ly T idings malaria germs Caanot survive three months in the rich ozone at AshUad. Pure domestic water helps. i ^The = a sa -Weekly Tinte«. ▼on. ZMX HO8 Ashland's A/ew«paper fo r Nearly Fifty Years Wire terries) 41 ASHLAND, OREGON, AUGUST 20, 1926 POLICE fiRÂB1 John ®n<^ers ^as H O : STORAGE J H f c a SITES EDITOR FRO« CALIFORNIA BY OmCIALS Sinclair Lewis Pick and Shovel Experts “Licked” i Harry Rolls Royce Prove To Be A Notorious Ex- Convict HELD POR BURGLARY Admits Having Quantity of Stojen Property When Arrested Jackson county la a bad vncn tlo» country (or California odl- tors. One of them arrived here laxt night and today he la languishing in the Ashland eity Jail on a ten­ tative charge o t burglary. H e w ill be taken to iacksoarllle while his record la being Investi­ gated, according to Chief of Po­ lice McNabb. .The editor answers to the dis­ tinguished name of H arry Rolla Royce. He at one time waa asso­ ciate editor of the San -Quentin Bulletin, printed by and for the convicts in California’s noted pen­ itentiary. H e also has held down editorial Jobs at Folsom prison, where he sojourned for a time. Nichols Makes Arrest Royce was arrested between here and Talent last night by State Traffic Sergeant Nichols af­ ter he had Visited in Medford yes­ terday afternoon, where he sold a typewriter, * vacuum sweeper a n j a cot (or f7 . tt » ...... I , » » . . . . a I Anybody wanting a I good pick and ahovel ex- ( pert might get in touch I with John Enders after ! next week, as' his present I job probably w ill be com­ pleted and be w ill be open for engagements. The Enders family have decided to Install a fur­ nace, but they need a basement beneath their home on the Boulevard. - A fam ily vote was taken and John was elected un­ animously for the job. lie started last night, and according to family reli­ able reports, he had dug down to the depth of near­ ly a foot before he quit. By the time he gets the job completed— If ever— he believes he will he In shape to take on similar Jobs. H e tried without success today to enlist the aid of Andy McGee. "Lot’s practice trench ’ digging.” he suggested, but Andy said he prefer­ red working for J o in D. instead of switching over to John E. y ' • * ,,vr. - Post Will ELECTION FAD ' Legion Sponsor Project MURDERER OF STREET BONDS T„ Benefit Ot, DAUGHTER IS WILL BE HELD TO BE HANGED i Council, Mayor and Engi- >1 - near* Inspect Ashland J Creek Canyon ELECTION IS DELAYED ' City Council Fixes Sept. | | As Date Por Voting on >5000 Issue NEED IS IMPERATIVXj « — Complete Project To Be Put Before Voters Next November With Street Fund Depleted,] Much New Work Advis­ able At Once Two storage dam sites were tentatively selected by Mayor Johnson and members of the eity council yesterday at an all-day inspection of the Ashland Creek Canyon. I One of the sites (s'known at the! W lnburn site near the W lnburn] cabin, and the other is about * quarter of a mile below the W in- burn cabin at what is known ns the McKIsaick site. F a v o r One Site Both the city officials and en Princess M aria de Bourbon, a Member of the Spanish royal house, glneers who accompanied them’ who is visiting Mrs. B. G. Dahjherg at International Falls, Minn appeared favorable to the McKls- has met Sinclair Lewis, America's famous author, amid most unroyal slck site if preliminary investiga­ settings. This picture shows Mrtr. Dahl berg at the left, Mr. Lewis tions prove It to be feasible. ■ in the center and the princess at the right. The council.authorised Frank D illard, an engineer, to tako charge of a il preliminary engi­ neering work, while an expert dam engineer w ill be employed to dtgw plans for the project when the site is fin ally selected. Citg W ater Superintendent Bari ’ ------------ * ’• ■ : Hosier was instructed by the Chicago Plans Homo in Ef- Pioneer Ashland Resident council to proceed immediately fort To Prevent Criminal Succumbs While On Va­ w ith teat holes At both sites to de­ Attacks cation Trip termine the location of bed rock. Ashland residents w ill be asked to authorize the mayor and city council to sell bonds in the sum ot >6000 for the purpose or improv­ ing the streets of the city. A t a special council meeting held yesterday upon the return of the city officials from an inspec­ tion of the water situation In Ash­ land Creek canyon, a resolution calling the special election for September 1, was adopted by un­ animous vote. W o rk to U rg e n t » a » à tt tt Members