ASHLAND ocal > Personal Notes 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Brown of Dr. and Mrs. H. p . Bwaln of 265 Sixth street, announce the donerete, 5ty»sh., were In Ashland birth of a bob , horn on Sept. 8th, yesterday. • Kleen ox, Cold Cream Ttemov , 85c.—McNair Bros. For • first class Job o f paint tng or tinting figure with Swen nlag and Gear. lj.n "Life-Like Likenesses,’* .Studio From M edford- Ashland on The Plain. Mrs. O. O. Parker of Medford was in Ashland yesterday under­ From New York— TIDINGS At Graats Pa— ........................................................................ Prom Concrete— DAILY A. Amram of New York City, going medical treatment. was in Ashland yesterday. He stopped at the Llthia Springs Madden retreads area. Hotel. ■ . . < Returned fra— San Franrlare Harry Silver spent Saturday at Mlaa Mary Jana Hall and bar Grants F obs attending business. brother Dick returned last even­ ing from San Francisco, where Get your window screens and they have been visiting relatives screen doon at Jordan Sash and for the past month. Cabinet Works. 264-tf Will Arrive In Ashland— Banjonkes, violins, guitars and Mias Hllllg McCall, daughter of ukuleles. The Rose. Mr. and Mrs. John A. McCall of Klamath Falls, Will arrive In Ash­ School Book Week at Elhart’s land soon, to enter the Southern Oregon Normal school. Miss Mc­ Motored to Grants Pass— Call graduated from the Klamath Mrs. J. W. Beck', Irma Beck, county high school last June. Veda Gideon Katherine Pitteng- er and Otis Howell of this city, Will Meet at Cliurch— motored to Grants Pass Sunday The Missionary Society of the and spent the day. Presbyterian church will meet to­ Visiting in Ashland— Returned to Portland— Mr. and Mrs. Kred W. Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon W. Harris of Santa Crus, Calif., ar­ rived in Ashland last evening for' a few days visit, Fred Harris is a brother of Mrs. Bert R. Creer. Mra. Fonte Brown has return- ed to her home in Portland after a pleasant visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bartgee on Wimer street. 'Mrs, Brown stated that she had enjoyed her vaca­ tion here very much. Returned to P ortland - Mrs. Fonte Brown has return­ ed to her home in PortltRid after From D unsm uir- Earl Snyder, who work^ for the a pleasant visit with her parents Mr? and Mrs. W. H. Bartges on Southern PaefilQ . at Dunsmuir, Wimer street., Mrs. Brown stated spent Sunday in Ashland. that she had enjoyed her vacation here very much. Guests of Mrs. J. D. McRae— The Misses Amanda and Ella 500 Men Employed— Pearson of Portland are spending Approximately 50Q men are morrow afternoon ‘at 2:30 at the now employed on the 5800,000 two weeks at the home of Mrs. J. Be Thrlfty-Ldbk Nifty-Save Fifty church. A number of young peo­ project which is to give Klamath D. McRae on the Boulevard. Men’s Suits — 81.60 ple will take part In the progralft Falls one of the finest railway Ladies Dresses (plain) 31.60 and a* special invitation is extend­ terminals on the Cascade lino of Ashland Cleaning and Dying ed to young people to attend this the Southern Pacific. Works, 337 East Main meeting. Miss Martha Speaker krill he Madden sells protected Uree. “at home” to her Viavi friend, Visiting w ith Sliortrldge'»-*- stopped in Ashland— Visiting In A s h la n d - In a booth at the Fair. 11-1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cheshire of James Kendhll of Hollywood, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wllsqn