malaria germs Cannot snrvive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. 'Th» Tiding» Bta» Ashland’» (United VOL. X I,IX to the Semi-Weekly Tidings. T o B u m < team Be inn PRISONER I $ ■ R I H OUT TO TRIM FALLSPROHI COE’S HELD HQŒ AS PEAR PICKERS CHURCH n 1 Star Players Purchased Iq Order to Avenge 17 to 0 Defeat .. DIRECTORS GET BUST “ Anything to Beat Med ford’ I* Battle Ory of - Local Magnates California Visitors Nabbed Just as They Start delivery K L A M A T H FA LLS, Ore., Aug 24. — Big hearted western hos pitallty was extended last night to two Californians by a quartet of prohibition officers. The two T idings ly ftewapaper For Nearly Fifty Years Wire Service) ASHLAN D CLIMATE Without thf e- of medicine cares nine oases/ t of ten of asthnwy This is a < ren fact. ASHLAND, OREGON, fyK SDAY, AUGUST 24,1926 3 . Eigftt W omçii^n Grand Jury in Mçllett Murder Case pomm expert m Í.1EAI CROWD I BE IH ASHLAND FOR General Problems of the In­ dustry To Be Consid- sidered Here H. Roll« Royoe, Ex-Preacher, Has Had Colorful Career , . NO. 301 GETS GLIMPSE OF VALENTINO Mob Breaks Window and Poultryrnon of Ashland and vi­ Ties Up Traffic At cinity will he Interested In know­ Funeral Parlor ing that H, E. Cosby, poultry spe­ RECORD •• IS DISCLOSED cialist of the Oregon Agricultural FUNERAL P^ANS MADE College, will bo in th e’eounty Fri­ Caught Here With Article* day of this week. Body To Lie In State Today ■ and Saturday • Thought Stolen From ■ ■ Culling demonstrations have With Services On Mon­ Three Churches been, arranged by R, G Fowler, day Morning After a month of In' iy county officials and special detectives, a grand Jury has* been county agent. at J. E. Judy’s on A t one time an ordained preach­ sworn in at Canton, O„ to N E W YORK C IT Y Aug. 24.— itlgate the murder by underworld leaders of Don R, Mellett, pub- ’Griffin Creek near Medford at Usher of t},s Canton Daily er end even f®t • deep student who was shot down because of his attack on vice and politics. This (U P )— The public today was giv­ 9:30 A. M., Friday and at the shows the 16 members of the Just as they began their deliberations. of the Bible, H arry Rolls Royce; Smith Poultry Farm. Ashland at en a chance to pay tribute to the sx-convlct end suspected 2>nrg- 1 :3 0 p , M , of the same day. In memory of Rudolph Valentino. lar, has gone back to the pulpit the evening n general meeting will After the crowd ‘ which began to rob— and not to preach— In the be held at the city hall, Ashland forming at 8 o’clock had grown to opinion of Chief of Police Me at 8:00 P. M. At this meeting pro­ over 3000 and had gone so far be­ Nabb. who is * investigating thu blems coming to the poultrymen yond police control that a win­ at this time of the y ea r‘will be dow was smashed in the funeral prisoner’s pest record. discussed. parlor those In charge threw oo- Royce was picked up between ■ * en the doors of the funeral home here and Talent last week by All poultrymen are urged to a t­ Traffic Sergeant Nichols and M en I n d uoed to toOomi Commit SUL B A R TLETT. Ore., Aug. 24 — Man Who Tried to Over­ tend at least one or all of these an hour ahead of time. throw Government 1» cide bvOomelv B Several were Inju red ’ In the Buda- lodged in the Ashland Jail. In ­ meetings. The success of the In­ (United Press) — One three-min­ Released from Prison dustry depends largely on average! m ,,,,ng crowd. Others had fa in s vestigation showed him to he an part Matron ute round was all a large rattle­ egg production and flocks must be ‘,<1 and severe disorders were fear- ex-convict out of both San Quen­ snake was F o rth when he set up A U STIN , Tex., Aug. 24 (U .N .) tin and Folsom prisons, w ith an culled to get this high production ed unless the place wns opened. BUDAPEST, Aug., 24.