K. ' ' / '» M ALABIA GfcBMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure dom estic water helps. * VOL. XLtX TiOmys Ashland' t .Bioeeeeor to the Beml-Weskiy TMinas, Velame 4ft ASHLAND CLIMATE 9 Without the use of medicine cures nine oases out of ten o f asthma. This is a profen fact. Newspaper, For Nearly Fifty Years ASHLAND, OBEGO: WATER RULES M KW H) JO RELIGION AND WILL BE HADE i OF n RAI n PAGEANT PROHIBITION TO BE ISSUES MORE SEVERE VOCAL SOLO 10 BE NORMAL DRIVE FEATURE OF PARK CONCERT TONIGHT FOR STUDENTS I Horseless Carriage o l 25 Tears A go W ill be in v B ig Parade --------- Carl Loveland to Sing at Lithid Park Program This Evening Only One Hour Per W eek to U gly Mood Now Blowing up Be Allowed} for HARRISBURG, Aug. 12. — The in Politics at National f a y * 1*11*? first automobile to come to Har­ Capital IS UNDER WAY President J. A. Churchill is A vocal solo. "Sliver Threads Sending Out 3000 Among The Gold,” will bo tho Letters feature* number of the open air risburg, an old Keplfnger, will be band concert at Lithja park this - SHORTAGE IS ACUTE one of the features of the Trail T A R IFF DEAD ISSU E PREPARING CATALOGS evening. The solo will be given ~ Ito Rail celebration In Eugene, on Prior Rights of Farm Lands Mast I August 1» and 20. The car, which Contrast Shown 9 Between Old I by Carl Loveland, popular vocalist High School Graduates Being Be Observed by • and jHrector o? thè band. It te Tim e Politics and Present 1 resembles sn open buggy more Urged to Consider Local being given upon the request of ‘ s . City Day / ' School than a modern automobile, his many admirers. owned by Peter Vllg, a farmer re­ The concert will be held at the Effective tomorrow, Ashland siding east of tpwn. This old WASHINGTON. Aug. Í 2 — (IP) In a drive Tqr as many students open air pavilion and will start as possible for the first fall and faces hew emergency water regu­ fashioned car was brought to this Although the surface of politics Smiling, confident, eager ^battle, Jack Dempsey lands in ReW York to defend his at 8 o’clock. The complete pro­ winter term oi the Southern Ore­ lations which are expected to re­ city by Vllg In 1907 and is, ap Is unusually placid, an ugly mood heavyweight boxing title linst Gene Tunney, next month. He will train at Saratoga gram follows; main in effect until the coming of parently, the only early model In is blowing up. Religion and pro­ gon state normal school. Presi­ Springs. His wife, Estella Paylor, came with him. Tex Rickard, lefl, promotor of the March— "Llthla Park”— Sheri­ dent J. A. Churchill Is sending out the fell rains. hibition . are supplanting other this part of the state. match, and Manager Gene >rmile, right, were on hand to meet them. dan. It was announced today by Earl more than 3000 personal letters The open body is mounted on questions as political subjects. Popular waltz — "Some Day to. high school graduates advising Hosier, water superintendent, high rubber-tired "buggy” wheels Discussion is taking a direction You’ll Be Sorry”— Gay. that water for Irrigation will be and the engine is concealed at the that has some sinister aspects for them of the advantages of the Selection from "Msfm’selle Na­ Ashland school. available but one day each week rear of the body. The car is steer a country dedicated to life, lib­ poleon”— Luders. and only one hour when sprinkl­ er. by a tiller, or a‘ lever. It Is erty and the pursuit of happiness. This personal letter 1s to be fol- - Popular fox trot— "Bye ing is allowed. lowed up with an illustrated cata­ minus lights, fenderq of much Old Issues Dead Blackbird"— Dixon. The Increasing shortage of wa­ proportions, radiator, .or any of log which will )i<> sent to nil Political heat has been seen be­ • Paraphrase “Sliver Threads young men and women who show ter In Ashland creek canyon has the modern equipment. The ma­ fore in American politics but us­ Among the Gold”— Danks— Carl any Indication* that they might made this new regulation'lmpern- chine has long been discarded by ually it has been worked up over One o f Three Men Who Louis Sterns Testifies D e­ Loveland, vocalist. tlve. enroll in tho local school this According to word received to­ Vllg, who keeps well abreast of econóhila questions father than up Dalla* Garage Tak fendant Threatened to Overture— "The Amazon” — fall. The catalogs are now being Notices Printed day from Oxnard, Çal., the condi­ new models, but will run as well moral and religious ones. Instead L ast N ig h t « K ill Fam ily Kiesler. Notices are now being printed today as when he last run it Into printed by the state printing de­ tion of Bert R. Greer, publisher of tbe familiar questions of the b March— "The Huntress”— King partment at Salem and will he and will he delivered to all water the shed. of The Tidings, remains unchang­ tariff, sound money and Interna­ „M c M innville , ore.. Aug. i t Star Spangled Banner 8EATLE, Wash., Aug. 12.