'W A shland daily ntHVfts Confined to Hom e W ill Leave for Stockton— FOB RENT— Unfurnished 5- Mr. and Mys. L ee P arker qf . Mm. H elen. Murphy,,, < Whai M i Henry H eld o f *64- Oak atmet, t<* «Klamath F alls w ere In Ashland employed by th e local telephone w ill reave tomorrow tor Stock* •adite to »bòne s il l i t . ’ 10-1 yeaterdny visiting w ith Mm. Park­ office, la confined to her hom e ¡ton, Calif., v h e m he w ill visit er's sister. Mm. F . B. W right and With Illneee. • > , FOR SALB—D e Anjou pears, with b id U > H arry R eid, for the her grandmother Mm. A. L. Har­ b e x t two .m ouths. Mr. Held haa f>0o per box. 685. B ast Main. vey. - . 10-8« fheen confined ¡to b ig-h om e with P hone 4»7J. . . Mr. and Mm. Frank Bros Sllneea a«4 it la hoped the trip FOR SALE ■ Axm lnlster ’ Rug. The T. S. Study Club o f the and daughter, Andrey, return w ill benefit kin health. l ì . 284 Weightmnn St. Phone Thesophlcal Lodge w ill held a .yesterday from n sh ort trip t o 7Y. 10-2 closed m eeting a t the library at San Francisco. 7:3 0 tonight, Sept. IS . '10-1 W. A. Relcom Of 7>a«fy, CSslif. u la Ashland today. R eturned frana R an tin g Trip— Spent W eek-End ■ * H. A. Stearns and spn,' Wal­ Mrs. E. M. Churchman and lace and BUI M itchell: returned School Books and supplies.- daughter Margaret spent the Saturday from a hunting trip. week-end in Mt. Shasta City, T hey brought h s g k tw o pine Opening Carnival D a a e e— where they visited w ith John squirrel Is. Tuesday. Jackson Hot S p rin ge- Churchman, who w orks In that Mrs. Gertrads Fraley under- Snappy, »Jassy m usic— Frtoco AU city. >nt an operation last week. Star 6. 10-1 T he Sm ith fam ily on B street Smart m odels la Y onng M an’s are- m oving to Gerber. Calif., * Cliff Payne m akes, doors. ■- K nocks ’em team F ly Foil, 60c Suits for school sind college, w hom Mr. Sm ith w ill work for p in t Schuerm aa’s Grocery. 9-2t P su lsn u d ’n. . J«4f the .Southern Pacific company. G f t for F sadlctoa— »-Mr. and Mrs. Sam McNair le ft M otored to.. Medf ord , i Returned to W estw oo d- Stopped In Ashland— yesterday m orning for a w eeks Mm. Osborne, Moron Olltmore, Noble Cntser, w ho has been Henry S ta te o f . Woodburn, f& lt to Pendleton. J en * Putm an and May Stevens visiting friends in Ashland for the m otored to Medford yesterday. past few days, has returned to Oregon, stopped la Ashland for T hey w ill spend a week there his work kt W estw ood. Calif or­ tw o days to attend business. Mr. Stute haa been In 1 the East for v isitin g with friends. als. som e tim e. X-Opening Carnival Dance— Ladles and m en’s su its and R eta in ed t o A shlaaR — Xpesday, Jatìtson H ot ' Springs, udii ba “at hom e” to h e r Vinvl coats rem odeled and relined, Mien E thel Shram , w ho works •sa p p y . J a ssy mnsle, Friaco A ll Y r i è a d s l n a booth a t th e Paulsernd’s . 10-tf nt th e Tidings office, returned to « a r i. IM Ashland la st evening. Miss From Y r c k a - Shrum h as been spending a two School books at Ethart’s. Mr. and Mm. Charles Logan w eek’s vacation visitin g w ith her of Trkon m otored to Ashland F ri­ parents n t Portland. day to visit w ith Mr. and Mm. F. G. Bell o f Vancouver, B A. C. N lnlnger. Mm. Charles Ab­ W in locate R ere w as In A shland today. bott, w ho resides In Yreka, and — Kniihin« Taoight Mm. R oy W ells and four her granddaughter Dorothy N ln- lager o f th is city, returned to daughters o f Elkton, Ore., w ill Yreka w ith them . Dorothy w ill arrive In Ashland soon, to spend the w inter. ' T he girls w lll'en ter visit' th em fo r a- Week. school there. School supplies n t B ihart’s, LOST—B lue M altese Persian Cat, lost from car n t Oregon- California Hue, finder please re­ turn by Express collect to Mr. G., Nannetti, 512 B ast M adison S t , Portland, Ore., and receive re­ ward. Cat answers to the nam e of Dooley or Honey. 