— (U P .) with a setting hen guarding her — Former Mexican general, Jose pen. hen. While the crowd milled and extensive record In crookdom. — Charged with Inciting six dif­ eggs. The fight started when the visitors were solicitously escorted to the county Jail. Tired and dnaty from thblr long trip J. F. Ektrom and Henrv Ex­ “ Anything to beat Medford!” line brought th e ir big sedan to That was the battle-cry which rang oat last night at a meeting stop before a house on California o’clock last of the directors of the Ashland avenue, at 10:30 night. They h id Just started to Baseball club when It was voted to spare no expense In strengthen­ get out of the car when the pro- ing 'he local team in order Io hia swarmed out of the shadows and placed the two men under ar­ administer a decisive defeat to rest on the charge of possession Medford next Sunoay. of Intoxicating liquor. “ We can’t, win the pennant so I t proved to be one of the big let’s spoil Medford’s party.” gest hauls of liquor this month. Team Strengthened T h irty one-gallon Jugs full of var­ This was another brother? ious grades of Alleged moonshine sentiment expressed by the local and one tea-gallon barrel of the directors, and Just to show they contraband spirits were taken. meant business they got busy on The two Californians, according the wires and purchased outright to officers, were in the act of mak­ two of the best players In the ing a delivery to a local bootleg­ Rangel, and Charles Cline, an Am­ fought outside , services f o r Stolen Property , ferent young men to commit sufc- snake, colled in front of the hen, league, who will appear In Ash­ ger when apprehended. They w ill erican, were granted full pardons Francis G. Adams or New York Three typewriters, a saxphone ctde, a young Budapest widow and her regulation thirteen eggs, land uniforms next Sunday. The be brought before Justice of the form the Texas penitentiary by were going on Inside. When the and other suspected stolen pro-1 has been token In custody by the struck at her. The “ mother” fowl Governor Miriam A Ferguson F ri­ names of these players w ill be an­ Peace R. A. Em m ltt today. service was ended it was round perty was found In a battered old local police, leaped two feet in to the air and day. nounced Wednesday or Thursday. Impossible to remove the casknt fllver which he drove. A fte r A seventh, instead of yielding avoided the blow. Clawing at the In the meantime, the local fans from-the chapel. Several attempts several hours of questioning, to her persuasive argument that snake she sunk her beak deep into Rangel and Cline were under are urged to take heart and ar-: r i n m is Royce admitted the stuff had " It would be beautiful to take the rattle r’s body, tearing him to sentence of 99 years In connection were made to clear away tho range their affairs so they can be crowd but they were unsuccess­ been stolen but denied being the poison end die la the arm s of a bits. In three minutes the snake with the fomenting of a plot in B y w f f l t t H w i s r present next Sunday afternoon Rogue River Park To Be The ful. burglar. beautiful w o p an ,” broke away was dead. Demmlt county, Tex., to over­ and see the lowly Lithlans hum­ Scene of Meeting From Last night came a message from her embraces and rushed to throw the Mexlcaif government ble the Medford Pear Pickers. J Sept. 6 to 9 from Sheriff Bower at Salem. I the nearest police station, in 1923b N EW YO RK C IT Y Aug. 24.— A fter considerable discussion it Failure to Provide Drinking stating that a typewriter and The method which abe employ, W ith about 20 followers they (U P )— S. George Ullman Ru­ A four-day encampment of the was voted to play next Sunday's Cups io Oitv Park saxaphone had been stolen from *d was to Induce her victims to started a march to the border and dolph . Valentino’s, manager an­ Southern Oregon Soldiers’ and game at the county fair ground*. a Salem church last week. The J commit suicide w ith . k er. To Arouses Ire were Intercepted by Demmlt conn- 8allora* Reunion aaaeclgtlon will nounced funeral plans for the star From all indications the . largest stolen atlcles were among the each 8hp save reel poison while ty orflcerh. ThC revol u 11 on lets be held at Rogue River park, at who died yesterday. The body crowd of the season w ill be on ....M yra R. Colins .of Pasadena, possessions of Royce when he ®he drank * harmless potion of were successful In the encounter Rogue River, from September 6 to will lie In state from 4 o’clock this handi and the local park at Jack- _ I the same color. doesn’t think much of the Idee of was picked up here. Leslie Ganes Grows Weaker and took two of the officers pris­ 9, Inclusive, according to an­ afternoon until midnight. Funer­ son Hot Springs will be fa r too paying for the, paper cups w ith oners, one of whom was later shot