ASHLAND U o ea l J P e r s o n a l f lo t e s irehaaed Chevrolet— j Purchased Chevrolet — L. E . Stennett of this city has' Charles H. Blake of this city irehaaed a Chevrolet coupe has purchased a Chevrolet rogd- jm tbe Automotive Shop. ster from the Automotive Shop. Typewriters for rent, Elhart's Dance at Jackson H o t Springs tonight. 23-1 ■rived in Ashland— Move Started— W illiam McMillan, who has en working at Pondosa, Cal., rived in Ashland last evening visit with relatives and lends. Mr. M cMillan expects to turn to his work about Thurs- y. ! ............ Phone Panlserud’s for clean- g. 22-tf ■ ■ ■ ■ acting— The ladies of tbe Berean Bt- * Class of the 'F irst Christian mreta, are invited to meet at e home of Mrs. W. E. Sanford, A ¿nove by which the through passenger train division point would be eatabllshed in Klam ath Palls, with the freight division point, was started last week at a meeting of the transportation committee of thè chamber of com- merce of Klamath Falls. The committee instructed the chamber secretary to write J. H. Dyer, general mana^kr of the Southern Patidc, and ask why tbe passeng- er division point could not he established at K lam ath Falls in- stead of at Crescent, #0 miles north. Get your window screens and screen doors at Jordan Sash and On H unting T rip — Cabinet Works. 2 5 t-tf John Shortridge and Nate Bates are spending a few days at From Palo Alto— Four Mile Lake, hunting. » j Ines Gravestock of Palo Alto, Better clothes for less Cal., was in Ashland yesterday Edgemont Cheez-I|s. Schuer serud’s. man’s Grocery. -• lS -ti visiting with friends. Madden sells guaranteed Stopped la Ashland— Leonard Braude of Aubn Cal., stopped in Ashland t morning te visit with friends. Parker Fountain Pens, at h art’i . Left for Sale m M r. and Mrs. A. McMillan left last evening fo r Salem, where they w ill spend a few days vaca­ tion. Text books and supplies Normal.— McNair Bros. Retained from Portland— D r. Bertha Sawyer yesterday returned from Portland where she spent a week’s vacation. Returned from Convention— Anyone wl w ill keep a nor­ mal student, hoy or girl, to w oik for room and board, please phone Mrs. Pell at once, 418-J. 20-6* Hhoppfcig in A s h la n d - Mrs. Mary O’Carey of Talent and Mrs. T. T. Simpson of Med­ ford were in Ashland yesterday, shopping. VACUUM CLEANERS! Dance with Frisco Melody Mak­ ers. Jackson Hot Springs, tonight. 23-1 L . Serutton o f -San Francisco, Cal., and P. H. Young and fam- 3. T. Vregas and G. R. Dalgsry Hy of Riverside, Cal., were in of Seattle, Whsh., were In Ash­ Ashland yesterday. They stop­ land yesterday. They stopped at ped at the Hotel Ashlahd. the Oregon Hotel. You hâve never heard a phe- . “ Life-Like Likenesses, Studio nograph nntll yon hear the Or­ Ashland on The Plata. thophonie Victrola. The Rose. 23-1 G. Ronmagoux and N. Schultz Spent Wrek-Knd In Ashland— o f Pendleton, Ore., were in Ash­ Mrs. O. W . Johnson and daugh­ land yesterday. They registered ter Dorothy Jean of Lakeview, at the Lithla Springs Hotel. spent the week-end In Ashland, tbe house guests of Mrs. Mary Wilshire on Granite street. Mrs. Johnsön and Mrs. w llsb lre aro old friends and this was the first Biscuits at tea time— time they had seen each other fluffy lig h t biscuits for ipany years. BAKING POWDER BISCUITS 2 Cupfuh Flour g Toatpoonfult Baling Powder I Teatpoonful Salt j Toatpoonfult Snowdrift Cupful Milk Mix and sift twice the dry ingredients. W ork in Snow­ drift with tips o f fingers; add milk gradually mixing with • knife to a soft dough. Toss ott a floured board, pat and roll to one-half inch in thick- nets. Shape with a small bis­ cuit cutter. Place on a tin and bake (450 degrees F.) twelve or fifteen minutes. Fort Madison- to Bathers Pollute *Be Sold Shortly Willamette River PO RTLAND, Sept. 28>— (U P ) . S E A TTLE , — W arning that every lar^e eity The governme on the W illam ette riv e r'is con- sale” sign on trib u tin g toward making the Originally a stream unsafe for bathing and Indians In 1 swimming has been issued by D r.; tlon purposes, Frederick D. Strickler, of the told to th e hl) state board of health. Dr. Strlck-I le r advises legislation to prevent' Proceeds w pollution of streams, the W iliam -'rehab ilitation ette river in particular. posts, as provi bichará. Earthelmtss and Üorathy buri bar ia The d t Unknown Passes At County Home SAN B ER N AR D IN O , C a 1., Sept. 28.