Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, September 17, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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Sebnttti. Cfwter Lake, Medford,
Mr*. 3 . H. Cochran; Deschut««,
Richmond, Mrs. J . R. RybefM;
» n la b o a , K lam ath rail*»
W ilbur Jottos; Grande Road*, La
Grande, Mrs. 1* J. BU s«y;*U an,
AJfaenft Mia. Jnmes Pip*; Mat­
thew St»rbuek, Raker. Mra. W.
the forum
^ © ir
»Ian tor raising the taduey that
ydMH? Aehlqnd. Mra. Harriet C. F ield
Sam fH le w e i during the-dny’» etttoty RMMI Mrlng to 4* * ' Multnomah, Portland, Mrs
War, an em ergen cy m eaaure that
, OcUvn J. Goftinj Oregon Lewis
so sticeemf ully and
- ■ ■
* and Clark, Bugenej Mra. Vhtgil
could be worked an a peace meas-
gnrker; Quenett,
nre in any cosnmublty, by mak- A ppointm ent* ..Made., by^ .S tate M r a .F . O, Arnold; Sarah Child-
la g the bonds of such sm all do-
D- A. R» Mta*. Gordon rose Polk, Dallas, Mrs. Oscar
M B ln ation that moat every end M acCUckea—
‘Hayter; Suaaanah line Barlow,
could buy. In that way o u t
Mra. Gordon MacCrackaa, atate Oregon City, Mra H. B. Cart-
own cltisene could purchase the «*e««at of the Daughters e t the Jldge; Umpqua, Roseburg; Mra.
Songs aha the interest would re- American Revolution announces *H. . F, Churchill; W illam ette,
A sin In the city. The am ount the follow ing appointment« to P o rtla n d , Mra, W. Wr McCredie;
could evpn be made to auit the committee chairmanship«:
’ - 1 WineiMt, CdrrttHl«, Mrt. George
Americanization— Mra. Clyde* R. Hyfllop; Yam hill, M<MibhVi|-
Now that our worthy mayor E- Lewie, Portland I
Better I « / Mw. W. J. Sly; tiwaHtth,
has decided not to run for re- « ! « • .
Albert A. Kircher, Rendihttoh, Hrt. Thhihag Vphhg.
election, it would be well for all Portland; Children, Sons find
T he abhvd hom ttlttM chglr-
asplranta for that office to give Daughter« of the Republic, Mra. thed h fe pnblttiidd fS fu ii, ad dre
to the voter« a ffill expression of » • « > Malkin, Portland;
Con-;-offteer* add name« o f Chapters
their policy if elected through «ervatlon and, Thrift, Mlse J a d e 'fo r (ba Benefit bf the Mettibhrg
the columns of ypar valuable Snedicor, Medford; CdnstlUtloft-; e f the local dhapttrf, »h‘d all 6th-
paper a privilge I feel sure you *1 HaJI Flounce Committee, M ias'era interested. I f the IteC ta prb-
wljl extend to .th em .
i Anne M. Long, The Dallea; Cor- served, it w ill be o f ’
Ashland la beautifully located ract Uae o f the Flag, Mra. W ll- aaalaUnee, particularly to »Deal
Its healthful clim ate, fine water ,lam BaH> Roseburg;
D. A. R .'m em bers o f the state com ttjt-
make It one of the moat desirable
p |aces to live in. It la therefore
of the utm ost Importance that
the m ost InteCUgent men
chosen. Men who h a te the conr-
age of their continuous and who
F ill adm inister the laws of the
community so that all its fcfttsens
kllke have an equal oppor-
Inttlty to enoy to th e fullest ex-
tent all these God given bless-
ings with s p e c if privileges to
-----------.— __i---------
D epartm ent o f th e In terior
V. S. la n d Office at Roseburg,
Oregon, September 11, 1918.
NOTICE la hereby given that
iychle Robert Grieve, of J e n |y
3ye*k, Oregon, who, on Septem-
»er T, l» y s , made Homestead
Bntry, No. O l l i s t , for W 1-3,
lee. 84, Tp. 40 8., and Lot 4,
ind SW 1-4 NW 1-4, See. 8,
towoashlp 4 l S., Range 4 East.
Vlllamette Meridian, has filed
lotlce of intention to m ake three
■ear proof, to establish claim to
he land above described, before
ihauncey Florey, U. 8. Com-
W#«Wfe Mfedfbrd, pregbn, .oa
he 18th day o f October, 1188.
C|alniant names as w itnesses:
Loots Miller
Georg« Samuel 81oan
The Animal*« Friend
Keep f ilé s and Other insect«
■ft your cows. Half-cant’s worth
saves . three
quarts of milk.
Hah bean used by the best dairy
sam since 1885. Big shipment
Made* Twine and Grata Backs
PeiPs Comer
E ugene— Plans received fo r a
new Federal poat ottica b uilding.
Student Loan Fund, Mra. U. G. teee.
Smith, Phrtland;
B ills Island,
; •••.
Mrs- 4*
Bnchanan, Ahtorla: T n l f i M i T T n f ’U m o
Oenealogieal Research, Mrs, W ll-i
s ^ T V .n H » e
*««• JoM a, Klamath Fail»; Olrf
Home Maketa, Mra. F. M, • Wfl- .. .»