nouncements received here by al services will be held at to Churches Robbed Following Shotting By small to accommodate the hun­ Later came a long-distance which to drink lith la water in when ho refused to carry a pack local members of the association. o’clock Monday morning at the Officers dreds of fans who w ill want to sgs WUHa Park, here. for the rebels. nweeage from Sheriff Stormer at g » ' ‘ T” ' ~ Those In charge have Issued a "Actor’s Church” St. Malachi. It the game. She so expressed herself in a Roseburg, saying a church PUELO. Calò., Aug? 2 t‘—-fffP) special Invitation to Spanish W ar is planned to take the body to “Brotherly Love quite forceful manner la a postal there had been entered and a — Still fighting for his life. Les­ Veterans and American Legion Hollywood, for burial. A friendly spirit of comrae- card which waa- received by the typewriter and other article« sto­ lie Ganes. 14-year-old bandit, wa, Pola Negri is expected td . ar­ members, together with their aux-j ship always characterizes. clashes chamber of commerce yesterday. len. The typewriter answers reported today to he weaker.. rive here from Holyrood In time lllarles. Tents will be furnished between Ashland and Medford. She states: the description of one in the I Legion Post in Arkansas None of the four bullets in the those who desire to camp during for the funeral. Relations are always so nice and " I f your city Is too poor to pro­ possession of the ex-convict held boy’s body has been removed, as the four days. Colonel W illiam Probes Charges of Im­ cordial and good-natured. Argu­ vide public drinking cups in the here. physicians feared if an attempt Lyman 1s commander of the as morality ments lietween the two towns are park without charging a price, I Then, to make the case ap­ were made to operate on him it Investigator For United R<” ,"Hon and Bertha E-Adams is unknown. Each will go a long pity you. To me that certainly is MA— W _ a was . + parently competed. Chief Me would cause immediate v death. adjutant. States Finds Eleven ways to help the other. the lim it and reflects on yonr hos- Nabb recelbed word from McMIn L IT T L E ROCK. A rk., Aug 24— The youth was shot last Tuesday. Following Is the complete pro­ in Cells W ell, that’s just the way it’s go­ pitallty and intelligence as a vllle th a t> a church had been Investigations Into charges that gram for the encampment: ing to be next Sunday. Ashland people.’’ robbed there last week and a a Mine, A rk., college was eham Monday, Sopt. 6— Opening of ABOARD CUTTER MJNDORA, plonlng free lore, sovietism and is determined to do its best ta quantity of articles Including a I Philippines, Aug. 24.— Eleven lep- Camp. other teachings opposed to Amer­ help Medford; that is, help Med­ a « l’’ W a r , New typewriter stolen. i ers, two of them women, were Tuesday. 10:00 a. m.— Address ican principles was under way to ford lose the league leadership. York BooUpvtrer. Now The chief is waiting until the I day by the executive committee found In two dismal cells of the of Welcome by Mayor H. W. I t ’s going to he one of those lady­ Out of Jail »«rial numbers ° old provincial Jail at Cadiz, which Sparks of Rogue River. lo u « » » » h i . tbee* var_ of th# ,ta te American Legion, like contests where no holds are Colonel Carmi Thompson Inspect­ Afternoon — Chester A. Arthur, before recelTed b,m Introduction of a resolution de N EW YORK. Aug »4— W illla imrred and you protect yoursolf Dlaint .”1 . * formal com- mending the college cloae Its doors Doors of Undertaking Parlor ed before leaving for Cebu Island. W. R. C.s of Medford will enter­ V. Dwyer, convicted of conspiracy at all times. The lepers had been held eleven tain. n» s unusual p rls -lth re w the state convention of the Rushed By New York to violate t||C prohibition laws In The local ball clnb isn’t for­ The Mexican Religious War oner. months without treatment of any Evening — W. H. Harrison. W. legion Into an siproar last night fCrowd federal court July 26. was released Takes New Turn By getting the first two games of the kind It is understood treatment R. C.s ot Central Point will enter­ 1« Bible Student yesterday from the Tombs prison Official Message tain. league season. The local team In addition to his training and N E W YO RK CITY, Aug. 24 — will be provided. In $50,000 bail on order of Judge In the same ja il, the inspection was badly clppled. In fact, It Wednesday, 10:00 a. m.