I M W«« ed against the totOS, Gena out of the ring. The blood cry o f t » * pack wout PALO À L lh . Cal., Sept. » 4 .- * dwc«t ( U P )— "Football would be better o ff if there was no snob a thing as the forward pass.” This state­ ment Is from no loss a gridiron figure than ‘T o p ” Whrner, head LÖST — U d M e Wrist watch. roach at Stanford university. W arner believes the passing Piader rdtwrn 18« Weightman at. R esto*. 20-2 • game has outdistanced its orig­ inal design and Is converting thè LOST— Çocker spaaiel dog « gridiron sport into semi-basket­ kok «■ n t — A alee, c a a y, roomy, cheerful three room apt.. months, tae collar Inclading piano, if deelred. Phone THE NEW CHAMP on. Finder ball affair. Passing, he points oat, was Instituted when the aew ruling was pat Into effect requiring * ten yard gain before h first down could be called. Rotore that only fire yards were nboee- sary to make first down. It was believed the secondary defense would be forced to so divide its concentration petwosn WANTED — Washing, plain defending passing basards Aftfi attacks from the line that teems sewing and chrochetlng, 4S4 H el­ would stand more of a show to maa St. 2 0-2 4 make the doubled yardage andar TEACHER or teachers to share the new ruling. That was all attractive home with teacher. well and good. “But the passing game has Very reasonable terms. Address so developed that any high school Mias Ring, 170 Skidmore St., cor. of Vaa Nose, Ave., half block youngster can pass almost as ac­ from old Junior high. ll- t f curately and swiftly as a star varsity man," Warner said. WANTJ5D: — Old people and "Passing is no longer an a rt." Invalids to board and care for, He suggested the onside kick 162 Granite street. 18-tf se a substitute. "It -takes more ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May talent to effect the onside klek. communicate with Ensign Lee of the 8alvatloo Army at tL-e W hite Shield Home. 6C6 May- fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. room house. furaiahed. Neaf notify Fred Knlggel, Cliff’s Ser­ 20-1 ao-tf Washington eehaol. See Mrs. vian Station. Reward. Guatar at Tiding« office er cell F D R R E N T : — Two or three I I W 'evealaga. 18-2* room apartment. Bell Itoemtug House, l« 0 4th S t 17-5* W A N T E D — Twb people to FO R RJBMT— A a la * unfurn­ share eSpense to Los Angelas. ished fla t, also small furnished Driving new closed car. Refer­ apartment, garage, a I * a p 1 n g ences exchanged. Phone Medford S41RI. . . »0-8* room, SS B o tt* 2nd St. 10-tf 4«2-R or call 244 Hargadlne. FO R R E N T — Two larger »pin. furbished Of unfurnished. Clese to business district. Phone M rt. Fabl. » M l j « v . . 10-tf east *fct ft**«, N>R BALE — Relinquishment hnmagtgdd. 20 actes, mostly bar, cleg* to Ashland. Five h lo t. of tools,-power I tìw . W fll soil or trade for 70 « a f e SL 14-tf 112—41 SgTiE— Some fine F O B R E N T —a futnacb-kcated viduen? pedigreed pullets. bod rooms between Normal and for btoMera negt yber. 112 high school. ‘ 026 Boulevard- ’ ; tlqy St. phone 454-J. ’ Indi­ Fine Nut- 14-tf Professional and Business Directory FO B R E N T . — Housekeeping Two good single Normal. Call at 4 M ; Beech. . M ; l * beds' > iih Springs end mattresses. 71 Bush stroeL 17-«t* ' FO R R f ^ T — rooms, 2 blotiks from use It to- the best advantage I DR. W . J. CRANDALL F O B S A J JB i-t- Sigla Bicycle hi blocks: from » N o m a i, ' S t a , ' Oar* ftp * condition. M o t e 2F2. 17-5* Ostertparlilc Physician and Suruco* field St. ? V l< -4 * By«, Bar Xoee and Throat keeping rooms, 2 and oné-half Office Phone 12» iralahed sleep* 47« Bird. FO R R E N T — New h o « s e. Ptone 217L or Inquire 651 H elly room' house. Close la. Call 242 Granit« or phone 340R. l» -t f F O R REN Tt—6-room unfurn­ ished house near nil four schools. Brown and Rie*. ll-tf FO R R E N ? — Splendid 4-room house, wl«h every feonvonienco. Close in. Adult» . profèrred. In­ quire 157 Viet» SL ’ Phons 122. V ,20-tf Track Activities Will Get Started Gene Tunney Battles His Way To Victory, C. KLLYHON 811INN Deutiqt Ottaen» Bank nidg. FDR H> fComplete butcher BERKELEY, Cal., Sept. 24.