Local * Personal flotes visitors in Ashland yesterday. Mr. a business visitor la Medford ya Messick is having a big sale in tenia?. He tieft last svenine fl Macdoel Saturday the 22nd. several days’ business visit ( Portland.' , Have a root beer flu ff, a cold m ilk shake or a box o f fresh candy — C ANDYLAND. Boxes from 25c to 85.08. 295-tf tion. He drove his uncle and Ingrams Shaving Cream aunt. Mr. and Mrs. G- 8. Butler McNair Bros. The Mioses Thyra Cordell. Vel­ of Granite street, up to the cele­ ma Sibley, Charlotte Miles and bration. From Crater I .sire— Irene Hester, of Van Buren. Ark., Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Price of spent the day in Ashland yester­ Do you like lemon pie. and Bat- the Crater Imke Ixtdge are in Ash­ day. They stopped at the Hotel Ashland. The women were very ads? Upper Valley Community land for a few days. They are much pleased with the scenic beu- Club w ill have them Saturday at stopping at the.Lltlfia Springs Ho­ Herbert’s Grocery on the Plaxa. tel. .« ty of this city and its surround­ 297-1 ing ronntry. For good things to ¡eat. Comt Madden aúlla protected Saturday to the Upper Vallej Some people do not Dkc to buy Community Club food sale at Her resl eitate through an agent Left for San F r a n c is c o - bert’s Grocery. 297-1 They stand in their own light and Addison D. Helmes. Jr., left you most always find them nev- Sunday for San Francisco, Calif., Have a Fitch Dandruff Remover er-do-wells and or little mental where he will enter the California Shampoo at 'T h e V anity Beauty scope. You w ill always find th* Schopi of Fine Arts and also at­ Shoppe. McGee’s Store. 198-tf successful man going to a reliable tend night school at the Univers­ agent when he wants real estate ity of California. ' F o rm e r Residents Here— , because he knows the agent is M r. and Mrs. Roy Hale of K la ­ able to give him the, best buys. Just in! Another big shipment math Falls were In Ashland yes­ For instance the following: Four Fall Ready-to-wear suite and top­ terday visiting friends. They for and one-half acres of alfalfa on coats. Paulserud’s. 297-tf merly lived In thia dtyC highway, good 6-room house that is not quite finished, small barn, Try our 60c Merchants' Lunch hen house, fine stand of alfalfa Madden retread* area. and^under ditch. 91200. 9500 Every day from 11 to 2 at ThA 182-ti froWn and 9200 per year. 6 per Plaza vonfet Ionery. Why cook when you can get bent? One of the finest lots In th<* city at the head of Palm S t, 60x- >65 to alley, $250. Sea.the firm of good buys. Ashland . Realty Co. * 298-8 Ripa Alberta and Muir peach« Left foe Fnrtlaw> . Mr. and Mrs. Prank Barnkouee left Monday for Portland where Be Thrlfty-Look Nlfty-Ssve Fifty they will H a lt Mr. Barnthoitse’s Blateri Mrs. O. Q. Bruett. Mrs. Men's Suits — Ladles Drosses CpMtaj - t t . H ‘ Bdaett, who will be remembered Ashland Cleaning and Dytnfe'i to her many friends as Ciào Bàrnt- hoqse, was serlous^r fl^nred to Works. 927 Bast Main Kemlngton Portable» on snto Visitor from Medfosri— ' term s at B lh art’«. Miss Margaret Van Dyke of Medford In In Ashland visiting gt Leaves tor Oakland > * U Clyde Young. Miss 'Minnie Polity w ill leave F rid a y ’fo r Oakland, Calif., where she teaches English' in the Rose­ mont high school. K ■ J l ■ Ï y k l b IS IT S^FB to drive throng* the streets of Ashland without L ia b ility . Insurance? Phons 21’ for complete Automobile protee* tion, don’t watt u n til you meet w ith an accident. Yeo. (of coarSSl Lloyd R. Bvown of Oaklam Calif., spent the day in Ashlan yesterday. FOR SALK— Nice young gentle cow with heifer cfclf, 1 week old. ough of 117 Morton street have See T. L. Powell or phone 83. as their guests the Misses Reich­ , J 9 7 -3 * ert of Dunsmuir, Calif. The wo- n*en are slaters of Mrs. McDon­ ough. Mr. and Mrs. James A. McDon­ Dance! Dance! COLOR AND SHADING, EVERY SU ST A IN E D VIBRATION, AND THE TECHNIQUE PO SSE SSED BY T H E A R TIST FAITHFULLY REPRODUCED FOR YOU. «ad bolts CALL ANY TIM E AN D H EAR IT PLAY. X To Trail to Rail— ' a* ' •>, SATURDAY EVENNIG Between 7.00-8.30 P. M. COME AND ENJOY IT. MUSIC New Fall New Fall T > .f ■ . ‘ EUtarfs BRUNSW ICK AGENCY New Fall Wear FAM OUS FOR IT S A tfT H W F IC STYLES, SER V IC A BILITY AÑD COLORINGS. . TTY*' * Special||Concert Open from 7 a. m. to 12 midnight ■ . V * * i - T l* ' This Néw Fall line is a Wonder. You will be delighted With every gtonDettt " FO R SA LE— 7 - room house, garage, etc., 2 large lots with some fru it and good garden ground, good location, 8760 bal. A big bundle of old papers for at 820 per month. Brown and 1 