VATJtWA OBBMS Cannot tnrvive three months in the rich raone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. > The TUinea Hat Been Ashland’» ASHLAND^ Without th» nse^ nine cases out This is a prov^¿> Newspaper For Nearly Fifty. Year» W lrs Sarrica) MATE ¿O O' '* ASHLAND, OREGON, J O N E S P A Y, 8EPT. 8, 1926 James Burned lofineers Have Difficulty in locating Ashland Can­ yon Dam 56, Badly Stealing J i b « Manning, a transient, 56 yean old, la in the Community hoapttal with severe burns about the head and face as the result of being struck by escaping steam from a Southern Pacific helper engine. Manning ««a stealing a ride on the helper engine which left the local yard* for the trip up the Sisklyon grade yesterday. Aa the train paased through tunnel No. IS, the steam which had condeo- sed on the roof of the tunnel droped off and scalded Manning severely. He dropped off the en­ gine but managed to swing aboard the caboose where he told the train crew of his injuries. Members of the train crew sent him back to Ashland for hospital treatment. He y lll be laid up for some weeks. It was reported. La Follette Progressive Is Ahead of Senator Len­ root Thus Far Simplicity Marks Final Tri­ bute to the Memory of Bert R. Greer Alleged Slayer at Sisson Is Found on San Fran­ cisco Street Land Settlement Work For SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 8. — Present Season Comes After searching 11 years for. the to End Today murderer of hia brother Frank STABT NEW DRILLING HUNT RENOMINATED LODGES HAVE CHARGE Del Gallo dramatically pointed out ASHLAND TO LOSE OCT Antonio Faverra on a crowded R arar Station May Be the Arizona Democrat Wins Out Masons and Elks Hold Serv­ downtown street here yesterday Grants Pass Reported Fav­ Scene of Dam; Other • for the Sixth Consecu­ and demanded his arrest. ices; Tidings Office ored for Gateway Office Bootine Matters tive Election According to Del Gallo** story, Closes Down Next Season his brother, Angedo, W&s' found .Taro of the projected Ashland decapitated near Sisson, Septem­ Arthur Foster, who has main­ MILWAUKEE, Wla., Sept. 8.— BURBANK, Cal., Sept. 8. —- ber 3, 1915, Angelo had been seen tained tbe state land settlement canyon dam iltee have thus far (U P )— Governor John Blaine, a (Special)—^Simplicity marked the last with Faverra. Since that time i office in Ashland throughout this La FoUette progressive, today been found impractical, and en­ f|nal services here this morning Frank has sought Faverra con­ present summer, left today for was leading Senator Lenroot, a for Bert R. Greer, publisher of gineers are now making teats at a tinuously, believing him respon­ Porlnnd which WiW be his head­ regular, for the republican nom­ the Ashland Tidings and ths Bur­ third site, it was revealed, at the sible for Angelo’s death. quarters until tbe land settlement ination by approximately 10,000 bank Review, who died yesterday city eouncU meeting last night In Faverra was arrested and held! movement gets under way again votes. About three-fourth« of tbo at St. John’s hospital at Oxnard for Red Bluff authorities. T he! next year. vote* have been counted thus far, report« submitted by City En­ after an extended illness. man admitted he had been with and Blaine’s majority is such that With, the office located in thia gineer Walker and Water Sup­ From his home-town friends in Angelo two days before his death, city, Mr. Foster had the oppor­ it is not lielieved Senator Lenroot erintendent Hosier. Ashland came many floral tri­ but denied knowing anything tunity of meeting and Interview­ can pass him. butes which hurled the casket be­ about his murder. The Winbura site and the Mc- ing all prospective land settlers neath a blanket of fragrant pe­ Kieelck site have been abandon­ HUNT WINS AGAIN immediaely upon their arrival tals. Many messages of condo­ ed for tbo time being because of from the south, and bis office PHOENIX, Art*,,- S ep t 8. lence aiso were received by the the inability to locate bedrock here has succeeded in locating bereaved widow and members of within a reaonable distance of the many new home owners In various her family. surface. Test holes are being dug parts of Oregon. The funeral was just as Mr. at what, la known .at the hanger He had wanted to remain hero Greer would hav* Uked it. There Station site, and experiment* no until the end of the month be­ the election yesterday, it was in- Phe money that would buyftex, stalwart police dog, from was no ostentation. Members of far indicate that thia site can be used, it was reported. dicated as returns continued to the Kleckner family at Clark’s Lake, Mich., hasn’t been the Masonic and Elk lodges of­ Comrades of Filmdom At­ cause of the projected vlalt to this section of a number of Owens tend Burial Serviras ficiated at the final services, Farther reports from the en­ Vessels Sold to Foreign Na­ -T : Wh,en Millieent Kleckner Jell Valley farmers who are now seek- At Hollywood while (he pall bearers, both ac­ tions Cannot Be Used gineer« will be submitted to the by more than three to one w r U lt° th e la k e a feW “K"’ R ox Ph^ged m after her ing new locations, but the time tive and honorary, were selected council at the next meeting. in Wars ’ when these prospective settler* the democratic senatorial nom- swam a shore with hey dress clamped in his teeth, from his lodge brothers and close HOLLYWOOD, Gaa Sell Bonds Sept. 8.