— shop fixtures. M. 3. Olson. » •-» • Office Pitone f ill. nee. Phone 184 (U P )— Fall track activities will (Continued from Page One) Evenings By Appointment i,-, ■ < jt -_______ start at the University of Cali­ FOB BAUI — Farm Wagon. DR. ROLAND ALLEN fornia with a novice track meet Good 1 * la. breaking plow, 109 October 12-14. Physician and Surgeon Granite. 20-4* Office Pilone 1«S-J Afterward an lifter-fraternity A RAIMI d p t right now, «1004 Res. Phone 461-R meet and an even* for non-ofgan- lean ftB .V litjg u t this Offering. En­ Office Hour» isation men will be staged. Var­ quire by letter, p. o. box 3«2, 10-12 A. M. — 2-5 P. M. sity and freshmen stars as well Ashland, Ore. lS-tf First National Bank Building aa high school athletes of known worth will be barred from the few rounds, lacked the devastat- him to victory, failed to impress FOB SALE— We bought more It those who watched him closely, novice meet ao that Coach Wal­ Ing power of former days. than We ueeff Md wttl sell at landed flush upon the jaw, but The former champion rushed, ter Christie may obtain a line on coat: Galvanised pipe and flt- Tunney staggered back upon his backed Gene to the ropes with his new material. tlnga, n*0a, stoves, paints, Cole­ heels and did not go down. When left hooks wrapped around Tun- man lamps, furniture, Lay’s Office hours, 10 to 12 Dempsey hi® Tunney and Gene npy's stalwart neck and his shorts • Earl Boswick returned yester­ Camp, Highway aad Walk­ to 5 P. M.; failed to go down, the fight was aimed a ttjie body, were being day from Klamath Falls, where er 'Ave; -Phone 127. l i - 2 * Citizens Bank Building. ho has spent the past few days over. There could be only one j blocked by Tunnel’s stalwart Winner— for Tunney was throw-; arms. visiting with friends. H E L P W A N T E D — Mole Ing In thred to four blows to i Gene made no effort to step in Dempsey’s one, and beating the the teeth of this gale of punches W A N FB ): — Apple pickers, Portland had, 1«« ocean former champion’s face to a which Dempoey threw at him.-In­ Suncreet-Otohard at Talent. 17-5 In port during August. Thompson and Burlingame stead, he stepped away, cooly and Painters anL*feeta In the Elks Temple eUtry Saturday. Exalt­ P I A Í Í O D G IÍR U OTION— Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 ed Ruler. Mmes Bowers Sec­ to « ? Sweden bn t< Bldg., Asn- By competent teacher. Beginners retary, B d Y h o rn to a . preferred. Mrs. Harold Aiklns. 2tt-l-m o.* Bulldlngf repairing, shingling, painting; tinting and cement JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET work. W. T. Blackwell. Phone WORKS, Corner Helmaa and V *a N om . yhon» l | i , <24-tf I 5 I- L . 15-S0t L odge Directory' Ashland Lodge M a BS. 4 . F . « A. M^—M*eta 1» the Masonte hell every 2nd Tharsday. Mast- or, Dr. R. U Burdle; Soeretpry, W illiam Day. ■M M I'lh Ch A fte r N *. 11, » A. A - M d q t o In the Masonic hall every 2f« "W hy, It ’s simply marvelous has restored my keglth after I suffered ¿Iva years with the worst kind of stomach trouble.’* declares Mrs. Mary T. Yeryun, »14 B. 47th St., South. Taeoma. Wash. "No matter what I ate It would aat»«e"m» >ueh paln • nd suf fof* Ibg that I often thought my P ro had come I ’d be laid up In b»4 for days at a time, My nebved w R e i^natrung, my entire body w |s wrecked with pstn, and I wga so weak and miserable I of­ ten felt like I ’d have given aay- possessed for relief, think of it. I eat any- thlag I i went and never have an nche, ) pein • or trouble of any how Karnak T i’f W kind. That’s what K a rn jk ns* dons for ms. t t ’s.made » clean Arsep ot my- troubfes and I can nersr praise it enough.” Karnak is sold In Ashland by Bast Bids Pharmacy and all lead­ ing drnggiets. Ady. »*••»*• eut«