ASHLAND DAILY T I D 1N. Elisabeth ft Wtaconsln Streoti, ..................... _____ .... I3040 , » IL.soJ>ift rapid transportation ffos on Deed Records,. Vpl. their back», and, this new epoch I .....I.:-------* 3 0 .0 0 jn modern tcanspottatiou w W de- •. • . ' .el&Mly apparent ge on west side of \ , Cbaxtot ( tore C reet described & One .o f the unadrertieed and D. It. Vol. M l ; „netpected feature, of the rac- U 0 ” .ink program W0S the modern re* Telephone >0 One Month Three Months Six Months „ One Year ____ One Monto — Three Menths ’ on. ! R V or$8^aki ». R. Vol. 78 PMw Single tessrtlou, per Politicai. Display. p«t Advertising cation, date o f said publMsttan being Sept. 10, 10(0. I f the owner of any property Obituaries, per Une ------ ---------' so assessed for pach sewer im ­ provement. in the Bum of tsrenty- -sfi s -f OONgTfTUTHB ADVBRTX8DÍO live dollars or more, at -any. time within ten days front the date thereof, so desires, he may have ------B® allowed Religious or Benevolent Orders, the time of payment extended by. „ a. . .? * donations * signing an application, as; provid­ t 0®®!10?8 to charities or otherwise w ill be made to advertla- ed by lay, at the City Recorder?»- mg o r job p ifa tla g — our contribution« w ill be la cash. Office. . When the application for the THB PASSING OF THE BICYCLE extension of payment shall not. -Bicycles have not yet gone the way of the Chariot have been made and filed with the of Jehu, but they seen» to be on the way out. So implies City Recorder within the. ten day« specified, the «ame ahaU .be due a government report, showing that the numbers manu­ and payable in cash wtfnin thirty factured dwindled from 480,000 in 1923 to 287,400 in 1925, days from and after the fxplra-, a decrease of 40.1 p er cent in two years, though the num- tlon of the ten days from dqta . t l»er ót filkhtfc Ú¿cflhéd from 14 to 10; ,’i • > ; To explain the situation of these two industries is to take notice of the availability of other forms pf trans­ portation at an attractive cheapness — l|ie street railway, the motor car, the motor cab, and the motor bus a ll have contributed a progressive competition in accottipMstiing the amazing mobility of the American people. DIPLOMACY IN BUSINESS “ Shirtsleeves Diplomacy” is not fo r business ig the view of the Department of Commerce. That, a t least, is true of the salesman who adventures into South America. In the woriis of a Dejiartment bulletin. “ A salesman who expects to do business in a Big way in Latin American Countries should be provided with a complete outfit of dress clothes — and this includes a frock coat and silk h a t.” * I n t e r s of introduction, the- entree to clubs, fine sta­ tionery all are important., Latin America docs not want the ’‘breezy go-getter.” s The diplomat of business must .be as well mannered if he would conquer South America as his fellow from the State Department. * * . t It uia> veil lie, too, that there is a lesson for sales­ men nearer home. None of ns is likely to demaud that all viaMing salesmen shall “ high h a t” us, but most of us have suffered froth,an excess of breeziucss. - * Dnt what w^uld Ujc salesman who “ made” Ilutchin- soia Kansas, tAe-x>ther day, with his waistcoat pockets so fu l| of eigaj psUtef he looked as if he was wearing a couple, of eartridjjft dwdtfr, -thing of an order to arm himself with MOTION PIUTUBS INDUSTRY HaVá, czar/of the motion picture industry, gives o u t tame .stupendous figures which show the inagni- tudp of thio new and tremendous power of the land, both from an,ecouomitid mid «oeial standpoint. Tlteindusiry isith irty years old this year., Done bil> lioif doflanl a Ve&t iádaheft ih by the & 333 picture house« in the United States. Tlie average weekly attend anee in 1925 was ninety million i*ersons. New reds depicting current evehti are see« bjr fifty-one million people each week. •Production costs of American films arc placed at. $150,000,000 yearly. Studio salaries are given at $(¡0,- OOO/MM) a year. A quarter of u million )>eople are emploj T ed, as many as in fhe steel industry. Some decláre that when fifty-one million jieople see news reels each week they are getting a liberal education, while others say that it is but a superficial glimpse*. How is it