1 0 -8 HAVE TOUR HOUSE PAINT- ED to stay painted by Swennlng and Gear— Dependable Painting Contractors. P hone 815-R. Tomorrow and Wednesday B. B. Poyor o f W eightmnn St., had a valuable cow die th is m orn­ ing. (Insured w ith the B illings Returned from H unting T rip— - A gency.), John Enders and Andee McGee returned last evening from a tw o days hunting trip. They brought back a Three-point buck that weighed 160 pounda dressed. Returned to Hom e — ' ~ Homer B illings and children returned Saturday from a week’» vacation at Newport. Motored to K lam ath F alls— Mrs. Codrle Meyers motored to- Klamath F alls Saturday to spend the w eek en d w ith her husband, Step Ladders — Rad Top and who works w ith the Southern Pa­ Zoas Safety Ladders In différant cific there. She returned to A sh­ BdhSol Book Week nt Bihart’s styles. Carson - F ow ler Lumber land last evening. Guns I This gripping, story of a young American, set in the tugged surroundings of the Northwoods, is one that will fascinate all who see it. Be- sànning with a tremendously dramatic situation, it carries the suspense all through the picture and ends in an nn- BKpected manner. Got yonr window screens and sc r e w doom nt Jordan Sash and Cabinet W orks. 164-tf ro POSTPONED ir m ooting o f the Accepts Position— Trhffty Guild w ill Harry MacBeth, English tailor I from W ednesday for ladios and gents garm ents, t. 16 to W ednesday has accepted a position nt Paul- . 6th. A ll members sorud’s. Bo Thrlfty-Look Nlfty-Snve F ifty U n ì Salto — »1.68 Ladles D resses (p lain ) 61.60 Ashland Cleaning and -Dying W orks, 867 B ast Main PaulsenuPs Ammunition Simpson’s Hardware “ The Winchester Store“ F* • M » $ • I t C ll For this week only, school shoes for children and big girls will be placed on sale at our shoe dept in both oxfords and pumps. k id * t h I > with genuine eridium point like the $2.50 and $3.50 pens at Jackson County B oys School Shoes in medium and high cuts with big reduction Oregon Pear Show SEPTEMBER lSIh Io 18th SHOE DEPT, A Gala Week for ¡Southern Oregon and Northern California People Best, Harness and Running Races on the Coast BIG NIGHT ATTRACTIONS— THRILLING RACE EVENTS Those Wonderful Dress Values At M i » / ► • « * < * ;• A GUARANTEED FOUNTAIN PEN You K n o w I f s T h e B iggest E v e n t o f the Y e a r $14.75 $16.75 $19. AND THERE’S ENOUGH FOR THIS WEEfrS,SELLING, ’ SEE THE WINDOWS ► >'»> » > All This Week For Boys and Girls $1.00 Each They Made A H it- 1.95 WE CAN SERVE YOU BETTER NOW ELHARTS Leave B u r b a n k - Mrs. Bert R. Greer and dnagh- tor BIbert w ill leave Burbank Tuesday for Ashland, wham they w ill stop for a few days before g o in g on to B n g w o , Whom Elbert w ill enter the University o f Ore- J jSTYLEPLUSYORK BLUE . . ; sox u n o suns THIS WEEK and Win JAH B U Y IN G *. A .» - ’ McNair Returned to Sen Fruacieco— Mias Mildred Bricksdb has re­ John M. Brady, who has been turned to her w ork nt thè local 111 in the St. Francis hospital at telephone office, after an illness San Francisco for th e past ten which lasted for several days. w eeks, has returned to hie hom e on A llison s tr e e t , School Book Winchester Returned from H unting Trip — G ny Good and George BaufT- man of Ashland, and Tim Burke Visiting Parents— Miss Emma K oehler, .who la and Mr. H am ilton, o f Portland, returned yesterday from a b an t­ em ployed by the Southern Paci­ ing trip on the Greenspring. They fic offices In San Francisco, ar­ rived In Ashland yeaterdny to vlalt with her parents, Mr. and Mm. Mias IS |T 9 $ V B to drive throngh K oehler o f Scenic Drive. the streets o f Ashland , w ithout Koehler U a graduate of the Ash­ U nhO lfy InaamaoeT P hone 11 land high school and has a host Lending Stationers.— FOR SALB— Fine building lot, corner Palm Ave., and W iscon­ each w ith garag, furnished1 sin St., near Normal. Inquire u n fn to iA ed . d o s o to bufil 440 Palm Ave., or phono 39ÌR . district. P hone torn. F ahl. »1 - 706-t Avoid the Mad Rush of the Opening Day of School ÇHONESTY is the - ' Best Policy1 C ost D ies-- FOR RENT— In private hom e U v ­ ette and enrage, private en­ trance. IBB 7th S t 10-5 t «Ar • » • i I 4 I » 6» I t I « « Carnival Show-Big Midway BAND MUSIC— DANCING BIG EXHIBITS OF HORTICULTURAL PRO- DUCTS, STOCK, POULTRY, BOY AND GIRLS’ CLUB WORK, MERCHANTS' and MANUFAC- . TURING DISPLAYS • « •