ASHLAND DAILY TIDIW« nrntspAT, Sept, ao, > om . fold Jusa spociai county fair edi­ he would hear the evangelait toll tion of the Bend Bulletin, ctfpfea Grading starts for lpggjng rail­ of Engler testifying that she was Euchre Crepk dfatrtet, la Car­ of which were received in Ash-' way in Baker county, Austin to ry county., wil build not the "Mias X". NORMAL SCHOOL *nd .fof»r. iT&e( gM cla^umber Middle Fork of John Day river. school. Thé judge assured Dennison NEW S comprises foui sfctiohs and each that he would net be listening section is ghreh over A ttfe mkjfo- and Ingler was permitted to-take CLAIRE PRYBYLSKI lnduatries, both timber and agri­ the stand. * Reporter cultural, of that section. Was Xot Aimce The Carmel witness teatlfled PARIS, Sept. 80. — Nearly loo The Wednesday morning as­ received an Invitation to attend divorce Quits brought cither by that Mat. McPherson was positive­ the naturalisation exercises at war 'brides or by their husbands, ly not the woman he had seen op sembly at the Southern Oregon Marshfield, Oregon.-* He was to Normal school was held at 8:5G yrho are members of the Ameri­ three occasions between May 19 Instead of the usual time In or­ address the newly- made citizens and May 29, in the yard efethe can Expeditionary forces, are now der to begin work on the new and touch on the duties, obliga­ ‘love cottage.*' » before French courts. LETTER -, * - ■ ■ . $ schedule. The complete sched­ tions and privileges they would Desertion takes« ' Hrst place .'‘Listen In on Angelus temple have In the future. Mr. Strange BY CHARLES STEWART THE HEART OF THE FAMOUS among the charges given In the radio tonight and you'll hear all ule was, carried out following the regrets very much indeed that he NBA Service W riter 1 assembly with ten minute per­ pleas, incompatibility of temper about it," Dennison said. will not be able to attend tnia SPRINGS, WYOMING, DISTRICT. ' ' WASHINGTON Not o n l y is a close second^ while their par­ "Yes, and the district attorney iods. meeting. '•» the dryest of the drys In Con- ents seek separation several hun­ got Mrs. McPherson in the jury , Try outs tor girls glee duo ’ gress gone down to defeat In the dred children who were born as room and clubbed her,” Gilbert, First sopranos at 4. First altos Southern Pacific will start 9 J recent primaries, but ao has the a result of these war time mar­ attorney for the defense, rejoin­ at 4:30, train service on' Eugene-Klamath wettest of the wets. * Kine men were out for men's Falls'line, in July. riages, are in dire heed of help. ed, referring to the introduction The 70th Congress wont seem glee club., Miss Leona Marsters, The divorce claims awatiing ac­ of her testimony. Portand — Bear Creek road like the old institution with Rep­ At this point cdurt 'was­ instructor of the music depart­ tion call attention to the records Jrom Bull Run headworks, will At Railroad Crossing — Phone 20 resentative Upshaw and Repre­ which show that eighty per cent journed, the- case having reached ment,. Intends to’, form a double cost >150,000, ' . sentative John Philip Hill both of these hpaty marriages, many its bitterness and most stormy Quartette If there are not enough gone. for a regular club. She also of them while the A.‘ E. r . was climax since its inception. I They didn’t lose In quite tba plans very much on a mixed packing up to leave Frahce for chorus. DON’T OVERLOOK A GOOD the {tatted States, have been fail- In picture and atory, the varied I same way, but thay both lost. • , ... THING resources, present rfnd potential I Upshaw was Jnat plain beaten urea. A meeting of Coos county stu­ ' for « reuomlnation. Hill hit off Foley and Co., 283.V Sheffield dents was called by Miss Garnet of Deschutes county and Bend are '■j .more than he conld chew. He Ave., Chicago, value so highly Burkhart. Mlsg Burkhart out­ could have* been renominated, as the medical qualities of Foley lined the work accomplished by a representative, without half JURIST IS TO GIVE . . Pills, a diuretic stimulent for the the summer session studonts EVIDENCE AGAINST AIMER trying, but he had senatorial am­ kidneys, that they guarantee them bitions. and new he isn’t going' Snowdrift naturally be­ to give satisfaction. Relying on tp be a senator or a representa­ (Continued From Page One) this guarantee, Mrs? Elian Relg- longs in a rich, delicate tive, either one. hard, South Fork, Pa., gave Foley • Senator O. E. Weller of v Mary­ lot of garbled statements over Pills a trial. In her frank, friend­ cake because it is so rich land has a dandy state organiza­ her radio as to what he has to ly letter she says, "Nothing touch-1 and d elic a te in itself. tion. He has to have, to be elect­ say.’