MALARIA GERMS Csnnòt survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland, Pure domestic water helps. ßeefi Ashland’* (United to U s Soml-Weekly TMdlain, 4» AS] ijDRBGO] lewepaper For Nearly Fifty Yean Whs Baratee) ¡EgDAŸrAUQUST 25,1926 5P KLAMATH BOY m m m SKULL BROKEN VnCBEN TlfED SWIMS AS BOMBER OF BANK NEAR HUT BY m im FALUNG TREE Robert Herman, Aged 16, Has Harrowing Experi- '■ enoe in Canal ? awLAND CLIMATE Wither je a s e e f mediai » gat of» ten of. proveo foot. ,4 . idaR agD oll Police Know Name of Man Who Killed Two at Pittsburgh - MURDERER OF BETROTHED IS PUT TO DEATH Eli Vest, Young Contractor, T- ■ » P U K IN Lack of Religious Work Among Prisoners To Be Remedied ITY W H WILL OFEN ON SEPTEMBER 2 0 Dan Prociew Hanged in Pro­ PITTSBURGH, Pa„ Aug. 25 Superintendent G. A. Briscoe Meets Death in Log­ CHICAGO. Aug. —Funds to vincial Jail at Winne- (U. F .) — A sell shocked war Announces Plans for ging Camp maintain full-time chnplnfne, nt peg Today veteran has been identified as the the Year the county Jail, the connty hos­ REAL BRAVERY SHOWN man who dropped a destrnctlve BODY BROUGHT DEATH I* GRBW80MB pital and other public Institutions TEACHING LIST GIVEN bomb In the Farmers Savings Bank -....- » are being sought by the Chicago Forced to «Swim ¿More Than yesterday afternoon, resulting in Big Pine Swerves in Desoent federation. Oortderamed Man, Is Found hfs death.'and In killing a bank Haif a MUe u New Lincoln School Will Be . and Crushes Out Life The federation represent« 17 polloemap. • » . ’ Guilty of Scalding Sweet­ Dark Stretch Ready For Normal of Worker , Protestant denominations and 100 heart to Death’ Officials Identified the man bnt Training KLAMATH FALLS. Ore., Aug. for the present they are with­ churches but Its service« in ad Eli Vest. S3, a logging contrac­ WINNIPEG, Canada. Aug.125. ministering to the spiritual neads 25.— Swept through the 3000 foot holding his name. Seven persons tor doing work for the Hilt Lum­ Ashland's public schools will — — Don Proclew, convicted o f unfortunate» is non-sectarian. tunnel of the wain Irrigation were Injured in the blast but it ber company, was Instantly killed of the murder of hie sweetheart. “In g great city like Chicngo formally open for the new echoot canal In the dead of night, and is not thought any more will die. when he was struck by a falling Annie Qardne wan hanged In the there y e many tasks of • relig­ yMr on Sept 20, according to an­ saved by hie own coolness anil The stranger kicked a vails« tree during logging operations. provincial Jail here today. When ious nature which no individual nouncement today by O. A. BrU- strength from what appeared to containing the bomb when a bank Deputy Coroner Stock of Ash­ the trap was sprung Proctow’n church or denomination can coe. city school superintendent. he sure iea th was the experience teller called police because of bis land was called to the scene of The new Lincoln public school« head wns completely severed maintain adequately.” Walter r . of Robert Herman, aged-TO. son styange actions. The stranger the tragedy and conducted an In­ from his body. Meo, secretary of the federation, which was completed during the of Ross Herman, who resides near walked to the teller's cage, thrust quest In the woods early last eve­ The young woman wns killed ■hid in announcing the new summer months, will he operated out a note for 32000 and de­ the Shlpplngton road. ning. The body was later brought following a bitter quarrel with dyive. Hence we hope to expend Jointly by the school board and Young Herman bad just climb­ manded he be given the money.