■ I F | ll II W bocal ; P erso n al flotes jJ Ml«- Boyd Tucker and Mr». J. A « o a e the B N. Donnia «M tkl* city. vor« H»*- will atte«« I »be te» «armai Mbo ford visitors Monday. Margaret Turner. remo» Left for Hunting T r ip - An old time dance will be given by the Yeomen Lodge at the I. O. O. F. HiUl, Monday evening. Sept. 87th at • o'clock. Light lunch served. Bverybody welcome, come and enjoy a good time with the Yeomen. 21-1 j Mr. and Mr». Carl Murphy of thia city were county »eat visit­ ors recently. Popular music -— Rlharto Don't fall to enter the best food -recelpe contest. Rlducad prices on shortening. Schuer- man's Grocery. 20-2 Typing Paper by the EI harta. Ill asgo and Prank Stratton and Bather, Mildred and L y l e Charle« Long Jr., left Wednesday Springer have returned to their for a few days' hunting trip up home in Ashland after a weeks' Wagner Butte. visit with the Wyaat family at Lake Creak, All wool Reedy-to-Wsar «ult», 115, 120, 125 at Pnalserudte. Chines« Noodlee and Hot Ta­ males at Raggedy Ann Sweets Drove t° Eugene—- Shop, Mr. and Mrs. D. Peroszl and daughter Thelma of thia eity. go- Visiting Fred T sylor— companied by Miss Arllene Butter Mr. and Mrs. Willard Leanard of Medford drove to Eugene this of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. week to tak e the younr. women Gardner Caul of Medford are in to the state university which they Ashland Visiting with Mr. and will reenter for their Senior year»v Mrs. Pred Taylor. Edgemont Chees-Its man's Grocery. Returned troia California— . Mr». Osear S tiv e,a n d HRle »on Baddy retnmed test evening fro« Oakland and 8tockton, Calif,, where they heve »pont the pant three weeks visiting with Hrs Silver's atetar Mr». Brnaat Roye» and har brother Harry Raid. Mr». l U h D l u o f te e Bolt* view district. a v d k tr little daughter. Helaa, have returned from Portland where if a h*ve •p«n| the peat tow «eyarisltto» with friends. ; ” Leaving fr*thefliiid- GsBffe W ifiielm an, » sister, Mrs. O. “' i f . Dongas at Sneys, are a reH»bls, valuable med­ Entered Hospital— Ernest Winkelman, Jackson Hot Springs. Mrs. icine, constantly In u « eo y er 25 Mrs. Eunice Kibler, daughter Kreltlisn will visit at the springs Leona Winkelman, years. Guaranteed to give satis­ of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Andrews for severafweeks. Arthur Winkelman, faction. Try them. A sk lo r Foley of Fairview street, has entered Earl Winkelman. Pills, diuretic. Sold everywhere.- « St. Luke's hospital at Bellingham. To Attend Norin*!— Wash., for a course in nurse’s Miss Wflda Darnellle and Mtsa training. Madelyn Morgan of Medford are TOKIOHT ONLY entering the State Normal at Ash­ Anyone who will keep a nor­ land this fall, to remain for the mal student, boy or girl, to work year. w ith B eb e D a n ie ls an d W a l­ for room and board, please phone Mrs. Pall at one«. 418-J. 1S-I» - PORTLAND—Bids betel esi ved Mor 525,SSO- saw land Congregation • Charek. A REAL HOLIDAY PARKER PENS range in price f roip I2.Í5, $3.50, $5.00 They come yi Chinese lacquer red or in plain flashing black. ENJOYABLE DAY WILL BE SUN DAY IT Ÿ 0Ü B FAMILY IB TAKEN TO FOR DINNER Lady Duofold has an easy full-hand grip. Whenever you have unexpected guests J b r in g th em h ere fo r m eals. Y ou w ill en jpy it, Prescription Druggist too; as well as avoid the worry and work of preparing a meal for them. “VOLCANO” la ce B eery . Medford Visitor— Left for School— ALSO Miss Lillian Reimer left T h e L a st C h ap ter o f th e Thursday evening for Corvallis G reeu A r c h e r an d C om edy to resume her studies at the Ore­ P o la r B aron. gon Agricultural College, follow­ ing the summer vacation spent with her parents, Prof, and Mrs. 8UKDAY AMD MONDAY F. C. Reimer, of the Southern Oregon Experiment station near Talent. W. D. Jackson, proprietor of the Palace Lunch chain, which operates in Ashland and Yreka, was a Medford visitor Monday. Mr. Jackson resides In Ashland. “IJou threw aw«) our a Chinese Noodles and ties at Raggedy Ann P R U S C R IP T IO M D R U G G IS T S P hon e 51 L eft for Vacation— Mrs. Ida Crandall of B street, left last e v e n ly for Portland, where she will visit with friends and Salem where she will attend the 8tate fair. This will be the only vacation Mrs. Crandall has taken in three years. HEADQUARTERS NORHAL Planes A rrived— The air mall planes to and through Medford arrived. yester­ day morning on time, la fact a little ahead of the schednted time. The northbound plane, whose scheduled time 1» about four hours from Sacramento to Medford, made the flight between these pointe Thursday la two hours and 47 minutes. WORLD Try Rexnll Orderlies, 26e McNair Bros. From the novel try Kathleen Moryt« 1«. TEXT BOOKS Sheaffer fountain Pans . \ .............. Wtth the kids P A U L IN E C A R O N ROCIUFFE FELLOWES Is in Ashland. Mrs. Beqlaa I» a patient at the Barber Coavatew- cent Home on Granite etevät. A L E C F R /A N C I 8 H B L 0N D U N B A R . L Y P IA K N O T T SO W A R D P E IL Jr nmsmd ir H a n y B e a u m o n t I4T K U BPBVOB Partear Fountain Pens ................ 4 r r.. ' -'t----- RH k 1 • '-V . 1» school «mi rcqwirlns iuurii more your lime, J^a’re doing i w r health ConvnleecesU Home ■ ■ ratsykuthmilubr At Mrs. Clark Berdan of HedfottJ, $ 4 1 A N F O R .R B 0 T ' CO M PLETE’ W N E O F SCHOOL SUPPLÌ e i g g InJuMkr If you