* ed that aching- spot until I took ed to the Senate, as a Republican The witness, the first called by Foley Pilla. I am so glad to re­ Snowdrift is a conve- «■ * from that state. the defense, was Au grist Engler, commend them." A reliable, val­ nient shortening, too, When Hill challenged/his lead­ city marshal and tax collector of uable medicine, constantly in nse ership—for Hill’s k Republican, Carmel. because it’s so creamy. over 25 years. Guaranteed. Aak too— Weller turned his organiz­ Judge Blake was informed that for Foley Pills, diuretic. Sold' ation’s guns^n Hill. The amhu- if he would listen over the radio everywhere. » ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY Central Oregon , ’ Resources Given Three-Through Stages-Daily llticpl casualty. Hill was badly wounded but he wasn’t kilted. He made a run that will entitle him to subse­ quent consideration. Waller’s CALIFORNIA CAKE iX Cuffuh Sagar % Capful Snowdrift shot and she» got him. but BETW EEN Dividends for You Prom Electrical Development ASHLAND AND PORTLAND it took a lot of Shot and shell.. And for * short time while they were counting the returns, it* looked like anybody’s ' fight. SOUTHBOUND’ Lv. Ashland 7:00 a. m. 10:00 a Lv. Medford 7:45 a. m . 10:35 a Ar. P ’land;10:15 p. in. 12:50 a Ly. Portland 7:00 a. m. 5:3 Ar. Medford 9:10 p. m. 7:36 a. Ar. Ashland 9:55 p. m. 8:20 a. CONNECTIONS At Grants . Pass , for Redwood Iligi ■■ 1TCay Points; At,Roseburg for all Coos nay Points; At Portland for Seattle and British Columbia. Cream the S now drift end sugar thoroughly adding a Btde water. W hen very lig h t add the wett-beaten yottu of->f eggs and as quickly as pos­ sible add die dry ingredients which have been sifted to­ gether and die liquid. Beat the whites o f eggs and add INTERURBAN STAGE CO Phone 47 Real Favorite For your lunch tomorrow come to our popular coun­ ter for an order pf tender, juicy Virginia baked ham. This is one of the most popular lunch orders at our lunch counter and one order will show you why it i& winning popularity. S n o w d r if t You Can Receive This Extra Income * — ■ -A • ' FULLER’S O regon P o w er C om pany is a highly valued possession. Its divi­ dends bring cheer and comfort four times a year. Floor W ax Complete Fountain Service Now is the time to pat your floors in shape for the hard usage they will get during the winter months. N I N IN G E R ’S B est P aint—B est Works», Phons 172 . What is 259? IT IS THE AIM FOR RALLY DAY at the Christian Sunday School Corner 2nd and B S t - Next Sunday at 9:45 A. M. , J A LIVELY TIME the winner of the M O RE t|lan 2,000 homes the preferred stock of The California Of course, we have many other noon specials that are , certain to please yon. J. O. RIGG Terminal Ashland Hotel 7 I f . You, too, can receive this extra in­ come. There is no need to wait until you have a large sum of money to invest — you can start right now with as little as $5 a month. for the name o f this latest and greatest development in motor fuel I T h e preferred shares of this Company are backed by enduring properties— great hydro-electric plants and far- flung transmission systems—staked to and imbedded in the soil. T hese prop­ erties are right here at home, where you can see them and satisfy yourself as to their permanence and stability. GENERAL is posted in all General In< Service Stations Eef our Investment D epartm en t, tell you the facts abou t th is opportunity for safe investm ent The California Oregon Power Company O F F IC E S t I ' 7 OREGON Medford, Roseburg, Grants Pats, Klamath Palls ’ , » • CALIFORNIA-—Yreka, Dynsmuir More Than 2,000 Home Shareholders W ere you the lucky one? j ON SALB NOW AT GBNBRAL IN D