— will arrive is so indefinite that the Senator Cameron, re- “ She’s my pal,” Rex seem« to say in this picture of tlie friends In this city. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 8. — ination. (UP) — In the shadows of the City Attorney William Brigg* Portland office decided to call p a ir. (U P )— That American ships will publican, was re-nominated with- studios where he rose from extra reported (bat be had gone to him in from the field. LOCAL TRIBUTE not be sold to foreign interests to king of the aereen at the age Portland to Interview prospective There is a persistent report cur­ The whir of the linotype, ma­ •of 31, Rudolph Valentino was for nse in international trade ap­ bond buyer« and was given as­ rent both here and In Portland ODDIE IB LEADING chines, the hum of the presses pears to be the policy of private 1 laid to his final rest yesterday surance that Ashland’« water that Ashland will lose the land and all other signs of activity concerns as well as government CARSON CITY, Nev., Sept. 3. afternoon hy his film comrades. bonds could be sold up to 8500,- agencies, about The Tidings office were 1 Heaped with flowers his brome settlement office next year. Mr. — (U P )— Senator Oddle, a world •00. The bonds would boar ap­ stilted this morning from 10:60 casket was lowered into the Foster declined either to deny or Fonr ships have been sold to court supporter, had a command­ proximately 5 1-3 percent inter­ o’clock until tnoop, during the golden conch of the crypt at affirm this report, but it is known Japanese Interests recently and est, ho was told. Portland bond in each case It was stipulated that ing lead over Mayor E. E. Rob­ that Grants Pass residents have time of the fnheral services for Hollywood mausoleum. The body attorneys would give a validating the vessels must not be used for erts of Reno. In the republican U ’Ren Charges Against Stei George Putnam of Salem Is Mr. Greer at Burbank. been urging the removal of the senatorial primary. Ths demo­ will rest here until a new memor­ opinio* (nr 9100. _ ’ , , purposes other than carrying for Popular Liquor • wer Will Get Under The entire staff of The Tidings ial of Italian marble Is built to office to that city and It Is re­ cratic nomination was conceded Although no definite action Japanese Intercoastal trade. Referendum Way Shortly ported they have been given some ceased all work As a last hi ark to Raymond Baker, who was far perpetuate his memory and re­ woo tekra. the members at the assurance that their claims will of respect to-the memory of tho ahead of Patrick McCan«n. his ceive the body forever. receive careful consideration. oWser and publisher of Tbe Tid­ opponent. SALEM, Ore., Sept. 8. — (UP) SALEM. Ore., Sept. 8.— (UP)' As a lee* token « f h e r le v e . slon, indicated that aa increase ings. - George Putnam, editor of the — Grand Jury-investigation of the Pola Negri covered the coffin with in water rate* is iasvitehle MOSES IS WINNER ‘ charges of W. S. U’Ren that Fred a blanket of pink rosebuds as it whethte th« bond issue passes or CONCORD, N. H., Sept. 8. — Steiwer, republican senatorial was lowered into the crypt. Only n o t TSls Hatter, however, prob­ the pail bearers, the chief mourn­ (UP) — Former Oovernor Rob­ nominee, failed to make a proper ably will be delayed until after ers, Miss Negri and Alberto Oug- ert P. Bass today conceded the 'accounting of campaign expendi­ the first of the year, or until Rogue River Ministerial As lieml, Valentino’s brother, were nomination to Senator George H. tures, probably will not get un­ some definite program is started admitted through the cemetery sociation Plans for Mosee, whom he opposed In th* der way before tomorrow or Fri­ on the enlargement or th« muni­ City Men Pay 1100 gates. Hunjrtede - followed the Crescent ' republican senatorial primary. day. Meeting cipal water system. District Attorney John Carson and Crate in Local funeral ’ procession from the New Era of Peace in Sight Senator Moses is leadipg by three Expenses to Date said that a number of criminal teaching, not force, The