> ^ á é « M N MMMBMMMIiMM/ .dWMtifl wate? AA/tfand'« ASHLAND CLIMATE t Without the use of medicine cur» nine eases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact A/ew«papet F&r. iLwrty Fifty Years Wire Service) ASHLAND, OREGON, NDAY, SEPT.' ia; J926 A Rival for Indian Beauty Honors H aste» Tourists Mange Off Crater Lake Highway Hear Projpect BODIES UNDER DEBAIS Two of the vtetumg of the auto tragedy near Prospect were l b . and Mrs. N. T. Biege of Jadoonville it waa learned this afternoon. The Norfig party had been visit­ ing at the Biege home. The car wag returning to Jack­ sonville from Grater Lake. The body of Mr. Biege w u found under the wreck­ age thia morning but rescue workers were nimble to get that other evamlwari WheBe plied the brakes would swsrve to c the road, it w u u the car reached t) Lookont Point, it i ed he applied the 1 quickly and the swerved off the rot Buick left the Crater Cake highway a quarter of a mile this side of Prospect at 4:30 yesterday afternoon and plunged down the rock bank o f Rogue river for a distance of nearly 300 feet. The tragedy occurred at Lookout Point, and was w it­ nessed by motorists directly in the rear o f the ill-fated car. Those who saw the fatal crash hurried into Prospect where they called Coroner Conger and other county of­ ficials. Hilarious Psi At Siskiyoa 8nnday s. Loraine Wiseman De- íes She Occupied Carmel Cottage Will Compete for Prises at Total of 26 Tn Reported on • Constantino Remlreq, Ylpcentl Jackson County Pair Negrete. Hasel Garcia,* Beryl 1 ’ mseMweeBB^ 1 O’Connor end two other Mexi­ can» whose name» were not REGULATIONS GIVEN learned were arrested yesterday n om in e nt Siskiyou station when the Mexican quarters Were raid­ ed by local officers. J h e mid followed a report that a “wild party** was In progress. At the workers* conference Remlrex came from Klamath luncheon at Medford last S a tu r­ Falls with the two women, and day, the Ashland members of the when tho officers, led toy Chief of committee of the floral depart­ Police MeNabto, arrived nt the ment o f the Jackson county fair scene a card game Was going ware advised to urge the Ashland strong with ’the players keeping flower growers to enter their flow- their spirits up by frequent drinks era In the big exhibit this week. Those who have flowers which from a gallon jug o f poor grade of moonshine, which the officers they do net wtoh to enter for com­ said had a let of noise-producing petition are asked to send them elements in Its > questionable for display purposes. A section will be set aside for the Ashland makeup. Negrete claimed Weed as his display. home town and hie Ford touring card had a license issued to blw» there. The two womdn they had been living at Weed for sbovt throe weeks. Tho party ended with « ride to tho county jell a t Jacksonville, 1 where four o f the Mexicans are being held OS a charge of possee-I slng liquor. IS LARGEST OF YEAR Brownings also Contribute Q u ota Several Persons Burned to Death AN FRANCISCO, Cdl., Sept. 13.— (UP,)— Aut(?mo|>1Ie traged­ ies contributed to 16 of the 26 tragic deaths which were report­ ed on the Pacific coast over the week-end, according to tabula­ tions made here today by United Press. The death toll is one of the heaviest of this year. Eight persons were killed in one mishap alone when a car en­ route from Crater Lake to Med­ ford plunged off the highway near Prospect. Other Pacific coast; fatalities were: Seattle— Albert Souders, na­ val aviator, drowned in Lake Washington; Thorwald Thorson, believed to have commited sui­ cide. Tacoma — The two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ous Johnson burned to death hi a bon-flre; Mrs. Luke Perlln _________ and two young children burned to death In their dwelling; Richard Sand- gren of Seattle killed in an auto accident. Astoria— Mrs. Ralph Karie and six-year-old son drowned in a slough near their home. Dallas— Mrs. L. D. Frazier gf Bend killed when an automobile In which she Was riding rife a telephone pole and turned over. Oakdale, CaL Man Rescued rrom by being waved to death toy an ang> erod bait which attacked