of the local American Legion post will start and complete some worthy civic, project during the codling fall and winter months. This was the decision reached this week after a full discus­ sion or the winter’s activi­ ties. Some worth-while pro­ ject which will he of ben­ efit to the entire city is now sought by the ex-ser­ vice men. The post will ask for suggestions from the people of Ashland and from the list of the things suggested they will select the project which in their opinion will prove of most value to the city. Last year the Legion post at Albany purchased a new ambulance for the city and thereby won a silver cup for being of more service to its com­ munity than any other post in the state. The local post will en­ deavor to win that honor before the state conven­ tion rolls around next year. , . Jurors Reach Speedy Ver­ dict In Sensational * Seattle Trial - ASK DEATH PENALTY Three Women On Jury That Convicts Father of Girl’s Death SEATTLE, Wash., Aug; 20 (U. P .)—Convicted of the murder of his daughter, W al­ lace Gaines sat today in his narrow cell in the county jail aw aiting the formal imposi­ tion of the death sentence. The jury o f three women, all mothers, and nine men last night found Gaines guil­ ty of first degree murder and recommended death by hang­ ing. “ What a body blow,’’ sobbed Gaines a« the death sentence was read. The early decision of the jurors came as a surprise to those who had followed the case since its start. It was generally felt the jury wonld he out for a long time, but the speedy verdict indicated there was but little argument The resolution, which is p rint­ ed elsewhere in full in this issue of The Tidings, calls attention to fact that there is much uncom­ pleted street work to be done in the normal school sidewalk dis­ trict. and the council believe« this tt » 8 tt 8 tt work should be borne by the en­ » tt tt tt tt tire city rather than by the abutt­ ing property^ There I r also other work which should l>e done in other sections of the city, it was declared. The sum of >5000 w ill not »o -Am o e g hto •Wects in aLbettered more than enough to carry o i the <’W, For^ h* driving were two street work properly for the re ­ more typewriters, a saxaphone. a mainder of the year, 1 b the belief C7TTCAGO, A n g .2 0 .—^-Kdvedto Same«* Pennistos, *1« tent and a qaadttty o f expensive Serioog Charge b ‘of the administration, which hopes Placed The McKisslsk site was de­ action by the recant epidemic -of within the jury romp Ashland resident and known an to have the voters authorise thia linens. He admitted, the police clared to be the best for a large Against Quartet; Hear­ Many my Raids Being Made Ini The state’s case was main- — — — - — ■ — ■ ■ i aw w as girls, w attacks on county author! the father of the granite Indus say, that they were stolen but re­ bond issue. ing Saturday d att. It being estimated that 1100 ties have announced the' eetab- E ff°rtT ° Halt Steady I fy circumstantial although try in this city, died suddenly at fused to divulge how he got them, Judges Named . acre feet of water could be stored lishment of a colony (or morons Crime Wave ; l„,Bre were who except to say he picked them up In 8:30 last night in a summer The resolution stipulates that K L A M M A T H FALLS. Ore., Aug at that point, o r m entally deficient children. Portland. camp at the mouth of the Klamath the .polls shall be open from . 8* a. 20.— Charged with contributing Chicago, Aug. 20— ( up .)— I ^ ® d they saw Gaines at the Instead of holding the water Two buildings have been set riv er near Requa. Death was dno m. to 8 p. m. on Sept. 1, and two He blandly admitted the pro­ to the delinquency of a young bond election In conjunction with aside a t the Infirm ary In Forest w ith o u t the blare of publicity nnd (scene of the murder on the to heart disease. Mr. Penniston polling booths w ill be provided. perty "hot s t if f ,” which, in the Indian girl, under the age of 1« the street bond issue, the council predictions which night hlS pretty daughter parlance qf the underworld, fy years, Foster Barkley, Francis 811 by unanimous vote decided to hoJd Park, III., for the colony and It is was 7» years of age. In the first ward the city hall will extravagant « .