V r C l, i W U l T i e a
»*“•. Bugene; Historical and Lit- »
ertu*y Reciprocity, -Mrs. G. R. Mc-
Lallln, Redmond; Historic»! Re-
aearch and Preservation Of Rep-
ord8’ Miss L illian A ppldglte, Be­
Mrs. C. W,. E b erleln ,' t Klamath
Falls; Magaalne, Mrs. John T.
Richitrdson, P o rtla n d '. Manual
»or Im m igrants.. Mrs.
Cohn, Portikad; Memorial Con-
tlnental H all Library, Mrs. E< A.
Stoaaqieiater, Kelso, W ashington;
Memorial JCalollne Scott Harrls-
on, Mrs. J. E. Anderson, Port-
land; N ational.O ld Trails .Road,
Mrs. W. T. Johnson, Corvkllls;
Patriotic Education, Mrs, B. L.
Pope, Oregon City! Preservation
of Historic Spot», Mrs. Luld . D.
Crandall, The Dalles; Publicity,
Mrs. R. 8. Stearns.* Portland;
Real Daughter«, Mra. Joseph B.
Sibley,. Dallas;
Relics, M ra B. L. Sleeves, Salem:
Special Committee Chairman:
Chapter ^Extension. Mm o f c ./C .
Apperson, MeMiftnvJlle; R evision
o f Bylaw», Mrs. Jam es N. Dnvia,
Portland; -F in e Arts Building
Fund, Mrs. • Brace L. Bogart,
R egehe; Membership, Hrs. Sey-
menr Jofees. « Baletfc; Veteran’s
H oeplttl. Mrs. WM. H. BaXtop,
Portland; ConsUtnUoa Day, Mrs.
John Hall, Portland.*
State officer» tor th is year are;
Mrs. Gordon MafcUracken, vegant;
Hrs. • tt. B . « Wattenburg, • flrat
▼Me regent;, ■ R itth ita
n ili:
Mrs. Jessie D. McComb, Corval-
Simplest thing in the world to*
llk, Second Vlce-rtgefit; Hrs. f t
deah toilet bowls and keep theta
B. W atts, Portland;
dean with FLU SH - A > W a Y.I
secreury, Mrs. ft. o . Anderson,
Look under the flushing rim.
corresponding aecre-
U ie your mirror. I t will show
laaAtary; Mrs. Harry E. North-
you the source of all foul
o d o ry . A fe w d u > p i o f
nip, Portland, treasurer;
F L U S H A - W A T oh i b«sh
R. C. Cyow, Eugene, registrar;
will quickly remove this con*
‘Mra. A. i . Btossmelster, Kelso,
librarian; Miss Lillian Applegate,
8B1WA. HtttoHah;
Sheldon, Qregon Cttyi chkplain. .
Chapter o f the Daughters of
at Y our
the American R evolutlea in Ore­
gon, with their regents; Astoria,
Mrs. J. A. BnehattSn; Chetoeke-
ta49aiem, Mrs. C. C. O U tk; O om
fo r T o i l e t & o » lt
B 0 , Marshfield. Mra, L.
in rttpomae to
to wtozthgr
OTTAWA, g i t ,
(ttl*)— Can­
ada’s “sugar bash” foftduced |4 ,-
898,376 worth b í maple sugar
and »yrtip m '1816, aecoroing ta
a report iaeupd 1 by the
_____ Dominion
Standard Cleaners
departm ent o f a g ricu ltu re.
St. Helens,
on new 312,0
PBOftB ftft
96 O il %
WbWi under way
KhBtif store* bnid-
K w m 108
We Deliver
lngz . • -
46c Crate
Right along With j ils hither
u catloa
eam ea an
ex cellen t
portnAltf tb tea*» h its in
e m atter e t Baaneda and the
hkndllng of mbn«>.
here each w eek Of feidhtn for
hknmnd h ave Aim pa^'hle »HI b
v p p o B it e
60c Crate
10 Pounds 25c
•Si *'
4 Vr'*K X
Why pay 30c Jfor 3 loaves of bread when
you can buy the very best bread I t 3
loaves for 25c.
New and 2nd Hand
Shore in ^n>wn
3 for 25c
where he stands in II
and Bave, a t the flfligb
term ah accurate record
High School and Grade Books
ZV h y,—
; Do not hegiute to buy.3 iMWk H i «faB’IM* tt WO1
fetep, co account of its rieh and wholesome qttelitifes,
lOW dpefttting cost ekblsg us to « U for toss, if
haven’t tried Lithia Bread, ask yodt MltfaMr,
she will toll yon bow good ft Is.
Opeta Evetaitags
Fountain Pens, $1.00
AML y&itt Grocef.for Lithia Bread, ,
1 l i U ‘(tan’t supply yon g li it at the Lithfc
• Pickwij
Parker Fofantain Pens
, C '" .
' '
.V .
Take home a dozen ParkHr Bouse Bolls o r a p a a of
CR à Y0L48
Loose* Leaf Books -»*•
Biscuits for your dinner, they are Hqtoall# ¿eM otis
tnd moderately priced.
«» and ss «w
Tidings classified do the business