him. Mr. Gray la In a serious condi­ tion, with five crashed ribs, a (Continued On Page Three) broken shoulder and less serious injuries as th e reealt o f toeing trampled and gored toy the ang­ ered b east _ Gray« and the dog had entered a fenced field and the bull with lowered horns, charged toward him. He was unable to escape and was knocked to tho gronnd. The animal leaped onto Ma heed Ashland Executive “Will Re tire at End of His and body with all four feet and Present Term stopped only when hla attention waa distracted by tho barking Mayor O. H. Johnson will not dog which he chneed about the seek re-election ut the city elec­ field. , tion In November. It w u t^e third time the He so announced himself pub­ rancher had been attacked by licly and definitely this after­ the ball. noon and declared that nothing could awerre him from his de­ termination to retire from public life. It la generally believed that all members o f the council, with the exception of Dr. R. L. Burdic. Jr., will file for office, although no announcements have yet been Colonel Alfred 1. Clark Tells made. It w u reported by one of Pierce He is Ready to them today that If they do run for office It will be tor the pur­ pose of carrying on the campaign for water extensions and im­ provements. / “I announced several months fred E. Clark today notified ago that I would not seek réélec­ Governor Pierce he was ready to tion and that decision still proceed with an inveettgatfon In­ stands, ** Mid Mayor Johnson to­ to the Pacific Teiephdns and day. From papers scattered along the mountainside where the big car made its death-dealing des­ cent, It waa learned that the own­ er of the car was D. T. Norris of Mahaffey, Pa. The names of the other victims are not known, but they are presumed to be mem­ bers of the family. One Body Recovered One body was recovered this morning and was identified as Mr. Norris. Efforts.were made to recover the bodies last night but because of the darkness and the pelloue position of the wrecked car, noth­ ing could be done. Authorities left at daybreak today to continue their efforts to recover the bodies. In its descent down the moun­ tain, the wrecked car caused a ml nature landslide, and the bod­ ies of the victims were reported ns being burled under several tons of heavy rock and dirt. Conflicting Report» Telegraph company providing the One report around Medford to­ proper machinery and funds are day waa to the effect that some forthcoming. aged resident of Jacksonville was Ha also recommended that a member of the psxty, although Oregon Join with othfer states In this rumor lacked confirmation. seeking lower telephone1 fates It w aa' reported that the Norris Ha M id.ha waa cohvtMad that party had visited a pioneer fam­ tha valnatloa of property on ily %t or near Jacksonville and which tha rate la baaed la touch that e Jacksonville man was ac­ companying the party on the Crater Lake trip. It also was reported two girls who came to this west coast In the party remained at Jacksonville yesterday and Were not'in the Ill- f a t e d ,^ * TW» report, as well, could' ner be confirmed. ‘‘ , The .car w«a on Its way to Cra­ ter Lake when the tragic* accident occurred. Autpis(s behind the Norris machine and< who MW it plunge over the steep hank eoqld | Salesman Sought For Large Theft nDeadn Wife is V eiy Much Alive BOSTON, Moss., Sept. IS.— When James Johnson, charged with polygamy, w u explaining to the Judge In court today that he married a second time beoauee he thought Ma first w ife dead, a load voice from tha rear of tha crowded court Mom Interrupted tha proceedings long enough to Inquire: “Do I look Ilka I’m dMdf" Mrs. George R om sad daugh­ ter Virginia, drove aver to Craa- cent Lake yesterday to visit wRk Mr. R om . Jimmy Smith, who Is employed there, accom­ panied' them. i fatalities iast Over Former Ashland . . . / Resident Passes Frederick Johnson All Exams and is Now a Flyinjr Cadet LOS ANGELES, Cal.j Sept 13. — (U P) — Sensational charges that Almee Semple McPherson bad paid her >300 and was to give her a total of >6000 to fake a Story of ¿haring the cottage at Carmel Beach