t T B S WKATHXK ,4.. i Every citiien of Ashl patronize home mere] Bain tonight and tojnerrowj Fresh southerly ootfti winds. Has Been Ashland's Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years Wire Servios) , ASHLAND, OR THAT THE PEOPLE MAY KNOW Star Defense Witness Gives Aocused Legs« On Life TESTIMONY STARTLES ) seats | UNLASKA. Alaska. Oct. 1. — d fans. In the face of . a» southwesterly led In * ale .that roared down over the tadium Aleutian Islands through sleet heat and heavy seas, a white trader of to fill Unalaska with a prisoner who is accused of murder. rlglnal The characters in this strange *e »till drama of the north are Pqte Ol- room sen, trader, storekeeper and lead-. ) addl- ing spirit of the Indian settle- can lie ment on Makushin island; Peter notice. Slmikansky, sullen captive,'and a exeM- straggling hand of natives who wanted to see the white man’s dy Is - justice in operation. 11 hole Story of Crime releas- The story that Olsen told to ilaqucs United Statee Deputy Marshal irsltv. J Dan Rosa was that Slmikansky er, who was the alien property custodian at that ym e, W illiam s testified that M iller never had given him Instructions regarding the handling of the claim. He W rote Letter The letter to the department of justice, signed by M iller, and nit a had been drinking with his step- recommending allowance of the uncov- i father, ■ W alter Rose, cannery 97,000,000 claim was written by he nn- j watchman. Rose remonstrated W illiams and signed by M iller on s can with Slmikansky for drinking the strength of the managing di­ » fie ld .' heavily, whereupon the younger rector’s personal investigation of, ------_ J man left the room, returning with the claim, W illiam s said. fa repeating rifle and pumped Adm itting that the Swiss claim three bullets into Rose's body at was expedited by taking it out close range. Rose died 11 hours of tho tegular order In whleh it later, and Olsen, “governor” of had been filed and according it a the Island In the eyes of the na­ special order for audit, W illiam s explained this action was taken tives, placed Slmikansky under because of the site of the sunt San Francisco - Portland arrest. W ith the natives he start­ involved and because the claim­ ed for the nearest federal offeier, Auto Bus Collides ant was losing |1,OOP a day in­ 80 miles away. With 8. P. Train terest. For 10 hoars the solemn eort- D IX O N . Cal., Oct. 1.— ( U P ) — ege battled Alaskan willlwaws and Although he was for six years in the alien property custodian's Six dead was the toll of collision the howling gale. The trip across office and was in constant.- con­ her« -today shortly before noon the narrow neck of water separ tact w ith officials O< tea attorney Between. Southern Pacific Over-Latlng Uaaiask« Island from Mak- genmvi's bfffee WNittfAr* M N t land HmHfcd N6. 1 a n d ’ 8 west- ushin. made the greatest of peril saw Daugherty until he came to bdnnd motor bus. The’ bos is huge* combers threatening time federal cdhrt hers. thought to have been an Ihtor- 1 and again to capsize the small state passenger traffic between fishing dory. San Francisco and Portland’. Fight ley Winds , The collision odenrred at the The trail from the Makushin west end of the Dixon railroad I landing over the row of low yards just as the train was g ain -. mountains was slippery with n ing speed for the outward pall, ‘ tdeety rain, and as the party An undetermined number of crossed the backbone of the ridge Steamer New Britain Not in passengers were pinned beneath to commence the rush down the the wreckage of the bus. Four Unalaska side It was all its mem- NAH of Escort. is were said to be seriously Injured. berg could do to retain their foot- Wireless Word Dixon is on the main line of the ing against the winds. W ASHING TO N, D. C„ Oct. I. Southern Pacific, 21 miles from . Upon arriving here Thursday fc. _____ __ — ( U P )— The fire aboard the Sacramento. steamer New Britain off Savan­ nah. Ga.. Is under control and no longer needs an escort, the navy department was advised by the transport Chaumont. The Chau­ mont got in touch with the burn­ ing ship racing for port during the night to ascertain If the needed aid. N ormai School Will Sponsor Moroni Olsen Players Here Oct. 16 Believing that it has a pnblic duty to its readers'ns well as the great mass of voters generally, The Tidings, starting next Monday, will endeavor to give the public every available fact concerning the solution of the water problem which will lie offered to the voters at the general election in November.. The people of Ashland are almost a unit in the belief that Ash­ land must have a nmre adequate water supply. They are willing to vote the required «nn of money to improv^ the municipal water system if it is their best judgment that the plan offered by the mayor rind city council is the moat practical