Dan Kay Passes Chevrolet E xanv With Fine Mark Dan Kay ‘ utdtty felt 99 Just as happy aa a p ri- ft m ary kid who had passed ,99 h it first exams. 99 And for good reason, 99 too. The Chevrolet Mo- 99 tor company recently eon- 99 ductdd a national school 99 of salesmanship to r all Its 99 agents and salesman. M r. 99 Kay, local agent for the 99 Chevrolet, took the exam- 99 ination In Medford. And 99 today received word tk a t 99 the “teacher” had given 99 him a grade of 199. Out 99 answered e v e ry . one of 99 them satisfactorily. And 99 ho answered them In his 99 own "language and his own 99 way Instead of using the 99 sterotyped form of the an- 99 tomoblle pamphlets. * His 99 record was the highest of 99 any received on the Pa- 99 d fic toast. * r it o t .99 questions asked, he 99 compote against artificial silk, nt' one-quarter the cost of the latter, has been developed by two B rit­ The Claycomb Motor Co. reporf the sale of a Ford coupe to Ellis W A S H IN G TO N — (IP) — Mo­ torists can look forward to the December session of Congress for reduction of the rem aining auto­ mobile taxes and establishment of more national parka and good roads, according to American A u­ tomobile Association officials. The l«st aesalon was one of the beat since the W orld W a r for motorists, five helpful steps for the motorist having been taken", as follows: The Claycomb Motor Co. report the salo of a Ford Roadster, to H. E. A b b o tt The Claycomb Motor Co. report, the sale of a Ford coupe to Dr. J. O. Sweden burg. 1. The war excise tax on trucks, ,tires, parts' and accessories was repealed, and the I t per cent tax on passeqper ears was cut to 3 per cent, saving more than 980,- 000,000 annually. Pnrrhasad Ford Truck— ' The Claycomb Motor Co report the sale of a Ford truck to J. H. W illiam s. Purchased Fordson Tractor— D. G. Tyree, of Medford, Sec­ ROME, Aug. 5. — (IP) — A retary of The'California Oregon report from Avelllao states that Power company, spent part of the 16, persons are dead and SO In­ jured as the result of an « p lo s ­ week In Douglas county, at Rose­ ion In a fire works factory near burg and vicinity, aaslsting local Castle Franco. members of the Copco organiza­ tion in caring fo r orders for Cop- Roseburg — North Umpqua co’s latest Investment offering. Mr. Tyree states “Careful In­ road open to Steataboat, for one­ way traffic. vestors everyafhere throghout the Held recognise the value of Cop­ Medford —■ Woodmen of the co Preferred Stock as a perman­ ent Investment. More than a' World building 913,000 lodge. thousand shares of this , security have been purchased by the in­ venting public during the past few weeks through members of our organisation and bhnks in the field served by Copco. The Finest Line of Tires in the World 3. Appropriation of 9109,000,- 000 made for .the next two decal yeafs to carry out dollar-for-dol- la r federal highway aid plan. 3. Accepted membership by the United States In the Permanent Association or International Road Congresses. 4. Granted to states, counties. and municipalities the privilege of acquiring or using lands for recreational purposes when such lands are not needed by the fed­ eral government. 6. Established the Shenandoah National Park in Virginia, the Great Smoky fo u n ta in National is the life of yohr motor. Be sure Park In North Carolina and Ten­ you get the right kind. We have the right grade for every nessee, and the Mammoth Cave car. . - National P ark In Kentucky. • Williams Service Station The Claycomb Motor Co. report the sale of a Fordson tractor to 8. PVkor. Infant Escapes With Black Eye taflon that It may make Great SOUTH BEND, Ind., Aug. 5.— Independent A Mack eye was the only injury o f foreign cotton supplies. The sustained by Leonard Lehr, a 21 yield per acre of thia grass Is months old tqt. when he was said . to be from thrde to five struck by a train while sitting on the railroad track near here. times the yield of cotton. B ritain’s industries By Taylor Mom and Pop Copco Stock is Explosion Kills ; Being Purchased Fifteen Persons Atlantic City E. D a v ls o f Medford. LONDON — (IP) — A fabric to ish scientists. Dr. Dinshaw R. N an jl of Birmingham University and Dr. Frederick James Baton of Bristol University, Research Station, Campden. By a chemical process which re­ duces the-tim e of labor from sev­ e re r days to less than two hours, according to