with Kenneth O. Ormlston, were made In an af­ fidavit here by Mrs. Loraine Wleeman. - Mrs. Wiseman Is held here on a bad check charge, and af­ ter being taken into custody made the affidavit which renew­ ed Interest In the alleged kid­ naping of the leader of Angelas temple. Mrs. Wiseman said ahe had perpetrated a hoax on the public by announcing that she and her plater, the mythical Mlaa X, and not Mrs. McPherson, had occu­ pied the cottage with Ormlaton, the former radio operator nt An- gelus temple. Approximately >150 Stolen By Lone Prowler Early Sunday Morning FINGERPRINTS TAKEN Rear Transom Broken Open; Nan» cotíes Found Bat Left Untouched A lone burglar late Saturday night or early yesterday morn­ ing Jimmied open a rear transom at the LIthia Springs Pharmacy In the new hotel building and mad» away with approximately >160 In silver and currency. Of this amount, nearly >160 was stolen from Mrs. Daisy McGarry; proprietor of the pharmacy, and >12 from William Haberly, pro­ prietor of the LIthia Springs con­ fectionery. The burglary was discovered when the store was opened tod business yesterday morning. Lo­ cal police and Sherirf Jennlnge were Immediately called, and Patrolman Ingling was able Io get fingerprints from tho tran­ som and other parts of the store. These are ’ being developed and' Blaie on Elliott Ranch Early will be sent to Portland and San Francisco ana other coast cit­ This Morning Results ies to determine whether or not in Big Loss the burglary was committed by some person with a known crim­ A large • barn on the Elliott ranch, eight miles out on the inal record or if It was a “home Klamath highway, was destroyed talent** affair. by fire early this morning, ac­ The screen over the rear tran­ cording to word received here. The origin of the fire Is pot som had been removed, and en­ trance was gained through tho known. The barn Vraa full of hay, transom by m e of a ladder whletr which was destroyed. Several rested against the rear of the ho­ sets of harness and other farm tel building. In the prescription room of equipment also were loet. There the pha rm a c y the burglar had "*t the time. The blaie started broken off the padlock of <• small compartment which con­ at about 4:10 this morning. tained a supply of narcotics. A small sum o f money was also In the drawer. The money was tak­ en but the narcotics was not touched. * The burglar then entered the front part of the store and rifled the cash tills of both the pharro-. Plot to Kill Italian Premier acy and confeetlonery. Under Riirid Probe by Officials Word w u received here today ICS, of the death at Pasadena last air service, having passed the ex­ ROME, Sept. 1 3 — (U P )— T yo Saturday of Millard F. Gillespie, aminations successfully and la hundred persons are under ar­ a former resident of this city. No appointed to the (ederal alt rest and several police officials : details of the death were von- school at Brookfield, Texas. have resigned as a result of the Three deer hunters In tbc ' talned In a brief meseake to lo­ Since there are but 160 admitted attempt upon the life of Premier Parker and Grlssly mountain di1?- cal friends. it speaks well for his attain­ Mussolini. Most of the prison­ Alleged Crook Headed To­ tricta were arrested yesterday by ments. ers will 'be freed after question­ ward Ashland Prom Idaho, Deputy State Oame Warden Roy After graduating here Freder­ ing. Police are Investigating to Parr for hunting without li­ ick taught on» year, then attend­ determine whether . or not the censes. Elmer Dlx, Klaipsth Local police today received a ed O. A. C. enlisting In the fed­ bombing was due to a wide­ Falla auto parts leader, w u one warning from Sheriff Jeffries at eral air service one year ago. spread plot. of those held. Henry Clarkson of Payette county, Idaho, that aa Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Johnson Chlloqnln and - Peter Stole of alleged check forger giving the have but recently removed to Jenny Creek were the two other* name of V. T. Lang«, alias C. F. Medford from Ashland where who failed to have their licenses, Dry Leader Leaves to Inves Turner, la headed la this direc­ they resided since 1911 and the the game warden Mid. tigate Reported Unde­ tion and may attempt to cash fie» family were prominent In school, Mr. Parr reported deer hunting sirable Conditions tltloua checks on local merchants. church and social circles. to be excellent throughout thnt . The suspected man la about 46 HONOLULU, Sept. 13.