- to this city where it will be pre­ Proclew. A coroner’s Jury decid­ our service and to piaoe a full the Oregon state normal school ed from the edge of the c&ndl at When police and other bank of­ pared for burial. ed she died ns the result of time chaplain in every publio In* and will he conducted so a train-« the entrance of the underground ficials were called, the stranger Wns Falling «Tree bruises and from having boiling «(ttutlon where a chaplain la need- Ing school for the student teach­ • conduit, to the top of the bank dropped his valise to the floor, Mr. Vest, had been doing log­ A pair e f gaud* ueW socks and a floppy rag doll are keeping Paulina water poured on her. ers of the normal. gave it a kick and the terrific ex­ 0P- A piece of sagebrush broke under ging work for the Hilt company Longworth, daughter of Speaker-,Nicholas Longworth of the House of plosion followed. It was declared te he one of Dtotrlcto Given bis weight and he plunged 20 for the past six weeks. Accord­ Representative« and Alice Rooagvsit Longworth, very contented as the most brutal slayings reported feet down the bank into the ca­ All grade children from begin­ ing to testimony given nt the la- she plays, »bout the garden o f her parents' home at Cincinnati O. here In many years, and speedy nal. ners to the sixth grade who live quest, Vest and his men were arrest and conviction were ob­ Swept Into Tunnel west of Orenham and third streets bringing down a tree by use of a tained against the accused man. The five mile an hour current will go to. file Washington publio tractor. The tree swerved a bit in swept him Into the black maw of school. Those living east of Gresh­ it« downward fall and the top of the conduit. t am and Third streets will go to the massive pine struck Vest in His companions rushed for help. the Llacola school. American Uves Will Be Fro- head, crushing him to the ground. Margaret Herman aged 12, his Big Sums Will Be Paid To The seventh and eighth gradeg tected In Revolution He was dead when oth< workers sister, got his parents snd Jeff Those Who Convict w ill go to the new Jqnlor high Is Word rushed to his side, report- Armed Patient from State Thomas, his friend, called his un­ Many Girls Reported Miss Large Dealers school, which formerly wae thb ed. Asylum G im m s Tenor ing; Rumors Are Be- cle, Bob Colfell. The fire depart­ WASHINGTON. D. C„ Aug. Hawthorne grade school. The Tre deputy coroneMHd officials NEW YORK, Ang. 25.— Forty Alt Vancouver ingProbed ment rushed to the mouth of the Criminal ninal Negligence Charge 25.— (UP)— Thb United States 8th,. 10th. 11th and 12th grades of the Hilt Lumber Aimbpnny are special customs Inspectors have navy will dispatch two cruisers to will go to the senior high school. underground conduit at the foot Faced By Fast Auto now endeavoring to .gdt In touch ' VANCOUVER. » . O. Aag. 15. Nicaragua to protect American of Prospect and Upham with the been sent into New York harbor Driver The following to a list of teach­ NEW YORK, Ang. 26— Reports with the dead man's'wife. She — Armed with tw o guns, a lives which might be endangered ers for the Ashland Schools for pulmotor, hoping but hardly be­ In three boats to Investigate liq- is reported to be at.clim ter, Cal. of girls missing from various parts lac who recently escaped from the THE DALLES. Ore.. Aug. 21.— aa a result of the revolution In the year 1820*1017, lieving thot the youth could be quor smuggling from ocean lin­ No arrangements for ¿he f u n e r a l __ _______, ____ W ashington. state insane asylum of the East, and an unusual num­ (U P )—W aller Marx, son o f Coun- that country. The state depart­ ers. Their task will be to search alibe. ber of disappearances In this city will be made until s>q is located, near Tacoma, has been terrorto- vesseus in the trana-Atlantic trade 1 ty Roadmaater, F. W, Marx, to ment today requested the navy to Splashing Heard It Is thought the body win he lag residents of a suburb o f Vgn- within the past month, has stirred 1. — B. C. Forsythe, principal. and those coming from Sonth the police and private detective charged with criminal negligence •«»d ships aa a precautionary Suddenly, between 15 snd 20 shlpped to California fpp burial. coaver. , . - - 2. — Russell Crlpe, History and America. agencies to action. One girl van­ as a result of;-an automobile ac- «assu re But It Ifc not y et knows minutes after the boy plunged In­ The tdehtlty of .th