fwetf-ftsc/ier A6HLANU DÁILT* T lD lN Ô S JWe* otkef aide Bacata« «Bd la a© times 'antrUQtaii aod wfes t< that tk e eaSSot trust «tari w ith the ékharaa a«roaa r i e ati Umea »lightly questionable, là Bi­ tta« hW girl W aothlnt. «ntaM tt he tUe m i Mp4!« Rohlnso# Crusoe. Certainly OM «hlftl wl$ bave a loug.hard road te rtavel when ahe enters eMàSrt. No on* questions'the importance o f choos­ ing a child’» plaiyqiatee with care. U the children in the immediate neighborhood r e a lly are untit as­ sociates tor fo to fchlld yen ShoaW « i nome Way gtto him dati» OFFICIAL CITY PAFBR One Month ... NfcX -,5eH|Ca Writer - " ’ r - Neat No­ vember’» election la only a Oon- «reaaional.. election, but some presidential caadMatei are • at ataka In it. fer all that. President Coolidge’s (a oaa. - If the Demócrata and Insti rg- •nt Bqravilcam get Constata. or mateMala to nee ooantrnetiretf. 6. H elp him to become indepen­ c^lMreh. More harm m *f hé done dent apd eeU-eonBdent. w ith a W ith id hte.ewd aMUty. I . Provide plenty of wholesome ¿omheatcnuhip 'W ith chflhren of hit) own ace.’ He ahonld netther be a ' bully himself nor allow other children to bally him. Thtpe Montila Six Monta» _ cppórtnarty to May with toiubil One Y e a r ____ D IS P LA Y A D VER TISIN G Single laaertfen, per tach *___ —_ _____ Political, Display, per tach ___—_________ One Indertlon a week Two Insertions a week Dally Insertion M a te s f o r L e g a l and M la c e lla n e o a a 7 Train htth to sfcfeak efcarly, distitotly and correctly. 8. Hereto» to him a tore tor good flrusic tod good atortoe. First Insertion, par 8 point line - ____ X—. Rack subsequent insertion, 8 point l i n e ___ Card of Thanks —___________________ ____ Obituaries, per liae .,.....^ .^ .-------------....---- j “All future events, where an admission charge M m ato or a < eoMecdon taken la Advertising.” Wo discount will be allowed Religions o r Bnmptotoat Ofttora. HIGH GOST OF REACHING V0T&R8 /, 10. Lead him |e aaticipate tfa. achodl Ute t o a Jttytal experi­ ence, to d to xegnra hie teacher as h b M S I . I’ The following editorial from the San Francisco Chyon- i icle is a fair statement of the expense of condnntipg a modern primary campaign : “ Twenty-two cents is a fair average cost of appeal­ ing to the individual voter Given 2,800,000 voters, ’as there are ift Illinois, that means $550,008 as fhe'fcbfet o f legitimately addressing the voters in one campaign. Tli^t is the way It is figured out by Alien F . Modi?,, campaign manager for Frank I. Smith, who, w o n ,thé Republican rtnminaf on for senator from Illinois, i . >7ç t i “ Ask ahyone who h as-ever had any e x p e r te « » 1n conducting any kind of a campaign where a large fynin'- ,ber of individuals had to he reached. ' The amount pf money that may he spent legitim ately is, jn a Jargq « U te, enormous if the cdMpkign is complete. ,-t>. “ What will twenty-two oerfts d q l A c ir c u la r lattter ail dressed to each voter in the state cost« from five 4' add CO.,' 8885 Sheffield pfto.',' Chicago, value so ' highly the medical qualities of Foley Pills, a diuretic stlmulent for the kidneys, that they guarantee them ’ to give satisfaction. Relying on thia guarantee, Mrl. BUeb Relg- hard, Sooth Fork, Pa., gave Foley Fills a trial, to her frttak, friend­ getting on the air- It'ftll mounts up. . . I " ‘ • » ‘‘When mangy is used legitim ately it is npt the spei ing of it that is vicious. The viciotis element is Ahe s; tern which makes it impossible fo r ,a n y maprtoLiRaiikr intensive campaign before a large number dF v»t«n», All Minds Wf Beauty bfork : I J I 9 ’ o *" ■ ' t V yvX Û U ^O ^i CoBttlBtícs A Special WoparatibH for Bv- ury Need a ' j „ i R* ! Ï i 8 IT A GGftCtHG INDUSTRY ., F ifty years ago, lighting, was prftMibaliy Tt h m « ly t B w to which gas could Well be put; to 4ake away t le lighting market would have l»een to destroy the industry. But the sam e inventive genius that has developed the electric light as a substitute for gas, lias, found so many «¿her uses for gas that no business on earth is on a more sound basis or growing more rapidly than gas. Cooking, iieating, incineration, ironing; refrigeration, water heat- itg , clothes drying, are hut a few of the major uses. Its use in manufacturing is increasing at an enormous rate as its efficierifcy, cleanliness and labor-saving advantages l>ecoine better understood- ». “ ‘ \ Y'Nighter LUMBSR INDUBTfef PROMOTES OONSTRUOttVK P0LIGIK8 Big lumber companies o f the Wept are looking for­ ward 30, 100 and 180 years and are replanting more trees than they are emitting doWn* They intend to develop their industry along permanent linem Some of them are even working up, at little or no profit, wood which was formeijly wasted, so as to promote tim ber eonservativn. The National Committee on W ood U tilisation pijo- l>oscs to save the people $100,000,000 to $150,000,000 ah- unaily on their lumber bills, by psing more of the trefes which go to the sawmills. Instead o f cutting lumber into even lengths and widths, as is now done, all {lie wood will i»e used, no matter o f what length. A survey made by the Forest Pnxlncts Ijaltoratory of the Department o f A gri­ culture shows that in small bowse ectafrtrtictioh, almost 50 I»er cent of the lumlier could Iw of odd lengths. Lumber in seldom cut shorter than eight feet, y e t one-third of that used in building construction is leA than that length. F to tn a door-bell-ringer, H e said It w ould be A that ^ h u m -d in g e r .” pu throughout tfao • utwested their haV“ ittfig of light ÏOt Ohly It w as cheap a n d sh odd y And w ou ld n ’t Wear— A nd it d id n’t fit tttc A -n -y -w -h -e -r -e ‘ ’ 1 ‘ t IS OUR DOOM PATERHALUM Paternalism is a python skinning and swallow ing our free institutions in the shining jaws of officialism . State, federal, »By and county now maintain official bureaus te inBrely record the birth of a child, and draw- salaries for doing it. The latest wrinkle is a birth certifii- ; «■ate mailed from the llepartinent of Commerce, Bureau of Census. The citizen is warned of its great importance in all future affairs of life. We are following in the wake of the most highly pa ? , ternaliatic country in tlx* world. Germany was baeAed by militarism and officials that kept a raeord of the in- dividual from tlft? «wadle to the grave. . How far the Children’s Bureau of tha Census under ' the Department flf Commerce will carry its supervision ' o f the fam ily nobody kpows. . - The history o f nations h | m » wh that the python of self- extending officialism grows by wlmt it foods on. 1* it (‘rustling the free, indrpendent citizenship of (lur th m m l try in it s shining folds f , _ . Me pmtrttefcd th is A nd he.prom iM d that» W hen h e g o t nW d o u g h M L .». — r y ô tossa r anotrier M to w — n íor ckM popularity. i n e norne to w n dealer Now g ets m y trad e. H e sells BO RN d d tftih g , T he b est t h a V i rhadel H e b e a t it,^ -q u iek i ftfeeri s ld t arrived AU «Marges “ c o lle e t,” ' M y a n tic ip a tio n s W ars bad ly w reck ed I • , For guaran teed qUaUty» Fit» wear arid s ty le BORN h a s tril otfleM B eat a m ile I dus popular a e sU rea tia a a fM .B o m and years in the tailoring hwshiess fÿ S Motalho* 2,000 f a b io M