reporta, they have treated flax and other fibres, im ­ parting to them a lustre whleh rivals artificial sjlk and a strength and durability which exceed that of artificial silk. The cost of pre­ paring the fibres Is said to be one-quarter that of preparing a r­ tificial sl)k. The fibres can be spun on standard textile 'machin­ ery, and the. discoverers are tak­ ing steps to license British manu­ facturers. The two scientists, after long experiments, have alsd developed a process for producing Ramie fibers from China grass, overcom­ ing, the past defect of brittleness and turning out a fibre which is soft, lustrous and easily spun. The new product is said to equal cotton and there is some expec- She’s Going Boulevard * M O S T DOT C 0M £* HOME- WÍTH YOU, . PORT N o - xmauent t- tT i SCCN HER They're beginning to cull the r o llo ! city burning beauty champions, anS >no o f lYv rtntt to respond la M arguerite Jordon, whoae Jet black halt von (or h tt over 150 other entries a t Kansas City. She’ll compete in the ' nutlonal tourney at Atlantic City. MOÄNlNO — t TMOUOHT VIAS DOWNTOWN J—U -SHOPPING ' I . Klamath Fails — 936,000 stuc­ co store building being built, on "Nothing touched th a t aching spot un til I took Foley Pills, a Klamath Avenue. diuretic stim ulant fo r the kid ­ Klamath Falls — Important neys. I am so glad I can recom­ pumice deposit being worked at ment them to others.” Eased of her pain, Mrs. Ellen Reighard of Lonrqth, 72 miles north. South F ork, Penna., writes thia thankfully. Foley Pills h a v .e helped many people— a reliabe vauable medicine guaranteed to give aatlsiactlon. Constantly in uss over 36 years. Ask your drug­ gist for Foley pills. Sold every­ where. — No. 3. M U L L CAN You IMAGINE THAT» T slegram FCR MR.»MRS —. G unn ~ A M cMinnville — W o rk begins, on McM innville Telephone Co. of­ fice building, w ith switchboard fer 900 phones. I TRE LITTLE RASCAL' BATTERIES H ot weather is a tim e when your storage battery heeds close attention. Neglect now may cause Irreparable In jury. W e W ill Test YoUr Buttery P R E E * Auto. Electric When you car hits a bump, the car springs compress, and the slack in the Gabriel belt is taken up by expansion of the roll spring “ B". Then as the rebound of the car spring com­ mences, the 4 1-9 colls (giv­ ing up to ISO sq. ins. of friction surface) Immediately tighten and begin to create friction on the braes baud between them. This resistance Increases grad­ ually — returning the .ear springs to th e ir normal posi­ tion without a Jerk or abrupt atop. The resalt is that thoae in the car stay on the seats and are not bounced or Jolted from them. • The Automotive Shop Chevrolet A *» w e HAD PLANNED ON A w e HOME VeoO M & KX 4ou children KCH AMD X DECloeo \ T hat ’ s just IT WOULD ONUS MEAN " a u k of e x p e n s e ano HARDVWRK FOR WftH OY YOO.VJktCN IT C > r w r w to Dealers MBAN u SALE TIRES LEEDOM’S Sudden Service also Service Parte for Every Gar Sherman Needs Just Three Words Attention About Tire Values • - Highest Quality — Goodyean! Ignition Experts Low Price — Goodyegn! Complete Battery Service Real Service — Goodyean! Prices Reasonable Buy Goodyears Now! XL ELECTRIC Station G U Y GOOD MADDEN’S TIRE SHOP . Phone 82 Phone 90-J ’ 70 M. Main C H IE F OP letorr—because it meet« the driving mditiong o f today Uhc no other car i the ivorld a t its price. Y e t deepite ite asvsvwl compactes is a supremely com into the Pondue I W ith o u t a n excees ounce o f bulk— LOOK THESE OVER, THEY ARE REAL VALUES 30x3 1-2 Gorda .............. ................... . 30*3 1-2 Overiixe Cords . . . . . ............$' 29x4.40 Balloons ...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . > GOODYEAR TUBES 30x3 1-2 . . . 30x3 1 - 2 ............ 29x4.40 Balloons ALT9Q6TM6R MOUVFORMY 8(0 SISTER! O N Ç -TU JO - L O W « ’. A LOUDER! Claycomb Motor Co THE FOB» «ABAGE Lincoln Ashland; Ore. P O N T IA C S I \*JRAT OO4OO quiet ? That is what we are prond to claim for the Royal Cord Line □f United States Tires and wo know that hundreds of our customers w ill agree .with us. We are here to serve the car owners of this community in the beet possible way. We feel sure that we have selected th ( right line of tires for the pur­ pose. WHEN YOUR OAR NOTHING TOUCHKD IT! How Gabriels Work U. 8. ROYAL CORDS Fordson ft DOES Make a Difference Where You Buy Your Ford WILHITE 61 S. Second Ashland, Ore;