Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, September 20, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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The discussion, however in its many ramifica­
tions, failed to take in this one thing; during the
last few months in practically every election those
candidates who were classed as ”wet”, have been
most decisively defeated. In California rcCntly, the
only candidate for Governor out of a field of five re­
publicans, who was an avowed^ light pine and ixjer
advocate, received out of the more than one half mil­
lion votes cast, a little more than 5000. In our own
state, we have a glaring example o( the peoples
distate for violators of the amendrnnt whep the re­
publicans refused to nominate probably as ablp a
senatorial representative, as Oregon has ever had.
In the eastern states dry congressional representa­
tives have defeated dry incumbents, but the wets
have received little consolation, in the progress made
by their candidates./
The results of this fall’s elections are signific­
ant. They clearly Indicate that while a man will
lean so* far towardsthe side of hypocrasy, as to have
a favorite bootlegger, or maybe keep a bottle of good
liquor in the house for state occasions, yet, when he
is alone in the voting booth, he has little hesitancy
in showing his oppositioirtb tiiags-jgho would defeat'
prohibition. As long as the majority of people take
that attitude there is little to fear for the safety of
the Eighteenth Amendment. Years will pass before
liquor Is completely under control. But with a new
generation coming on, and tjie present one continu­
ing to show their lack of appreciation for those who
would change the dry laws, proliibition enthusiasts
have every right to feel that they are on the winning
A speaker the other day declared that the reason
many small towns remain small, is that the people
are too contented. There is perhaps more to that ex­
planation than appears on the surface. From time
immemorial poets, philosophers, snd the good book
itself have hymned the blessings of contentment.
These blessings are doubtless very real, but the
trouble with contentment, as the boy said about being
nice to his little sister is that “ it don’t git you
If the cave man had been entirely content to pack
his game on his back and the cave woman to carry
water on her head, not a wheel would be taming
today.- If onr forefathers had been satisfied with the
ox cart, there would never have beep a railroad, nor
an automobile, nor an airplape. Had Columbus been
satisfie4 with the theory that the earth was flat,
America might still he a wilderness the home of
Mtìgt pemong will .recall a day not many ware
ago jrlfyn a w iw te Piflhnah was toyed |ptoBhi£gq
at the* tafl-enflof'« fast train. In the oar Mt the Rev, large 4nt«W|tt/
William s 8 Ì Supdajv propped up \ with pillows and
On ih e eth e r hand , t h a a d a in -
looking extremely pale about the gills. He was being ' Istration -strongly suspects that
What ' l i e TMernkts w « g ','c an he
rushed, at tm expense far beyond the means pf most
of us, to iha Mayo clinic at Rochester, Mina. It seem­ 1 .seemed * nMteahiy a * d /jt <v>ui>t8
violent measures, in hehalf of
ed that the $$v. Mr. Sunday had been jmcèremon- • » a It few
interest», would be dbpylsy.
Ìously i^terjrupfedlp the piidst of a rousing"gospel i The administration
is ipin^tul
crusade |n a southern city b j hisgjdnqys. Forborne ^lso, e f ^ e popnlaiMt.'
Consequently in its aot-wj-ittng
unknown and ^iabolical reason thè ijoggoned things
Most people — even believers in the heneficient
powers of science — would; perforce, have ^¡een cop-
tent With a Vÿ^it tp the family doctor or tlie home­
town hospital. Or, had the trip to Rochester been
within the range of possibilities, would have caught
the regular f i o ’clock local north. But not the Rev.
Sunday. Hastily laying back in his trunk the next
sermon on ‘‘TheH ellish Influence of the Occult” , he
ordered a private car and had it hooked to the first
rattler that passed that Way. (Trains, Mr. Sunday
says, will stop for him at any place and at any time
he desired,* this being a' compliment .invariably
paid‘him by railroad exécutives.)