of Moved to A sh la n d - formerly of Momence, 111., is In Mr. and Mrs. Manleir Conley Stopped in A sh la n d - Ashland visiting with Ray and and family of Medford have mov­ Fred R. Sheely of Portland John Shortridge. * Mr. Kendall ed to Ashland. ?hey are located stopped In Ashland yesterday to may locate Inz Ashland. at 400 Liberty street. visit with Lew Hanson, manager of the Hotel Ashland. Guaranteed Fountain Ladles and men’s units and eoats remodeled and relined, Pauluerud’s. 10-tf 31.00 at Elhart’s. All wool regdy-to-uTear suits, 815, |2 0 , |1 5 , at'Paulserude’s. Smart models In Yonng Men’s JO-tf Suits for school and ' college, Paulserad’s. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hemstreet and Mr, and Mrs. Will Gregory and daughter, Helen of Medford, were guests of the Llthia Springs hotel, Sunday. ' 10-tf From P ittsb u r g h - Mary Alice Brown, John R. Brown and C hari« H. Brown of Pittsburg, Penn., were In Ash­ land yesterday. They stopped at the Hotel Ashland. IS IT SAFE to drive through Step Ladders — Red Top and the streets of Ashland without Zoss Safety Ladders to different LUbllity Insurance7 Phone 21 sty l« . Carson - Fowler Lumber for complete Automobile protec­ Co- , 281-1 mo tion, don’t watt until you meet with an accident. Too. (of coqrw) Klenzo month Wash, 888-tf McNair Bros. Passed Away— . Satnuel Doran, for fifteen years a rancher In Siskiyou county, pas­ sed sway nt Yreka, Calif., hospi­ tal September 10. He was born In Central Point September 18, 1887. MBBYING POSTPONED The regular meeting of the ■evening, Oet. tth. Knowlen and little daughter of Astoria, arrived in Ashland Pri- day evening for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fyank Jordan. Mrs. Wllson and Mrs. Knowlen are sis- ters of Mrs. Jordan. land residents,, have spent the summer at Palo Alto, Cal., where Mr. Spencer -attended summer school at Stanford University After the close of the session the Spencer family visited Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Spencer at Los Angeles, California. Saturday they arrived in Ashland to spend a short time with the Spenper families and went on to Eugene Sunday to prepare for their re­ moval to Monmouth where Mr. Spencpr will be head of the edu- cation, department in the state normal school. Pasadena, Cal., stopped in Ash­ land Friday to visit with Mr. Cheshire’s sister Mrs. H. D. Me- Nalr, whom he had not seen for seventeen years. - Mr. Cheshire is an attorney in Pasadena. Today and Tomorrow £. R. Is|aac & Co. M IG H T Y D R A M A O F T H E G R E A T NORTHWEST “ THE QUALITY STORE’’ WHEN the DOOR OPENED ; . WEDNESDAY A Special Sale! For That Chilly Corner BLANKETS Electric Glow Heater ; SUPPLY YOUR BEDDING NEEDS NOW, AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES Before time for fires one of these* will give much comfort. 81x90 Wearwell Sheets made with tape edge—$1.69 ’ Each Regular — Each A 4 ■ «" f O 42x36 Wearwell Pillow Cases 45c Each Regular 4Qya *; I Each aBb hosiery. W ith a enappy-eelection of colors—and you hare a large variety of emart shad« to select from—you will be correctly “stockinged” for every school event from lecture to “prom" and from chapel to "gym." The sreniiig soap suds won’t wash out Blue Crane’s rich color or perfect fit. They wear for months. Pure Jap- anamsflb—free from loading. The patented Index Instep ■nd Ankle hwure a perfect and lasting fit. W e guarantee satisfaction. A t a price any school girt can