with yoa—bow long does an event depicted on the scree« wf «oree news baptsuring remain with you? How many can yon recall? Has rt lasted with )-ouj or does it remain only as a faint recollection ? of the property affected toy such assessments: Yockey ft Beeper, '• ' 50 -ft. frontage 0« Etttotoeth- Street nt southwest dutn ks ' production of (he ancient chariot > ° betw**n «** Hnr « * ‘P° ne,lt * ‘th * B*M# **** Me“ ‘ a be M J to forg#L H af voi lia r we,ter® «o<®or. and as Ban Her »36 oa ind hi* four h1’*®«1®« ehhrgers , ,0,09ed ®«t a “wita"> tree, taletor- tage on the east ‘ ® th ® “ ®d tr® tUBe both 8t„ deacrib-1 of ‘A ,w ®y®” Played w ith a bnggy a Co., D. R. V « l j £ h P ° Ver the b J 0 .M ’ s on the cast side Street, described 1. D. R. Vol, 14«r .................. (30 .00 , W . t . Blackwell, ¡e on the east side Josephine and Jackson coantlee «o the Forestry building. ' This ‘8 8a*d to be the finest exhibit of W ®to‘*,> « te r seen In Oregon and , » rained at between (00.000 (100,000. The Robinson ,*’®rt A thia exhibit alone is said '° Insured for (50,000. This i ... Alito Electrit . yThe Rogue River Beaver farm «nukes' a wonderful showing of 1 Uve beaver and muskrats. - This : ^8 In charge of Manager Smith of ‘ he farm. Is very unique and at-' m e—■ Th° bearer ®Bd fl8h exhibits 3ee left yesterday bg‘ ¡ k near the Poultry sheds, igene, where he w ilL 7_ To“ orrow has been officially nlverslty of Oregon. " efiiSnated as Ashland- Day, as Raymond and Loyal, J’’611 ®® School day, w ith A ih - xompany him.7T h ^ ^ n(1 business houses closing at until Friday before, ®oon> and the school»-throughout Ashland. . w eotaaty remaining, closed all ^ o a y . • Sehool children aeeottpaa- ’ *' jfcd b? their parents w il l- be atf-’ t o t M é f t 'f n f c O » -aferte «ayt * - a Share Orders received Up to and including Thursday, September 30, will be filled u i the present price of $94 a share. count Any member of our organization will hé glad io give you complete information about our investment offering to customers. Shares may f»e purchased for cash or on our convenient v ; monthly investment plan. . : * * . > >. *;* ' . .-«i Q -, ' tan Yoa can look opm UW jM fe car « « vary tìiactlcàT U» CtaMt| toMMMkitoltl''IH d • hi»h fiMUttOgq dfttvatafil We will gladly ««plain how yon otah to payment plan, atid will assist ydu in zditoff to your'purpobi The California Oregon Pow er Company ’ •/ ' are. necessary forms of - ¡o w n e rs , st publication, 8«pt. Wi R. Coleman haa prepared ' ' 1 (-2 Thur. hh exhibit of fish from the Butte _ _ — ‘Falla hatchery, IWA»'TIDINCIB ÒLA8S A»S vxieeciag. ■ ior câr ■ coos Street, described, i8 carefully guarded. . D. R . Vol. l i f t ®^o exhibit Is la charge of C. ............(o o .p j C .'C lark. J nd L. it. H. Dnr^, . r a on thta east side Street,'* described . D. R. Vol. 113‘ tennis p iatoti tat her service. Effective October 1926, the price of the V her cent ctirrthlative preferred rilares of The California Oregon Powoi; C^otnpany will be ad­ vanced to , • ■ : . I A few rthpró\vihbnfU on your lot in ’ife will in< •reuse £ Whpn «otanftn a r r i? « find pieay e f ftworiean . ÖOtHD H K A L T B H to O N L Y ., » M th« ««at a u £ the “ or# B’od coldrtnl, as , n w Mrs. Walter Herndon has Man very 111 for the* past few Weeks s h e ll with puetmonla, bat Is now baa* f ,. . -C A P IT A L Thig is, true of many working nxaa,, (gad women algo) dogged w ith a W a n tin g fear o f Ill-health and heü(les«nesa. Wm . F . Lagle, Andaman, lad ., heeds nature's warning sigty « f polb and . seta promptly; “When my back hurts and ns Irreg u lar flow warns me of coining tronble. I take . .Foley Pills, • diuvaUc-Btlmulent for the kidneys. They gtvq ma «nick results.” ft reliable, valuable medlcind, constantly to use over 25 years. Satisfaction guaranteed. Cost little. Sold everywhere. Ask f°T. t r» ,# 0 0 # had hto opponent were garbed In One insertion p week T w o insertions a week ____ Daily Insertion Wrat teau tto o. per • point l i n e --------- ú .. « Point Une it waa shout to hsgla excavating for* the new aita bossy building. OFFICES: , ’ M EDFO RD, OR EflO N ,j ■ , GRANTS P0 K L A M A T H FA LLS, OREGON Y R E K A . CA ROSEBURG, OREGON ' OUNGMt’IR. U DOES M a k e a Difference Where You Billings Ageney