Rogue River Valley Min­ to one. Church of Good Shepherd where as Result of Action Justice-Court The total expenses to date In isterial- Association will hold Its cases are being considered and.),a against the saloon requiem high mass marked tho at Geneva the water Investigations and sur­ first« meeting after the summer that these wild be disposed of first. J 1 1 After paying flnefi of 9100 and final olwequles. veys have coat the city aproxl- vacation In the South Methodist costs before Justice of the Peace U'Ren arrived here today and is 1 1 1 )0 ^ 0 1 /T T r D H I GENEVA. Sept. 8. — (UP) — mately 8715* according to the re­ church of Medford, Dr. J. P. Bray L. A. Roberts yesterday, E. B. Germany was admitted to the port of Water Superintendent Pastor, on Monday, September 27. McConnahan and W. R. Fleming testify in case he la called before iu * a League of Nations today and wa, Hosier. the grand Jury. P l T lllT f ] [ of Crescent City were taken t* Luncheon will be served by the then immediately elevated to per- The council received and ac­ ladies of the church at 12:80 p. Medford where they faced charges ! manent membership in the league cepted the report of the Viewers m. and the meeting will be call­ of having liquor In their posses­ council. Henceforth Germany on the Elisabeth street sewer dis­ ed to order 1:15 p. m. sion. The local fines were ae- The Dalles Man Dies as Re Army general Flavs Primar may be expected to occupy a chair trict, In which assessments and seesed because the men were “There are many new pastors in suit of Insect Sting on is?, «~innn League at the international council with benefits wer* distributed pro rata the valley whom we have not met found with deer meat In their Hia Wrist and Others the nation« which were neutral among the property owners. WASHINGTON. D. C.. Sept. 8 possession. in these meetings, and ,we would and those which were enemies — Here's another international Elmer Smith, an employe of urge them to come ont and get The pair were arrested by THE DALLES, Ore., Sept. 8.— J. R. Plttinger Is now gather. the city electrical department, Acquainted. All the older men FORT SCOTT, Kan., Sept. 8. during the war. complication. Senator Harris, Chief or Police McNabb and De­ With Germany’s entrance Into democrat of Georgia, ha« return­ puty Game Warden Roy Parr a was voted an Increase In salary of the Association know the mer­ (U P)— Mike Joyce, employe of a Ing up all vegetable and other — (U P )-—Flaying the evils of the tlocal tie treating plant, died at a farm exhibits for Che Talent Ir­ primary, the meddling of the anti- the league, hope for a new era ed from Quebec minus hts best from 8150 to 8176 per month. abort distance south of the city. it« of these gatherings, so we hope local hospital today as the re­ rigation district exhibit at the saloon league and the encroach­ ot tranquility are high. The con­ Pair of pants. A thief sneaked to see tehem present”, says the sult of * bite on the wrist by Oregon state fair, and he urge« ment of the federal government summation of agreement of Lo­ Into hts hotel room and was mak­ secretary. Rome Insect. He at first paid that all persons who have vege­ on state rights, Major General carno depended upon this action ing away with all of his clothes The election of officers for the little attention to the sting bnt tables of any kind whick might James G. Harbord. addressing nnd money, but dropped part of ensuing year la a part of the or­ sought medical attention when he suitable for exhibit purposes the Kansas American Legion con­ them and fled when the senator der of business. There will also his arm began to swell. Physi­ get in touch with him aa quickly vention, today urged the-veterans awakened. be a helpful paper presented by cians believe it was a scorpion. as possible. to enter politics and “take po­ Rev. J. M. Johnson of Central HONG KONG, Sept. 8. — (UP) Mr. Pittinger can be reached litical leadership In your hands.” Point, on “Is the First Century — Seven British sailors were kill­ by telephone at 19F2. “There can be no fear for the Theology and Experience compa­ ed and 15 wounded in a battle future of the country when It is LINDEN, Calif., Sept. 8.-—One tible with the Twentieth Century Sunday on the Yangtxe river, It BUCHAREST, Roumanla, Sept. governed by thoee who fought husband— 81.60. Theology and Expedience?* was officially announced here to- 3-— Queen Marie may see the Pen­ for it,” he declared. day. The British naval vessel dleton round-up. She desires to If John Burris, farm hand and I'Ted M. Schuerman of thia city engaged in battle with Chinese see a real Western rodeo and the odd-job man. here, can find a Indian tribe« on her coming visit and Miss Beatrice Dunhette, for­ troops. business manager tho« some girl SOMERVILLE, N. Y., Sept. 8. to the United States. She has been merly of Salem, bnt recently of is going to get • husband for — (U P )— Announcement that an­ heard to say that her visit would Medford, were marritd yesterday ono dollar. John revealed hia KANSAS CITY, Sept 8.