Tears were in his eyes as he told the reporters
at »Chicago: “ The Lopd has never gone back on me
yet an<Î I know.He wont now”, which apparently, He
did not. But tthe.Rev. Mr. Sunday went on to Roches­
ter just the* game. *
Went on to Rochester, where solemn - visaged,
jyhitç-aproned nieij -go pn dabbling about with tçst-
tubes and X-rays and scalpels, where the mysteries
of evolution and vivisection are subjects of constant
and enthusiastic research, where the deficiencies 'of
the old‘humoral pathology, when life hang chiefly on
bloody phlegm, yellow and black bile, are contrasted
with the results of the unprecedented progress of the
’past fifty, years, .where young seekers bow reverently
before the wizardry pf fasteur, the achievements of
Koch and-the sublime*wisdom of Rudolf Virchow,
Where, in short, ’Almighty God performs many wond­
ers through His ligitimate agencies on the earth.
To such u house of darkness did the Reverend
Sunday •hasten ’that day. There science took him in
charge; made its diagnosis, arrived in time at its
prognosis * and'- almost before lie knew it, the evan-
gelist'.was back on his feet and rarin’ to’go.
v HoW)easj’-it is-to'forget. Sometimes it isn’t even
American ambassador to Mexico,
who is home on his vacation.
■Naturally, this calls for a note.
What good It will do Isn’t very
clehr. Sheffield himself -says
Calles keeps right on with the
same old policies.
There haVA heen so many of
’ NBA Service Writer *
WASHINGTON — Air mail* these notes that are hard to keep
V * • -
■ , *
There . are gt least two kinds. track of, but tt really Isn’t neces­
One is made up of just the regula­ sary. The same motif, “Ya gotta
tion letters which' are sent to quit kickin’ our dog aroun’,’’ runs
their destination by plane». An­ through all qf M»em. None, how­
other consists Of notes to Mexico. ever, mention what will happen
These . notes which president to Calles If he doesn’t qklt It.
Called'is supposed to read may go
by itrain of plane, but they are so
light, and fluffy, and meaningless,
they simply must be classified as
“air mat!.**
, Indications are that he Is about
to receive appther one. President
Coolidge and Secretary of State
K h llogg ¿agd' talked"»things over
with James Rockwell < Sheffield,
T he fa c t' It the administration
Is sopuewhat between the devil
and the deep blue sea in the mat­
ter of Mexico.
On the one hand, some very
large Atnerlcan Interests In Mex­
ico would like to see this govern-
ment'go to the mat with Mexico's.
They want what they want by
Mgfool s»d tylss Marian ¿ fa - 47]
tie Nqnpal faculty, Arj De­
ment, are a lp enjoying a va­
in spent in the Bay city.
It » tt •
■_____ * land last Thursday,__ is
stag Announcement-— . ~ „
Ö r eg o n 'H o r m a l school
oevAdttad in C alifornia,
w ith an^ p ^ e r K ir ta a l 1
co u n try*
mation for those jg b 0 mt
j to Callee It always etope a J U ^ e
bit shaft,of calling his Jmnd com­
turned to Ashland.
tem plate-teaching in the
» h »
d o in g spe<4»I w ork a t tbp
v erslty of W ash ington .
V isiting fin Marifcfleld—
Bigamy: . An attempt to get
more out of life than It contains.
Luxury: Any automobile after
has bad three year’s hard us­
Woman: A female who work«,
as distinguished from a Lady, who
Train: Something you arc
either running to eaten or wait­
ing for It to arrive.
Department o f the Interior
•U te.
Mr. a n « Ära. A r t h e r S , Taylor,
ara en jo y in g a p a h o f their vaca­
tin g v is a in g frlepd» and rela­
tive« a t M arsh field . Mr. Taylor
la a lso o n e o f th e N orm al facu l-
tt M M
Returned F ront R an W nandsco—
Mis» Leona IJareters, head of
the Music Department at the Nor­
mal, and Mips Nelir» Dickey re­
turned the latter part of last
week ' from , a .fcrtqufht spent in
San Francisco and other Californ­
ia points.