— consumers tonight and tomorrow. ready for dlrtrlbution next week. ed and but slight hope is held for tional rights, personal conduct — (IP) — Ed Nelson, 19-year-oM (U P )— “You know what I've al­ Citizens are notified that .they The normal school- will open for his recovery.- Mrs. Greer has sent and belief are uppermost. Oklahoma youth, is held In Jail word that she will telegraph any ways said; that I’d run my house, must obey the regulations to the Its regular winter term on Sep­ Big Contrast here ns one of the gang which material change In his condition drink os much an I please or I'd letter. ’ tember 27th. kill 'em.” This contrast between the old early yesterday robbed a garage as quickly as possible. Farm lands to the north of the Personal Letter This alleged statement of Wal­ policies' and the new, has been de­ at Dallas and escaped with about city, some of which lie within the Following Is tjte tetter which lace Gaines, on trial for murder­ noted in the news of the last I* 7*- Tbe bandits staged a gun city limits, have prior rights to a Mr. Churchill Is now mailing to ing his daughter, Sylvia, waa In­ prospective students: certain amount of water In Ash­ week. Out in a small Arkansas light near here with local officers troduced by the state today dur­ Hard H itting Third Sacker land ereek- In other words, they J. A. Churchill W ill Address town an old man Is reported criti­ after their car broke down. “On September 27th at Ash­ ing the^ famous murder trial. . Church M eeting at Mt. Young Nelson was capture* are to receive their quota of wa­ land.'Oregon, the fall term of the cally ill— William H. Harvey. And W ill Strengthen Club Louis Sterns, a close friend of the Shasta reorganised Southern Oregon ter before Ashland Is permitted who is William H. Harvey? He late yesterday near Lafayette. Two Sunday defendant, was the witness who Normal School will open. The to take any. Unless these prior is the man who as "Coin” Harvey other members of the gang were offered the testimony. Ashland’s pennant - winning summer session has been a most rights are granted by the city * J. A. Chnrehlll, president of the was the chief free silver propa­ seen but managed to escape. Nel Oregon City Man Jailed on Roy L. Davis, nnother witness, hopes In the Southern Oregon successful one with an enroll­ water department, owners or Southern Oregon normal school gandist for Wm. J. Bryan In son had been shot in the hand Accusation of 70-Year- told of an incident In Woodland league loomed a btt- brighter to­ ment of more than two hundred these farm ¿gnda can make the will be one of the leading speak 1896. His pamphlets entitled He denied there was a woman Qld Woman park last February when he found day with the return last night of students. city liable to any damages they ers at the Interdenominational ‘coin’s finsneial school” with member of the gang as had been Gaines and his daughter parked in Stan Pillette, hard-hitting third might sustain by reason of the Sunday School meeting to be held their curious cartoons and dia­ reported. "If you are Interested and will , OREGON CITY. Ore., Aug. 12. a car one morning. After finding baseman, who has recovered from write us. a catalogue of this new city’s failure to permit this wa­ Saturday at the normal school grams attacking the gold stand­ — (U P )— Lowell Blair, a young they were father and daughter he a badly wrenched ankle and will Institution, which outlines the ter to go down the creek. grounds op Mt. Shasta, Calif., at ard were earnestly read by mil farmer. Is held on a charge of * To Protect Otty . rethaasd them, he said. Davis h be4n the llneup.>ncxt ^unriay w^ien various courses and gives much which plans wiU be laid to etqrt llano — apprortasly by the farm Hug hte own «»grandmother a mbmber of the polled force. In order to protect the city a campaign for week day bible ers seeking cheap money and with tht focal warriors 1» Graate >Ui*r io4wrmat|to con«er400 fine In Justice ers’ college Is unmindful, tempor­ notified the license commission WASHINGTON, Aug. 12.