« .1 1 , . . . b c « m p .l*n s .lw a 8 fo u n d b r u t a ll , b now ready to receive patients, • W ith his son, W. B. Penniston, be used, and in the second ward stolen property. ver, John Duvall and "Speck it a t the time of the general elec-' those who are 45 to <0 per cent the Chicago police departm ent!;, , J , the elderly granite man had gone use will be made of the Fourth Affcnita Guilt Woods, were arrested late yester tlon. I t was thought advisable is making its sweep of gangland. 8*,o re 8 O f Green Lake. normal, Anton J. Cermak, presl- to the coast on a brief vacation. street fire station. “ You've got me dead to right? day afternoon following the sign­ The city and suburban haunts I The defense attorneys an- procure all necessary data in or- dent o f the county board, an- He appeared to be In good health Judges in the first ward will bn and I ’m ready to get it over ing of a complaint against the der that the voters wonld have, nounced. of beer running gangsters arelnounced they Would take an and waa enjoying his trip. He ar­ B. M. Shoudy, R. P. Campbel) an J w ith ,” he smiled to the police fo l­ quartet by Leroy D. Arnold, sup- the complete water prqgram be- giving their denisens up to t h e |a p‘p e a j " I t to the duty of the state to rived back at their camp at 6 o’- Beth Johnson. In the second lowing a severe grilling this morn­ intendent of the Klamath Indian law In greater numbers than ev-1 fore they were asked to> authoriz- care f Or these children And give clock last evening and within half ward the Judges will be Mrs. Chas. ing. reservation. ed a bond issue of approximately them a chance to attain norms! er before. an hour he suffered a stroke and Robertson, G. W. Trefren and J. About the only thing the police Specifically, the young men are >500,000. Smashing and spectacular raids womanhood and manhood,” Cer­ death came before aid could be M. Beaver. were certain the California editor charged with having given the girl like those which followed the mak said, "but I felt that we could given him really owned was the old For35 to pay for the >50 apiece. P. Dodge and Sons. more effective offensive, under car. M r. Pqnniston came to Ash­ Barkley is an old offender. He direction of Detective Chief Shoe- A. Spencer Brou To Royce also had in a suitcase nu land in 1903 and almost Immed­ has served the longest sentence in gang haunts. Shoemaker’s re Local Hospital N iately Interested himself in the merous manuscripts of short »lor­ a Klamath county ja il, between maker. Instead of raiding the Broken Ribs ies and poems, showing he is of granite business. He discovered Neuro Says He Serves Fate; »05 and MOO days. Woods form er­ Mexican Government Will organised detective squads mere­ a highly literary nature. He al- the granite-quarry 800,000 sults, where running bluecoats fell from a building, sustaining Episcopal church. Burial will he convict out of both Folsom and last words of W illiam Hoyer. a and clanging suffered during revolutionary out­ patrol wagons several fractured ribs and other «n Quentin. His as about 60 PO RTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 20 — in Hargadine cemetery, where the negro, who was executed late last fall," Shoemaker breaks in Mexico seem doomed to Ha wab said. "Our painful lacerations. « ■ l o s t i n t s yAars old. Masons will conduct the graveside night in the electric chair for the men are bringing In from 16 to brought to the Community hosplta rejection due to the fact that they Lots of aecuritlea consigned to services. shooting of ' his five-year-old 25 gangsters a day. "The valley" nl where he was reported thin arrived here Wednesday when thn Oregon which were stolen from The deceased is survived by daughter. the Union Pacific train near Raw­ David Dennis, father Is almost depopulated of bad morning to be ranting anally. Ha time lim it for reception o f such lins, Wyo., Saturday totalled four sons and one daughter. They of six children, who was convicted characters.” Is expected to recover but w ill b4 claims was midnight Tuesday. •re W . B. Penniston of Petaluma. of murdering 2 street ear employ­ — - - -—«. ■* A mall pouch from the United >300,000* it was learned today. Incapacitated for several weeks. Of thia sum >100.000 was con­ P- H., C. W„ and F. 8. Penniston es during a hold up, died protect­ Ha baa been employed recently qg States containing these claims Rivers In Ohio Running Over of Ashland, and Mrs. Mary Broker ing his Innocence. nlgbtwatchmaa at the Copco probably w ill he refused by the signed to the state treasury fo r of Aahland. Banks As Result of the w ar veterans* aid commission, plant on the lower Klamath river. special commission appolntea N O R TH BERGEN, N. J., Aug. of Rainfall thé Mexican government, tt .a and the remainder was being 20.