0c a t The Tidings office. Rice. Phone 260-J. 63 N. Main. 297-1 Left for Oorvallia— ARRIVED No Other Instrument Is Like It — A REVELATION IN TONE and QUALITY through oyr plunge every minute—day and night. Dance Aaron Andrews of Fairview FO R SALE— Plano, first class street left yesterday for Corvallis conditilon. A real bargain. Box 297-2 to visit at the home of hla son, A Ashland Tidings. George Andrews. He was ac­ W A N T E D — 1000 people to companied by his granddaughter, come to the Phipps Ranch on Mias Milderd Andrews. W alker Ave. to get tomatoes, mel­ on* and squashes— late canta- Studio lopea. Ice creams. Hearts o’ Gold and Fordhook musk melons, fresh from the vines. V. R. Bonham. C liff Payne makea ladders. 297-2 1 NOT A PHONOGRAPH B U T A M ARVELOUS NEW KIN D O f M USICAL INSTRUM ENT - TH E COMPLETE ACOUSTICAl VV .. . TRIUM PH ÖF ELECTRICITY. PR IV A TE HOT M INERAL TUB B A TH S Visitors from Dunsmuir— i l l 11 w HAS JACKSON HOT SPRINGS FOR HALE— 5 cowa, g i v i n g milk. One fresh next month. Herd teat 4 3-4, young gentle and easy to fftilk. Price $300 or 880 and 270 each, one m ile east of overhead crossing east of Ashland second road to right. D. P. Blue. evening for Portland whore, aha expects to take a complete course In pips organ. Mrs. Snyder la a wall known musician of Southern Oregon, having played theare work yean ago. and later playing piano Combs and brushes.— McNair with "Snyders Danes Orchestra." Bran. - 4 JUM*»*. general manager of the Crater i Toledo, arrived in i You be the Judge! Tailored Lake National Park company, was cently to visit friends. The Ioveland Navigators will suits for Fall, 922.50. The great­ play at Yreka, Calif., Saturday est little bargain ever offered. the 21st and at Castella, Calif., Paulserud’s. 297-tf Sunday the 22nd. Step Ladders — Red Top and Marcelling 7 Sc. Phone 264 foi Zoaa 'Safety Ladders in different appointment or call 369 Harga- stylee. Carson - Fowler Lumber OPEN AIR WARM MINERAL WATER PLUNGE 291-1 mo dine. Upstairs apartment, back ot Co. ' 70 g a llo n s'o f fresli, warm, mineral water flow s W hite House Grocery. 288-tt W . F. Hipes and C. Meaaick of Macdoel, Calif., were buslnesa Having studied with TaComa’a leading vocal teacher, Frederick Kloopper, I wtil bo glad to share lay knowledge with anyone Inter­ ested. Call Miss B. Pllkor, 846- X ItM t* From O a k la n d - Will Play At Yreka— PIANOH M UST BE BOLD Bush and Lane Plano Co., iffg rs of high grade pianos dis­ continues wholesale piano business and have several new and slightly used pianos obtained on conceited contracts In and near Ashland, which must be sold at once on terms as low as 92 per week if de­ sired. I f Interested write H. R. Browning os "adjustor" leave word at IJthia Springs hotel, i 297-3 VÖCAL Mrs. D. A . Snyder loft Sunday Get your window screens screen doors nt Jordan Saab Cabinet Works. “ 2 Heath's Confecttbnery — drinks. Ice creams, candies 2 such good things at the Upper bacco. ‘ Returned from Newport— Valley Community club food sale Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Leach andj Sheet music at E lh a rt’a. Saturday. Herbert Geo. 297-1 daughter Marion returned Ttaes- ‘ day from a three weeds’ Visit to. Businesa Visitor in Medford— Arrived In Ashland— Newport. R. W . Price, vice-president a n l Mr. and Mrs. Stanl On Ituabiess— Left for P o r tla n d - Just Arrived PLA IDS, PLA IN AND P IL E F F U R TRIMMED AND 1AILOK Fall Dresses, from the New York Fashion Center REGULAR $20.00 VALUES , A MONEY SAVER I $16.50 PRICED 1 1 1 t ' P '- « - 4 FO R HALE— A No. 1 sewing George Francis Barron left yes­ machine. B arrell* and kegs and terday for Eugene where he will scales. Petit prune*. John R. attend the Trail to Rail celebra- H air, 575 Liberty St. Phone 335- t. 297-7 THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL TODAY AND TOMORROW ILDAGRAY that clearly portray fashion’s dictations and color harmony that is found only in high grade lines. * \ * . - PRICED AT $17.50 to $49.00 F U C Y M ARM ONT W ARNER B A X T E R JUtANNE JOHNSTON W IL L IA M ROWELL ■> ^9 See the Line Here and. Make Your Setactiops from f 1 ^■4 [ •W *4 tí i T ? X* I / / 1 / THE PALMER LINE AT GILDA GRAY, as a tempestufius South Sea dancer striving to fascinate the man she loves, know­ ing his heart is held lightly by a women of fashion from another world. Oilda as the heroine of a throb­ bing romance staged amid white shadows and blue New Fall H ats to N EW F U R S FOR Match Your Cos­ ALL olden Rule Store Elk’s Building OCCASIONS ■„ tumes. Phone 3 BH W £• MF’ 1-•». W A''WA/ t ‘4 F î ÇWWM m ejearw • -• •• • I NEil