bay near the Embarcadero. - s The body was recovered after The young peoples’ Society It w lll meet at 6:30 and Invitee any a search of several honra. l young people to ra lly with them was Identified by papers In his pockets. The body was lodged In their service. i A t 7:30 p. m. Rev. Gertrude E. behind the wheel ot the car In 30 j Thatcher w ill preach from the feet of water. Colonel W illiam s le ft his home I text, "W hy te tbe House of God Forsaken?* * 1 last night to attend a dinner, be ■ ^The m id-week prayer m eeting telling hie wife be would >«te returning. t i n . W illiam s w ill be on Wednesday evening at identified bis body this m orning 1 ; 7:30 p. m. a fter it was removed to the Size 6 to 16 years. Extra Value here. Why do we sell so many Used Cars? Chamoiseude Gloves, $1.00 Pair BECAUSE BLUE SAILOR PANTS The Rage Now We have them in Denim at 11.75 and the finest all wool blue serge, Genuine Navy Issue, $4.00. . ARMY GOODS STORE Biggest Little Store in Town Opposite New Hotel — Open Evenings Tidings classified do the bmim Reflection Crepe Satin, $325 Yard the most popular silk for dresses-in all colors. 40 in. for Fall and Winter wear, made with fancy embroid ed cuff. New color combinations. 100 Per Cent Pure Wool Blankets $9.98 Pair 66x80 Heavy Cotton Blankets $2.48 Pair ’ in new plaid patterns. Size 66x80. in Gray, Tan and White, $2.75 Value Dorothy Prints, 29c Yard rim, plaids, checks and stripes in new fall patterns, guaranteed tub and sun proof. 36 inches wide. ♦ NEW DRESS COATS Arrive for S pedai Saturday Selling Made With Fur Collars and Caffs at $25.00 $29.75 We buy our used cars at the right prioe. We recondi­ tion them and sell to you with a guarantee on every oar. We know they are right before they leave our shop. You take no chance. , WE CAN SAVE YOU — MONEY Ford Tourings $ 05.00 Ford TouringB $125.00 Ford Tourings $150.00 Ford Tourings $225.00 Ford Roadster $275.50 Coupes .......... $225.00 C ou pes............ $325.00 Tudor Sedan .. $200.00 Buiok Six Touring $110.00 Dodge Touring . . . $250.00 Dodge Commercial $225.00 Chevrolet Coupe .. $250.00 $24.50 sm ooth road perfect engine perfect sm oke Claycomb Motor Co. perfect day THE F M » « M M E Lincoln “ Denver Maid” new Flannells in Bright Colors Special —» Each in. one and two piece stylos. Extra special <1 j Value Saturday < ■ ■ Ford son £1 Sidelo CONSOLIDATED CIGAR CORP., NBW YORK . . O-frAuewf «r Allen and Lewi«