— Bust Martin T. Manton. service a . a preacher of the ( U P ) — A crowd of nearly 500 was in a terrible condition. But M EXICO CJTY, Aug. 24.— (U - gospel, Royce is likewise a short Persons gathered In front of the party , found W iliam Johnson of mess meeting and election of offl- E. C. Cochran, an associate, was Medford gleefully chalked up as P ) — Ail early settlemeat of the story w riter and poet, and at one undertaking establishment today I New York, an American seaman, cers. released on $25.000 ball. many runs .as possible and laugh religious controversy Afternoon — Burnsides W. R. where Rudolph Valentino's body, who has been waiting trial five between time was associate editor of the Both men were Identified with ed aloud. That first 17 to 0 de­ church and state seemed impos­ San Quentin Bulletin, printed by but. police managed to shut the wcekR on a petty larceny charge. C. of Ashland will entertain. an extensive rum running syndi­ 6:00 p. m. — Salmon bake. feat of the locals has always sible today. Hopes of an immed­ the convicts of San Quentin p ri,- doors after a hard Struggle. cate Evening — Gen. Logan W. R. rankled In the tender breasts of iate peace were removed by a on. Mildred Knudsen. Aged 6, Is C.a of Grants Pass will entertain. the Ashland directors. Among his numerous type­ statement of the episcopate In Struck Down By Auto Thursday, 10:0fl a. m. — In ­ To Avenge Insults which the church announced its written manuscripts In the hands Woods&w stallation of officers. i— < i. , But every dog has his day. intention to stand fast against all of the police is an extensive ee- Noon. 12:00 m. — Basket din­ Likewise It’s a long road thnt compromise, pending further In­ ° n the Bible, which .h o w . PORTLAND Ore. Aug. 24 — ner. doesn’t have a detour. And next structions from Pope Plus In his Intimate knowledge o f relig­ (U P )— Deaths from traffic acci­ Afternoon, 2:00 p, m. — Judge Sunday afternoon at the county Rome. ious work. B ELIN O H A M . Wash., Aug. 2b. dents In Portland ’since the first G. H. Thomas will speak. fa ir grounds at the hour of 2:30. -A needle left In his intestines The prisoner declines to tell of the year mounted to 26 today during an operation In the mld- LONDON, Aug. 24.— (U P ) — 3:30 p, m. — American Legion. Ashland expects to wipe out all much of his earlier life, but his CHICAGO, Aug. 23 (U . N .) __ with the death of Mildred Knud- dlewest Mrs. Emeline Pan^hurst, famous Evening — Daughters of Veter­ the insults which have been h u rl­ bows: they are responding to a de- appearance la that of a well een aged 6 who was killed when death here of lio rn a s 8 J Boch’ í m ,,’tRnt "Uffra* '" t ’ ‘>°wn ans will entertain. ed this way. By beating Medford educated m a n ;,* man who. for The wets are not chasing raln- Friday — Camp breaks. struck by an automobile wood- -» .-.i i , _ . | to posterity as a modern "saint" __________ In this final game Ashland can mand from every part of the na­ some reason, went wrong, and saw which s4u n g around a corner hack, 61. P‘an . are on foot for the dedlca- Camp F ire and Fife and Drum today that when they operated on help either Grants Pass or Klara trod crookdom’« seductive path tion for immediate modification tlon* of a stalned stained glass glass window music each evening. ea ah. stepped off the curbing. Bocknack recently they found the which led tw shame, disgrace and ath Falls 0 go into a tie w ith the of the Volstead act. George E. to her In the Ethical church. Lon­ Horseshoe pitching and otjier 8AN FRANCISCO. - Aug. 24.— prison. needle, had caused an Infection Pear Pickers for league leader- Brennan, foremost of the wet can­ don. Mrs. Parkhurst herself will old fashioned games. that resulted In his Illness. didates in the congressional elec­ shp. The local players are hop­ (U P )— Future forest fires might be depicted In the window, much Rules of Camp read every morn­ tions this fall, (leclared In an In­ ing Grants Pass w ill win the rag, not be so destructive I f volunteer as saints are represented In the ing. vHlage fire departments In the terview here. and that’s why they’re ready to stained glass windows of many There will be one watermellon Brhnnan, who Is a democratic Wo to any length to defeat Med­ danger ones would call on Col. churches. day. Frank I. Bolles, commander 6f candidate for the United Staten ford. b Senatorshlp, believes that prohi­ AH in all, It looks like it ’s San Frahclsco Presidio. DANVILLE. 