V fcAitr as W j AN d Returned to H om e, Itoeal ; P ersonal flotes From Suttler Basin— Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Orapo of Suttler Basin, Cal., were in Ash­ land yesterday. They stopped at. Hie Hotel Oregon. • I * Brunswick ^anatrope at B i- t a r t ’s. From Seattle— ’ Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Briers. Cornelia Hooper« and Louis.? Hooper of Seattle, Wash., were In Ashland yesterday. They reg- ietered at the Lithla Springs Ho- I Edgemont Cheez-Its. (ban’s Grocery. Schuer- 18rtf A . C. W ilhite la Aahlaad— A. C. W lllhlte. who has working In Oakland, Cal., Ashland visiting w ith his and family. * Business la Grants Paso— C Mr. and Mrs. J as. Lewis, who R. Sheldon of this city spent hare been vlaiting in Ashanti yesterday la Grants Pass, at­ with Mrs. Mary Lewie (or some tending business. time,, hare returned to their home In Redding, Cal. Anyone.who w ill keep a nor­ mal student, boy or g irl, to work Private hot mineral tub baths, for room .and hoard, please phons warm, up-to-date cabins, warm Mrs. Pell at once, 418-J. 2 0-8* mineral plunge. Old-time dance Saturday night. Get yonr window screens and screen doori at Jordan Saak and Cabinet Works. 364-tf Motored to M ed ford - Mrs. Mary Lewis and Mrs. „ "L ife -L ike Likeneeses, 8tudio remotf- Jessie Kilgore motored to Med­ Ashland on The P la n . ford yesterday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Kellon. Mr. Kellon is Coming to V a lle y - Bordnem Visitors— employed by the Caifornfa Ore­ Local datcers w ill be glad to Fred W ahl, cashier of gon Power company. hear that Herb W Iedoft’s (among Farmers and Fruitgrowers* 12-piece dance orchestra w ill In Medford, was a business IS IT SAFE to drive through make a stop -in -Southern Oregon or In Ashland Tuesday. the streets of Ashland without on his farewell* tour. The dance Liability Insurance? Phone 21 aggregation w ill be at the fair Shredded Wheat, 2 for complete Automobile protec­ grounds pavilion at • Medford, Schenrman’s. tion, don’t wait u t t il you meet Friday of this week. Several lo­ with an accident. Yeo. (o f course) cal parties are planning to at­ ». Musical instruments 393-tf tend. ‘ » h art’s. .. . Garments relined and e’ ed at fcanlserud’s. . Improvlag Ashland Hotel— «■ The Ashland Hotel Is having F«o,„ Mt. Vernon— Mr. and Mrs. Moslel a thorough renovation. They are [alsominlng and re-tinting all daughters, Sara knd "Joan, o Vernoft. Qre., arrived In Asl their .rooms. Tuesday, to spend the wi Sara Mosier will attend the mal. Returned from Vacation— K ing Coal and Briquettes for , Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thomas on Second, street, have returned Immediate delivery. Call Car­ 18-3t from a pleasant vacation spent son-Fowler and Co. fn San Fruhcisco, Cal. Mrs. Thomas’ health is very much 20^ Years Ago— Improved. The following fru it news item appeared in the Oregon Journal « Borden’s or Carnation M ilk 20 years ago: "Temporarily, at 3 0c can. Schuerman’s 'Grocery. least, the Medford fru it district has the pennant for Spltzenberg apples. Colonel Washburn, a Leaving for Corvallis— Rogue River valley grower, ha3 - Mrs. L. E. Swingle and son booked an order for October de­ Artro. will leave tomorrow for livery at 34.60 a box.” porvallis, where Artro will re­ enter the* Oregon Agricultural A ll wool Ready-to-Wear i bollege. 