and at the same time the most economical. In this coming scries of articles The Tidings will endeavojr to answer questions which might now he in the minds of the voters. It will state the facte honestly and impartially just as they are recorded in the reports of the engineers and the proceedings of the council. To the minds o f many of the voters and taxpayers, a bond issue of $465,000 m ight idem a staggering sum. There might he many who now feel th at a bond issue of this amount is too ambitious for a city the size of A shland But the voters are asked to disregard this feature of the bond issue until the entire series of articles have been completed. This is one point they should remember at all times: . ; This bond ¿9sue wili not increase the general taxes of the people of Ashland one cent. . In due time, din ing the course of this series of articles, The Tid­ ings will explain iiridt tail how and why both the principal and interest on these w ater bonds can and must he paid out of the net earnings of * the w ater department. It believes it will he able to convince the most skeptical th at this can and will be done, and that your general, taxes will not be increased if you should decide to give approval to this pro­ jected water improvement progAim. All of us recall*the distressing days of two and three months ago. In common with tlie rest of the state, Ashland exjierienced an unusual­ ly dry summer. C ity officials were compelled to make restrictions. As the season wore on these became more stringent until even today we are perm itted to use water for our lawns and gardens but one day a week. • - . We likewise recall that everywhere about the city the cry went forth that somethingmust be done to insure this city an adequate water supply. The demand then was universal. Tb< agitation is still fresh in our minds. —We ^ m je c a ll how various delegations called upon* the mayor and city council, urging immediate action. T here’s another thing we recall, too; a direct slap at the inteUi- “ Mgke ’em jjjti' the water bonds while th ey ’ro.still.crying tor water.” a few doubters Urged tire cotnieil.* ‘'After Ashland get* a few good rains a lot of these people won’t be so keen lor a decent water system.” This was an infamous and untruthful indictment against the common sense and good judgment of the jieople of this city. Residents of Ashland are proud of their city. They’ve proven their faith and their loyalty ninny, many times. They stand ready today to vote for an improved water system if it is their judgment that the solution now being offered is the proper one. That is why The 1 idings will plac** all facts before them. It is the people’s inherent right to decide for themselves. The Tidings seeks only to aid them to arrive at all pos- HOW W H d s Aie - 0OSS - ^ MUM- hic ? Republican Candidate For V S. Senator Visits in Ashland Ohain Against Evangaliat-to Baaing his opinion upon the Being Forged in Let numerous favorable reporta coni- Angeles Court ' Ing to him and upon the many ........... .. . J.#,, V A ' manifestations of support # volun­ MORE EVIDENCE GIVEN tarily given at every «place be stopped. Republican United Statea Senatorial Nominee Fred Steiwer. I who spent a- few honrs in Ashlaud today and who was the guest of the Klwanig club at their regular LOS ANGELES, Oct. .1 .— A noon day meeting, expressed him­ damning chain of ctrcumataacaa self as being exceptionally well by which the state w ill attem pt to prove that Aimee Semple Mc­ Pherson perpetrated the most sensational hoax In religions hla- tory, la being forged lin k - by link as each day some new M t at damaging testimony la in tro ­ duced into the preliminary tria l. New dramatic heights were reached late Thursday when the famous evangelist uncoiled her wealth of abnrn hair and combed ou t.th e flaming tresses In thé municipal courtroom. The move camé aa a surprise on the part of the defense. , W. I. Gilbert, attorney tor the Bible teacher, made the request and Mrs. McPherson stood up before the courtroom and took down her hair. No fake tresses It fell in a shower around her shoulders and she began combing It "sq that a ll could see that she ' pleased with the outlook for a used no artificial ‘rats* or natfa.