— Gun, office daily at 8:20 a. m. and court here after Pleading gulAy arily at least, of tbe jasz era. It that Dempsey has Compiled with chewers are Increasing in for­ R ifner Funeral 13:30 p. m. for Klamath Falls, to the charge of recklena driving, is tam ing its attention to the all rules of the commission and eign countries, latest commerce A T LA N T IC C IT Y , N. J„ Aug. and arrives tU tbe Ashland office Gny Howe accused White of hav dances of, as some have it, bet­ should he granted a license. department statistics disclose. 12. —- More than 100 men and WiU be Friday daily at 4 p. m. The quadrille, the lag earned the ditching of Howe’s ter dkys. This Indispensable appurtenance women were arraigned before Re­ machine on the Pacific highwfty schattlshe and the like. # of stenographers was exported corder Joseph A. Clrlo Monday, four miles north of here, August Under the direction of George Funeral services for Charles more In 1925 than any other on charges o f drunkenness. INTERNATIONAL F A L L S , 1, when both Mr. and Mm Howe C. Cass, supervisor ot gftucatlon D. Rifner, Oregon pioneer who branch of foreign candy trade. Federal dry agents have been Minn., Aug. 12.— Her first lesson received minor injuries. at the summer session hire, more died yesterday, will be held at active In A tlantic City for the hi the gentle American pastime than 100 students are learning 2:30 o’clock tomorrow afternoon past week. Either the agents of shooting craps cost Princess the steps of their grandparent', from the Dodge Chapel, accord­ haven’t heard of the bootleggers Maria De Bourbon, beantlfnl oou- Funeral services were held yes­ And they like It. B A LTIM O R E, Aug. 13.— The ing to arrangements announced I ------ ■ —.A .. U S. terday for Klyde Kenneth Mets, or the bootleggers haven’t heard sin of King Alfonso of Spain, ID, Issuance of a court order grant­ this afternoon. 2-year-old eon of Mr. and Mrs. of the agentk, commented the re­ ■he admitted. "It waa lots or fun ing Richard Roane Whittemore a but I waa unlucky,” she explained E. G. Metz of Dorrte, who died corder. hearing oa a plea for a w rit of B rooklyn , Monday at the Klamath Valley habeas corpus has renewed the P IN E C IT Y , Minn., Ang. 13.— Moriarty, who was found sitting hospital In Klamath Falls. The bandit’s hope that he may b< A I year old girl mistaken for a In an automobile and driven to baby was born In Ashland, April ed from the gallows. prowling 'animal was shot and police headquarters by Patrolman killed by her father. The-victim, LONDON, Ang. I t. — T h e IS, 1924. Fred Stfackman after the latter W hile yon are a gvest In ear city, be (tertuin to vttelt Llthta Services were at Stock’s chapel Elsie •Lucille, daughter of Mr. and French forces, defending Gouta JERUSALEM. Aug. 12.—A be- had asked him where he was go­ P a rt, a playground of many dates. with the mato entrance Or e g on' FM> Mrs. W illiam B. Kokleppsl, evi­ from attacks by Druse rebels, have and were conducted by Rev. M. ing, has got the point. The ma­ doudta plot for the massacre ot at the Plaza, where Nature’s deepest beauties are fouad Baptist dently walking in her sleep when lost 700 dead and wounded, hc- S. Woodworth of the chine belongs to the officer and all Christians and Arabs In Trsns- day. Cloudy and ■long the w atts that lead yes through the forest bordsr- Ing oa Ashland creek. ,, the firs from her father’s shot- cordlng td messages received here church. Burial was in Mountain Moriarty te under arrest, charged -Jordanla has been discovered and Normal View cemetery. gnh struck her la .the abdomen. today from rebel sources. winds. with attempted grand larceny. frustufated. ■te— i i i isb — Shown GARAGE BANDIT IS No In Change THREAT BY GAINES ' Condition Of caputo bï fìsse Local Publisher GIVE W M E S S LOCAI SPEAKERS 10 ATTENOCONFERENCE PILLETllfflUlINS HELD FOR BEATING ' AGFDGRARDMMR BIG MEXICAN FUND DRW IS PLANNED FILM SMB'S GUARD IS REPORIEO DYING WILL'S MANAGER AND DEMPSEYJN^WRANGLE FIFD NMD IN BIG BRIDGE CRASH Teetli of Germany Very Much Under Pre-War Standard Entombed Miners Are Found Alive After Seven Days Dempsey Bout is Again Approved Reckless Driver Gets Heavy Fine Son is Born to •* Respite is Given Woman Prisoner To Condemned Man Suspect Admits Holdup in Bend Mail Stages to Klamath Change Students Enjoy Old Time Dances Princess Learns To Shoot Craps Baby’s Funeral Held Wednesday Shoots Own Girl By Sad Mistake Whittemore Wins - Chance for Life Auto Thief Takes ■ Policeman’s Car French Soldiers Suffer Big Loss Aug. 13 — Georg« ! plot to Massacre VISIT LITHIA PARK •* '"M Í , Christians Found