111., Aug 24. — W hile making an’ Inspection bition la the one outstanding issue going to be a regular ball game ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. 24, — Bandits who toted a 400-pound of the present campaigns, and out there next Sunday. And lo ■tour of the Presidio recently, the After saving himself and a 1 J -year aafe out of John Stewart's butcher N E W YORK, Aug. 24. — Her that party lines will crumble be­ cal folks who w ill derive any colonel unearthed enough hand old youth from an enraged bull ■hop got careleta end loet Jt. The husband told her he was saving drawn fire apparatus, Including fore it when the voters go to the satisfaction in seeing Medford by climbing a tree Louis Ifaefell ■•fa wea found unopened about money to buy her coffin and asked SE A TTLE, Wash., Aug. 24.— polls to Noveember. humbled should be on hatad. books, ladders and hose reeja fell ten feet from the tree and « miles east of town at the road- her why she didn’t die or commit (U P )— Eighteen thousand mile* B E R K E L E Y , Cal.. Aug. 24 — T t,y #quip a do,#n t »- died from a broken neck Thy ’H get their money’s worth aide where apparently It had fall­ suicide, Mrs. Irene U. Wallach, of eggs were laid by Washington (U P )— Being born armless has la»e«. since the advent of motor and then some. en unnoticed from the bandits’ swore In her application for sepa­ hens last year. proved no handicap to Miss Mar­ ?ret7on tha or»a° - truck. The safe contained several ration from Maxwell M W a ll­ The figures were tabulated by tha Francis Hale. 22-ye*r-old San ° n of the Preeldlon « re de­ hundred dollar«. ach. the extension service of Washing­ Francisco girl, honor graduate of partment, manned by soldiers aiid ton State college, and showed that the University of Callfonla. modeled after the San Francisco the poultry Industry to Washing­ When the university opened Its LONDON, Ang. 24— A central w o r t r T J ’ hBndreds * dollar, ton has grown 62 per cent In the fall semester. Aug. 16. It was re WASHINGTON. Aug. 1 4— B o I h News dispatch fror Sofia says the - 8PRINGFIELD. 111., A s « « 4 — worth of hand drawn «wlpment bed hair 1« eo popular In 8weden last five years. ■ - ■ ' faculty y -x " * a N I Serbians Tiave concentrated more Prohibition agents raided an old ha. been .legated to permanent that barbers are being Imported While you are a gneet to our eity. he certain to vllslt Lithla Tqe 0^hens In the state member, holding a teaching fel- .then one fuU regiment along abandoned Baptist church near storage. Perh. « playground of many acres, with the main entrance avernged 9.) l - j nggn each during lowahlp In social hygiene , She al- from foreign countries, according Bulgarian frontier near at the Elana, where Npture’e deepest beauties are found Colonel Bolles expressed a d e - here and seised a 300 gallon still, to a report by Consul General ’ y#ar' end to end the ro Intends taking a post g ra ’ uate xa where members of along the walks that lead yon through the foreet border- mash and five gallons of grain al­ ” re »o donate the apperatn. to Dawson of Stockholm, to the de­ * »ould reach 18.000 m iles,rourse In social economics tk‘s adjl have shown the moat lag on Ashland fhWak. cohol. any towns willing tp cart It away. partment of commerce hers the stotlstlclehe said. I year recently. FASONATING WIDOW Rattler Killed MA m By Setting Hen M S I X DEATHS Who Guards Nest GIVES fflEM NS TO STAGE n YDUTHfUL SIM'S «MS «MINI» « Gram i m S E B f f lN E B R U B BUI MOB IK S 10 SEE SETTIEMENT SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE M 'n W Gnu is AUTO M M Misplaced Needle Held Cause Death Mrs. Pankliurst Will Be Painted , As Genuine Saint Brennan Insists Country Is Wet In His Campaign Will Give Fire Apparatus Away Neck Broken In Safe Tlrope Off Bandits’ Tfnck Thoughtful Hubby Fall From Tree Would Buy Coffin Washington Heirs. Armless Girl Is Establish Record Honor Graduate Moonshiners Use Abandoned Church Serbians Ready To Fight Again Sweden Importing Foreign Barbers ,, VISIT LITHIA PARK