— Anton Resit, 1 6,’ who top­ pointed out that while the com­ sent to Portland banka. A ll were pled off the top of the Palisades C IN C IN N A T I, O„ Aug. 20.— mission probably w ill reject these covered by insurance, go neither N E W .Y O R K , Aug. 20.— For­ above the Hudson and rolled and ( U P )— Waters of the L ittle and belated applicant^, the'claim ants the banks nor the state will lose eign magazines containing liquor fell two hundred feet to the val­ Big Miama rivers are running ov­ advertisements will be barred ley below, w ill survive the exper­ er their banka today as the re­ may file them against the United THE WEATHER States government for apparent frdm the United States If a tents M exico e r n r , Ang. 20.— ( upi ience. Bruises were his only In­ m it of a rainfall which has brok­ Oregon— Unsettled tonight and The County Superintendent — Four persons were killed nn/1 tive ruling by Edward S. Barnes negligence of the postoffice d juriée. * en all records. The Ohio river Is Saturday w ith probable showers etates that Eighth Grade Exam­ four wounded yesterday in a gun Mrs. Josephine Lae, aged 45 partment. acting solicitor of the United reported at the 2 8-foot mark and In southwest Oregon. inations will be given at the Court battle starting when seven men States customs house hero, to sus­ year«, died hdre yesterday. She la still rising, o th e r rivers are formerly resided la Dunsmuir b it House In Jacksonville on Septem­ ambushed Governor Thomas Gar­ tained. swollen. Three persons i According to an Irish university ber 2nd and 3rd for pupils con­ rido of Tabasco, it was not con­ had lived Ih Ashland* for the p-tf their lives as a result of scientist the ekrth is growing ditioned last spring, who have two months. The body will ba nected with the religious trouble. floods. warmer nt a rate that w ill cause hebn tutored or have other w in shipped today to Dunsmuir fee the cruet to liquefy In from 30,- prepared for writing examinations fuaroal eorvleee. after which tt 000,000 to ta.OM.OOO yearn. Mrs. W . 8. Kingsbury of Cald- w ill bo taken to Berkeley fay in September. well, Idaho, last night wired local Cremation. The body wan prepar­ M AR SHFIELD, Ore., Ang. 20 police to attempt to Intercept For- ed tar shipment by J. F. Dodge — (U P )— The United States navy HARBOR SPRINGS. Mich., •nd Sons. qst Kingsbury, who to d ririh g *to plane FB-1, which was forced STONE B L U F F . Ind., Aug. 20. Aug. 20.— Mra. Nettleton Neff, California, and notify h la to re­ W A8HINOON, D. C., Aug. 20.— down on Coos Bay yesterday af­ — Thousands of dead birds fell to Chicago club woman, was horsed turn home nt onee. The young ( U P ) — The newly organised fed­ ternoon by fog and mist after it WhUe yon are n m e ertn our eity. be certain to vltolt Lithia the ground during a severe elec­ to death whan fire destroyed bar O f Swiss Invention le man’s brother died suddenly at eral beer squad under Col. James had started on a proposed non­ F M h . • Ptayttrdndd of many M ree. with the main entrance trical storm which swept across cottage at the local summer resort. rapto ta riff alectrictty a • t the Flasa, where Nature’s deepest beauties are found Caldwell yesterday and im » C. Waddell took the field today In stop flight from Seattle to San -Wesfern Indiana. More than 100 The fire ia believed to have orig­ enables power eompaah along t i e walks that lead you through the forest border- bars of the fam ily have been an • • effort to remove beer from the Diego, was held nt Emprle todry tag ea Aahland creek. of the birds were counted In one inated from an overturned oil current nt different prie •M e to get id touch w ith h i» . m arket by Christmas. by a heavy fog. yard here. burner. forent honre of Mw «s. U MEN HEID « M G H 0) M N M O fflO O l FM M O M » PENNISTON ' TO BE ESTABEBHEO P N S S E M M A PLAN TO CLEAN UP « E M P L O IE IS AMEHGMI’S (HAIMS M EfflRITDO UllE Man Will Survive MANY OREGON BUNDS TAKENINR0B8ERY S’.4 •-i|TWO POT TO DEATH IN ELECTRIC CHAIR IHEASIEMFUQD Fall of 200 Feet Four Are Dead in School Exams to Mexican Trouble Be Held Shortly Liquor Ads Will Come Under Ban Dunsmuir Woman Dies In Ashland Brother of Auto Navy Seaplane Is Held A t Coos Bay Tourist Is Dead Birds Killed By Electric Storm Control of Beer Will Be Sought VISIT LITHIA PARK Woman Burned to Death In Cottage