e maniac to Athletic«. Information given to the new ished on her way home from a cldefit near Dafur Sunday in what ships will go or when they to the canal, L. R. Bean, Colwell. being witheld hy the police. The will depart. • y 3. — Howard Allison, School Sci­ rum sleuths will he paid for, up to convent school. Another girl dto- which Geeyge W. Qfimri, 33-year- Geo. Reed and others heard the roan has called at four 360.00«, according to tba 'value old rancher, waf klLled.. The evi­ ence. ■ appeared within a block from her - faint sound oT splnshlfig'.'farr ■far of the seTxunra penalties 'aad"b*il aastocnofng that -he to secrchln , , 4 ' Mm«to Maloney, Spanish irchluiHhome, while going to- aeuram r dence tended te show* the back In the Inky blackness of the forfeits resulting from the “tips, for his wife. I.—H .U. Bhsrtfcw.'WMMtoi. y store. Parents of a young girl driven hy Marx was on the wrong tunnel. Displaying the butt ends o f two 3.— Evangeline Poley. Home have received a pathetic letter, side of th e rqtd and traveling at The rescuers yelled to the large revolvers he — Making. reckess speed.' • ~~ hnnounced dropped rrom from a window some- youth to keep up courage and to Bind Eight Watchmen and ■ 7. — Grace Hawkyard, Mathe­ ° « n not pass the* acid i where, saying that a “terrible did * hold up for a short time longer, test With are Ira 1« going to matics. - Then Commit Daring woman and two dreadful foreign shoot.” • A few seconds later, young Bobbery 0.— Irene Berg, English. men” had locked her up in a room Herman, still swimming but tired 8. — M|rt«m Caimenson, Short­ where drunken/ awful men were . ♦ emerged from the blackness of the hand, bookkeeping. sent to her. An organised white CHICAGO. Ang. 25»— Binding L| i t Time tunnel into the moonlight. Ho Slave ring to suspected. 10.-—Juinlto Tarr. Typewriting. and gagging six watchman lifted his arm and willing hands Mrs. Florence Mellett Sues ,11.— Helen French, Smith- and then perfoi NEW YORK CITY, Ang. »5.— Alleged Slayers for he duties pulled him to the bank and safety. KLAMATH FALLS. Ore.. Aug. Hughe Hom« Economics. they were sup 6100,000 Rudolph Valentino la death drew do, eight Haves Sweater 25.— F. A. Fisher of Klamath 18.— Viola McDowell, Biology. . masked bandits to hto casket a greater throng yesterday He had, ho said, immediately Falls, alleged bad check artist, to CANTON, 6 ., Aug. 25.— (UP) ransacked the 13. — Mildred Crain, physical than he had ever drawn altve. the Wahl started to swim, and, aided by the - i S uit for-|100.000, naming«three being held in Portland by Mult­ Training. Pen company and The body ley in state at the Camp­ P«d with fast current, was swept rapidly men as slayers-of Don H. Mellett 120,000 in gold I, LAUhEL, Miss., Ang. 25 (U. nomah county officials, accord­ 14. — Laura Ragqae— Musfe and ed funeral church while an unend­ ency. . through the tunnel. His clothes was filytl in federal court late P .)— Mrs. Scoft Allen, 35. mother ing to word received In the city ing tine of peopla passed. Through Drawing. began to weigh him down, so ho yesterdpy on behalf of Mrs. Flor­ BAN FRANCISCO. — After 63 yesterday. of six children, was held In Jail 18.— Adrienne Haaard. Eng* the entire morning the throng took off his sweater. When saved ence E. Mellett. widow of the today for alayjng /o u r of her chll years at sea Captain T. J. Mac Flaher will be returned to itoh. moved through the room vhere dren. She y ea seised with a re genn, ’poet of the Pacific,” and Klamath Falls Thursday to an­ he still had the sweater in his slain newspaper editor. Th^ suit Junior High School the deed aotor lie«. Forty peraon« llgtoos frenxy, according to her for tbo past 15 years master of swer the charges.. Oarry Coxad hand. • will have the effect of throwing passed every minute. 1.