** general republican * Vtctory tn as the defense attorney claimed Oregon thia fall, and was partic­ had been rumored. ularly optimistic over the pros­ W ith ahlllfnl fingers the evan­ pects of this state retaining a re- gelist then readjusted her | publican in the Cnited States "crowning glory” without ,the senate. aid of a m irro r, while feminine "W ith the possible exception of spectators looked on in adm ira­ two or three counties," Mr. tion. Ctelwer told the Tidings today, The famous "light and dark­ "the dUpqyltlon of the Oregon ness" ssrjpoB, tounfein Mra. Mc­ people seems to be to support and Pherson’» BJble, following her uphold the Republican admlnis- disappearance on the ocean beach tration at the^uajJonal^capHol. The achievement» e f tip «tenant tn the hand« of the ptwaeCutfoa and preceding administtatlqa Mrs. Emms Schaerer, secretary to have won great favor w i t h the evangelist, Vraa called to the thoughtful- people of all political stand. faith ." I Note« for Sermow f "In 1920 America was In the Notes for the sermon wAr« found tn the Bible on the beach (Continued on Page Five) and the secretary waa question­ ed as to her knowledge fit where .the text of the sermon Waa ob­ tained. She declared that Mr». McPherson used a l>ook while preparing the sermon, and on being pressed aa to where the was, answered w ith aomp Chicago Grand Jury Unable hook hesitation that It could he found to Make Progress in In the McPherson library. Death Oase A book "The Mind Unatasked" CHICAGO, Sept. 30. — A fter found In the Carmel-by-the-Sen spending an appropriation of "love cottage." where the atete 150,000, the fifth grand Jury contends Mrs. McPherson and her called to Investigate the^tfachtne radio operator, Kenneth O. Oriu- gun shooting of W illiam S. Mc- lston, spent a number o f days Swiggln, Chicago "hanging pros- during the time she claims she ecutor, adjourns ' with solving was held by kidnapers w ill he the the mystery. It Is announced basis for the states attack, it was said. that Jurors were able to obtain Religion« Books Foowri no new clews, and that they will According to testimony thia not even Issue a formal report. book and a number of other psy­ chological Medford Firm Has Low Eid for Highway to Gov- ernmeut Camp , ' Man in Butte Fights Jailers Who Prepare Him for Death March W ASHING TO N, Oct. 1.— Van tm on tho B UTTE. Mont., Oct. 1.— (U P ) der Hellen and Pierson, Medford presenting — Subdued by tear gas after he Ore., have been given the con­ lay, *l)e a r became violent and attacked his tract for a road of one sad one >pear In a jailers, Tony Vetter was hanged third miles, connecting Crater Ing Febru- today for the murder of Antone Lake rim road w ith the govern­ i for both Savere. Vetter attacked Deputy old. , i Sheriff D. C. Robinson who on- ment camp, at an estimated cost of 935,420. committed tered his cell to prepare him tor. The only other hid was about ith Rich- death. He was carried to the 310,000 higher. Ths bnreatt of l Church- scaffold w ith hla arms And legs public roads recommended the and Mrs. trussed. He was pronounced contract and will supervise the AUen, president of the student dead In six minutes. work. , • bpdy.( A ll of the speakers urged cooperation In fillin g the audl- torlfim for both shows as' the Moroni Olsen players are being brought here fit great expense. Federal Sleuths Involved in Plot Gasoline Prices Are Slashed ftejre The price per gallon here Is 21 cents, Including the war tag. Tho oil companies are bow en- gaged In a price slashing war sad the motorists are reaping the, benefit ’for tho time being. DOVER, Eng Oct. 1.— (U P ) — M ite B. L. M arrio tt of Bng- l*nd abandoned her fourth af- toqapt to ewtm tho. English chan - nsl at 7:59 this m orning'w ithin three milee of hor goal. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Oct. (U P )— Charges that H. 8. de­ partment of'Justice agents were Involved in the Mexican revolu­ tionary plot alleged to have been engineers by Generala Bstrandn were made here by Lorrln An­ drews, attorney for the aocused rebel leader. Estranda and hla reputed aides w ill be arraigned In federal court here Monday on charges of violating the Am eri­ can neutrality law. Novel Vest Made By Local Coupl Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rsld have just recently completed a cow­ boy's vest, on which they have spent three weeks of actual work. Tha background of the vest is black and white kid, whlph is exqulstely beaded with a profus­ ion of brightly colored flowers' tn their natural slses. The vest la valued at 910#. Mr. Reid la an employ o f ¿he Overland Shoe Shop, and Just re­ cently moved to this city. agd' tleOaophkal treatises were le ft tn the husgs- low by Ormleton and "Mias X." .The «Ute w ill e o n t^ d , fit Is re­ ported that note« ta te^ fo r tha "light and darkWtoi** sermon contain M«teneea taken freyn th» second chdptar of. the hook, "The Mind Unmasked.” W a lter B. Lam bert wan the states star witness of tho 4a*. Lam bert testified th a t he n w both Mrs. McPherson and Orrats- ton en|er a hotel at tho beach, five hours before aa alarm was sounded that she had bus drowned. Former Champion / • . ----------- ' - I ton, N E W YO RK, Oct. 1.— ( U P ) — olai Jack Dompooy, dethroned heavy- Sd. weight champion, pasted a rest-' 1 leas night but at noon was re- «ha ported as feeling better th«b In « yesterday. He is sufferingfrog» wh< bone and akin rash eouftheted. during his training. *-«i “ {