315, 320, 325 at Paulserud’s. tidings Mias Katherine Vincent, regis­ trar of the Southern Oregon State Normal school, w ill soon be jo in ­ ed by her mother and grandmoth­ er, from Lewiston, Idaho. They will make their home at the for­ mer Blmore home on North Main , street. Mrs. Springer, grandmother of Miss Vincent, is one of the earliest of Oregon pioneer» She ■ came west la 1852, the same year that E ira Meeker came to Oregon. Bsra Meeker has laid claim to bplng the only survivor of the early, immigration, doubtless being un­ aware that another bears the same distinction. Mrs. Springer will receive an enthusiastic wel­ come from the Southern- Oregon Pioneers who w ill soon hold their usual annual meeting at Med­ ford. Former Empress Of Russia Sick COPENHAGEN, Sept. 33 — Form er Empress .Dagm ar of Russia, mother of the late Csar Nicholas and aunt of King Christian of Denmark, is report­ ed seriously ill. She is 79 years old. Blows Out Flame Twelve Miles Off B E R K E L E Y , Cal. * Sept. 23.— Experts at the University of Cal­ ifornia are adm ittedly unable to explain a recent feat of Chaplos Kellogg, widely known bird call im itator. . . Kellogg caused a yellow gas flam e located 12 miles’ away, to flicker and then change to blue through vibrations o f a high Returned to Ashland— Passed A w a y - pitched vocal .note almost inaudi­ 4 Mr. and Mrs. Oxford of A lii- Nancy 8. ClearWater, w ell- ble, transmitted over radio KGO son street returned on «Monday known citizen of the Eagfe Point B E R K E L E Y . Cal., Sept. 23.— The note is esti­ from a six weeks’ vacation spent district, where she had resided (IP)— When the University of Cal­ at Oakland. In the northern part of the most of th'e time for the past 15* ifornia and the California Aggies’ mated to have been pitched at a state. A part of thq time w as1 years, passed away a t the home boxing teams clash this season spent at Brownsville and Salem.) of her niece on the Hammetl some fighter on the Bear squad GOOD HEALTH m s ONLY They were accompanied home by. ranch northeast of Eagle Point won’t know the name of his op­ CAPITAL their granddaughter, Luella G ale,! U te Monday evening at the age ponent until a , round or so has This is true of many working who will remain Ip Ashland to at- of 78 years. Besides a number passed — that U. if he meets one meu, (and women also) dogged tend school here this winter. of nieces and nephews, she leaves of the Gomes , twins. w ith a haunting fear of Ill-health ----------- one brother, John M inter of A1 and Don Gomez are their and helplessness. W m . F. Lqgle, Eagle Point. names. The only way the Aggie Anderson, Ind., heeds nature’s FAREWELL TOUR coach can tell them apart is to warning sign of pain and acts Herb WIedoeft and his famous have» them light a couple of Cinderella Roof Orchestra! F air Received $2000 Insurance»— promptly: “ When my back hurts rounds and' the one that gets and an irregular flow warns me Grounds Pavilion, Medford! Fr» Wm. E. Leer received 32000 night! Follow the crowds.' 2-1.7 insurance from the Acorn Circle knocked down more often Is us­ of coming trouble, I take Foley ually Don. The twins claim the Pills, a diuretic stim ulent for the No. 54, Neighbors of the Wood­ "twin championship" of the kidneys. They give me quick craft, on account of his wife's B orn - world in the bbxlng ring. results." A reliable, valuable death, which pccured a month Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Nell an­ medicine, constantly in use over ago. nounce the birth of a girl, horn 26 years. Satisfaction guaranteed. at the Barber Convalescent Home Klam ath Falls— W ork begins Cost little. Sold everywhere. Ask yesterday morning. READ TIDINGS GLASS ADS on 3300,000 Pelican Theatre. . for Foley P ills,-diuretic. 