— Ila Myers, Principal. neighbors, and killed her young the coastwise passenger vessel, the constable, to leaving today for The youth was calm when sav­ the entire murder Investigation 8. — Cleo Howell. Phystohl • ste n . Rose City, plying In and out of Portland. ed. He had saved his energy from into the federal court, It was de­ K Training and Science. Pacific ports, has left the sea. SAN JO8E, C«llf„ Aug. 26__ the Btart for the struggle he knew clared. Chris Blanas of the Arcade ho­ I.— Ethel Reid. History and The lure of the bounding main Police are investigating the mo­ he must undergo if he was to be tel holds the largest check triumphed over that of the bloom- amounting to 876. C Ivica. tive for the murder and suicide of saved. He even ventured a smile 4.— Edna Ooheea. English. Ipg heather when Macgenn, then Miss Susie Ellis, a waitress and and a Joke as he was being es­ 6. — Nora Ward, Oeology and a boy in his teens, ran away from William Wallace, her employer corted to his home near the city his Inland Scotland home to roam History. • and proprietor of the restaurant limits. LOS ANEL8B. Aug. 26>— (U- the seven seas 8.— Mali Carter, Orammar. in which the girl met her death. "I certainly had given my son P )— Heaylly veflbd and dreosed CHICAGO, Ang. >6.— Through 7. — Irene Sanders, Cooking sad Wallace committed toiclde while Me went to sea as a cabin boy. up fo[ lost,” Ross Herman, the In black Mtln erepe, Pols Negri PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 25.- Bowing. youth’s father admitted this UP)— Edward M. Croisan o f 8a- riding on a street car a few min­ the recent eapture of a burglar He left It as a captain who never left the Southern Pacifie station who had his facial appearance al loet a ehip, nor had an accident 8. — Bertha Denton, Nurse. morning. I could not see how he Iem was sworn here yesterday a . utes later. at noon today board tba Golden tered by surgery, attention was In his 45 years duty as the com 0.— Ltssle Merritt. Opportuni­ SALEM, Aug. 26. — Washing­ in th s f hlanlr fhp now ~ ™ay ns could last in that black tunnel. the new collector of custom for State Limited for New Yerk. She mander of ships. He left admired called to the, Ihcreasing new of ty Room Teacher. ton county has applied to the pub Nobody was more surprised than E sX " ’ SUCCeed8 the l«te Dr. plastic surgery by criminals to by passenger» and beloved by his lio service commislson for permls will attend the funeral of Ru I when he came through unscath­ Kart C. McFarland. Mr. Croisan is dolph Valentino Monday apd If escape Identification. On the pris­ orew. ed.” sion to construct a county roa/1 1. — Eldon Corthell. Principal., a ha. been oner was found * receipt for 3450 Thirty years ago the captain across the tracks o f tre United poMible will bring his body te 2. — Beuloh Hussey, Fourth o f Hollywood for burial. E ernZ i Wlt” rePUblfc- P^Hics paid to a surgeon for changing who has now songht the repose of Railways at grade, eliminating Fifth Orade. leadsman’s life, proved himself two other grade crossings, In­ the contours of tils ears, chin and 2.— Clara Andernon Second ASTORIA, Ore., Aug. 26 (U.P) nose. hero as a passenger aboard cluding one at Christie station, Orade, » — Two persons mqt violent deaths •sel coming up the coast. The Mid to he the moat dangerous 4.— Eugenia Carson First Grade in Clatsop county today when Mrs. bight was stormy and the ship grade crossing in the county. I . —Almira Schmidt, Fifth John Kyrons of Warrenton took went on the rocks near Monterey. Orad A. her life by drowning and George Hu Immediately took charge of the REDMOND, Ore., Aug. 25. (U. JAP NA VAI/ AIR FORCE Mildred Million— Fourth Grade. Netlson, 26, of Knappa, was killed panic stricken passengers, pushed p )— Taken suddenly ill while at­ DENIED NEW INCREASE RO8BBUR«, Aug. « I — Flf 7— Kneel Bruner, Second when hie motorcycle collided with them to safety on the ship’s rig- tending^ funeral services for her teen dosen bettles of beer. A8 Orade. an automobile. Mrs. Kyrons com­ tin g then took boatload after boat T brother-in-law. Paul C, Williams ° re’ crates of empties, 80-gallon (CeaUnned on Fnge Three) SPOKANE. Aug. >1.