afford. Phone 82 OOC 72x90 Wearwell Sheets : Sold regular, $1.59 Each. "Sale : Price Each - . * A A « ■ «UU in Plaid Patterns. Sold Regular, $1.50 ! each. Special Sale Price, each 72x90 Homestead Sheets : 42 and 45 inch, 39c each regular * • Large Size Bath Towels 40 A J New Silks - Georgettes 36 in. Moire Silks 40 ni. wide—all colors—the Yard in Chanel Red and Black—A No. 1 grade. The Yard $1.50 $3.50 FLAT CREPES WOOLENS 40 in. wide—a fine heavy tight threat silk — wear, wear, wear, th a t’s it, a dandy for of every grade and weight. New yardage and dandy patterns. All widths, $2.25 98c T0 $3.75 SHOP OUR COUNTERS AND TABLES. YOU W ILL FIND CITY SELECTIONS IN ALL LINES. Headquarters For Hosiery and Sox Silk Scarfs in a Mirage of Colors $2.50 and up CLOTHES QQ SEE THEM AT < ► AA : < 1 «W J ¡BBiaiaamamaianaBBiaiai^^ •size 20x40. Regular 50c value. ; Sale P ric e -3 for > " *' . $1.98T0 $5.90 $3.75 Hart Schaffner & Hb O m C , Daisy Pillow Cases in new colors, 40 in. wide — Pure Silk, no Filler. The Yard SPLENDID QUALITIES A A A ^fc-Ow Sold regular $1.25. : Sale Price, -each nil radiant colors, cute shapes and tailored.— all assortments com­ plete TALKING OVER 66x80 Heavy Cotton Blankets $L00 PER PAIR Satin — Cantons 40 * 1-00 66x78 Sheet Blankets New Plaid Patterns, sold regular $2.95 Pair. Sale Price, P a ir New Hats of Felt SCHOOL DAYS JUST AHEAD — BUY* NOW XL ELECTRIC Station GUY GOOD tdm with yea at leant a doom pairs of Bine Crane pure The very things you will want for early school or street. \ p n s tn ti OF SHEETS, PILLOW CASES AND When You Go Bock To School New Shipment of Coats, Hats, Hose, Gloves, Scarfs, Ties, Silks, Woolens, Trimming's All sizes, all standard colors for Fall, Priced at Cliff Payne makes drawers. Oregon Hotel. FOR REND—Furnished . mod­ FOR RENT— Furnished apt. ern four room bungalow with of 5 rooms and bath, 675 Llber- garage, 826’ North Main. 11-2* ty. Phone 385-L. 111-2Í COATS JAMES OUVER CUKWOOD'S They stopped at the FOR RENT—5-rotfm unfurn­ WANTED— By yonng woipan, ished house near all fonr schools. work of any kindl. Inquire 212 ■ Brown and Rice. 11-41 VIeta St. Tailored or Dress County Fair, Sept. 15 to 18, must positively be In by Tuesday even­ ing, Sept. 14, by 6 p. m. There will be no exhibits accepted Wed­ nesday morning. All members yesterday. FOR SALE— 8 building lots WANTED—Apple pickers. Ap­ near Normal and one near high ply Suncrest Orchards, Talent. n .j * . l l- 4 t school. Phoqe 308-J. LOTS AND LOTS OF WIUJAH FOX Wedueedsy Mr. and Mrs- O. O. Crenshaw Wednesday of Reno, Nev., were in Ashland FOR 8 ALl>w R eed baby bug­ gy, bed and high chair, 125 8rd. • • IM SELECT W ITH CARE T fiE THINGS YOU NEED AND YOU W ILL BE MORE THAN PLEASED W ITH YOUR SELECTIONS HERE. Exhibits Must be la by T u e sd a y - All exhibits at the Jackson Auxiliary to Trinity Guild will From R e n o - be postponed from evening. Sept. 15 to School Supplies at Elhart’s. Lebanon and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knowlen and little daughter of Astoria, arrived in Ashland Fri­ day evening for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jordan. Mrs. Wil­ son and Mrs. Knowlen are sisters of Mrs. Jordan.* Swennlng and Gear hbve Just lag room, 1»« Central Ave. l | - t t completed painting the hpmes of WANTBD TO BUY— Plano E. L. Atkinson on N. Main street, Must be to « r e t clasg condition Ed Farlow on Church' street and Pbpne 308-J. l ’l -2 I. R. Fridegar on 2nd street. Copyrith» 1914 Han Schaffner