2 Twins Will Box For Aggie Team frequency of 100,00Q vibrations. D r. B. B. H all, psychist nt the University of Onlftornin who wltneaaed the feat offered some explanation but- failed to abow scientific eanae. a 1, “The gas flame was set in a t u b e ," D r . H all explained. "A properly pitched sound will set both flame and gas into vibra­ tion, which causes the flame’s ex­ tinction. "The feat of changing the col­ or of a flame theoretically is achieved by the same action, only a larger tube is used. Therefore A Cordial Invitation 1924 Chev Tour. $200.00 1925 Chev. Tour. $450.00 IGNITION OOHJ3 . TRY US! W e can give yob the best, service on the above class repair work. Auto Electric Garage M g Bast Main St. Chevrolet Dealers SEE THE SMOOTHEST CHEVROLET “R A I N B 9 W" FROM THE HEART OF THE FAMOUS ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMING, DISTRICT. ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY Discriminating Women Who Buy For • V . ? STYLE The Citizens Attention! Ashland tires Visitor from Loe Augeleo— Luther Starbuck of Loa An­ geles, Cal.. Is in Ashland visit­ ing at the Clevenger home on A l­ lison streee. They made a trip to Crater Lake 8unday, going by of Medford and returning by Klamath Falls. We Are Proud of Our Completely MODERNIZED BAKERY, and want you to visit us Tonight, (September 23) between the hours of 7 and 9 p. m., when our plant and Ah Infinite Variety Of The Latest Creations will be in full operation for your inspection. Friday Baked salmon with lemon sauce will be- our noon special for hunch tomor­ COATS See “ Franklin Superior B read“ in the M akin g row. Come in and order a this Friday noon special. FRANKLIN BAKERY You’ll lie pleased with the genuine hqme-eooked food Many other lunch special» at our pop­ ular counter. MAKERS OF thrttUfcg virile pulsing mtlo- drama of the Canadian North- vast darla* the gold rash days. Yhere «aa fongbt, loved and died ta their mad search for riches and The Automotive Shop’ QUALITY Mrs.| H. A. Stearns has been electea head of the Parent-Teach­ er connctl and w ill assume office A 1922 Ohev. Tour. $125.00 and Real chicken tamalee at J. W . Poole of New York, C. P'aza. T. Godwin of Baker, Ore., and R. fc. Avery and wife of Salt Lake Sale on winter hat C ity,■Utah, stopped ia Ashland Simons. 38 S. Pioneer. yesterday. j h ey registered at lhe Ashland Hotel. Elected— we serve. 1924 Ohev. Coupe $350.00 1925 Ohev. Coupe $500.00 Stopped ta Ashland— sells protected Bargains 384 Oak St. — At Rail Road Tracks — Phone 20 Have yonr clothes cleaned at 337 E. Main, Ashland Cleaning Visiting in M ed ford - Works, of course. Mrs. B. A. Gardner, who has been at the convalescent home in Visttlag lu A sh la n d - Ashland for soma time, is now Mr. aud Mrs. Anderson of visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Marysville, Cal., and Mrs. W hit­ F. F . Burke, of Medford. ten of Oakland. Cal., are visit- tag with Mrs. Margaret H all and Radium Ore Rev 1 gators, that Miss lions H all on 8th St. health-giving product, advance« In price from 329.50 to 335.00 on Come and have a good time nt Place your ordei Odd Fellows hall old-time dances October 15. and refreshments F rid ay night. now to obtain present r a t e Phone 48S-L, J. H. Turner. 18-3 Wed. and Sat Today aQd Tomorrow It would require greater Intensi­ ty of sound presumably to set the flame In a roaring condition, thus causing the blue flame." Complete fountain service Superior Bread Superior Cakes, Cookies N I N I N G E R 'S and Pastries A & i. ‘ <9 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR fall coats that are smart—th at suggest the latest in fashion, and have individuality th at is so abundant in “ The Palmer Garment’’. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR dresses that are orig­ inal—dresses th at carry the swagger and dash that characterizes the autumn style, dresses that denote real distinction— ’ s IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR the finest quality at reasonable prices — and if you realize the import­ ance of correct fittings— TH IN DO NOT DELAY VISIT