— “I know load of them ashore despite the TOKYO, (U P )— Japan’/ pro­ of Terrebonne, Mrs. John Wil­ the B r v a ^ ° L t,WU,n< ,nt#rMt «» mitted suicide by throwing herself crocks, one 10-gallon crock end in a mill pond following a quar­ the man who murdered my wife, angry sea which constantly threat posed naval air force must Rlvo Mountain Sawmill liams of Portland died here last coln^L other evidence showing wholesale rel with her husband. and I am going to Prosecuting •ned to capslse the email gig. evening. Heart trouble partially company was sold today by W c way In order to allow the auxil­ manufacture of beer was token In “ « " • a »» i . w o n . . „ °d Attorney Leavy with enough evi­ due to a changé in altitude is be­ iary warship construction pro­ a raid in which William Beeeroft dence to prove ¿hat I k n o w / lieved to have been the canse of John w est of Malin. The sale gram to proceed, according to de­ of Winchester was arrested. THE WEATHER Charles Hfcynea, husband of Ber- her death. th l "“ d t0 be end cision of Admiral Takeshi Tskar- — *■ ■ A nadine Hayes who wae killed hy a th« deal includes 40.000,000 feet Oregon— Fair in the InOqrlor abe, Minister of the Navy. It had TMNT BROW FLEABEB of standing timber. Th« mill has fall from a window o f. the Utah and cloudy in Western part and PORTLAND, Ora, Ang. II.— been expected that the air fores Oood, elMn comedy to being Of­ hotel last Thnred»y ddalared to- along the coast tonight and ■ capacity of 30,000 feet dally. would h« increased to two corps fered at the Jennings fs n t Show (U P )— The Marlon connty <>*r. PORTLAND, Ors., Ang. 25 Thursday. Oentle west winds. and a half, thus affording a mv - at Fonrth and B streets, according Jury which will hear el More interest is being .hewn In (U P )— Buss Artesa. heavy hitting ing of about 3840,900. n E m i l _ to those who have attended the ■gainst Frederick Steiwer the ball game -to be played be- outfielder o f the Oakland eoast 'I'! ' Naval authorities are annoyed performance« «0 fa r ,th is week. ebmlng the alleged corrupt tWeen Ashland and Medford next league baseball team, wns fined at the retrenchment policy of the The tent show came to' Ashland tie«« in the primary 1 OREGON CITY, Aug, 25.— Sunday than in a n / other game 160 here today by Harry Williams, Wakatsukl Cabinet which caus­ heralded as n eleaa, entertaining (U P )— Oregon City yesterday fil­ thus far yds year. All Indica­ league president, who Is vtottlng WhUe yen ara a gneet in our elty. be certain to vltolt Llthla ed postponement o f their pro-, troupe, end It bee more than lived “ ed suit against Clackamas county tions point to A record breaking here. The fine te punishment tor ratk , a playground e f many teres, with the main entrane« gram tor b u i l d i n g and ■"«• up to advance notice«, according *“ *t t i e Ftang, where Nature*« deepest beauties are feund for |4 » .0 8 0 J 7 , which It to'claim« crowd at the fair grounds when an argument Artless _______ had _______ with an Intend to put np a strong fight to those who* have attended. Hto* thb wnlba that lead yen through the fo n et border- bd to due the city in back road the tWo teams meet next Bunday 1 «»PH e *t Sacramento last Sun- lag oa Ashland «bak. for more money nt too approach' will ha here for the remainder afternoon. I day taxes over a period of years. ing Maaton. of th« WMk. MÏSMMMT »WS KM f f ijt n w Of M M WHITE SLAVE RING IN M S I B f C O M MILES ÏOlIffl w n R G im s IS HELD FOR TRIAL BMDIMW ffUMEMmir cnmiE onn I h OUSANOSW ECT Alleged Forger Held In Portland Mother Is Held 'VMcm For Slaying of Her 4 Children Veteran Skipper Plans to Retire Murders Waitress and Kills Himself Plastic Surgery ; Used By Crooks Croisan Is Sworn In As Collector Pola Leaves For Valentino Burial New County Road Is Being Sought Two Meet Sudden Death In Clatsop Dies Suddenly At Redmond Funeral Klamath Sawmill Claims to Know Who K illed Wife Purchased Today Î County Is Sued , For Road Taxes Buzz Artlett Is Given #50 Fine ^ „ l ».! VISIT LITHIA PARK Beer Garden at Roseburg Raided Steiwer Jury to Meet Next Month