— Ever other eye witness to the Hall- not be complete without «eelng afternoon at the Trinity Episco­ altruistic mannerisms in a letter since Senator James A. Reed pur­ Hills murder on the Phillips farm pal vicarage, with Rev. p. k . them. ASTORIA, Ore., Sept. 8, — tot the local press. He says: chased a beautiful residence In near New Brunswick four years Hammond officiating. The bride MI want to start a lottery and Traffic handled over the port of Kansas City, there have been , JER8EY CITY, Sept. 8. — (U (or the past three years has sail ickats at 81.60 aaeh. I am Astoria terminals during the ago has been found, was made rumors that he would not be can­ P) — The combined ages of three taught English | n the Medford * bachelor an« only 88 y e a n old, month of August aggregated 89,- tonight by Pplice Inspector John didate for the United States sen­ Portland, Ore., pioneers, now J. Underwood. high school. Mr. Schuerman iv and good looking. 1*11 marry the 866 tons, exceeding by 6,950 tons ate again in 1981. visiting here, reaches a total of the son of Mr. and Mrs. August girl who gets the lucky number. the figure of 82,416 tons set in The senator confirmed th« 888. The old gentlemen have Schuerman and is employed as August, 1985. rumor« today, raying be Intended Just arrived on a long promised a Standard Oil salesman here 1 to remain In Kansas City and trip to the ea st They are: Arthur SMALL ROOF FIRE SEATTLE, Wash., 8ept, 8.— practice law. At the same time, Devery, 87; J. M. Dills, 76, and however, he refused to say Edward Stevens, 63. They are, Expecting the stork at his house A small roof gra at the hatne whether he Would give up the lifelong cronies. They said, In a early In the morning of March «, of W. D. Jackson, 60« low*, D. L. Blair, Seattle, tried for two called out are apparatus at 8:80 SEATTLE, Wash.. Sept. 8. — Kansas City house for the White chorus: “The Bast is fine; but hours to get. central so he could thia afternoon. Th* wo* Bobbed haired Miss Veld* Mor­ House, should th* latter be of­ there Is no place Ilk* Portland Pullet Ctomes Out summon a doctor, he alleges. fered him. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Sept. 8. row, 23, one of the youngest at­ and good old Oregon.” x oktlggulshed with bfct «light dam­ W lthFlech— The delay wae made the basis — Th* Minnesota W. O, T. U. to­ torneys in Washington, had op­ age to th j house. WALTBRVILLE. Sept. 8.— F. for a 88,600 damage suit on file MADRID, Sept. 8. — The re­ day rant a formal request to Sec­ portunity today to put her legal against th* Pacific Trfephone and volt against the rule of Prlmo de MT. Pag* thinks he surely meat retary of State Kellogg, demand­ training to use. Telegraph company here today. Rivera, premier and dictator, has have a world record pallet. 8h* BACK FROM KLAMATH ing an investigation into the She appeared In justice court boon suppressed, and the artillery was hatched from hi* ew a steak champagne toast reported to have Ito defend her father, William Whlle yon ara * guest ln our^dty. be oettoln to vllelt Llthls At Panaer ot th* Oak street ga­ the wrather officer* who directed it suspend­ on March 18, 1988, and new 1« a plsygronnd of many sores, wlth tbe maln entran«« boon drunk hy William Corcoran, Morrow, and her two brothers. rage returned thia afternoon from Oregon — Fair tonight and ed from Service. But it would hatching her grat brood ot chick­ at th* Fiara, whoro Natiire’s doepest heautlea ara fonnd American consul at Boulogne, along the walke that load yen through th* foraat border- a brief business visit to Klamath Thursday. Whrmer Thursday in bp to* optimistic to believe that ens, having stolen her neat out. France, In honor of Gertrude ing on Ashland ereek. Southern Oregon. Light variable the political and military trouble* She 1* flve month* and 84 «eye Fall«. Bderte. coast wind* . old. have been definitely settled. to UKoto vtltKAN Sneak Thief Gets Senator’s Pants at Quebec Hotel Exhibits Sought for State Fair This Guy Wants Wife; Says H e’s Handsome Fellow Roumanian Queen May See Roundup Big Gain Shown at Astoria Port New Witness In ’ Jim Reed Not To i Hall Case Found Run for Senator British Sailors Slain in Battle Local Young Man Weds Salem Girl Aged Portlanders Enjoy Good Visit ’’Dead” Youth Is Finally Located Phone Firm Sued By Seattle Man Dry8 Are Peeved Woman Attorney Defends Father Spanish Revolt at U. S. Consul Brought to End VISIT LITHIÁ PARK