—r(U P )— The secret of M ike O’Brien's origin, ’ and HUtil tlent. F or 20 years the veteran patient never le ft his bed. He talked of the time when he would CALL us now for free home demonstration Hoover Check Seal Ohio XL ELECTRIC Station GUY GOOD Phone 82 Advertise In Tbe? Tidings 'Gutfemaó be well and “ roam about a bit. But the time never came, a Mike, an unknown, passed without revealing his life ’s cret. Druse Tribesmen Will Surrender 30 years ago, his past, was car­ ried with him to his grave. For 35 years Mike Was a pa­ B E IR U T , Syria. Sept. 28.— tient at the San Berntirdino county hospital. For 20 years of Sixty thousand Druse tirbesmen, that time he was paralyzed. • ' under the leadership of Ahmed cl Mike recently died at age ‘of H ajari, a religious .teacher, havs 80. Nurses and officials of t h j sent w ord**to the French high Institution were the only mourn- • commission that they ape ready I to surrender. ers. . They promise to preach peaco None knew where M ike came French throughout from. He ambled into the hos­ with the pital 35 years ago, the first pa Syria. WOOLEN MATERIALS FOR 27 inches of 54 inch material makes the skirt FOR ONLY ' ' ALL SH A D ES OF CLOTH IN BOTH PLA IN AND FANCY W E A V E S TO CHOOSE FROM. Get Your Skirt Pattern Here. Classified Ads Bring Results. K N IT « P O R T S U IT S F O R G I R I « , A G E S 5 TO 8 Y E A R S .......... .................................................................. 13.75 Advertise In Tlie Tidings. TOMBOY KNIT 2-PIECE SUITS, FOR M ISSES, 14 TO 20 YEARS . . . : ........................................ >12.95 ASHLAND LAUNDRY KIDS $ 'N e u i* S ilk s fo r p a ll READ TIDINGS CLASS ADS and visiting with friends. TUESDAY, Sept. 3ft, 1090 T r o n ío s Being dowji in the mouth is fine way to get np in the .air. W ill Iz n v e for Gerber—- LONDON. Sept. 28.— Princess Confined to H o m o - Frank Becktell, who has been Elizabeth, r o y a l grandchild Mrs. C liff Yarbrongh and two working for the Southern Pa­ whom fortune tellers say w ill one children are confined to their cific company at Klamath Falls, day he queen of England, prom­ home with Illness. will leave today for Gerber, Cal., ises soon to be tbe chief figure In where he will work for the same a domain which recently has Dance at Jackqon Hot Springs company. I been devoted almost exclusively tonight. . ’ 23-1 j to the Prince of - W a le s.J Have your clothes cleaned at W ith her mother and father,, Purchased Claevrolet— 337 E. Main, Ashland Cleaning the duke and duchess of York, A. H. ^Thompson of thia city Works, of course. the princess w ill sail for Austral- has purchased a Chevrolet iafTit the end*of this.year on the coupe from the Automotive Shop. Apply for Citizenship— cruiser Renown, the ship which Twelve aliens will make appli­ has carried the royal heir on Real chicken tamales at cation for citisenshtp at a natural­ many of his world travels. She Plaza. ization hearing at Jacksonville is not in the most robust health this afternoon. and her mother and father think the sea trip w ill benefit her. A special nursery cabin has an automobile accident some time 1,1 Ashland— ago, has not improved and his Kenneth W ilshire o$ Eastern been refitted Aboard the Renown. condition Is reported to be ser- Oregon, stopped in Ashland yes- The pink and White boudoirs ious. terday to visit w ith his