Tb^y-enjoyed a dhllghtrq) out­
ing, • with 'riuch goodMWMe.
Blunder: What Shakespeare
made when he tailed to write* Ills
drama around leg »hows. ’
' '
u V
,dIy » I th
yjtpll^atlpna ,
righ t » lo n g ev e ry dgy. J
atten d a n ce la anticipated.
A m b ia R ob ert Orievy, o f Jen n y
Greek, Q regon, w lo , on S ep tem ­
ber t I « « . « * 4 ® Ifoinestead
E ntry, Wo. 0 1 5 1 6 5 , fo r W 1-2,
Arrived In Ashland—
• « . > 4 . J p . 40 8., a » d L ot 4,
Henry Sheldon of Engene, and >W 1M N W 1-4. Sec. 8,
naatlx employed
high school Taw onahlp 41 « . , R an ge 4 Bast,
teacher ©Cadence, arrived’ from W illa m ette M eridian, h aa filed
Eugene* Thursday evening on the n otice o f in ten tion to q tage three
stage and was the guest Of Mr. y ea r proof, to esta b lish ?laim to
And Mrs. H. <X Oaley. Mr. Shel- th e land ab ove described, before
donis the con of'Dr. H. D. Shel­ C hauncey F lorey, U ? '« . Com-
don, head of th e department of m lM lpnef, h latfp rd , .O regon, on
education at the University of th e t t t h ' d a y o f O c t o W .^ lit « . ’
O regon /
• ' 'I
C laim ant ngm ee a» w itn esses:
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stone,
who have been in Ashland dur­
ing the summer months, left re­
cently for their borne In Port­
land. 'Mr. Stone was employed to
isstgll Jh e electee wiring In the
new Junior high school.
By Taylor
Dirt: A highly useful material
where it doesn’t belong.
ViMC-L Qtrr
Hex Heck says: “My idea/ o*
cleverness is a woman who kin
keep her old man where he be­
longs without his gittin* next." .
A mo how ' s moor
IN A B A D ^'
.... .... .... .... .... .... ....
If money Is the root of all evil
then working Is evil.
Perhaps elephants live two hun­
dred years because they never try
to redtf6e their weight.
A little shoving now and then
is needed by the lasy man.
Winter la better than summer.
The coal man doesn’t mash up
your vegetables with a cake of
Our .guess is men would show
their' kneee if they were as proud
of them as women are of theirs.
A Change In the Concert
By Williams
, pe SAMS HA i Q w -
A bookeeper who is contented with his lot will
never be the president of a bank or anything else
but a bookkeeper. Had wouuui been cooUuited with
the ‘’sphere” into wluch God had placed her” she
would still he a chattel!. Cmitqntinen| lias its advant­
ages but it is the death of all Ipoynment upwards.
In discontent, which the jxiet calls “ divine content”
lies the germ of all progre» and wisdom.
The Tidings pleads guilty to discontentment.
. That is one reason why w« pave signed a contract for
the complete United New» service. Thats one reason
w*hy we have planned on still further improvements
in the editorial department«. If we can stay discont­
ented until Ashland has a newspaper which really
reflects the spirit Qf the community, then we shall
feel that our “ divine content” has been worth wliile.
o o h j 7 >
that ie thet.
L o g is M iller
G eorge S am u el ¿ lo a n
F red T rain,
A p o f £ o |}c p . C glltornU .
P e y r g e F ran k lin >W d«Jit
of H oyib rook , C alifornia.
liA M IL A- «
f t
that is constantly trying to get
| wandering savages.
Blah, one should explain« is t(pv. Billy Sunday’s
hyberbolical synonym for that branch of intellectual
pursuit commonly known as science. Kcientists, avers
(he eynngejjcal gentleman of hflird-bolled tactics knfl
iqunanSe sawdust' ¿access, are mere ropere. i^iftker-
ranre, they are Mind. This, he concludes in a vehe­
ment buret of triumphant slang is the “ ti|hoff.” And
U p d Office at & 9$»arg,
• -
-». »Mvt •
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