— Ru­ section and many sportsmen bag­ years old. la smooth faced and ged fine big bucks. A party of mors of investigation of Hawaii’s Chicago Burglar Tells Po well dreaaad. Ha poses aa a rep­ hunters from Talent got a 200- federal prohibition administra­ Iloa He Killed New resentative of the Interstate Uni- tion were current following the pound 9-polnt defer. Jersey Couple varsity of Chicago, according to a departure of John Barrett, pro­ JÇLIBT, 111., Sept. 13 — Hen­ report from the Idaho author!» hibition director for the islands, tie«. ry Nelson, a Chicago burglar answering a hasty summons to SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 13 — serving a one to twenty year's Washington. Albert Rertlo, a slim young Eng­ Reports were published here lishman. has hopes of giving up sentence in the Illinois peniten­ ascribing Barrett’s summons to his butler's pantry for the ease tiary here, today “confessed** to a recent purported Illegal search that would attend a >36,000,000 Warden Green that he took part in a double murder at New A alight.collision occurred Sat­ of the premises of William Jar- British estate, but apparently Brunswick, N. J„ Sept. IS, 1922 rat, delegate to congress. realization of these dreams will urday when Victor Piter , who — tho same date upon which the works at the*Plaza Confectionery not come so speedily. . Itav. Bdward Hall and Mrs. “We cannot understand the ran Into Millard Grubb's ne?v Eleanor Milla were murdered. BERLIN, Sept. IS.— People of man’s actions,* It was said at the Oldsmobile Sedan, while It was According to Nelson's cop fes­ tha anburto of Martandorf aura fid British consulate today, when It parked In front of. the »tore. A si oui* he waa paid >300 by two a state of compulaory matrimoa- fonder wad badly bent and the was learned that Bertie had ad­ men whose names he w u unable iai status quo. vanced the claim to an Interest paint scratched. The same day to giva, to act u chauffeur far They can neither marry aer the motor meter w u stolen In the estate of the ninth duke of OLYMPIA, Wash., Sept. 13.— them driving them to the scene of Argyle, from Millard’s car. apply for divorce toaeauaa burg» B. D. Hodge of Tacoma, has th« murder. lar removed tha safe of tha reg­ been given the appointment by istration office containing all a t ' THE WEATHER Governor Hartley as Judge of the the suburb’s matrimonial dee«» Oregon— O endy on the coast: Pierce county superior court, to menu. fair In the Interior tonight and ■ueceed Judge Governor Teats, Tuesday, Normal temperature whose death occurred suddenly with moderate northwest winds. a few days ago. . British Butler Demands Estate Local Autos Are In Slight Crash Remain Married Because Records In Safe Stolen New Judge Named For Tacoma Court McGee and Enders Lovelorn Swains Battle For Girl Bring Back Buck VISIT LITHIA FARK While you are a guaee In our elty, ba certain to vllelt Llttola Park, a playground o f many »crM .w lth the mate entrance at th« Playa, where Nature’s deepest kMfcttee are found along the walks that lead yoR through tha foreet border­ ing ou Ashland creak. i> r. . t Andy McGee and John Enders were “high-hatting** eome of the less fortunate sportsmen here­ abouts today1 following theli* re­ turn from- the woods last night with a big 9-polnt buck/ They had to paek tha animal nearly six miles through1 danse under­ brush to their car. ■ NOVARA, Italy. Sept 1 1 — In order t o eettle their cHlms to to girl with Whom tooth war»! In Ifeva, two -• young thephefdfe lumped almmtoneously into a deep ravine, having derided thto survivor should marry 'ftoe gM. Neither waa Mlled and the fcM. disgusted, refused them tooth,4 5 Pendleton Ready ' FBNDLKTON. Bept Fendimeli took Bound V p dram With A aocorwiMi ito in W «hdW t t t t Iridateli