AmuM m . IBM. Uoeal 5 Personal flotes I From Spokane— Mrs. D. 8. Cowgill and daugh­ ter of Spokane, Wash., were In Ashland yesterday. . They re fla ­ te red at the L lth ia Springs Hotel. W ill Leave for Crescent City— Mrs. Aleae Flynn wlU leave very Mr. and Mrs. 8am M iller of, Birthday cards— El hart's Shortly for her home in Oilfields, McGee's Shoe 8tore w ill'leave for! Calif., after a few weeks' visit Crescent City the first of the, with her mother, Mrs. C. M. Botnar month, where they w ill make th e ir' Visiting J. H . Fuller— ' Miss Helen French of Eugene a t the Llthia Springe Hotel. The horae- ----- ■----- * , J Ore., Is in Ashland visiting at the last week-end was spent by Mrs. Bomar and Mrs. Flynn with the C lirt Payne makes clothes home ot M r- and Mrs. J- H. F u ll- Smith family at Crater Lake. racks. •- « . er on North Main street. Miss , . • • ■ French will be the home econom- Be Thrifty-Look Nifty-Save F ifty ,cp ,eacher ln the Ashland'high Men's S u it . — t l Rn !,cho° l th ia >’e a r- Grants Paas Courier. ; "Life-Like Likenesses, Ashland on The Plash. «• ewwwc* aw I« UT1VV Studio in r O U g J l irsuta of Ashland without ity Insurance? Phone 21 m pleto Automobile pAtec- lon't wait u n til you meet « accident. Two. (o f eoursel . ■ - - * Ay to wear cults In Trojan • t and PWeaple weaves at m a *, ■ , 80S it ' '• . _ . ‘ . 8 and Dw AaJoir pears for ig. Aahltnd F ru it and Pro- niklllnfi, - 303-tf A LOST — Near Jennings tent show a tan silk qca?f w ith fring­ nisab eth Richardson, in- ed ends. Reward for («turn to *M» -Bagllsh at tho Ash- Tidings'Office. 303-1* MBÚU. WM a recent Medförd FOB SALK— Fresh milch cow. Phone A. B. Chapman. 303tf FOR BALK— Concord grapes, 308 Qberttn St. J. K . Helman. . » 303-3* 6« a lb. Petit prunes, 3c a lb. fall butter pears. C. A. Gray, 1372 303-1 Crgndall'a office will L>wa St. from Sept. « until Oet. FO B SALE— Newtown a n d Vitflbih« la oa hl« vacation, i - J ‘ .' 303-8 Rpltzenberg apples, 60c box bring box— Square Deal Orchard. 303-3* W ANTED«—A competent girl to do honaework, small family, mod­ ern .conveniences. Address, giv^ lag needed Information. Includ­ ing wages. Box 888, Ashland. 88-2’ 63-tI Step Ladders — Red Top and Zoss Safety Ladders in different style«. Carson - Fowler Lumber Co. . 201-1 mo Left for Home—r- Mrs Tetnpier, who h as 'b e e n in Ashland for several ^yeeks vis­ iting her son Cecil Tempter, left for her home in Washington To K lam ath Falls— A. Msrske has gone to Klam ath Falls to transact business w ith the Southern .Pacific 2500. Clear. In - , 2 ‘ 00' At Woodburn' Or® — A 7 room hou«e- !"nf ° ° d , “ "A1“ 0" , ° " e M re Ot land,.price 33000. Insurance 33. 00°- Taxes 380. mortgage 3809 ? ’ P#P “ “ L , A1” of theae par" * “ want AshlaB<1 Property, and we d5.00. Headquarters childrens* Books, Elhart’s. : ' Take your choice, bold, drinks, ice cream, o r aotte freeh candy, At the Oregon Hotel— phonograph or Tadio music.-— Miss Hazel C. Collins of CANDYLAND. Diego, Calif., was ln Ashland Oregon Hotel. Visiting ln K lam ath Falls—- Get your window screens screen doors at Jordan Sash Cabinet Works. . , , 2 Mrs. J. W. Shortridge and her Word has bean received that John Brady, who has been seripus- i y ill in the St Fraaqls Hospital at San Francisco, is very much improved and is able to be up and j»ut He is not expected to return to Ashlhnd for some tflne however Heath's Confeotlonery — cold drinks, ice creams, candies, to­ bacco. 270-tf • A* MW fabric! Sartan Four Ply Ap excellent chance Twist for business and sports your school shoes, new wear. Pgulsernds. 303-tf fords in tan and black, • ! , ■./' , * and low heels on sale n< fn vitatlo M Are’ G iv e *— Gee's Shoe Dept. Marchiug\>r booster clubs of all citiqa a«d towns in the state are t h l« \ 'being Invited to par-1 tlcipate In the annual state fair, and formaj^ ipvltatiens have al- rexfry been extended to the 10 •uch organizations affiliated with the state association of booster dabs. Prize awards will be made this year for. the booster organ­ isation presenting the bpst d rill team, the club making the best Appearance, the club having the most members on the grounds, and fot the clnb traveling the longest distance. The clubs to Which invitations have been ex- 1 Marshfield, Bandon, Roseburg, 1 Newberg, Pnrtluad and Salem— Leaving fpr Los A ng elas Word Received from John B r a d y - Chas. A. White AUTUMN SHADES ENDERS BLOCK - Phone 20- PRICED AT "There wru M old man from Si. Bees fTho was stung in the Head by a wasp. When asked if it hurt H e r e p l i e d t *Not i t doesn't^ I thought all the time *twas a hornet." Misfortune may strike at you from many an angle . . . from a wasp sting develo ping in to blood poison, to having your house burn down. But if tout insurance n in the hands of this agency of the Hartford F i r Insur­ ance Company, then it won't hurt so much be­ cause you can think all the time that you are well THAT PRESENT THE NEWEST AND BEST IDEAS IN REFINEMENT They come in black with colora- Three-Throngh Stages-Dail BETWEEN THE NEW IDEA OF TAILORING IS v BUILT IN EACH ONE THE EFFECTS ARE PHENOMENAL ASHLAND AND PORTLAND NOETHBOUHD Lv. Ashland 7:00 a. m. 10:00,a. m. 3:46 p. m. Lv. Medford 7:46 a. m. 10:88 h. m. 4:30 p. m. Ar. P*land T b i l l p. m. 13: St a. m. 8! 40 a. m. SOUTHBOUND L' a a Portland, 7:00 a. m. 6:30 p. Medford 8 :1 « í» m. 7:35 a. Ashland 6 :6 6 p. m. 8:30 a. * CONNECTIONS At Grants Pass for Redwood Highway Points; At Rosebprg for all Coos Bay Points; At Portland for Seattle and British Columbia. New Hats for each garment— row selling Complete New Range of Holeproof Hoae — Now Selling INTERURBAN STAGE CÖ. Phone 47 Terrahaid Ashland Hotel 4