mother, which the baby and her mother ----------- Mrs. W ilshire on Granite street. will occupy are in strang con­ Dance with Frisco Melody Mak- Kenneth will attend the Univer- trast w ith the exterior of this ers, Jackson Hot Springs, tonight. sit? of Oregon at Eugene, this English fighting ship. 2 3 -1 1 wlnter- Rev. V. K. Allison of the M. A. Watson of this city has purchased a Ford coupe from Christian church has returned from a church convention at Los the Clayeomh Motor company. Angeles. IS I T SAFE to drive through the streets of Ashland without Oronite Cleaning Fluid, 46c Liability Insurance? Phone 21 McNair Bros. for complete Automobile protec­ tion. don't wait until yon meet Former Teachers Here— with an accident. Yeo. (o f course! Miss Grace Slnema and Miss „ t, 293-tf Laura Oleson. former Ashland teachers, were ylsltors In this city last Thursday. Miss Oleson w ill C. ft. Poole ofÌPhoenlx was in teach at Klamath Falls this year Ashland tils morning shopping served to an accom­ panim ent o f praise. Their delicate goodness invites discussion and the secret is out— they are made with Snow­ drift, a rich creamy ^ A ih T bOM?THESS \ N I N i .F A M A AMD TIRA DE” Lift. PATRON«* ORDERS t e O B tV fc O • • We keep our delivery promises. When we say, half past noOn, we mean thirty minutes to tbe one o ’clock whistle. Your laundry will be there on time and it will be in a choice, fresh condition, too. Tbe Silk Section is a gorgeous spectacle of silken color. Bolts upon bolts; yards upon yards; in all tbe new patterns and weaves for Fall wear. — sati ^ C repes $2.95 to $4.50 CREPE SALLY AT $4.50-18 A BEAUTIFUL CREPE FATLLE, SERVICEABLE AND DRESSY. • . All Tbe Wanted Shades Bunions D r . Sehr 11'« D ucìob R e­ ducer iiui& ntl? r e l ie « , bunion pain«, reduce, tr o w th and p r« w rv n rbape c i «ho*. 75c each. Special-FreeFootC om fort D E M O N S T R A T IO N Wednesday, September 29, ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO ifeïrdr.-’”*’-’ JU ST PHONE 165 »1Z * TMC THEATER BEAUTIFUL TODAY AND TOMORROW Water! Water!! Water!! Tired, Aching Feet quickly relieved w ith D r . SchoITfl F * « t-E a x e r . d U n t a r M w e a k t a d broken-down arches. 0 .5 0 per pete. HERE IN PERSON ALÖ0 Foot troubles are universal. Government records show that 7 out oi every 10 adult people have come form of foot trouble. You are probably foot-miserable yourselE It may be only a corn, a callous, a bunion or some mòre serious trouble, such as weàk and broken-down arches. You might not know the nature of your trouble but you do know that your feet ache, pain, and get all tired out on the slightest provocation. Foot Expert from Chicago Coming This man is from the personal staff c i Dr.Wm.M.Scholl, the rec­ ognized loot authority, and demonstrates Dr. Scholl’s Method of Foot Correction. Come in, on the above date, and meet him. It’s well worth your time. There’s no charge for this valuable service. Free Pedo-graph Prints o f Your Feet In a few seconds’ time, without removing the hose, he will make, without charge, a perfect print of your foot that positively shows if you do have foot troubles and to what stage the trouble has progressed. An Ashland Necessity' and so are Free Samples Come in and get a free sample of Dr. Scholl’s Zlno-pads for corns. They remove the cause—friction and pressure. Instant, sale, sure relief. Put one on— tAe pain it gone. The Enders Company Hart Schaffner & Marx DUDS see *em In Nifty Styles and Patterns LLYOD’S DOUBT,E with at Burns and Lorraine Co, Present MILLER’S TÖGGERY Advanced Vaudville Singing, Dancing, Yodeling, Oomedy. • “ Hab-a-dash Inn” I T ’S ALL IN FU N And no advance in prices. FROM THE HEART OF TH E FAMOUS ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMING, DISTRICT. ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY • * ’ ' . v * 4 I 384 Oak St. — A t Railroad Crossing — Phone 20